/*************************************************************** sys.c DOS-C sys utility for DOS-C Copyright (c) 1991 Pasquale J. Villani All Rights Reserved This file is part of DOS-C. DOS-C is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. DOS-C is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with DOS-C; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ***************************************************************/ /* $Log$ * Revision 1.3 2000/05/25 20:56:23 jimtabor * Fixed project history * * Revision 1.2 2000/05/15 05:28:09 jimtabor * Cleanup CRs * * Revision 2000/05/06 19:34:53 jhall1 * The FreeDOS Kernel. A DOS kernel that aims to be 100% compatible with * MS-DOS. Distributed under the GNU GPL. * * Revision 1.10 2000/03/31 06:59:10 jprice * Added discription of program. * * Revision 1.9 1999/09/20 18:34:40 jprice * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1.8 1999/09/20 18:27:19 jprice * Changed open/creat to fopen to make TC2 happy. * * Revision 1.7 1999/09/15 05:39:02 jprice * Changed boot sector writing code so easier to read. * * Revision 1.6 1999/09/14 17:30:44 jprice * Added debug log creation to sys.com. * * Revision 1.5 1999/08/25 03:19:51 jprice * ror4 patches to allow TC 2.01 compile. * * Revision 1.4 1999/04/17 19:14:44 jprice * Fixed multi-sector code * * Revision 1.3 1999/04/01 07:24:05 jprice * SYS modified for new boot loader * * Revision 1.2 1999/03/29 16:24:48 jprice * Fixed error message * * Revision 1999/03/29 15:43:15 jprice * New version without IPL.SYS * Revision 1.3 1999/01/21 04:35:21 jprice Fixed comments. * Added indent program * * Revision 1.2 1999/01/21 04:13:52 jprice Added messages to sys. Also made * it create a .COM file. * */ #define STORE_BOOT_INFO #include #include #include /*#include */ #include #include #include #include #include "portab.h" #include "device.h" #include "b_fat12.h" #include "b_fat16.h" BYTE *pgm = "sys"; BOOL fl_reset(WORD); COUNT fl_rd_status(WORD); COUNT fl_read(WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, BYTE FAR *); COUNT fl_write(WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, BYTE FAR *); BOOL fl_verify(WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, BYTE FAR *); BOOL fl_format(WORD, BYTE FAR *); VOID get_boot(COUNT); VOID put_boot(COUNT); BOOL check_space(COUNT, BYTE *); COUNT ltop(WORD *, WORD *, WORD *, COUNT, COUNT, LONG, byteptr); BOOL copy(COUNT, BYTE *); BOOL DiskReset(COUNT); COUNT DiskRead(WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, BYTE FAR *); COUNT DiskWrite(WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, BYTE FAR *); /* special word packing prototypes */ #ifdef NATIVE #define getlong(vp, lp) (*(LONG *)(lp)=*(LONG *)(vp)) #define getword(vp, wp) (*(WORD *)(wp)=*(WORD *)(vp)) #define getbyte(vp, bp) (*(BYTE *)(bp)=*(BYTE *)(vp)) #define fgetlong(vp, lp) (*(LONG FAR *)(lp)=*(LONG FAR *)(vp)) #define fgetword(vp, wp) (*(WORD FAR *)(wp)=*(WORD FAR *)(vp)) #define fgetbyte(vp, bp) (*(BYTE FAR *)(bp)=*(BYTE FAR *)(vp)) #define fputlong(lp, vp) (*(LONG FAR *)(vp)=*(LONG FAR *)(lp)) #define fputword(wp, vp) (*(WORD FAR *)(vp)=*(WORD FAR *)(wp)) #define fputbyte(bp, vp) (*(BYTE FAR *)(vp)=*(BYTE FAR *)(bp)) #else VOID getword(VOID *, WORD *); VOID getbyte(VOID *, BYTE *); VOID fgetlong(VOID FAR *, LONG FAR *); VOID fgetword(VOID FAR *, WORD FAR *); VOID fgetbyte(VOID FAR *, BYTE FAR *); VOID fputlong(LONG FAR *, VOID FAR *); VOID fputword(WORD FAR *, VOID FAR *); VOID fputbyte(BYTE FAR *, VOID FAR *); #endif #define SEC_SIZE 512 #define NDEV 4 #define COPY_SIZE 32768 #define NRETRY 5 static struct media_info { ULONG mi_size; /* physical sector size */ UWORD mi_heads; /* number of heads (sides) */ UWORD mi_cyls; /* number of cyl/drive */ UWORD mi_sectors; /* number of sectors/cyl */ ULONG mi_offset; /* relative partition offset */ }; union { BYTE bytes[2 * SEC_SIZE]; boot boot_sector; } buffer; static struct media_info miarray[NDEV] = { {720l, 2, 40, 9, 0l}, {720l, 2, 40, 9, 0l}, {720l, 2, 40, 9, 0l}, {720l, 2, 40, 9, 0l} }; #define PARTOFF 0x1be #define N_PART 4 static struct { BYTE peBootable; BYTE peBeginHead; BYTE peBeginSector; UWORD peBeginCylinder; BYTE peFileSystem; BYTE peEndHead; BYTE peEndSector; UWORD peEndCylinder; LONG peStartSector; LONG peSectors; } partition[N_PART]; struct bootsectortype { UBYTE bsJump[3]; char OemName[8]; UWORD bsBytesPerSec; UBYTE bsSecPerClust; UWORD bsResSectors; UBYTE bsFATs; UWORD bsRootDirEnts; UWORD bsSectors; UBYTE bsMedia; UWORD bsFATsecs; UWORD bsSecPerTrack; UWORD bsHeads; ULONG bsHiddenSecs; ULONG bsHugeSectors; UBYTE bsDriveNumber; UBYTE bsReserved1; UBYTE bsBootSignature; ULONG bsVolumeID; char bsVolumeLabel[11]; char bsFileSysType[8]; char unused[2]; UWORD sysRootDirSecs; /* of sectors root dir uses */ ULONG sysFatStart; /* first FAT sector */ ULONG sysRootDirStart; /* first root directory sector */ ULONG sysDataStart; /* first data sector */ }; static int DrvMap[4] = {0, 1, 0x80, 0x81}; COUNT drive, active; UBYTE newboot[SEC_SIZE], oldboot[SEC_SIZE]; #ifdef DEBUG FILE *log; #endif #define SBSIZE 51 #define SBOFFSET 11 #define SIZEOF_PARTENT 16 #define FAT12 0x01 #define FAT16SMALL 0x04 #define EXTENDED 0x05 #define FAT16LARGE 0x06 #define N_RETRY 5 COUNT get_part(COUNT drive, COUNT idx) { REG retry = N_RETRY; REG BYTE *p = (BYTE *) & buffer.bytes[PARTOFF + (idx * SIZEOF_PARTENT)]; REG ret; BYTE packed_byte, pb1; do { ret = fl_read((WORD) DrvMap[drive], (WORD) 0, (WORD) 0, (WORD) 1, (WORD) 1, (byteptr) & buffer); } while (ret != 0 && --retry > 0); if (ret != 0) return FALSE; getbyte((VOID *) p, &partition[idx].peBootable); ++p; getbyte((VOID *) p, &partition[idx].peBeginHead); ++p; getbyte((VOID *) p, &packed_byte); partition[idx].peBeginSector = packed_byte & 0x3f; ++p; getbyte((VOID *) p, &pb1); ++p; partition[idx].peBeginCylinder = pb1 + ((0xc0 & packed_byte) << 2); getbyte((VOID *) p, &partition[idx].peFileSystem); ++p; getbyte((VOID *) p, &partition[idx].peEndHead); ++p; getbyte((VOID *) p, &packed_byte); partition[idx].peEndSector = packed_byte & 0x3f; ++p; getbyte((VOID *) p, &pb1); ++p; partition[idx].peEndCylinder = pb1 + ((0xc0 & packed_byte) << 2); getlong((VOID *) p, &partition[idx].peStartSector); p += sizeof(LONG); getlong((VOID *) p, &partition[idx].peSectors); return TRUE; } VOID main(COUNT argc, char **argv) { printf("FreeDOS System Installer v1.0\n\n"); if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s drive\n drive = A,B,etc.\n", pgm); exit(1); } drive = *argv[1] - (islower(*argv[1]) ? 'a' : 'A'); if (drive < 0 || drive >= NDEV) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: drive out of range\n", pgm); exit(1); } if (!DiskReset(drive)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot reset drive %c:", drive, 'A' + drive); exit(1); } get_boot(drive); if (!check_space(drive, oldboot)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Not enough space to transfer system files\n", pgm); exit(1); } #ifdef DEBUG if ((log = fopen("sys.log", "w")) == NULL) { printf("Can't write log file.\n"); log = NULL; } #endif printf("Writing boot sector...\n"); put_boot(drive); printf("\nCopying KERNEL.SYS..."); if (!copy(drive, "kernel.sys")) { fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: cannot copy \"KERNEL.SYS\"\n", pgm); #ifdef DEBUG fclose(log); #endif exit(1); } printf("\nCopying COMMAND.COM..."); if (!copy(drive, "command.com")) { fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: cannot copy \"COMMAND.COM\"\n", pgm); #ifdef DEBUG fclose(log); #endif exit(1); } printf("\nSystem transfered.\n"); #ifdef DEBUG fclose(log); #endif exit(0); } #ifdef DEBUG VOID dump_sector(unsigned char far * sec) { if (log) { COUNT x, y; char c; for (x = 0; x < 32; x++) { fprintf(log, "%03X ", x * 16); for (y = 0; y < 16; y++) { fprintf(log, "%02X ", sec[x * 16 + y]); } for (y = 0; y < 16; y++) { c = oldboot[x * 16 + y]; if (isprint(c)) fprintf(log, "%c", c); else fprintf(log, "."); } fprintf(log, "\n"); } fprintf(log, "\n"); } } #endif VOID put_boot(COUNT drive) { COUNT i, z; WORD head, track, sector, ret; WORD count; ULONG temp; struct bootsectortype *bs; if (drive >= 2) { head = partition[active].peBeginHead; sector = partition[active].peBeginSector; track = partition[active].peBeginCylinder; } else { head = 0; sector = 1; track = 0; } /* Read current boot sector */ if ((i = DiskRead(DrvMap[drive], head, track, sector, 1, (BYTE far *) oldboot)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: disk read error (code = 0x%02x)\n", pgm, i & 0xff); exit(1); } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(log, "Old Boot Sector:\n"); dump_sector(oldboot); #endif bs = (struct bootsectortype *) & oldboot; if ((bs->bsFileSysType[4] == '6') && (bs->bsBootSignature == 0x29)) { memcpy(newboot, b_fat16, SEC_SIZE); /* copy FAT16 boot sector */ printf("FAT type: FAT16\n"); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(log, "FAT type: FAT16\n"); #endif } else { memcpy(newboot, b_fat12, SEC_SIZE); /* copy FAT12 boot sector */ printf("FAT type: FAT12\n"); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(log, "FAT type: FAT12\n"); #endif } /* Copy disk parameter from old sector to new sector */ memcpy(&newboot[SBOFFSET], &oldboot[SBOFFSET], SBSIZE); bs = (struct bootsectortype *) & newboot; /* root directory sectors */ #ifdef STORE_BOOT_INFO bs->sysRootDirSecs = bs->bsRootDirEnts / 16; #endif #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(log, "root dir entries = %u\n", bs->bsRootDirEnts); fprintf(log, "root dir sectors = %u\n", bs->sysRootDirSecs); #endif /* sector FAT starts on */ temp = bs->bsHiddenSecs + bs->bsResSectors; #ifdef STORE_BOOT_INFO bs->sysFatStart = temp; #endif #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(log, "FAT starts at sector %lu = (%lu + %u)\n", temp, bs->bsHiddenSecs, bs->bsResSectors); #endif /* sector root directory starts on */ temp = temp + bs->bsFATsecs * bs->bsFATs; #ifdef STORE_BOOT_INFO bs->sysRootDirStart = temp; #endif #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(log, "Root directory starts at sector %lu = (PREVIOUS + %u * %u)\n", temp, bs->bsFATsecs, bs->bsFATs); #endif /* sector data starts on */ temp = temp + bs->sysRootDirSecs; #ifdef STORE_BOOT_INFO bs->sysDataStart = temp; #endif #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(log, "DATA starts at sector %lu = (PREVIOUS + %u)\n", temp, bs->sysRootDirSecs); #endif #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(log, "\nNew Boot Sector:\n"); dump_sector(newboot); #endif if ((i = DiskWrite(DrvMap[drive], head, track, sector, 1, (BYTE far *) newboot)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: disk write error (code = 0x%02x)\n", pgm, i & 0xff); exit(1); } } VOID get_boot(COUNT drive) { COUNT i; COUNT ifd; WORD head, track, sector, ret; WORD count; if (drive >= 2) { head = partition[active].peBeginHead; sector = partition[active].peBeginSector; track = partition[active].peBeginCylinder; } else { head = 0; sector = 1; track = 0; } if ((i = DiskRead(DrvMap[drive], head, track, sector, 1, (BYTE far *) oldboot)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: disk read error (code = 0x%02x)\n", pgm, i & 0xff); exit(1); } } BOOL check_space(COUNT drive, BYTE * BlkBuffer) { BYTE *bpbp; BYTE nfat; UWORD nfsect; ULONG hidden; ULONG count; ULONG block; UBYTE nreserved; UCOUNT i; WORD track, head, sector; UBYTE buffer[SEC_SIZE]; ULONG bpb_huge; UWORD bpb_nsize; /* get local information */ getbyte((VOID *) & BlkBuffer[BT_BPB + BPB_NFAT], &nfat); getword((VOID *) & BlkBuffer[BT_BPB + BPB_NFSECT], &nfsect); getlong((VOID *) & BlkBuffer[BT_BPB + BPB_HIDDEN], &hidden); getbyte((VOID *) & BlkBuffer[BT_BPB + BPB_NRESERVED], &nreserved); getlong((VOID *) & BlkBuffer[BT_BPB + BPB_HUGE], &bpb_huge); getword((VOID *) & BlkBuffer[BT_BPB + BPB_NSIZE], &bpb_nsize); count = miarray[drive].mi_size = bpb_nsize == 0 ? bpb_huge : bpb_nsize; /* Fix media information for disk */ getword((&(((BYTE *) & BlkBuffer[BT_BPB])[BPB_NHEADS])), &miarray[drive].mi_heads); head = miarray[drive].mi_heads; getword((&(((BYTE *) & BlkBuffer[BT_BPB])[BPB_NSECS])), &miarray[drive].mi_sectors); if (miarray[drive].mi_size == 0) getlong(&((((BYTE *) & BlkBuffer[BT_BPB])[BPB_HUGE])), &miarray[drive].mi_size); sector = miarray[drive].mi_sectors; if (head == 0 || sector == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Drive initialization failure.\n"); exit(1); } miarray[drive].mi_cyls = count / (head * sector); return 1; } /* */ /* Do logical block number to physical head/track/sector mapping */ /* */ static COUNT ltop(trackp, sectorp, headp, unit, count, strt_sect, strt_addr) WORD *trackp, *sectorp, *headp; REG COUNT unit; LONG strt_sect; COUNT count; byteptr strt_addr; { #ifdef I86 ULONG ltemp; #endif REG ls, ps; #ifdef I86 /* Adjust for segmented architecture */ ltemp = (((ULONG) mk_segment(strt_addr) << 4) + mk_offset(strt_addr)) & 0xffff; /* Test for 64K boundary crossing and return count large */ /* enough not to exceed the threshold. */ count = (((ltemp + SEC_SIZE * count) & 0xffff0000l) != 0l) ? (0xffffl - ltemp) / SEC_SIZE : count; #endif *trackp = strt_sect / (miarray[unit].mi_heads * miarray[unit].mi_sectors); *sectorp = strt_sect % miarray[unit].mi_sectors + 1; *headp = (strt_sect % (miarray[unit].mi_sectors * miarray[unit].mi_heads)) / miarray[unit].mi_sectors; if (((ls = *headp * miarray[unit].mi_sectors + *sectorp - 1) + count) > (ps = miarray[unit].mi_heads * miarray[unit].mi_sectors)) count = ps - ls; return count; } BOOL copy(COUNT drive, BYTE * file) { BYTE dest[64]; COUNT ifd, ofd, ret; FILE *s, *d; BYTE buffer[COPY_SIZE]; struct ftime ftime; sprintf(dest, "%c:\\%s", 'A' + drive, file); if ((s = fopen(file, "rb")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\" not found\n", pgm, file); return FALSE; } _fmode = O_BINARY; if ((d = fopen(dest, "wb")) == NULL) { fclose(s); fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't create\"%s\"\n", pgm, dest); return FALSE; } while ((ret = fread(buffer, 1, COPY_SIZE, s)) != 0) fwrite(buffer, 1, ret, d); getftime(fileno(s), &ftime); setftime(fileno(d), &ftime); fclose(s); fclose(d); return TRUE; } BOOL DiskReset(COUNT Drive) { REG COUNT idx; /* Reset the drives */ fl_reset(DrvMap[drive]); if (Drive >= 2 && Drive < NDEV) { COUNT RetCode; /* Retrieve all the partition information */ for (RetCode = TRUE, idx = 0; RetCode && (idx < N_PART); idx++) RetCode = get_part(Drive, idx); if (!RetCode) return FALSE; /* Search for the first DOS partition and start */ /* building the map for the hard drive */ for (idx = 0; idx < N_PART; idx++) { if (partition[idx].peFileSystem == FAT12 || partition[idx].peFileSystem == FAT16SMALL || partition[idx].peFileSystem == FAT16LARGE) { miarray[Drive].mi_offset = partition[idx].peStartSector; active = idx; break; } } } return TRUE; } COUNT DiskRead(WORD drive, WORD head, WORD track, WORD sector, WORD count, BYTE FAR * buffer) { int nRetriesLeft; for (nRetriesLeft = NRETRY; nRetriesLeft > 0; --nRetriesLeft) { if (fl_read(drive, head, track, sector, count, buffer) == count) return count; } return 0; } COUNT DiskWrite(WORD drive, WORD head, WORD track, WORD sector, WORD count, BYTE FAR * buffer) { int nRetriesLeft; for (nRetriesLeft = NRETRY; nRetriesLeft > 0; --nRetriesLeft) { if (fl_write(drive, head, track, sector, count, buffer) == count) return count; } return 0; }