# # WATCOM.MAK - kernel copiler options for WATCOM C 11.0c # # Use these for WATCOM 11.0c COMPILERPATH=$(WATCOM) COMPILERBIN=$(WATCOM)\binw CC=$(COMPILERBIN)\wcl INCLUDEPATH=$(COMPILERPATH)\H INCLUDE=$(COMPILERPATH)\h EDPATH=$(COMPILERPATH)\EDDAT !if $(XCPU) != 186 !if $(XCPU) != 386 TARGETOPT=-0 !endif !endif LIBPATH=$(COMPILERPATH)\lib286 LIBUTIL=$(COMPILERBIN)\wlib LIBPLUS= LIBTERM= CFLAGST=-mt CFLAGSC=-zp=1 -mc TARGET=KWC # used for building the library CLIB=$(COMPILERPATH)\lib286\dos\clibs.lib # #MATH_EXTRACT=*i4d *i4m #MATH_INSERT= +i4d +i4m # # these are NOT usable, as they are called NEAR, and are in TEXT segment. # so we can't use them, when moving the kernel. called ~15 times # # so I include 1 dummy library routine (stridup()), to make lib happy # MATH_EXTRACT=*_icstrdu MATH_INSERT= +_icstrdu MATH_EXTRACT=*i4d *i4m MATH_INSERT= +i4d +i4m # # heavy stuff - building # # -e= set limit on number of error messages # -ms small memory model (small code/small data) # -j change char default from unsigned to signed #-nc= set code class name #-nd= set data segment name #-nm= set module name #-nt= set name of text segment # -g= set code group name # -os -> favor code size over execution time in optimizations # -s remove stack overflow checks # -w= set warning level number # -we treat all warnings as errors # -ze enable extensions (i.e., near, far, export, etc.) # -zl remove default library information # -zp= pack structure members with alignment {1,2,4,8,16} # -zq operate quietly # # -3 optimization for 386 - given in CONFIG.MAK, not here # ALLCFLAGS=-I..\hdr $(TARGETOPT) $(ALLCFLAGS) -zq -os -ms -s -e=5 -j -zl -zp=1 INITCFLAGS=$(ALLCFLAGS) -nt=INIT_TEXT -nc=INIT -g=IGROUP CFLAGS=$(ALLCFLAGS) -nt=HMA_TEXT -nc=HMA -g=HGROUP DYNCFLAGS=$(ALLCFLAGS)