# What you WANT on DOS is: # EDIT CONFIG.B, COPY CONFIG.B to CONFIG.BAT, RUN BUILD.BAT # On Linux, use config.mak, and "make all", "make clean", or "make clobber" # On Windows, use config.mak, and # "mingw32-make all", "mingw32-make clean", or "mingw32-make clobber" default: @echo On DOS, please type build, clean, or clobber. @echo On Linux, please type make all, make clean, or make clobber. @echo On Windows, please type mingw32-make all, mingw32-make clean, or @echo mingw32-make clobber. build: build bin\kwc8616.sys: build -r wc 86 fat16 bin\kwc8632.sys: build -r wc 86 fat32 # use as follows: wmake -ms zip VERSION=2029 zip_src: cd ..\.. zip -9 -r -k source/ke$(VERSION)s.zip source/ke$(VERSION) -i@source/ke$(VERSION)/filelist cd source\ke$(VERSION) BINLIST1 = doc bin/kernel.sys bin/sys.com # removed - as the 2nd zip -r line to add those to the zip: # BINLIST2 = bin/config.sys bin/autoexec.bat bin/command.com bin/install.bat zipfat16: bin\kwc8616.sys mkdir doc mkdir doc\kernel copy docs\*.txt doc\kernel copy docs\*.cvs doc\kernel copy docs\copying doc\kernel copy docs\*.lsm doc\kernel del doc\kernel\build.txt del doc\kernel\lfnapi.txt copy bin\kwc8616.sys bin\kernel.sys zip -r -k ../ke$(VERSION)16.zip $(BINLIST) utils\rmfiles doc\kernel\*.txt doc\kernel\*.cvs doc\kernel\*.lsm doc\kernel\copying rmdir doc\kernel rmdir doc zipfat32: bin\kwc8632.sys mkdir doc mkdir doc\kernel copy docs\*.txt doc\kernel copy docs\*.cvs doc\kernel copy docs\copying doc\kernel copy docs\*.lsm doc\kernel del doc\kernel\build.txt del doc\kernel\lfnapi.txt copy bin\kwc8632.sys bin\kernel.sys zip -r -k ../ke$(VERSION)32.zip $(BINLIST) utils\rmfiles doc\kernel\*.txt doc\kernel\*.cvs doc\kernel\*.lsm doc\kernel\copying rmdir doc\kernel rmdir doc zip: zip_src zipfat16 zipfat32 #Linux part #defaults: override using config.mak export ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) BUILDENV ?= windows else BUILDENV ?= linux endif ifeq ($(BUILDENV),windows) COMPILER=owwin TEST_F=type >nul 2>nul else COMPILER=owlinux TEST_F=test -f ifndef WATCOM WATCOM=$(HOME)/watcom PATH:=$(WATCOM)/binl:$(PATH) endif endif XCPU=86 XFAT=32 XUPX=upx --8086 --best XNASM=nasm MAKE=wmake -ms -h XLINK=wlink #ALLCFLAGS=-DDEBUG -include config.mak ifdef XUPX UPXOPT=-U endif all: cd utils && $(MAKE) production cd lib && ( $(TEST_F) libm.lib || wtouch libm.lib ) cd drivers && $(MAKE) production cd boot && $(MAKE) production cd sys && $(MAKE) production cd kernel && $(MAKE) production clean: cd utils && $(MAKE) clean cd lib && $(MAKE) clean cd drivers && $(MAKE) clean cd boot && $(MAKE) clean cd sys && $(MAKE) clean cd kernel && $(MAKE) clean clobber: cd utils && $(MAKE) clobber cd lib && $(MAKE) clobber cd drivers && $(MAKE) clobber cd boot && $(MAKE) clobber cd sys && $(MAKE) clobber cd kernel && $(MAKE) clobber