; File:
;                         stacks.inc
; Description:
;               Macro support for register stack frame
;                       Copyright (c) 1998
;                       Pasquale J. Villani
;                       All Rights Reserved
; This file is part of DOS-C.
; DOS-C is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
; 2, or (at your option) any later version.
; DOS-C is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; the GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
; License along with DOS-C; see the file COPYING.  If not,
; write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave,
; Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
; $Id$

; Standard stack frame used throughout DOS-C
;       MS-DOS specific
;       +---------------+
;       |    irp hi     |       26
;       +---------------+
;       |    irp low    |       24
;       +---------------+
;       |     flags     |       22
;       +---------------+
;       |       cs      |       20
;       +---------------+
;       |       ip      |       18
;       +---------------+
;       |       es      |       16
;       +---------------+
;       |       ds      |       14
;       +---------------+
;       |       bp      |       12
;       +---------------+
;       |       di      |       10
;       +---------------+
;       |       si      |       8
;       +---------------+
;       |       dx      |       6
;       +---------------+
;       |       cx      |       4
;       +---------------+
;       |       bx      |       2
;       +---------------+
;       |       ax      |       0
;       +---------------+

;; Note: The order of the pushed registers _must_ match with the definition
;; of the "iregs" structure within PCB.H, because a pointer to the last
;; pushed register is used as a pointer to a "iregs" structure within the
;; called C sources!       -- 2000/03/22 ska

; Don't use `struc RegFrame' etc. here because it interferes with segment
; definitions.
reg_ax    equ 0
reg_bx    equ 2
reg_cx    equ 4
reg_dx    equ 6
reg_si    equ 8
reg_di    equ 10
reg_bp    equ 12
reg_ds    equ 14
reg_es    equ 16
reg_ip    equ 18
reg_cs    equ 20
reg_flags equ 22
irp_low   equ 24
irp_hi    equ 26

%macro  PUSH$ALL  0
                push    es
                push    ds
                push    bp
                push    di
                push    si
                push    dx
                push    cx
                push    bx
                push    ax

%macro  POP$ALL   0
                pop     ax
                pop     bx
                pop     cx
                pop     dx
                pop     si
                pop     di
                pop     bp
                pop     ds
                pop     es

; I386.inc - 10/25/01 by tom ehlert
; compiling the kernel for 386 will (sometimes) change the
; high part of (some) registers, which will be (sometimes) be used 
; later
; assumption:
; we have never seen MSVC to use anything but eax, ecx, edx,
; nor have we seen Borland C to use anything but eax, ebx, edx,
; so we only protect eax, ebx or ecx, edx to conserve stack space
; to save even more stack space, we save only HIGH part of regs
; at some expense of slower execution. it's easier anyway :-)
; WATCOM only uses FS: and GS: (using -zff and -zgf) and never
; any high part of the 386 registers

%IF XCPU < 386
	; no need to save/restore  anything

;	error 1 2 3
	%macro  Protect386Registers 0
	%macro  Restore386Registers 0

	%macro  Protect386Registers  0

	%ifdef WATCOM
		push fs
		push gs
		push eax
		pop ax
        %ifdef MSC
		push ecx
		pop cx
        %else ;BC
		push ebx
		pop bx
		push edx
		pop dx


	%macro  Restore386Registers  0

	%ifdef WATCOM
		pop gs
		pop fs
		push dx
		pop edx
        %ifdef MSC
		push cx
		pop ecx
        %else ;BC
		push bx
		pop ebx
		push ax
		pop eax
