@echo off :- batch file to build everything :- $Id$ if NOT "%1" == "/?" goto start echo ":-----------------------------------------------------------------------" echo ":- Syntax: BUILD [-r] [fat32|fat16] [msc|wc|tc|tcpp|bc] [86|186|386] " echo ":- [debug] [lfnapi] [/L #] [/D value] [list] " echo ":- option case is significant !! " echo ":- Note: Open Watcom (wc) is the preferred compiler " echo ":-----------------------------------------------------------------------" goto end :start set XERROR=1 if "%XERROR%" == "" goto noenv if "%1" == "-r" call clobber.bat if "%1" == "-r" shift if not exist config.bat echo You must copy CONFIG.B to CONFIG.BAT and edit it to reflect your setup! if not exist config.bat goto abort call config.bat if "%LAST%" == "" goto noenv :----------------------------------------------------------------------- :- following is command line handling :- options on the commandline overwrite default settings :----------------------------------------------------------------------- :loop_commandline if "%1" == "fat32" set XFAT=32 if "%1" == "fat16" set XFAT=16 if "%1" == "msc" set COMPILER=MSC if "%1" == "wc" set COMPILER=WATCOM if "%1" == "tc" set COMPILER=TC if "%1" == "tcpp" set COMPILER=TCPP if "%1" == "bc" set COMPILER=BC if "%1" == "86" set XCPU=86 if "%1" == "186" set XCPU=186 if "%1" == "386" set XCPU=386 if "%1" == "x86" goto setCPU if "%1" == "debug" set ALLCFLAGS=%ALLCFLAGS% -DDEBUG if "%1" == "lfnapi" set ALLCFLAGS=%ALLCFLAGS% -DWITHLFNAPI if "%1" == "list" set NASMFLAGS=%NASMFLAGS% -l$*.lst if "%1" == "/L" goto setLoadSeg if "%1" == "/D" goto setDefine :nextOption shift if not "%1" == "" goto loop_commandline if "%COMPILER%" == "" echo you MUST define a COMPILER variable in CONFIG.BAT if "%COMPILER%" == "" goto abort call defaults.bat if "%LAST%" == "" goto noenv :----------------------------------------------------------------------- :- finally - we are going to compile :----------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Process UTILS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ echo. cd utils call %MAKE% all if errorlevel 1 goto abort-cd echo. echo Process LIB ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ echo. cd ..\lib call %MAKE% all if errorlevel 1 goto abort-cd echo. echo Process DRIVERS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ echo. cd ..\drivers call %MAKE% all if errorlevel 1 goto abort-cd echo. echo Process BOOT +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ echo. cd ..\boot call %MAKE% all if errorlevel 1 goto abort-cd echo. echo Process SYS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ echo. cd ..\sys call %MAKE% all if errorlevel 1 goto abort-cd if NOT "%XUPX%" == "" %XUPX% ..\bin\sys.com echo. echo Process KERNEL +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ echo. cd ..\kernel call %MAKE% all if errorlevel 1 goto abort-cd cd .. :- if you like, put finalizing commands (like copy to floppy) into build2.bat set XERROR= if exist build2.bat call build2.bat echo. echo Processing is done. goto end :----------------------------------------------------------------------- :setLoadSeg shift if "%1" == "" echo you MUST specify load segment eg 0x60 with /L option if "%1" == "" goto abort set LOADSEG=%1 goto nextOption :setCPU shift if "%1" == "" echo you MUST specify compiler's cpu cmd line argument, eg -5 if "%1" == "" goto abort set XCPU_EX=%1 goto nextOption :setDefine shift :- Give extra compiler DEFINE flags here if "%1" == "" echo you MUST specify value to define with /D option if "%1" == "" echo such as /D DEBUG : extra DEBUG output if "%1" == "" echo or /D DOSEMU : printf output goes to dosemu log if "%1" == "" echo or /D WIN31SUPPORT : enable Win 3.x hooks if "%1" == "" goto abort set ALLCFLAGS=%ALLCFLAGS% -D%1 set NASMFLAGS=%NASMFLAGS% -D%1 goto nextOption :noenv echo Unable to set necessary environment variables! goto abort :abort-cd cd .. :abort echo Compilation was aborted! :end call defaults.bat clearset