%if 0 FreeDOS kernel executable MZ header shim by C. Masloch, 2022 Usage of the works is permitted provided that this instrument is retained with the works, so that any entity that uses the works is notified of this instrument. DISCLAIMER: THE WORKS ARE WITHOUT WARRANTY. %endif %include "lmacros2.mac" defaulting strdef FILE, "" %ifidn _FILE,"" %fatal Has to specify a file! %endif org 0 header: db "MZ" ; exeSignature dw (payload.end - $$) % 512 ; exeExtraBytes dw (payload.end - $$ + 511) / 512 ; exePages dw 0 ; exeRelocItems dw (payload -$$+0) >> 4 ; exeHeaderSize dw 0 ; exeMinAlloc dw -1 ; exeMaxAlloc dw (payload.end + 15 - payload) / 16 ; exeInitSS dw 512 ; exeInitSP dw 0 ; exeChecksum dw 0, 0 ; exeInitCSIP dw 0 ; exeRelocTable endarea header align 16, db 0 payload: jmp strict short entry db "CONFIG" dw 1 db -1 times 32 - ($ - payload) db 0 entry: equ $ jmp entry_common times 0xC0 - ($ - payload) nop entry_common: equ $ incbin _FILE .actual_end: .end: