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1494 lines
43 KiB
sys utility for DOS-C
Copyright (c) 1991
Pasquale J. Villani
All Rights Reserved
This file is part of DOS-C.
DOS-C is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
DOS-C is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
DOS-C; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#define DEBUG
/* #define DDEBUG */
#define WITHOEMCOMPATBS /* include support for OEM MS/PC DOS 3.??-6.x */
#define SYS_VERSION "v3.5"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifdef __TURBOC__
#include <mem.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef __TURBOC__
#include <dir.h>
#define SYS_MAXPATH 260
#include "portab.h"
#include "algnbyte.h"
#include "device.h"
#include "dcb.h"
#include "xstructs.h"
#include "date.h"
#include "../hdr/time.h"
#include "fat.h"
/* These definitions deliberately put here instead of
* #including <stdio.h> to make executable MUCH smaller
* using [s]printf from prf.c!
extern int VA_CDECL printf(const char * fmt, ...);
extern int VA_CDECL sprintf(char * buff, const char * fmt, ...);
#include "fat12com.h"
#include "fat16com.h"
#ifdef WITHFAT32
#include "fat32chs.h"
#include "fat32lba.h"
#include "oemfat12.h"
#include "oemfat16.h"
#ifndef __WATCOMC__
#include <io.h>
/* returns current DOS drive, A=0, B=1,C=2, ... */
#ifdef __TURBOC__
#define getcurdrive (unsigned)getdisk
unsigned getcurdrive(void)
union REGS regs;
regs.h.ah = 0x19;
int86(0x21, ®s, ®s);
return regs.h.al;
/* returns current DOS drive, A=0, B=1,C=2, ... */
unsigned getcurdrive(void);
#pragma aux getcurdrive = \
"mov ah, 0x19" \
"int 0x21" \
"xor ah, ah" \
value [ax];
long filelength(int __handle);
#pragma aux filelength = \
"mov ax, 0x4202" \
"xor cx, cx" \
"xor dx, dx" \
"int 0x21" \
"push ax" \
"push dx" \
"mov ax, 0x4200" \
"xor cx, cx" \
"xor dx, dx" \
"int 0x21" \
"pop dx" \
"pop ax" \
parm [bx] \
modify [cx] \
value [dx ax];
extern int unlink(const char *pathname);
/* some non-conforming functions to make the executable smaller */
int open(const char *pathname, int flags, ...)
int handle;
int result = (flags & O_CREAT ?
_dos_creat(pathname, _A_NORMAL, &handle) :
_dos_open(pathname, flags & (O_RDONLY | O_WRONLY | O_RDWR),
return (result == 0 ? handle : -1);
int read(int fd, void *buf, unsigned count)
unsigned bytes;
int result = _dos_read(fd, buf, count, &bytes);
return (result == 0 ? bytes : -1);
int write(int fd, const void *buf, unsigned count)
unsigned bytes;
int result = _dos_write(fd, buf, count, &bytes);
return (result == 0 ? bytes : -1);
#define close _dos_close
int stat(const char *file_name, struct stat *statbuf)
struct find_t find_tbuf;
int ret = _dos_findfirst(file_name, _A_NORMAL | _A_HIDDEN | _A_SYSTEM, &find_tbuf);
statbuf->st_size = (off_t)find_tbuf.size;
/* statbuf->st_attr = (ULONG)find_tbuf.attrib; */
return ret;
/* WATCOM's getenv is case-insensitive which wastes a lot of space
for our purposes. So here's a simple case-sensitive one */
char *getenv(const char *name)
char **envp, *ep;
const char *np;
char ec, nc;
for (envp = environ; (ep = *envp) != NULL; envp++) {
np = name;
do {
ec = *ep++;
nc = *np++;
if (nc == 0) {
if (ec == '=')
return ep;
} while (ec == nc);
return NULL;
BYTE pgm[] = "SYS";
#define SEC_SIZE 512
#define COPY_SIZE 0x7e00
struct bootsectortype {
UBYTE bsJump[3];
char OemName[8];
UWORD bsBytesPerSec;
UBYTE bsSecPerClust;
UWORD bsResSectors;
UWORD bsRootDirEnts;
UWORD bsSectors;
UBYTE bsMedia;
UWORD bsFATsecs;
UWORD bsSecPerTrack;
UWORD bsHeads;
ULONG bsHiddenSecs;
ULONG bsHugeSectors;
UBYTE bsDriveNumber;
UBYTE bsReserved1;
UBYTE bsBootSignature;
ULONG bsVolumeID;
char bsVolumeLabel[11];
char bsFileSysType[8];
struct bootsectortype32 {
UBYTE bsJump[3];
char OemName[8];
UWORD bsBytesPerSec;
UBYTE bsSecPerClust;
UWORD bsResSectors;
UWORD bsRootDirEnts;
UWORD bsSectors;
UBYTE bsMedia;
UWORD bsFATsecs;
UWORD bsSecPerTrack;
UWORD bsHeads;
ULONG bsHiddenSecs;
ULONG bsHugeSectors;
ULONG bsBigFatSize;
UBYTE bsFlags;
UBYTE bsMajorVersion;
UWORD bsMinorVersion;
ULONG bsRootCluster;
UWORD bsFSInfoSector;
UWORD bsBackupBoot;
ULONG bsReserved2[3];
UBYTE bsDriveNumber;
UBYTE bsReserved3;
UBYTE bsExtendedSignature;
ULONG bsSerialNumber;
char bsVolumeLabel[11];
char bsFileSystemID[8];
* globals needed by put_boot & check_space
enum {FAT12 = 12, FAT16 = 16, FAT32 = 32} fs; /* file system type */
/* static */ struct xfreespace x; /* we make this static to be 0 by default -
this avoids FAT misdetections */
#define SBOFFSET 11
#define SBSIZE (sizeof(struct bootsectortype) - SBOFFSET)
#define SBSIZE32 (sizeof(struct bootsectortype32) - SBOFFSET)
/* essentially - verify alignment on byte boundaries at compile time */
struct VerifyBootSectorSize {
char failure1[sizeof(struct bootsectortype) == 62 ? 1 : -1];
char failure2[sizeof(struct bootsectortype) == 62 ? 1 : 0];
/* (Watcom has a nice warning for this, by the way) */
int FDKrnConfigMain(int argc, char **argv);
/* FreeDOS sys, we default to our kernel and load segment, but
if not found (or explicitly given) support OEM DOS variants
(such as DR-DOS or a FreeDOS kernel mimicing other DOSes).
Note: other (especially older) DOS versions expect the boot
loader to perform particular steps, which we may not do;
older PC/MS DOS variants may work with the OEM compatible
boot sector (optionally included).
typedef struct DOSBootFiles {
const char * kernel; /* filename boot sector loads and chains to */
const char * dos; /* optional secondary file for OS */
WORD loadseg; /* segment kernel file expects to start at */
BOOL stdbs; /* use FD boot sector (T) or oem compat one (F) */
LONG minsize; /* smallest dos file can be and be valid, 0=existance optional */
} DOSBootFiles;
DOSBootFiles bootFiles[] = {
/* Note: This order is the order OEM:AUTO uses to determine DOS flavor. */
/* FreeDOS */ { "KERNEL.SYS", NULL, 0x60, 1, 0 },
/* DR-DOS */ { "IBMBIO.COM", "IBMDOS.COM", 0x70, 1, 1 },
/* PC-DOS */ { "IBMBIO.COM", "IBMDOS.COM", 0x70, 0, 6138 }, /* pre v7 DR ??? */
/* MS-DOS */ { "IO.SYS", "MSDOS.SYS", 0x70, 0, 10240 },
/* W9x-DOS */ { "IO.SYS", "MSDOS.SYS", 0x70, 1, 0},
#define DOSFLAVORS (sizeof(bootFiles) / sizeof(*bootFiles))
#define OEM_AUTO (-1) /* attempt to guess DOS on source drive */
#define OEM_FD 0 /* standard FreeDOS mode */
#define OEM_DR 1 /* use FreeDOS boot sector, but OEM names */
#define OEM_PC 2 /* use PC-DOS compatible boot sector and names */
#define OEM_MS 3 /* use PC-DOS compatible BS with MS names */
#define OEM_W9x 4 /* use FreeDOS boot sector but with MS names */
"\n", /* In standard FreeDOS mode, don't print anything special */
"DR DOS (OpenDOS Enhancement Project) mode\n",
"PC-DOS compatibility mode\n",
"MS-DOS compatibility mode\n",
"Win9x DOS compatibility mode\n",
typedef struct SYSOptions {
BYTE srcDrive[SYS_MAXPATH]; /* source drive:[path], root assumed if no path */
BYTE dstDrive; /* destination drive [STD SYS option] */
int flavor; /* DOS variant we want to boot, default is AUTO/FD */
DOSBootFiles kernel; /* file name(s) and relevant data for kernel */
BYTE defBootDrive; /* value stored in boot sector for drive, eg 0x0=A, 0x80=C */
BOOL ignoreBIOS; /* true to NOP out boot sector code to get drive# from BIOS */
BOOL copyFiles; /* true to copy kernel files and command interpreter */
BOOL writeBS; /* true to write boot sector to drive/partition LBA 0 */
BYTE *bsFile; /* file name & path to save bs to when saving to file */
BYTE *bsFileOrig; /* file name & path to save original bs when backing up */
BYTE *fnKernel; /* optional override to source kernel filename (src only) */
BYTE *fnCmd; /* optional override to cmd interpreter filename (src & dest) */
} SYSOptions;
void restoreBS(const char *, int);
void put_boot(SYSOptions *opts);
BOOL check_space(COUNT, ULONG);
BOOL copy(const BYTE *source, COUNT drive, const BYTE * filename);
void showHelpAndExit(void)
"Usage: \n"
"%s [source] drive: [bootsect] [{option}]\n"
" source = A:,B:,C:\\KERNEL\\BIN\\,etc., or current directory if not given\n"
" drive = A,B,etc.\n"
" bootsect = name of 512-byte boot sector file image for drive:\n"
" to write to *instead* of real boot sector\n"
" {option} is one or more of the following:\n"
" /BOTH : write to *both* the real boot sector and the image file\n"
" /BOOTONLY: do *not* copy kernel / shell, only update boot sector or image\n"
" /OEM : indicates boot sector, filenames, and load segment to use\n"
" /OEM:FD use FreeDOS compatible settings\n"
" /OEM:DR use DR DOS 7+ compatible settings (same as /OEM)\n"
" /OEM:PC use PC-DOS compatible settings\n"
" /OEM:MS use MS-DOS compatible settings\n"
" /OEM:W9x use MS Win9x DOS compatible settings\n"
" default is /OEM:AUTO, select DOS based on existing files\n"
" /K name : name of kernel to use in boot sector instead of KERNEL.SYS\n"
" /L segm : hex load segment to use in boot sector instead of 60\n"
" /B btdrv : hex BIOS # of boot drive set in bs, 0=A:, 80=1st hd,...\n"
" /FORCEDRV: force use of drive # set in bs instead of BIOS boot value\n"
"%s CONFIG /help\n", pgm, pgm
/* get and validate arguments */
void initOptions(int argc, char *argv[], SYSOptions *opts)
int argno;
int drivearg = 0; /* drive argument, position of 1st or 2nd non option */
int srcarg = 0; /* nonzero if optional source argument */
BYTE srcFile[SYS_MAXPATH]; /* full path+name of [kernel] file [to copy] */
struct stat fstatbuf;
/* initialize to defaults */
memset(opts, 0, sizeof(SYSOptions));
/* set srcDrive and dstDrive after processing args */
opts->flavor = OEM_AUTO; /* attempt to detect DOS user wants to boot */
opts->copyFiles = 1; /* actually copy the kernel and cmd interpreter to dstDrive */
/* cycle through processing cmd line arguments */
for(argno = 1; argno < argc; argno++)
char *argp = argv[argno];
if (argp[0] == '/') /* optional switch */
argp++; /* skip past the '/' character */
/* explicit request for base help/usage */
if ((*argp == '?') || (memicmp(argp, "HELP", 4) == 0))
/* write to *both* the real boot sector and the image file */
else if (memicmp(argp, "BOTH", 4) == 0)
opts->writeBS = 1; /* note: if bs file omitted, then same as omitting /BOTH */
/* do *not* copy kernel / shell, only update boot sector or image */
else if (memicmp(argp, "BOOTONLY", 8) == 0)
opts->copyFiles = 0;
/* indicates compatibility mode, fs, filenames, and load segment to use */
else if (memicmp(argp, "OEM", 3) == 0)
argp += 3;
if (!*argp)
opts->flavor = OEM_DR;
else if (*argp == ':')
argp++; /* point to DR/PC/MS that follows */
if (memicmp(argp, "AUTO", 4) == 0)
opts->flavor = OEM_AUTO;
else if (memicmp(argp, "DR", 2) == 0)
opts->flavor = OEM_DR;
else if (memicmp(argp, "PC", 2) == 0)
opts->flavor = OEM_PC;
else if (memicmp(argp, "MS", 2) == 0)
opts->flavor = OEM_MS;
else if (memicmp(argp, "W9", 2) == 0)
opts->flavor = OEM_W9x;
else /* if (memicmp(argp, "FD", 2) == 0) */
opts->flavor = OEM_FD;
printf("%s: unknown OEM qualifier %s\n", pgm, argp);
/* force use of drive # set in bs instead of BIOS boot value */
else if (memicmp(argp, "FORCEDRV", 8) == 0)
opts->ignoreBIOS = 1;
else if (argno + 1 < argc) /* two part options, /SWITCH VALUE */
if (toupper(*argp) == 'K') /* set Kernel name */
opts->kernel.kernel = argv[argno];
else if (toupper(*argp) == 'L') /* set Load segment */
opts->kernel.loadseg = (WORD)strtol(argv[argno], NULL, 16);
else if (memicmp(argp, "B", 2) == 0) /* set boot drive # */
opts->defBootDrive = (BYTE)strtol(argv[argno], NULL, 16);
/* options not documented by showHelpAndExit() */
else if (memicmp(argp, "SKFN", 4) == 0) /* set KERNEL.SYS input file and /OEM:FD */
opts->flavor = OEM_FD;
opts->fnKernel = argv[argno];
else if (memicmp(argp, "SCFN", 4) == 0) /* sets COMMAND.COM input file */
opts->fnCmd = argv[argno];
else if (memicmp(argp, "BACKUPBS", 8) == 0) /* save current bs before overwriting */
opts->bsFileOrig = argv[argno];
else if (memicmp(argp, "RESTORBS", 8) == 0) /* overwrite bs and exit */
if (drivearg)
restoreBS(argv[argno], (BYTE)(toupper(*(argv[drivearg])) - 'A'));
printf("%s: unspecified drive, unable to restore boot sector\n", pgm);
printf("%s: unknown option, %s\n", pgm, argv[argno]);
printf("%s: unknown option or missing parameter, %s\n", pgm, argv[argno]);
else if (!drivearg)
drivearg = argno; /* either source or destination drive */
else if (!srcarg /* && drivearg */)
srcarg = drivearg; /* set source path */
drivearg = argno; /* set destination drive */
else if (!opts->bsFile /* && srcarg && drivearg */)
opts->bsFile = argv[argno];
else /* if (opts->bsFile && srcarg && drivearg) */
printf("%s: invalid argument %s\n", pgm, argv[argno]);
/* if neither BOTH nor a boot sector file specified, then write to boot record */
if (!opts->bsFile)
opts->writeBS = 1;
/* set dest path */
if (!drivearg)
opts->dstDrive = (BYTE)(toupper(*(argv[drivearg])) - 'A');
if (/* (opts->dstDrive < 0) || */ (opts->dstDrive >= 26))
printf("%s: drive %c must be A:..Z:\n", pgm, *(argv[drivearg]));
/* set source path, default to current drive */
sprintf(opts->srcDrive, "%c:", 'A' + getcurdrive());
if (srcarg)
int slen;
/* set source path, reserving room to append filename */
if ( (argv[srcarg][1] == ':') /* || ((argv[srcarg][0]=='\\') && (argv[srcarg][1] == '\\'))*/ )
strncpy(opts->srcDrive, argv[srcarg], SYS_MAXPATH-13);
else /* only path provided, append to default drive */
strncat(opts->srcDrive, argv[srcarg], SYS_MAXPATH-15);
slen = strlen(opts->srcDrive);
/* if path follows drive, ensure ends in a slash, ie X:-->X: or X:.\mypath-->X:.\mypath\ */
if ((slen>2) && (opts->srcDrive[slen-1] != '\\') && (opts->srcDrive[slen-1] != '/'))
strcat(opts->srcDrive, "\\");
/* source path is now in form of just a drive, "X:"
or form of drive + path + directory separator, "X:\path\" or "\\path\"
If just drive we try current path then root, else just indicated path.
/* if source and dest are same drive, then source should not be root,
so if is same drive and not explicit path, force only current
Note: actual copy routine prevents overwriting self when src=dst
if ( (opts->dstDrive == (toupper(*(opts->srcDrive))-'A')) && (!opts->srcDrive[2]) )
strcat(opts->srcDrive, ".\\");
/* attempt to detect compatibility settings user needs */
if (opts->flavor == OEM_AUTO)
/* 1st loop checking current just source path provided */
for (argno = 0; argno < DOSFLAVORS; argno++)
/* look for existing file matching kernel filename */
sprintf(srcFile, "%s%s", opts->srcDrive, bootFiles[argno].kernel);
if (stat(srcFile, &fstatbuf)) continue; /* if !exists() try again */
if (!fstatbuf.st_size) continue; /* file must not be empty */
/* now check if secondary file exists and of minimal size */
if (bootFiles[argno].minsize)
sprintf(srcFile, "%s%s", opts->srcDrive, bootFiles[argno].dos);
if (stat(srcFile, &fstatbuf)) continue;
if (fstatbuf.st_size < bootFiles[argno].minsize) continue;
/* above criteria succeeded, so default to corresponding DOS */
opts->flavor = argno;
/* if no match, and source just drive, try root */
if ( (opts->flavor == OEM_AUTO) && (!opts->srcDrive[2]) )
for (argno = 0; argno < DOSFLAVORS; argno++)
/* look for existing file matching kernel filename */
sprintf(srcFile, "%s\\%s", opts->srcDrive, bootFiles[argno].kernel);
if (stat(srcFile, &fstatbuf)) continue; /* if !exists() try again */
if (!fstatbuf.st_size) continue; /* file must not be empty */
/* now check if secondary file exists and of minimal size */
if (bootFiles[argno].minsize)
sprintf(srcFile, "%s\\%s", opts->srcDrive, bootFiles[argno].dos);
if (stat(srcFile, &fstatbuf)) continue;
if (fstatbuf.st_size < bootFiles[argno].minsize) continue;
/* above criteria succeeded, so default to corresponding DOS */
opts->flavor = argno;
strcat(opts->srcDrive, "\\"); /* indicate to use root from now on */
/* if unable to determine DOS, assume FreeDOS */
if (opts->flavor == OEM_AUTO) opts->flavor = OEM_FD;
/* set compatibility settings not explicitly set */
if (!opts->kernel.kernel) opts->kernel.kernel = bootFiles[opts->flavor].kernel;
if (!opts->kernel.dos) opts->kernel.dos = bootFiles[opts->flavor].dos;
if (!opts->kernel.loadseg) opts->kernel.loadseg = bootFiles[opts->flavor].loadseg;
opts->kernel.stdbs = bootFiles[opts->flavor].stdbs;
opts->kernel.minsize = bootFiles[opts->flavor].minsize;
/* if destination is floppy (A: or B:) then use drive # stored in boot sector */
if (opts->dstDrive < 2)
opts->ignoreBIOS = 1;
/* if bios drive to store in boot sector not set and not floppy set to 1st hd */
if (!opts->defBootDrive && (opts->dstDrive >= 2))
opts->defBootDrive = 0x80;
/* unless we are only setting boot sector, verify kernel file exists */
if (opts->copyFiles)
/* check kernel (primary file) 1st */
sprintf(srcFile, "%s%s", opts->srcDrive, (opts->fnKernel)?opts->fnKernel:opts->kernel.kernel);
if (stat(srcFile, &fstatbuf)) /* if !exists() */
/* check root path as well if src is drive only */
sprintf(srcFile, "%s\\%s", opts->srcDrive, (opts->fnKernel)?opts->fnKernel:opts->kernel.kernel);
if (opts->srcDrive[2] || stat(srcFile, &fstatbuf))
printf("%s: failed to find kernel file %s\n", pgm, (opts->fnKernel)?opts->fnKernel:opts->kernel.kernel);
/* else found, but in root, so force to always use root */
strcat(opts->srcDrive, "\\");
/* now check for secondary file */
if (opts->kernel.dos && opts->kernel.minsize)
sprintf(srcFile, "%s%s", opts->srcDrive, opts->kernel.dos);
if (stat(srcFile, &fstatbuf))
printf("%s: failed to find source file %s\n", pgm, opts->kernel.dos);
if (fstatbuf.st_size < opts->kernel.minsize)
printf("%s: source file %s appears corrupt, invalid size\n", pgm, opts->kernel.dos);
/* lastly check for command interpreter */
sprintf(srcFile, "%s%s", opts->srcDrive, (opts->fnCmd)?opts->fnCmd:"COMMAND.COM");
if (stat(srcFile, &fstatbuf)) /* if !exists() */
char *comspec = getenv("COMSPEC");
if (opts->fnCmd || (comspec == NULL) || stat(comspec, &fstatbuf))
printf("%s: failed to find command interpreter (shell) file %s\n", pgm, srcFile);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
SYSOptions opts; /* boot options and other flags */
BYTE srcFile[SYS_MAXPATH]; /* full path+name of [kernel] file [to copy] */
printf("FreeDOS System Installer " SYS_VERSION ", " __DATE__ "\n");
if (argc > 1 && memicmp(argv[1], "CONFIG", 6) == 0)
exit(FDKrnConfigMain(argc, argv));
initOptions(argc, argv, &opts);
printf("Processing boot sector...\n");
if (opts.copyFiles)
printf("Now copying system files...\n");
sprintf(srcFile, "%s%s", opts.srcDrive, (opts.fnKernel)?opts.fnKernel:opts.kernel.kernel);
if (!copy(srcFile, opts.dstDrive, opts.kernel.kernel))
printf("%s: cannot copy \"%s\"\n", pgm, srcFile);
} /* copy kernel */
if (opts.kernel.dos)
sprintf(srcFile, "%s%s", opts.srcDrive, opts.kernel.dos);
if (!copy(srcFile, opts.dstDrive, opts.kernel.dos) && opts.kernel.minsize)
printf("%s: cannot copy \"%s\"\n", pgm, srcFile);
} /* copy secondary file (DOS) */
/* copy command.com, 1st try source path, then try %COMSPEC% */
sprintf(srcFile, "%s%s", opts.srcDrive, (opts.fnCmd)?opts.fnCmd:"COMMAND.COM");
if (!copy(srcFile, opts.dstDrive, "COMMAND.COM"))
char *comspec = getenv("COMSPEC");
if (!opts.fnCmd && (comspec != NULL))
printf("%s: Trying shell from %%COMSPEC%%=\"%s\"\n", pgm, comspec);
if (opts.fnCmd || (comspec == NULL) || !copy(comspec, opts.dstDrive, "COMMAND.COM"))
printf("\n%s: failed to find command interpreter (shell) file %s\n", pgm, (opts.fnCmd)?opts.fnCmd:"COMMAND.COM");
} /* copy shell */
printf("\nSystem transferred.\n");
return 0;
#ifdef DDEBUG
VOID dump_sector(unsigned char far * sec)
COUNT x, y;
char c;
for (x = 0; x < 32; x++)
printf("%03X ", x * 16);
for (y = 0; y < 16; y++)
printf("%02X ", sec[x * 16 + y]);
for (y = 0; y < 16; y++)
c = sec[x * 16 + y];
if (isprint(c))
printf("%c", c);
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
int absread(int DosDrive, int nsects, int foo, void *diskReadPacket);
#pragma aux absread = \
"push bp" \
"int 0x25" \
"sbb ax, ax" \
"popf" \
"pop bp" \
parm [ax] [cx] [dx] [bx] \
modify [si di] \
value [ax];
int abswrite(int DosDrive, int nsects, int foo, void *diskReadPacket);
#pragma aux abswrite = \
"push bp" \
"int 0x26" \
"sbb ax, ax" \
"popf" \
"pop bp" \
parm [ax] [cx] [dx] [bx] \
modify [si di] \
value [ax];
int fat32readwrite(int DosDrive, void *diskReadPacket, unsigned intno);
#pragma aux fat32readwrite = \
"mov ax, 0x7305" \
"mov cx, 0xffff" \
"int 0x21" \
"sbb ax, ax" \
parm [dx] [bx] [si] \
modify [cx dx si] \
value [ax];
void reset_drive(int DosDrive);
#pragma aux reset_drive = \
"push ds" \
"inc dx" \
"mov ah, 0xd" \
"int 0x21" \
"mov ah,0x32" \
"int 0x21" \
"pop ds" \
parm [dx] \
modify [ax bx];
void truename(char far *dest, const char *src);
#pragma aux truename = \
"mov ah,0x60" \
"int 0x21" \
parm [es di] [si];
int generic_block_ioctl(unsigned drive, unsigned cx, unsigned char *par);
#pragma aux generic_block_ioctl = \
"mov ax, 0x440d" \
"int 0x21" \
"sbb ax, ax" \
value [ax] \
parm [bx] [cx] [dx]; /* BH must be 0 for lock! */
#ifndef __TURBOC__
int2526readwrite(int DosDrive, void *diskReadPacket, unsigned intno)
union REGS regs;
regs.h.al = (BYTE) DosDrive;
regs.x.bx = (short)diskReadPacket;
regs.x.cx = 0xffff;
int86(intno, ®s, ®s);
return regs.x.cflag;
#define absread(DosDrive, foo, cx, diskReadPacket) \
int2526readwrite(DosDrive, diskReadPacket, 0x25)
#define abswrite(DosDrive, foo, cx, diskReadPacket) \
int2526readwrite(DosDrive, diskReadPacket, 0x26)
int fat32readwrite(int DosDrive, void *diskReadPacket, unsigned intno)
union REGS regs;
regs.x.ax = 0x7305;
regs.h.dl = DosDrive;
regs.x.bx = (short)diskReadPacket;
regs.x.cx = 0xffff;
regs.x.si = intno;
intdos(®s, ®s);
return regs.x.cflag;
} /* fat32readwrite */
void reset_drive(int DosDrive)
union REGS regs;
regs.h.ah = 0xd;
intdos(®s, ®s);
regs.h.ah = 0x32;
regs.h.dl = DosDrive + 1;
intdos(®s, ®s);
} /* reset_drive */
int generic_block_ioctl(unsigned drive, unsigned cx, unsigned char *par)
union REGS regs;
regs.x.ax = 0x440d;
regs.x.cx = cx;
regs.x.dx = (unsigned)par;
regs.x.bx = drive; /* BH must be 0 for lock! */
intdos(®s, ®s);
return regs.x.cflag;
} /* generic_block_ioctl */
void truename(char *dest, const char *src)
union REGS regs;
struct SREGS sregs;
regs.h.ah = 0x60;
sregs.es = FP_SEG(dest);
regs.x.di = FP_OFF(dest);
sregs.ds = FP_SEG(src);
regs.x.si = FP_OFF(src);
intdosx(®s, ®s, &sregs);
} /* truename */
int MyAbsReadWrite(int DosDrive, int count, ULONG sector, void *buffer,
int write)
struct {
unsigned long sectorNumber;
unsigned short count;
void far *address;
} diskReadPacket;
diskReadPacket.sectorNumber = sector;
diskReadPacket.count = count;
diskReadPacket.address = buffer;
if ((!write && absread(DosDrive, -1, -1, &diskReadPacket) == -1)
|| (write && abswrite(DosDrive, -1, -1, &diskReadPacket) == -1))
#ifdef WITHFAT32
return fat32readwrite(DosDrive + 1, &diskReadPacket, write);
return 0xff;
return 0;
} /* MyAbsReadWrite */
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
unsigned getextdrivespace(void far *drivename, void *buf, unsigned buf_size);
#pragma aux getextdrivespace = \
"mov ax, 0x7303" \
"stc" \
"int 0x21" \
"sbb ax, ax" \
parm [es dx] [di] [cx] \
value [ax];
#else /* !defined __WATCOMC__ */
unsigned getextdrivespace(void *drivename, void *buf, unsigned buf_size)
union REGS regs;
struct SREGS sregs;
regs.x.ax = 0x7303; /* get extended drive free space */
sregs.es = FP_SEG(buf);
regs.x.di = FP_OFF(buf);
sregs.ds = FP_SEG(drivename);
regs.x.dx = FP_OFF(drivename);
regs.x.cx = buf_size;
intdosx(®s, ®s, &sregs);
return regs.x.ax == 0x7300 || regs.x.cflag;
} /* getextdrivespace */
#endif /* defined __WATCOMC__ */
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
* If BIOS has got LBA extensions, after the Int 13h call BX will be 0xAA55.
* If extended disk access functions are supported, bit 0 of CX will be set.
BOOL haveLBA(void); /* return TRUE if we have LBA BIOS, FALSE otherwise */
#pragma aux haveLBA = \
"mov ax, 0x4100" /* IBM/MS Int 13h Extensions - installation check */ \
"mov bx, 0x55AA" \
"mov dl, 0x80" \
"int 0x13" \
"xor ax, ax" \
"cmp bx, 0xAA55" \
"jne quit" \
"and cx, 1" \
"xchg cx, ax" \
"quit:" \
modify [bx cx] \
value [ax];
BOOL haveLBA(void)
union REGS r;
r.x.ax = 0x4100;
r.x.bx = 0x55AA;
r.h.dl = 0x80;
int86(0x13, &r, &r);
return r.x.bx == 0xAA55 && r.x.cx & 1;
void correct_bpb(struct bootsectortype *default_bpb,
struct bootsectortype *oldboot)
/* don't touch partitions (floppies most likely) that don't have hidden
sectors */
if (default_bpb->bsHiddenSecs == 0)
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Old boot sector values: sectors/track: %u, heads: %u, hidden: %lu\n",
oldboot->bsSecPerTrack, oldboot->bsHeads, oldboot->bsHiddenSecs);
printf("Default and new boot sector values: sectors/track: %u, heads: %u, "
"hidden: %lu\n", default_bpb->bsSecPerTrack, default_bpb->bsHeads,
oldboot->bsSecPerTrack = default_bpb->bsSecPerTrack;
oldboot->bsHeads = default_bpb->bsHeads;
oldboot->bsHiddenSecs = default_bpb->bsHiddenSecs;
/* reads in boot sector (1st SEC_SIZE bytes) from file */
void readBS(const char *bsFile, UBYTE *bootsector)
if (bsFile != NULL)
int fd;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("reading bootsector from file %s\n", bsFile);
/* open boot sector file, it must exists, then overwrite
drive with 1st SEC_SIZE bytes from the [image] file
if ((fd = open(bsFile, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY)) < 0)
printf("%s: can't open\"%s\"\nDOS errnum %d", pgm, bsFile, errno);
if (read(fd, bootsector, SEC_SIZE) != SEC_SIZE)
printf("%s: failed to read %u bytes from %s\n", pgm, SEC_SIZE, bsFile);
/* write bs in bsFile to drive's boot record unmodified */
void restoreBS(const char *bsFile, int drive)
UBYTE bootsector[SEC_SIZE];
if (bsFile == NULL)
printf("%s: missing filename of boot sector to restore\n", pgm);
readBS(bsFile, bootsector);
/* lock drive */
generic_block_ioctl(drive + 1, 0x84a, NULL);
/* write bootsector to drive */
if (MyAbsReadWrite(drive, 1, 0, bootsector, 1) != 0)
printf("%s: failed to write boot sector to drive %c:\n", pgm, drive + 'A');
/* unlock_drive */
generic_block_ioctl(drive + 1, 0x86a, NULL);
/* write bootsector to file bsFile */
void saveBS(const char *bsFile, UBYTE *bootsector)
if (bsFile != NULL)
int fd;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("writing bootsector to file %s\n", bsFile);
/* open boot sector file, create it if not exists,
but don't truncate if exists so we can replace
1st SEC_SIZE bytes of an image file
if ((fd = open(bsFile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_BINARY,
printf("%s: can't create\"%s\"\nDOS errnum %d", pgm, bsFile, errno);
if (write(fd, bootsector, SEC_SIZE) != SEC_SIZE)
printf("%s: failed to write %u bytes to %s\n", pgm, SEC_SIZE, bsFile);
/* unlink(bsFile); don't delete in case was image */
} /* if write boot sector file */
void put_boot(SYSOptions *opts)
#ifdef WITHFAT32
struct bootsectortype32 *bs32;
struct bootsectortype *bs;
static unsigned char oldboot[SEC_SIZE], newboot[SEC_SIZE];
static unsigned char default_bpb[0x5c];
int bsBiosMovOff; /* offset in bs to mov [drive],dl that we NOP out */
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Reading old bootsector from drive %c:\n", opts->dstDrive + 'A');
/* lock drive */
generic_block_ioctl(opts->dstDrive + 1, 0x84a, NULL);
/* suggestion: allow reading from a boot sector or image file here */
if (MyAbsReadWrite(opts->dstDrive, 1, 0, oldboot, 0) != 0)
printf("%s: can't read old boot sector for drive %c:\n", pgm, opts->dstDrive + 'A');
#ifdef DDEBUG
printf("Old Boot Sector:\n");
/* backup original boot sector when requested */
if (opts->bsFileOrig)
printf("Backing up original boot sector to %s\n", opts->bsFileOrig);
saveBS(opts->bsFileOrig, oldboot);
bs = (struct bootsectortype *)&oldboot;
if (bs->bsBytesPerSec != SEC_SIZE)
printf("Sector size is not 512 but %d bytes - not currently supported!\n",
exit(1); /* Japan?! */
/* see "FAT: General Overview of On-Disk Format" v1.02, 5.V.1999
* (http://www.nondot.org/sabre/os/files/FileSystems/FatFormat.pdf)
ULONG fatSize, totalSectors, dataSectors, clusters;
UCOUNT rootDirSectors;
bs32 = (struct bootsectortype32 *)bs;
rootDirSectors = (bs->bsRootDirEnts * DIRENT_SIZE /* 32 */
+ bs32->bsBytesPerSec - 1) / bs32->bsBytesPerSec;
fatSize = bs32->bsFATsecs ? bs32->bsFATsecs : bs32->bsBigFatSize;
totalSectors = bs32->bsSectors ? bs32->bsSectors : bs32->bsHugeSectors;
dataSectors = totalSectors
- bs32->bsResSectors - (bs32->bsFATs * fatSize) - rootDirSectors;
clusters = dataSectors / bs32->bsSecPerClust;
if (clusters < FAT_MAGIC) /* < 4085 */
fs = FAT12;
else if (clusters < FAT_MAGIC16) /* < 65525 */
fs = FAT16;
fs = FAT32;
/* bit 0 set if function to use current BPB, clear if Device
BIOS Parameter Block field contains new default BPB
bit 1 set if function to use track layout fields only
must be clear if CL=60h
bit 2 set if all sectors in track same size (should be set) (RBIL) */
default_bpb[0] = 4;
if (fs == FAT32)
printf("FAT type: FAT32\n");
/* get default bpb (but not for floppies) */
if (opts->dstDrive >= 2 &&
generic_block_ioctl(opts->dstDrive + 1, 0x4860, default_bpb) == 0)
correct_bpb((struct bootsectortype *)(default_bpb + 7 - 11), bs);
#ifdef WITHFAT32 /* copy one of the FAT32 boot sectors */
if (!opts->kernel.stdbs) /* MS/PC DOS compatible BS requested */
printf("%s: FAT32 versions of PC/MS DOS compatible boot sectors\n"
"are not supported.\n", pgm);
memcpy(newboot, haveLBA() ? fat32lba : fat32chs, SEC_SIZE);
printf("SYS hasn't been compiled with FAT32 support.\n"
"Consider using -DWITHFAT32 option.\n");
{ /* copy the FAT12/16 CHS+LBA boot sector */
printf("FAT type: FAT1%c\n", fs + '0' - 10);
if (opts->dstDrive >= 2 &&
generic_block_ioctl(opts->dstDrive + 1, 0x860, default_bpb) == 0)
correct_bpb((struct bootsectortype *)(default_bpb + 7 - 11), bs);
if (opts->kernel.stdbs)
memcpy(newboot, (fs == FAT16) ? fat16com : fat12com, SEC_SIZE);
printf("Using OEM (PC/MS-DOS) compatible boot sector.\n");
memcpy(newboot, (fs == FAT16) ? oemfat16 : oemfat12, SEC_SIZE);
/* Copy disk parameter from old sector to new sector */
#ifdef WITHFAT32
if (fs == FAT32)
memcpy(&newboot[SBOFFSET], &oldboot[SBOFFSET], SBSIZE32);
memcpy(&newboot[SBOFFSET], &oldboot[SBOFFSET], SBSIZE);
bs = (struct bootsectortype *)&newboot;
/* originally OemName was "FreeDOS", changed for better compatibility */
memcpy(bs->OemName, "FRDOS4.1", 8);
#ifdef WITHFAT32
if (fs == FAT32)
bs32 = (struct bootsectortype32 *)&newboot;
bs32->bsDriveNumber = opts->defBootDrive;
/* the location of the "0060" segment portion of the far pointer
in the boot sector is just before cont: in boot*.asm.
This happens to be offset 0x78 for FAT32 and offset 0x5c for FAT16
force use of value stored in bs by NOPping out mov [drive], dl
0x82: 88h,56h,40h for fat32 chs & lba boot sectors
if (opts->kernel.stdbs)
((int *)newboot)[0x78/sizeof(int)] = opts->kernel.loadseg;
bsBiosMovOff = 0x82;
else /* compatible bs */
printf("%s: INTERNAL ERROR: how did you get here?\n", pgm);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf(" FAT starts at sector %lx + %x\n",
bs32->bsHiddenSecs, bs32->bsResSectors);
/* establish default BIOS drive # set in boot sector */
bs->bsDriveNumber = opts->defBootDrive;
/* the location of the "0060" segment portion of the far pointer
in the boot sector is just before cont: in boot*.asm.
This happens to be offset 0x78 for FAT32 and offset 0x5c for FAT16
force use of value stored in bs by NOPping out mov [drive], dl
0x66: 88h,56h,24h for fat16 and fat12 boot sectors
0x4F: 88h,56h,24h for oem compatible fat16 and fat12 boot sectors
if (opts->kernel.stdbs)
((int *)newboot)[0x5c/sizeof(int)] = opts->kernel.loadseg;
bsBiosMovOff = 0x66;
/* load segment hard coded to 0x70 in oem compatible boot sector */
if (opts->kernel.loadseg != 0x70)
printf("%s: Warning: ignoring load segment, compat bs always uses 0x70!\n");
bsBiosMovOff = 0x4F;
if (opts->ignoreBIOS)
if ( (newboot[bsBiosMovOff]==0x88) && (newboot[bsBiosMovOff+1]==0x56) )
newboot[bsBiosMovOff] = 0x90; /* NOP */ ++bsBiosMovOff;
newboot[bsBiosMovOff] = 0x90; /* NOP */ ++bsBiosMovOff;
newboot[bsBiosMovOff] = 0x90; /* NOP */ ++bsBiosMovOff;
printf("%s : fat boot sector does not match expected layout\n", pgm);
#ifdef DEBUG /* add an option to display this on user request? */
printf("Root dir entries = %u\n", bs->bsRootDirEnts);
printf("FAT starts at sector (%lu + %u)\n",
bs->bsHiddenSecs, bs->bsResSectors);
printf("Root directory starts at sector (PREVIOUS + %u * %u)\n",
bs->bsFATsecs, bs->bsFATs);
int i = 0;
memset(&newboot[0x1f1], ' ', 11);
while (opts->kernel.kernel[i] && opts->kernel.kernel[i] != '.')
if (i < 8)
newboot[0x1f1+i] = toupper(opts->kernel.kernel[i]);
if (opts->kernel.kernel[i] == '.')
/* copy extension */
int j = 0;
while (opts->kernel.kernel[i+j] && j < 3)
newboot[0x1f9+j] = toupper(opts->kernel.kernel[i+j]);
#ifdef DEBUG
/* there's a zero past the kernel name in all boot sectors */
printf("Boot sector kernel name set to %s\n", &newboot[0x1f1]);
printf("Boot sector load segment set to %Xh\n", opts->kernel.loadseg);
#ifdef DDEBUG
printf("\nNew Boot Sector:\n");
if (opts->writeBS)
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("writing new bootsector to drive %c:\n", opts->dstDrive + 'A');
/* write newboot to a drive */
if (MyAbsReadWrite(opts->dstDrive, 1, 0, newboot, 1) != 0)
printf("Can't write new boot sector to drive %c:\n", opts->dstDrive + 'A');
} /* if write boot sector to boot record*/
if (opts->bsFile != NULL)
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("writing new bootsector to file %s\n", opts->bsFile);
saveBS(opts->bsFile, newboot);
} /* if write boot sector to file*/
/* unlock_drive */
generic_block_ioctl(opts->dstDrive + 1, 0x86a, NULL);
} /* put_boot */
* Returns TRUE if `drive` has at least `bytes` free space, FALSE otherwise.
* put_sector() must have been already called to determine file system type.
BOOL check_space(COUNT drive, ULONG bytes)
#ifdef WITHFAT32
if (fs == FAT32)
char *drivename = "A:\\";
drivename[0] = 'A' + drive;
getextdrivespace(drivename, &x, sizeof(x));
return x.xfs_freeclusters > (bytes / (x.xfs_clussize * x.xfs_secsize));
#ifdef __TURBOC__
struct dfree df;
getdfree(drive + 1, &df);
return (ULONG)df.df_avail * df.df_sclus * df.df_bsec >= bytes;
struct _diskfree_t df;
_dos_getdiskfree(drive + 1, &df);
return (ULONG)df.avail_clusters * df.sectors_per_cluster
* df.bytes_per_sector >= bytes;
} /* check_space */
BYTE copybuffer[COPY_SIZE];
/* copies file (path+filename specified by srcFile) to drive:\filename */
BOOL copy(const BYTE *source, COUNT drive, const BYTE * filename)
static BYTE src[SYS_MAXPATH];
static BYTE dest[SYS_MAXPATH];
unsigned ret;
int fdin, fdout;
ULONG copied = 0;
printf("Copying %s...\n", source);
truename(src, source);
sprintf(dest, "%c:\\%s", 'A' + drive, filename);
if (stricmp(src, dest) == 0)
printf("%s: source and destination are identical: skipping \"%s\"\n",
pgm, source);
return TRUE;
if ((fdin = open(source, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY)) < 0)
printf("%s: failed to open \"%s\"\n", pgm, source);
return FALSE;
if (!check_space(drive, filelength(fdin)))
printf("%s: Not enough space to transfer %s\n", pgm, filename);
if ((fdout =
open(dest, O_RDWR | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT | O_BINARY,
printf(" %s: can't create\"%s\"\nDOS errnum %d\n", pgm, dest, errno);
return FALSE;
while ((ret = read(fdin, copybuffer, COPY_SIZE)) > 0)
if (write(fdout, copybuffer, ret) != ret)
printf("Can't write %u bytes to %s\n", ret, dest);
copied += ret;
#if defined __WATCOMC__ || defined _MSC_VER /* || defined __BORLANDC__ */
unsigned short date, time;
_dos_getftime(fdin, &date, &time);
_dos_setftime(fdout, date, time);
#elif defined __TURBOC__
struct ftime ftime;
getftime(fdin, &ftime);
setftime(fdout, &ftime);
#include <utime.h>
struct utimbuf utimb;
utimb.actime = /* access time */
utimb.modtime = fstatbuf.st_mtime; /* modification time */
utime(dest, &utimb);
printf("%lu Bytes transferred\n", copied);
return TRUE;
} /* copy */