
416 lines
12 KiB

; This is an LBA-enabled FreeDOS FAT32 boot sector (single sector!).
; You can use and copy source code and binaries under the terms of the
; GNU Public License (GPL), version 2 or newer. See for more.
; Based on earlier work by FreeDOS kernel hackers, modified heavily by
; Eric Auer and Jon Gentle in 7 / 2003.
; Features: Uses LBA and calculates all variables from BPB/EBPB data,
; thus making partition move / resize / image-restore easier. FreeDOS
; can boot from FAT32 partitions which start > 8 GB boundary with this
; boot sector. Disk geometry knowledge is not needed for booting.
; Windows uses 2-3 sectors for booting (sector stage, statistics sector,
; filesystem stage). Only using 1 sector for FreeDOS makes multi-booting
; of FreeDOS and Windows on the same filesystem easier.
; Requirements: LBA BIOS and 386 or better CPU. Use the older CHS-only
; boot sector if you want FAT32 on really old PCs (problems: you cannot
; boot from > 8 GB boundary, cannot move / resize / ... without applying
; SYS again if you use the CHS-only FAT32 boot sector).
; FAT12 / FAT16 hints: Use the older CHS-only boot sector unless you
; have to boot from > 8 GB. The LBA-and-CHS FAT12 / FAT16 boot sector
; needs applying SYS again after move / resize / ... a variant of that
; boot sector without CHS support but with better move / resize / ...
; support would be good for use on LBA harddisks.
; Memory layout for the FreeDOS FAT32 single stage boot process:
; ...
; |-------| 1FE0:7E00
; |RELOC. |
; |-------| 1FE0:7C00
; ...
; |-------| 2000:0200
; | FAT | (only 1 sector buffered)
; |-------| 2000:0000
; ...
; |-------| 0000:7E00
; |BOOTSEC| overwritten by the kernel, so the
; |ORIGIN | bootsector relocates itself up...
; |-------| 0000:7C00
; ...
; |-------|
; |KERNEL | maximum size 134k (overwrites bootsec origin)
; |LOADED | (holds 1 sector directory buffer before kernel load)
; |-------| 0060:0000
; ...
segment .text
org 0x7c00 ; this is a boot sector
Entry: jmp short real_start
; bp is initialized to 7c00h
; %define bsOemName bp+0x03 ; OEM label (8)
%define bsBytesPerSec bp+0x0b ; bytes/sector (dw)
%define bsSecPerClust bp+0x0d ; sectors/allocation unit (db)
%define bsResSectors bp+0x0e ; # reserved sectors (dw)
%define bsFATs bp+0x10 ; # of fats (db)
; %define bsRootDirEnts bp+0x11 ; # of root dir entries (dw, 0 for FAT32)
; (FAT32 has root dir in a cluster chain)
; %define bsSectors bp+0x13 ; # sectors total in image (dw, 0 for FAT32)
; (if 0 use nSectorHuge even if FAT16)
; %define bsMedia bp+0x15 ; media descriptor: fd=2side9sec, etc... (db)
; %define sectPerFat bp+0x16 ; # sectors in a fat (dw, 0 for FAT32)
; (FAT32 always uses xsectPerFat)
%define sectPerTrack bp+0x18 ; # sectors/track
; %define nHeads bp+0x1a ; # heads (dw)
%define nHidden bp+0x1c ; # hidden sectors (dd)
; %define nSectorHuge bp+0x20 ; # sectors if > 65536 (dd)
%define xsectPerFat bp+0x24 ; Sectors/Fat (dd)
; +0x28 dw flags (for fat mirroring)
; +0x2a dw filesystem version (usually 0)
%define xrootClst bp+0x2c ; Starting cluster of root directory (dd)
; +0x30 dw -1 or sector number of fs.-info sector
; +0x32 dw -1 or sector number of boot sector backup
; (+0x34 .. +0x3f reserved)
%define drive bp+0x40 ; Drive number
%define loadsegoff_60 bp+loadseg_off-Entry
%define LOADSEG 0x0060
%define FATSEG 0x2000
%define fat_secshift fat_afterss-1 ; each fat sector describes 2^??
; clusters (db) (selfmodifying)
%define fat_sector bp+0x44 ; last accessed FAT sector (dd)
; (overwriting unused bytes)
%define fat_start bp+0x48 ; first FAT sector (dd)
; (overwriting unused bytes)
%define data_start bp+0x4c ; first data sector (dd)
; (overwriting unused bytes)
times 52h - ($ - $$) db 0
; The filesystem ID is used by lDOS's instsect (by ecm)
; by default to validate that the filesystem matches.
db "FAT32"
times 5Ah - ($ - $$) db 32
; not used: [0x42] = byte 0x29 (ext boot param flag)
; [0x43] = dword serial
; [0x47] = label (padded with 00, 11 bytes)
; [0x52] = "FAT32",32,32,32 (not used by Windows)
; ([0x5a] is where FreeDOS parts start)
real_start: cld
sub ax, ax
mov ds, ax
mov bp, 0x7c00
mov ax, 0x1FE0
mov es, ax
mov si, bp
mov di, bp
mov cx, 0x0100
rep movsw ; move boot code to the 0x1FE0:0x0000
jmp word 0x1FE0:cont
loadseg_off dw 0, LOADSEG
; -------------
cont: mov ds, ax
mov ss, ax ; stack and BP-relative moves up, too
lea sp, [bp-0x20]
mov [drive], dl ; BIOS passes drive number in DL
%ifndef QUIET
mov si, msg_LoadFreeDOS
call print ; modifies AX BX SI
%else ; ensure code after this still at same location
times 6 nop
; -------------
; CALCPARAMS: figure out where FAT and DATA area starts
; (modifies EAX EDX, sets fat_start and data_start variables)
calc_params: xor eax, eax
mov [fat_sector], eax ; init buffer status
; first, find fat_start:
mov ax, [bsResSectors] ; no movzx eax, word... needed
add eax, [nHidden]
mov [fat_start], eax ; first FAT sector
mov [data_start], eax ; (only first part of value)
; next, find data_start:
mov eax, [bsFATs] ; no movzx ... byte needed:
; the 2 dw after the bsFATs db are 0 by FAT32 definition :-).
imul dword [xsectPerFat] ; (also changes edx)
add [data_start], eax ; first DATA sector
; (adding in RAM is shorter!)
; finally, find fat_secshift:
mov ax, 512 ; default sector size (means default shift)
; shift = log2(secSize) - log2(fatEntrySize)
;--- mov cl, 9-2 ; shift is 7 for 512 bytes per sector
fatss_scan: cmp ax, [bsBytesPerSec]
jz fatss_found
add ax,ax
;--- inc cx
inc word [fat_secshift] ;XXX ; initially 9-2 (byte!)
jmp short fatss_scan ; try other sector sizes
;--- mov [fat_secshift], cl
; -------------
; FINDFILE: Searches for the file in the root directory.
; Returns: EAX = first cluster of file
mov eax, [xrootClst] ; root dir cluster
ff_next_clust: push eax ; save cluster
call convert_cluster
jc boot_error ; EOC encountered
; EDX is clust/sector, EAX is sector
ff_next_sector: les bx, [loadsegoff_60] ; load to loadseg:0
call readDisk
;--- push eax ; save sector
;--- xor ax, ax ; first dir. entry in this sector
xor di, di ;XXX
; Search for KERNEL.SYS file name, and find start cluster.
ff_next_entry: mov cx, 11
mov si, filename
;--- mov di, ax
repe cmpsb
jz ff_done ; note that di now is at dirent+11
;--- add ax, 0x20 ; next directory entry
;--- cmp ax, [bsBytesPerSec] ; end of sector reached?
add di, byte 0x20 ;XXX
and di, byte -0x20 ; 0xffe0 ;XXX
cmp di, [bsBytesPerSec] ;XXX
jnz ff_next_entry
;--- pop eax ; restore sector
dec dx ; next sector in cluster
jnz ff_next_sector
ff_walk_fat: pop eax ; restore current cluster
call next_cluster ; find next cluster
jmp ff_next_clust
ff_done: push word [es:di+0x14-11] ; get cluster number HI
push word [es:di+0x1A-11] ; get cluster number LO
pop eax ; convert to 32bit
sub bx, bx ; ES points to LOADSEG
; (kernel -> ES:BX)
; -------------
read_kernel: push eax
call convert_cluster
jc boot_success ; EOC encountered - done
; EDX is sectors in cluster, EAX is sector
rk_in_cluster: call readDisk
dec dx
jnz rk_in_cluster ; loop over sect. in cluster
rk_walk_fat: pop eax
call next_cluster
jmp read_kernel
mov dl, [drive] ; for Enhanced DR-DOS load
mov bl, dl ; for FreeDOS load
jmp far [loadsegoff_60]
boot_error: mov si, msg_BootError
call print ; modifies AX BX SI
wait_key: xor ah,ah
int 0x16 ; wait for a key
reboot: int 0x19 ; reboot the machine
; given a cluster number, find the number of the next cluster in
; the FAT chain. Needs fat_secshift and fat_start.
; input: EAX - cluster
; output: EAX - next cluster
next_cluster: push es
push di
push bx
mov di, ax
shl di, 2 ; 32bit FAT
push ax
mov ax, [bsBytesPerSec]
dec ax
and di, ax ; mask to sector size
pop ax
shr eax, 7 ; e.g. 9-2 for 512 by/sect.
fat_afterss: ; selfmodifying code: previous byte is patched!
; (to hold the fat_secshift value)
add eax, [fat_start] ; absolute sector number now
mov bx, FATSEG
mov es, bx
sub bx, bx
cmp eax, [fat_sector] ; already buffered?
jz cn_buffered
mov [fat_sector],eax ; number of buffered sector
call readDisk
cn_buffered: and byte [es:di+3],0x0f ; mask out top 4 bits
mov eax, [es:di] ; read next cluster number
pop bx
pop di
pop es
; Convert cluster number to the absolute sector number
; ... or return carry if EndOfChain! Needs data_start.
; input: EAX - target cluster
; output: EAX - absolute sector
; EDX - [bsSectPerClust] (byte)
; carry clear
; (if carry set, EAX/EDX unchanged, end of chain)
cmp eax, 0x0ffffff8 ; if end of cluster chain...
jnb end_of_chain
; sector = (cluster-2) * clustersize + data_start
dec eax
dec eax
movzx edx, byte [bsSecPerClust]
dec dl ; spc - 1
inc dx ; spc
push edx
mul edx
pop edx
add eax, [data_start]
; here, carry is unset (unless parameters are wrong)
end_of_chain: stc ; indicate EOC by carry
; PRINT - prints string DS:SI
; modifies AX BX SI
printchar: xor bx, bx ; video page 0
mov ah, 0x0e ; print it
int 0x10 ; via TTY mode
print: lodsb ; get token
cmp al, 0 ; end of string?
jne printchar ; until done
ret ; return to caller
; Read a sector from disk, using LBA
; input: EAX - 32-bit DOS sector number
; ES:BX - destination buffer
; (will be filled with 1 sector of data)
; output: ES:BX points one byte after the last byte read.
; EAX - next sector
readDisk: push dx
push si
push di
read_next: push eax ; would ax be enough?
mov di, sp ; remember parameter block end
;--- db 0x66 ; operand size override (push dword)
push byte 0 ;XXX ; other half of the 32 bits at [C]
; (did not trust "o32 push byte 0" opcode)
push byte 0 ; [C] sector number high 32bit
push eax ; [8] sector number low 32bit
push es ; [6] buffer segment
push bx ; [4] buffer offset
push byte 1 ; [2] 1 sector (word)
push byte 16 ; [0] size of parameter block (word)
mov si, sp
mov dl, [drive]
mov ah, 42h ; disk read
int 0x13
mov sp, di ; remove parameter block from stack
; (without changing flags!)
pop eax ; would ax be enough?
jnc read_ok ; jump if no error
push ax ; !!
xor ah, ah ; else, reset and retry
int 0x13
pop ax ; !!
jmp read_next
read_ok: inc eax ; next sector
add bx, word [bsBytesPerSec]
jnc no_incr_es ; if overflow...
mov dx, es
add dh, 0x10 ; ...add 1000h to ES
mov es, dx
no_incr_es: pop di
pop si
pop dx
msg_LoadFreeDOS db "Loading FreeDOS ",0
times 0x01ee-$+$$ db 0
msg_BootError db "No "
; currently, only "kernel.sys not found" gives a message,
; but read errors in data or root or fat sectors do not.
filename db "KERNEL SYS"
sign dw 0, 0xAA55
; Win9x uses all 4 bytes as magic value here.