2015-05-27 12:34:01 +02:00
# Lynis
# ------------------
# Copyright 2007-2015, Michael Boelen (michael.boelen@cisofy.com)
# Web site: https://cisofy.com
# Lynis comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are
# welcome to redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
# See LICENSE file for usage of this software.
# Containers, Zones, Jails
InsertSection "Containers"
# Test : CONT-8004
# Description : Query running Solaris zones
if [ -x /usr/sbin/zoneadm ]; then PREQS_MET="YES"; else PREQS_MET="NO"; fi
Register --test-no CONT-8004 --os Solaris --weight L --network NO --description "Query running Solaris zones"
if [ ${SKIPTEST} -eq 0 ]; then
logtext "Test: query zoneadm to list all running zones"
FIND=`/usr/sbin/zoneadm list -p | awk -F: '{ if ($2!="global") print $0 }'`
if [ ! "${FIND}" = "" ]; then
for I in ${FIND}; do
N=`expr ${N} + 1`
ZONEID=`echo ${I} | cut -d ':' -f1`
ZONENAME=`echo ${I} | cut -d ':' -f2`
logtext "Result: found zone ${ZONENAME} (running)"
report "solaris_running_zone[]=${ZONENAME} [id:${ZONEID}]"
logtext "Result: total of ${N} running zones"
Display --indent 2 --text "- Checking Solaris Zones" --result "FOUND ${N} zones" --color GREEN
logtext "Result: no running zones found"
Display --indent 2 --text "- Checking Solaris Zones" --result NONE --color WHITE
# Test : CONT-1906
# Description : Query running Xen zones
#if [ -x /usr/bin/xm ]; then PREQS_MET="YES"; else PREQS_MET="NO"; fi
#Register --test-no CONT-1906 --weight L --network NO --description "Query Xen guests"
#if [ ${SKIPTEST} -eq 0 ]; then
# Show Xen guests
#FIND=`xm list | awk '$1 != "Name|Domain-0" {print $1","$2}'`
#for I in ${FIND}; do
#XENGUESTNAME=`echo ${I} | cut -d ':' -f1`
#XENGUESTID=`echo ${I} | cut -d ':' -f2`
#logtext "Result: found Xen guest ${XENGUESTNAME} (ID: ${XENGUESTID})"
# Test : CONT-8102
# Description : Checking Docker daemon status and basic information for later tests
Register --test-no CONT-8102 --weight L --network NO --description "Checking Docker status and information"
if [ ${SKIPTEST} -eq 0 ]; then
IsRunning "docker -d"
if [ ${RUNNING} -eq 1 ]; then
logtext "Result: found Docker daemon running"
report "docker_daemon_running=1"
Display --indent 4 --text "- Docker"
Display --indent 6 --text "- Docker daemon" --result RUNNING --color GREEN
# Test : CONT-8104
# Description : Checking Docker info for any warnings
# Notes : Hardening points are awarded, as usually warnings are the result of missing controls to restrict boundaries like memory
if [ ! "${DOCKERBINARY}" = "" ]; then PREQS_MET="YES"; else PREQS_MET="NO"; fi
Register --test-no CONT-8104 --preqs-met ${PREQS_MET} --weight L --network NO --description "Checking Docker info for any warnings"
if [ ${SKIPTEST} -eq 0 ]; then
logtext "Test: Check for any warnings"
FIND=`${DOCKERBINARY} info 2>&1 | grep "^WARNING:" | cut -d " " -f 2- | sed 's/ /:space:/g'`
if [ ! "${FIND}" = "" ]; then
logtext "Result: found warning(s) in output"
for I in ${FIND}; do
J=`echo ${I} | sed 's/:space:/ /g'`
logtext "Output: ${J}"
COUNT=`expr ${COUNT} + 1`
Display --indent 8 --text "- Docker info output (warnings)" --result "${COUNT}" --color RED
ReportSuggestion "${TEST_NO}" "Run 'docker info' to see warnings applicable to Docker daemon"
AddHP 3 4
logtext "Result: no warnings found from 'docker info' output"
Display --indent 8 --text "- Docker info output (warnings)" --result "NONE" --color GREEN
AddHP 1 1
# Test : CONT-8106
# Description : Checking Docker containers (basic stats)
# Notes : Hardening points are awarded, if there aren't a lot of stopped containers
if [ ! "${DOCKERBINARY}" = "" ]; then PREQS_MET="YES"; else PREQS_MET="NO"; fi
2015-09-01 16:10:16 +02:00
Register --test-no CONT-8106 --preqs-met ${PREQS_MET} --weight L --network NO --description "Gather basic stats from Docker"
2015-05-27 12:34:01 +02:00
if [ ${SKIPTEST} -eq 0 ]; then
Display --indent 6 --text "- Containers"
# Check total of containers
logtext "Test: checking total amount of Docker containers"
DOCKER_CONTAINERS_TOTAL=`${DOCKERBINARY} info 2> /dev/null | grep "^Containers: " | awk '{ print $2 }'`
2015-08-20 18:50:30 +02:00
if [ "${DOCKER_CONTAINERS_TOTAL}" = "" ]; then
2015-07-24 23:58:50 +02:00
2015-05-27 12:34:01 +02:00
logtext "Result: docker info shows ${DOCKER_CONTAINERS_TOTAL} containers"
DOCKER_CONTAINERS_TOTAL2=`${DOCKERBINARY} ps -a 2> /dev/null | grep -v "CONTAINER" | wc -l`
logtext "Result: docker ps -a shows ${DOCKER_CONTAINERS_TOTAL2} containers"
logtext "Result: difference detected, which is unexpected"
ReportSuggestion "${TEST_NO}" "Test output of both 'docker ps -a' and 'docker info', to determine why they report a different amount of containers"
Display --indent 8 --text "- Total containers" --result "UNKNOWN" --color RED
Display --indent 8 --text "- Total containers" --result "${DOCKER_CONTAINERS_TOTAL}" --color WHITE
# Check running instances
2015-07-24 23:58:50 +02:00
DOCKER_CONTAINERS_RUNNING=`${DOCKERBINARY} ps 2> /dev/null | grep -v "CONTAINER" | wc -l`
2015-05-27 12:34:01 +02:00
Display --indent 8 --text "- Running containers" --result "${DOCKER_CONTAINERS_RUNNING}" --color GREEN
if [ ${DOCKER_CONTAINERS_RUNNING} -gt 0 ]; then
logtext "Result: ${DOCKER_CONTAINERS_RUNNING} containers are currently active"
report "docker_containers_running=${DOCKER_CONTAINERS_RUNNING}"
logtext "Result: no active containers"
report "docker_containers_running=0"
# Check if there aren't too many unused containers on the system
if [ ${DOCKER_CONTAINERS_TOTAL} -gt 0 ]; then
if [ ${DOCKER_CONTAINERS_UNUSED} -gt 10 ]; then
ReportSuggestion "${TEST_NO}" "More than 10 unused containers found on the system. Clean up old containers by using output of 'docker ps -a' command"
Display --indent 8 --text "- Unused containers" --result "${DOCKER_CONTAINERS_UNUSED}" --color RED
AddHP 0 2
logtext "Result: found ${DOCKER_CONTAINERS_UNUSED} unused containers"
Display --indent 8 --text "- Unused containers" --result "${DOCKER_CONTAINERS_UNUSED}" --color YELLOW
AddHP 1 1
# Lynis - Copyright 2007-2015, CISOfy - https://cisofy.com