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# Lynis
# ------------------
# Copyright 2007-2013, Michael Boelen
# Copyright 2007-2019, CISOfy
# Website :
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# Lynis comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are
# welcome to redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
# See LICENSE file for usage of this software.
# # TODO create records on test domain
# # TODO after update even IP match can be checked to detect hijacking
2019-09-19 19:10:13 +02:00
# SIGOKDNS="" # address with good DNSSEC signature
# SIGFAILDNS="" # address with bad DNSSEC signature
# TIMEOUT=";; connection timed out; no servers could be reached"
# InsertSection "DNS"
# # Test : DNS-1600
# # Description : Validate DNSSEC signiture is checked
# Register --test-no DNS-1600 --weight L --network YES --category security --description "Validate DNSSEC igniture is checked"
# if [ "${SKIPTEST}" -eq 0 ]; then
2019-07-16 13:20:30 +02:00
# if [ -n "${DIGBINARY}" ]; then
# GOOD=$("${DIGBINARY}" +short +time=1 $SIGOKDNS)
# BAD=$("${DIGBINARY}" +short +time=1 $SIGFAILDNS)
# if [ "${GOOD}" = "${TIMEOUT}" -a "${BAD}" = "${TIMEOUT}" ]; then
# LogText "Result: received timeout, can't determine DNSSEC validation"
# Display --indent 4 --text "- Checking DNSSEC validation" --result "${STATUS_UNKOWN}" --color YELLOW
# #ReportException "${TEST_NO}" "Exception found, both query failed, due to connection timeout"
2019-07-16 13:20:30 +02:00
# elif [ -z "${GOOD}" -a -n "${BAD}" ]; then
# LogText "Result: good signature failed, yet bad signature was accepted"
# Display --indent 4 --text "- Checking DNSSEC validation" --result "${STATUS_UNKOWN}" --color YELLOW
# #ReportException "${TEST_NO}" "Exception found, OK failed, bad signature was accepted"
2019-07-16 13:20:30 +02:00
# elif [ -n "${GOOD}" -a -n "${BAD}" ]; then
# Display --indent 4 --text "- Checking DNSSEC validation" --result "${STATUS_SUGGESTION}" --color YELLOW
# LogText "Note: Using DNSSEC validation can protect from DNS hijacking"
# #ReportSuggestion "${TEST_NO}" "Altered DNS queries are accepted, configure DNSSEC valdating name servers"
# AddHP 2 2
2019-07-16 13:20:30 +02:00
# elif [ -n "${GOOD}" -a -z "${BAD}" ]; then
# Display --indent 4 --text "- Checking DNSSEC validation" --result "${STATUS_OK}" --color GREEN
# LogText "Result: altered DNS responses were ignored"
# AddHP 0 2
# fi
# else
# Display --indent 4 --text "- DNSSEC validation" --result "${STATUS_SKIPPED}" --color YELLOW
# LogText "Result: dig not installed, test can't be fully performed"
# fi
# else
# LogText "Result: Test was skipped"
# fi