Non printable ESC character is required to obtain terminal escape
sequence i.e. for changing output color.
Such sequences (especially ESC character) were replaced by command
substitution producing exactly same result (variable value), but using
only "safe" characters.
Use of printf and especialy '\033' or '\0ddd' sequences is described
Use of $(command) or command substitution is described here:
Verbatim TAB characters were replaced with \t escape sequence as
described to avoid problems with editors silently replacing them or
developer accidentialy messing up the regex.
* fix missing ROOTDIR prefix
* sort list of services before processing
* sort list of certificates before processing
* sort list of startup scripts before processing
* spell check
* remove possessive pronoun
* Typo fix.
* Style change: always use $(), never ``.
The Lynis code already mostly used $(), but backticks were sprinkled
around. Converted all of them.
* Lots of minor spelling/typo fixes.
FWIW these were found with:
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 cat | aspell list | sort -u | egrep '^[a-z]+$' | less
And then reviewing the list to pick out things that looked like
misspelled words as opposed to variables, etc., and then manual
inspection of context to determine the intention.
When a Apache config directive is in use, it has whitespace(s) or nothing at all prepended. Assuming that it always has a space before it doesn't have to match.