#!/bin/sh ################################################################################# # # Lynis # ------------------ # # Copyright (c) Michael Boelen, CISOfy, and many contributors. # # Website : https://cisofy.com/ # Blog : https://linux-audit.com/ # GitHub : https://github.com/CISOfy/lynis # # Lynis comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are # welcome to redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. # See LICENSE file for usage of this software. # ################################################################################# # # Report # ################################################################################# # # Add additional data fields to the report file at the end of the scan Report "dhcp_client_running=${DHCP_CLIENT_RUNNING}" Report "arpwatch_running=${ARPWATCH_RUNNING}" # Report firewall installed for now, if we found one active. Next step would be determining binaries first and apply additional checks. Report "firewall_active=${FIREWALL_ACTIVE}" Report "firewall_empty_ruleset=${FIREWALL_EMPTY_RULESET}" Report "firewall_installed=${FIREWALL_ACTIVE}" if [ -n "${INSTALLED_PACKAGES}" ]; then Report "installed_packages_array=${INSTALLED_PACKAGES}"; fi Report "package_audit_tool=${PACKAGE_AUDIT_TOOL}" Report "package_audit_tool_found=${PACKAGE_AUDIT_TOOL_FOUND}" Report "vulnerable_packages_found=${VULNERABLE_PACKAGES_FOUND}" # ################################################################################# # # Hardening Index # # Goal: # Provide a visual way to show how much the system is hardened # # Important: # The index gives a simplified version of the measures taken on the system. # It should be used to get a first impression about the state of the system or to compare similar systems. # Getting the maximum score (100 or full bar) does not indicate that the system is fully secured. # If no hardening has been found, set value to 1 if [ ${HPPOINTS} -eq 0 ]; then HPPOINTS=1; HPTOTAL=100; fi HPINDEX=$((HPPOINTS * 100 / HPTOTAL)) HPAOBLOCKS=$((HPPOINTS * 20 / HPTOTAL)) # Set color related to rating if [ ${HPINDEX} -lt 50 ]; then HPCOLOR="${RED}" HIDESCRIPTION="System has not or a low amount been hardened" elif [ ${HPINDEX} -gt 49 -a ${HPINDEX} -lt 80 ]; then HPCOLOR="${YELLOW}" HIDESCRIPTION="System has been hardened, but could use additional hardening" elif [ ${HPINDEX} -gt 79 -a ${HPINDEX} -lt 90 ]; then HPCOLOR="${GREEN}" HIDESCRIPTION="System seem to be decent hardened" elif [ ${HPINDEX} -gt 89 ]; then HPCOLOR="${GREEN}" HIDESCRIPTION="System seem to be well hardened" fi case ${HPAOBLOCKS} in 0) HPBLOCKS="#"; HPEMPTY=" " ;; 1) HPBLOCKS="#"; HPEMPTY=" " ;; 2) HPBLOCKS="##"; HPEMPTY=" " ;; 3) HPBLOCKS="###"; HPEMPTY=" " ;; 4) HPBLOCKS="####"; HPEMPTY=" " ;; 5) HPBLOCKS="#####"; HPEMPTY=" " ;; 6) HPBLOCKS="######"; HPEMPTY=" " ;; 7) HPBLOCKS="#######"; HPEMPTY=" " ;; 8) HPBLOCKS="########"; HPEMPTY=" " ;; 9) HPBLOCKS="#########"; HPEMPTY=" " ;; 10) HPBLOCKS="##########"; HPEMPTY=" " ;; 11) HPBLOCKS="###########"; HPEMPTY=" " ;; 12) HPBLOCKS="############"; HPEMPTY=" " ;; 13) HPBLOCKS="#############"; HPEMPTY=" " ;; 14) HPBLOCKS="##############"; HPEMPTY=" " ;; 15) HPBLOCKS="###############"; HPEMPTY=" " ;; 16) HPBLOCKS="################"; HPEMPTY=" " ;; 17) HPBLOCKS="#################"; HPEMPTY=" " ;; 18) HPBLOCKS="##################"; HPEMPTY=" " ;; 19) HPBLOCKS="###################"; HPEMPTY=" " ;; 20) HPBLOCKS="####################"; HPEMPTY="" ;; esac HPGRAPH="[${HPCOLOR}${HPBLOCKS}${NORMAL}${HPEMPTY}]" LogText "Hardening index : [${HPINDEX}] [${HPBLOCKS}${HPEMPTY}]" LogText "Hardening strength: ${HIDESCRIPTION}" # ################################################################################# # # Only show overview if not running in quiet mode if [ ${QUIET} -eq 0 ]; then echo ""; echo "================================================================================" echo ""; echo " -[ ${WHITE}${PROGRAM_NAME} ${PROGRAM_VERSION} Results${NORMAL} ]-" echo ""; if [ ${SHOW_REPORT} -eq 1 ]; then LogTextBreak # Show test results overview if [ -z "${CONTROL_URL_PROTOCOL}" ]; then CONTROL_URL_PROTOCOL="https"; fi if [ -z "${CONTROL_URL_PREPEND}" ]; then CONTROL_URL_PREPEND="cisofy.com/lynis/controls/"; fi if [ -z "${CONTROL_URL_APPEND}" ]; then CONTROL_URL_APPEND="/"; fi if [ -z "${CUSTOM_URL_PROTOCOL}" ]; then CUSTOM_URL_PROTOCOL="https"; fi if [ -z "${CUSTOM_URL_PREPEND}" ]; then CUSTOM_URL_PREPEND="your-domain.example.org/controls/"; fi if [ -z "${CUSTOM_URL_APPEND}" ]; then CUSTOM_URL_APPEND="/"; fi # Show warnings from logfile SWARNINGS=$(${GREPBINARY} 'Warning: ' ${LOGFILE} | sed 's/ /!space!/g') if [ -z "${SWARNINGS}" ]; then echo " ${OK}Great, no warnings${NORMAL}"; echo "" else echo " ${WARNING}Warnings${NORMAL} (${TOTAL_WARNINGS}):" echo " ${WHITE}----------------------------${NORMAL}" for WARNING in ${SWARNINGS}; do SOLUTION="" SHOWWARNING=$(echo ${WARNING} | sed 's/!space!/ /g' | sed 's/^.* Warning: //' | sed 's/\[details:\(.*\)\] \[solution:\(.*\)\]//' | sed 's/test://') ADDLINK=$(echo ${WARNING} | sed 's/!space!/ /g' | sed 's/^.* Warning: \(.*\)\[test://' | sed 's/\]\(.*\)]//' | ${AWKBINARY} -F: '{print $1}') DETAILS=$(echo ${WARNING} | sed 's/!space!/ /g' | sed 's/^.* Warning: \(.*\)\[details://' | sed 's/\]\(.*\)]//') SUGGESTION_PIECES=$(echo ${WARNING} | sed 's/\[/ [/g') for PIECE in ${SUGGESTION_PIECES}; do if [ -z "${SOLUTION}" ]; then SEARCH=$(echo ${PIECE} | grep "^\[solution:") if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then SOLUTION=$(echo ${SEARCH} | sed 's/!space!/ /g' | sed 's/solution://' | sed 's/text://' | tr -d '[]'); fi fi done IS_CUSTOM=$(echo ${ADDLINK} | grep "^CUST") echo " ${RED}!${NORMAL} ${SHOWWARNING}" if [ ! "${DETAILS}" = "-" -a -n "${DETAILS}" ]; then echo " - Details : ${CYAN}${DETAILS}${NORMAL}"; fi if [ ${SHOW_REPORT_SOLUTION} -eq 1 -a ! "${SOLUTION}" = "-" ]; then echo " - Solution : ${SOLUTION}"; fi if [ -z "${IS_CUSTOM}" ]; then echo " ${CONTROL_URL_PROTOCOL}://${CONTROL_URL_PREPEND}${ADDLINK}${CONTROL_URL_APPEND}" else echo " ${CUSTOM_URL_PROTOCOL}://${CUSTOM_URL_PREPEND}${ADDLINK}${CUSTOM_URL_APPEND}" fi echo "" done fi # Show suggestions from logfile SUGGESTIONS=$(${GREPBINARY} 'Suggestion: ' ${LOGFILE} | sed 's/ /!space!/g') if [ -z "${SUGGESTIONS}" ]; then echo " ${OK}No suggestions${NORMAL}"; echo "" else echo " ${YELLOW}Suggestions${NORMAL} (${TOTAL_SUGGESTIONS}):" echo " ${WHITE}----------------------------${NORMAL}" for SUGGESTION in ${SUGGESTIONS}; do SOLUTION="" SHOWSUGGESTION=$(echo ${SUGGESTION} | sed 's/!space!/ /g' | sed 's/^.* Suggestion: //' | sed 's/\[details:\(.*\)\] \[solution:\(.*\)\]//' | sed 's/test://') RELATED_CONTROL=$(echo ${SUGGESTION} | sed 's/!space!/ /g' | sed 's/^.* Suggestion: \(.*\)\[test://' | sed 's/\]\(.*\)]//' | ${AWKBINARY} -F: '{print $1}') ADDLINK="${RELATED_CONTROL}" DETAILS=$(echo ${SUGGESTION} | sed 's/!space!/ /g' | sed 's/^.* Suggestion: \(.*\)\[details://' | sed 's/\]\(.*\)]//') SUGGESTION_PIECES=$(echo ${SUGGESTION} | sed 's/\[/ [/g') for PIECE in ${SUGGESTION_PIECES}; do if [ -z "${SOLUTION}" ]; then SEARCH=$(echo ${PIECE} | grep "^\[solution:") if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then SOLUTION=$(echo ${SEARCH} | sed 's/!space!/ /g' | sed 's/solution://' | sed 's/text://' | tr -d '[]'); fi fi done IS_CUSTOM=$(echo ${ADDLINK} | grep "^CUST") echo " ${YELLOW}*${NORMAL} ${SHOWSUGGESTION}" if [ ! "${DETAILS}" = "-" -a -n "${DETAILS}" ]; then echo " - Details : ${CYAN}${DETAILS}${NORMAL}"; fi if [ ${SHOW_REPORT_SOLUTION} -eq 1 -a ! "${SOLUTION}" = "-" ]; then echo " - Solution : ${SOLUTION}"; fi # Show relevant articles if the database is available if [ -f ${DBDIR}/control-links.db ]; then echo " - Related resources" ARTICLES=$($AWKBINARY -F \; -v control=${RELATED_CONTROL} '{if($1==control && $2=="blog"){print $2";"$3";"$4";"}}' "${DBDIR}/control-links.db" | sed 's/ /!space!/g') if [ -n "${ARTICLES}" ]; then for ITEM in ${ARTICLES}; do ITEM=$(echo ${ITEM} | sed 's/!space!/ /g') ARTICLE=$(echo ${ITEM} | awk -F\; '{print $2}') ARTICLE_LINK=$(echo ${ITEM} | awk -F\; '{print $3}') echo " * Article: ${CYAN}${ARTICLE}${NORMAL}: ${ARTICLE_LINK}" done fi fi if [ -z "${IS_CUSTOM}" ]; then echo " * Website: ${GRAY}${CONTROL_URL_PROTOCOL}://${CONTROL_URL_PREPEND}${ADDLINK}${CONTROL_URL_APPEND}${NORMAL}" else echo " * Details: ${GRAY}${CUSTOM_URL_PROTOCOL}://${CUSTOM_URL_PREPEND}${ADDLINK}${CUSTOM_URL_APPEND}${NORMAL}" fi echo "" done fi # Show tip on how to continue (next steps) if [ ! "${SWARNINGS}" = "" -o ! "${SUGGESTIONS}" = "" ]; then echo " ${CYAN}Follow-up${NORMAL}:" echo " ${WHITE}----------------------------${NORMAL}" echo " ${WHITE}-${NORMAL} Show details of a test (lynis show details TEST-ID)" echo " ${WHITE}-${NORMAL} Check the logfile for all details (less ${LOGFILE})" echo " ${WHITE}-${NORMAL} Read security controls texts (https://cisofy.com)" if [ ${UPLOAD_DATA} -eq 0 ]; then echo " ${WHITE}-${NORMAL} Use --upload to upload data to central system (Lynis Enterprise users)"; fi echo "" fi echo "================================================================================" echo "" echo " ${WHITE}Lynis security scan details${NORMAL}:" echo "" echo " ${CYAN}Hardening index${NORMAL} : ${WHITE}${HPINDEX}${NORMAL} ${HPGRAPH}" echo " ${CYAN}Tests performed${NORMAL} : ${WHITE}${CTESTS_PERFORMED}${NORMAL}" if [ ${SKIP_PLUGINS} -eq 0 ]; then echo " ${CYAN}Plugins enabled${NORMAL} : ${WHITE}${N_PLUGIN_ENABLED}${NORMAL}" else echo " ${CYAN}Plugins enabled${NORMAL} : ${WHITE}Skipped${NORMAL}" fi echo "" echo " ${WHITE}Components${NORMAL}:" if [ ${FIREWALL_ACTIVE} -eq 1 ]; then FIREWALL="${GREEN}V"; else FIREWALL="${RED}X"; fi if [ ${MALWARE_SCANNER_INSTALLED} -eq 1 ]; then MALWARE="${GREEN}V"; else MALWARE="${RED}X"; fi if [ ${IDS_IPS_TOOL_FOUND} -eq 1 ]; then IDSIPS="${GREEN}V"; else IDSIPS="${RED}X"; fi echo " - Firewall [${FIREWALL}${NORMAL}]" #echo " - Integrity monitoring [${IDSIPS}${NORMAL}]" #echo " - Intrusion software [${IDSIPS}${NORMAL}]" echo " - Malware scanner [${MALWARE}${NORMAL}]" echo "" echo " ${SECTION}Scan mode${NORMAL}:" if [ ${DEVOPS_MODE} -eq 1 ]; then echo " Normal [ ] Forensics [ ] Integration [V] Pentest [ ]" elif [ ${FORENSICS_MODE} -eq 1 ]; then echo " Normal [ ] Forensics [V] Integration [ ] Pentest [ ]" elif [ ${PENTESTINGMODE} -eq 1 ]; then if [ ${PRIVILEGED} -eq 0 ]; then echo " Normal [ ] Forensics [ ] Integration [ ] Pentest [V] (running non-privileged)" else echo " Normal [ ] Forensics [ ] Integration [ ] Pentest [V] (running privileged)" fi else echo " Normal [V] Forensics [ ] Integration [ ] Pentest [ ]" fi echo "" echo " ${SECTION}Lynis modules${NORMAL}:" if [ ${COMPLIANCE_TESTS_PERFORMED} -eq 1 ]; then if [ ${COMPLIANCE_FINDINGS_FOUND} -eq 0 ]; then COMPLIANCE="${GREEN}V"; else COMPLIANCE="${RED}X"; fi else COMPLIANCE="${YELLOW}?" fi echo " - Compliance status [${COMPLIANCE}${NORMAL}]" echo " - Security audit [${GREEN}V${NORMAL}]" echo " - Vulnerability scan [${GREEN}V${NORMAL}]" echo "" echo " ${SECTION}Files${NORMAL}:" echo " - Test and debug information : ${WHITE}${LOGFILE}${NORMAL}" echo " - Report data : ${WHITE}${REPORTFILE}${NORMAL}" echo "" echo "================================================================================" if [ ${PROGRAM_LV} -gt ${PROGRAM_AC} ]; then echo " ${NOTICE}Notice: ${WHITE}${PROGRAM_NAME} ${GEN_UPDATE_AVAILABLE}${NORMAL}" echo " ${GEN_CURRENT_VERSION} : ${WHITE}${PROGRAM_AC}${NORMAL} ${GEN_LATEST_VERSION} : ${WHITE}${PROGRAM_LV}${NORMAL}" echo "================================================================================" else ########################################################################################### # # Software quality program # Only provide this hint when the tool is at the latest version # ########################################################################################### if [ ! "${PROGRAM_LV}" = "0" -a ! "${REPORTFILE}" = "" -a ! "${REPORTFILE}" = "/dev/null" ]; then # Determine if the quality of the program can be increased by filtering out the exceptions FIND=$(${GREPBINARY} "^exception" ${REPORTFILE}) if [ -n "${FIND}" ]; then echo "" echo " ${RED}${NOTE_EXCEPTIONS_FOUND}${NORMAL}" echo " ${WHITE}${NOTE_EXCEPTIONS_FOUND_DETAILED}!${NORMAL}" echo "" echo " ${CYAN}${GEN_WHAT_TO_DO}:${NORMAL}" echo " ${TEXT_YOU_CAN_HELP_LOGFILE} (${LOGFILE})." echo " Go to https://cisofy.com/contact/ and send your file to the e-mail address listed" echo "" echo "================================================================================" fi fi fi # Display what tests are skipped in non-privileged scan for awareness if [ ${PENTESTINGMODE} -eq 1 -a ! "${SKIPPED_TESTS_ROOTONLY}" = "" ]; then echo "" echo " ${PURPLE}${NOTE_SKIPPED_TESTS_NON_PRIVILEGED}${NORMAL}" FIND=$(echo ${SKIPPED_TESTS_ROOTONLY} | sed 's/ /:space:/g') # Split entries FIND=$(echo ${FIND} | sed 's/====/ /g') # Display found entries for ITEM in ${FIND}; do OUTPUT=$(echo ${ITEM} | sed 's/:space:/ /g') echo " ${OUTPUT}" done echo "" echo "================================================================================" fi echo "" fi fi # Report data, even if it is not displayed on screen Report "hardening_index=${HPINDEX}" if [ ${QUIET} -eq 0 ]; then echo " ${WHITE}${PROGRAM_NAME}${NORMAL} ${PROGRAM_VERSION}" echo "" echo " Auditing, system hardening, and compliance for UNIX-based systems" echo " (Linux, macOS, BSD, and others)" echo "" echo " ${PROGRAM_COPYRIGHT}" echo " ${WHITE}${PROGRAM_EXTRAINFO}${NORMAL}" echo "" echo "================================================================================" fi # EOF