
  Lynis - Installation instructions


  Author:                   2007-2013, Michael Boelen (michael.boelen@cisofy.com)
                            2013-2016, CISOfy development team
  Description:              Security and system auditing tool
  Web site:                 https://cisofy.com
  Support:                  See 'Support' and https://cisofy.com/support/
  Documentation:            See web site, README, FAQ and CHANGELOG file


[+] Run directly

  Lynis can be executed directly (unpack tarball, enter lynis directory).

  # sh lynis
  # ./lynis

  Root privileges are preferred for full audits.

[+] Installation

  If you want to install Lynis, see the README file (section: Installation) for
  more tips about how to install or create a custom package.

  Packages are available via https://packages.cisofy.com

[+] Documentation

  Documentation about Lynis can be found in the man page (man lynis, or
  lynis --man-page), README file and website. Also the FAQ file covers some
  often asked questions.

 Lynis - Copyright 2007-2019, Michael Boelen, CISOfy - https://cisofy.com