#!/bin/sh ################################################################################# # # Lynis # ------------------ # # Copyright 2007-2015, Michael Boelen (michael.boelen@cisofy.com) # Web site: https://cisofy.com # # Lynis comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are # welcome to redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. # See LICENSE file for usage of this software. # ################################################################################# # # SSH # ################################################################################# # SSH_DAEMON_CONFIG_LOCS="/etc /etc/ssh /usr/local/etc/ssh /opt/csw/etc/ssh" SSH_DAEMON_CONFIG="" SSH_DAEMON_PORT="" SSH_DAEMON_RUNNING=0 # ################################################################################# # InsertSection "SSH Support" # ################################################################################# # # Test : SSH-7402 # Description : Check for a running SSH daemon Register --test-no SSH-7402 --weight L --network NO --description "Check for running SSH daemon" if [ ${SKIPTEST} -eq 0 ]; then logtext "Test: Searching for a SSH daemon" IsRunning sshd if [ ${RUNNING} -eq 1 ]; then SSH_DAEMON_RUNNING=1 Display --indent 2 --text "- Checking running SSH daemon" --result FOUND --color GREEN else Display --indent 2 --text "- Checking running SSH daemon" --result "NOT FOUND" --color WHITE fi fi # ################################################################################# # # Test : SSH-7404 # Description : Determine SSH daemon configuration file location if [ ${SSH_DAEMON_RUNNING} -eq 1 ]; then PREQS_MET="YES"; else PREQS_MET="NO"; fi Register --test-no SSH-7404 --preqs-met ${PREQS_MET} --weight L --network NO --description "Check SSH daemon file location" if [ ${SKIPTEST} -eq 0 ]; then FOUND=0 logtext "Test: searching for sshd_config file" for I in ${SSH_DAEMON_CONFIG_LOCS}; do if [ -f "${I}/sshd_config" ]; then logtext "Result: ${I}/sshd_config exists" if [ ${FOUND} -eq 1 ]; then ReportException "${TEST_NO}:01" logtext "Result: we already had found another sshd_config file. Using this new file then." fi FileIsReadable ${I}/sshd_config if [ ${CANREAD} -eq 1 ]; then FOUND=1 SSH_DAEMON_CONFIG="${I}/sshd_config" else logtext "Result: can not read ${I}/sshd_config file (no permission)" fi fi done if [ "${SSH_DAEMON_CONFIG}" = "" ]; then logtext "Result: No sshd configuration found" Display --indent 4 --text "- Searching SSH configuration" --result "NOT FOUND" --color YELLOW ReportException "${TEST_NO}:1" "SSH daemon is running, but no readable configuration file found" else logtext "Result: using last found configuration file: ${SSH_DAEMON_CONFIG}" Display --indent 4 --text "- Searching SSH configuration" --result FOUND --color GREEN fi fi # ################################################################################# # # Test : SSH-7408 # Description : Check SSH specific defined options if [ ${SSH_DAEMON_RUNNING} -eq 1 -a ! "${SSH_DAEMON_CONFIG}" = "" ]; then PREQS_MET="YES"; else PREQS_MET="NO"; fi Register --test-no SSH-7408 --preqs-met ${PREQS_MET} --weight L --network NO --description "Check SSH specific defined options" if [ ${SKIPTEST} -eq 0 ]; then logtext "Test: Checking specific defined options in ${SSH_DAEMON_CONFIG}" ## SSHOPTIONS scheme: ## :,, ## Example: ## PermitRootLogin:NO,WITHOUT-PASSWORD,YES SSHOPS="Protocol:2,,1\ PermitRootLogin:NO,WITHOUT-PASSWORD,YES\ StrictModes:YES,,NO\ VerifyReverseMapping:YES,,NO\ IgnoreRhosts:YES,,NO\ UseDNS:YES,,NO\ X11Forwarding:NO,,YES\ PrintLastLog:YES,,NO" for I in ${SSHOPS}; do OPTIONNAME=`echo ${I} | cut -d ':' -f1` EXPECTEDVALUE=`echo ${I} | cut -d ':' -f2 | cut -d',' -f1` MEDIUMSCOREDVALUE=`echo ${I} | cut -d ':' -f2 | cut -d',' -f2` WRONGVALUE=`echo ${I} | cut -d ':' -f2 | cut -d',' -f3` FOUNDVALUE=`awk -v OPT="${OPTIONNAME}" 'index($0, OPT) == 1 { print toupper($2) }' ${SSH_DAEMON_CONFIG}` logtext "Test: Checking ${OPTIONNAME} in ${SSH_DAEMON_CONFIG}" if [ ! "${FOUNDVALUE}" = "" ]; then logtext "Result: Option ${OPTIONNAME} found in ${SSH_DAEMON_CONFIG}" logtext "Result: Option ${OPTIONNAME} value is ${FOUNDVALUE}" if [ "${FOUNDVALUE}" = "${EXPECTEDVALUE}" ]; then logtext "Result: SSH option ${OPTIONNAME} is configured very well" Display --indent 4 --text "- SSH option: ${OPTIONNAME}" --result OK --color GREEN AddHP 3 3 elif [ "${FOUNDVALUE}" = "${MEDIUMSCOREDVALUE}" ]; then logtext "Result: SSH option ${OPTIONNAME} is configured totally wrong" ReportSuggestion ${TEST_NO} "Harder SSH option: ${OPTIONNAME}" Display --indent 4 --text "- SSH option: ${OPTIONNAME}" --result "MEDIUM" --color YELLOW AddHP 1 3 elif [ "${FOUNDVALUE}" = "${WRONGVALUE}" ]; then logtext "Result: SSH option ${OPTIONNAME} is configured totally wrong" ReportWarning ${TEST_NO} "M" "Unsafe configured SSH option: ${OPTIONNAME}" ReportSuggestion ${TEST_NO} "Reconfigure ${OPTIONNAME}" Display --indent 4 --text "- SSH option: ${OPTIONNAME}" --result WARNING --color RED AddHP 0 3 else logtext "Result: Value of SSH option ${OPTIONNAME} is unknown (not defined)" Display --indent 4 --text "- SSH option: ${OPTIONNAME}" --result DEFAULT --color WHITE fi else logtext "Result: Option ${OPTIONNAME} not found in ${SSH_DAEMON_CONFIG}" Display --indent 4 --text "- SSH option: ${OPTIONNAME}" --result "NOT FOUND" --color WHITE fi done fi # ################################################################################# # # Test : SSH-7440 # Description : AllowUsers / AllowGroups # Goal : Check if only a specific amount of users/groups can log in to the system if [ ${SSH_DAEMON_RUNNING} -eq 1 -a ! "${SSH_DAEMON_CONFIG}" = "" ]; then PREQS_MET="YES"; else PREQS_MET="NO"; fi Register --test-no SSH-7440 --preqs-met ${PREQS_MET} --weight L --network NO --description "Check SSH option: AllowUsers and AllowGroups" if [ ${SKIPTEST} -eq 0 ]; then FOUND=0 # AllowUsers FIND=`egrep "^AllowUsers" ${SSH_DAEMON_CONFIG} | awk '{ print $2 }'` if [ ! "${FIND}" = "" ]; then logtext "Result: AllowUsers set, with value ${FIND}" Display --indent 4 --text "- SSH option: AllowUsers" --result FOUND --color GREEN FOUND=1 else logtext "Result: AllowUsers is not set" Display --indent 4 --text "- SSH option: AllowUsers" --result "NOT FOUND" --color WHITE fi # AllowGroups FIND=`egrep "^AllowGroups" ${SSH_DAEMON_CONFIG} | awk '{ print $2 }'` if [ ! "${FIND}" = "" ]; then logtext "Result: AllowUsers set ${FIND}" Display --indent 4 --text "- SSH option: AllowGroups" --result FOUND --color GREEN FOUND=1 else logtext "Result: AllowGroups is not set" Display --indent 4 --text "- SSH option: AllowGroups" --result "NOT FOUND" --color WHITE fi if [ ${FOUND} -eq 1 ]; then logtext "Result: SSH is limited to a specific set of users, which is good" AddHP 2 2 else logtext "Result: SSH has no specific user or group limitation. Most likely all valid users can SSH to this machine." AddHP 0 1 fi fi # ################################################################################# # report "ssh_daemon_running=${SSH_DAEMON_RUNNING}" #report "ssh_daemon_port=${SSH_DAEMON_PORT}" wait_for_keypress # #================================================================================ # Lynis - Copyright 2007-2015, Michael Boelen, CISOfy - https://cisofy.com