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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Find all the symbols in scintilla/include/Scintilla.h and check if they
# are mentioned in scintilla/doc/ScintillaDoc.html.
# Requires Python 3.6 or later
import re, string, sys
srcRoot = "../.."
sys.path.append(srcRoot + "/scintilla/scripts")
import Face
uninteresting = {
# These archaic names are #defined to the Sci_ prefixed modern equivalents.
# They are not documented so they are not used in new code.
"CharacterRange", "TextRange", "TextToFind", "RangeToFormat", "NotifyHeader",
incFileName = srcRoot + "/scintilla/include/Scintilla.h"
docFileName = srcRoot + "/scintilla/doc/ScintillaDoc.html"
identCharacters = "_" + string.ascii_letters + string.digits
# Convert all punctuation characters except '_' into spaces.
def depunctuate(s):
d = ""
for ch in s:
if ch in identCharacters:
d = d + ch
d = d + " "
return d
symbols = {}
with open(incFileName, "rt") as incFile:
for line in incFile.readlines():
if line.startswith("#define"):
identifier = line.split()[1]
symbols[identifier] = 0
with open(docFileName, "rt") as docFile:
for line in docFile.readlines():
for word in depunctuate(line).split():
if word in symbols.keys():
symbols[word] = 1
def convertIFaceTypeToC(t):
if t == "keymod":
return "int "
elif t == "string":
return "const char *"
elif t == "stringresult":
return "char *"
elif t == "cells":
return "cell *"
elif t == "textrange":
return "Sci_TextRange *"
elif t == "findtext":
return "Sci_TextToFind *"
elif t == "formatrange":
return "Sci_RangeToFormat *"
elif t == "textrangefull":
return "Sci_TextRangeFull *"
elif t == "findtextfull":
return "Sci_TextToFindFull *"
elif t == "formatrangefull":
return "Sci_RangeToFormatFull *"
elif Face.IsEnumeration(t):
return "int "
return t + " "
def makeParm(t, n, v):
return (convertIFaceTypeToC(t) + n).rstrip()
def makeSig(params):
p1 = makeParm(params["Param1Type"], params["Param1Name"], params["Param1Value"])
p2 = makeParm(params["Param2Type"], params["Param2Name"], params["Param2Value"])
retType = params["ReturnType"]
if retType in ["void", "string", "stringresult"]:
retType = ""
elif Face.IsEnumeration(retType):
retType = "int"
if retType:
retType = " → " + retType
if p1 == "" and p2 == "":
return retType
if p1 == "":
p1 = "<unused>"
joiner = ""
if p2 != "":
joiner = ", "
return "(" + p1 + joiner + p2 + ")" + retType
pathIface = srcRoot + "/scintilla/include/Scintilla.iface"
def retrieveFeatures():
face = Face.Face()
sciToFeature = {}
sccToValue = { "true":"1", "false":"0", "EN_SETFOCUS":"256", "EN_KILLFOCUS":"512"}
for name in face.order:
v = face.features[name]
if v["FeatureType"] in ["fun", "get", "set"]:
featureDefineName = "SCI_" + name.upper()
sciToFeature[featureDefineName] = name
elif v["FeatureType"] in ["val"]:
featureDefineName = name.upper()
sccToValue[featureDefineName] = v["Value"]
elif v["FeatureType"] in ["evt"]:
featureDefineName = "SCN_" + name.upper()
sccToValue[featureDefineName] = v["Value"]
return (face, sciToFeature, sccToValue)
def flattenSpaces(s):
return s.replace("\n", " ").replace(" ", " ").replace(" ", " ").replace(" ", " ").strip()
def printCtag(ident, path):
print(ident.strip() + "\t" + path + "\t" + "/^" + ident + "$/")
showCTags = True
def checkDocumentation():
with open(docFileName, "rt") as docFile:
docs =
face, sciToFeature, sccToValue = retrieveFeatures()
headers = {}
definitions = {}
# Examine header sections which point to definitions
#<a class="message" href="#SCI_SETLAYOUTCACHE">SCI_SETLAYOUTCACHE(int cacheMode)</a><br />
dirPattern = re.compile(r'<a class="message" href="#([A-Z0-9_]+)">([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_() *&;,\n]+)</a>')
for api, sig in re.findall(dirPattern, docs):
sigApi = re.split('\W+', sig)[0]
sigFlat = flattenSpaces(sig)
sigFlat = sigFlat.replace('colouralpha ', 'xxxx ') # Temporary to avoid next line
sigFlat = sigFlat.replace('alpha ', 'int ')
sigFlat = sigFlat.replace('xxxx ', 'colouralpha ')
sigFlat = sigFlat.replace("document *", "int ")
sigFlat = sigFlat.rstrip()
if '(' in sigFlat or api.startswith("SCI_"):
name = sciToFeature[api]
sigFromFace = api + makeSig(face.features[name])
if sigFlat != sigFromFace:
print(sigFlat, "|", sigFromFace)
if showCTags:
printCtag(api, docFileName)
#~ printCtag(" " + name, pathIface)
if api != sigApi:
print(sigApi, ";;", sig, ";;", api)
headers[api] = 1
# Warns for most keyboard commands so not enabled
#~ for api in sorted(sciToFeature.keys()):
#~ if api not in headers:
#~ print("No header for ", api)
Update to Scintilla 5.3.2 and Lexilla 5.2.1 update to with: Released 6 December 2022. Add SCI_REPLACETARGETMINIMAL to change text without causing unchanged prefix and suffix to be marked as modified in change history. Draw background colour for EOL annotations with standard and boxed visuals. Add SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXTFULL to support 64-bit document positions on Win32 replacing SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXT which is not safe for huge documents. Feature #1455. Send SCN_AUTOCCOMPLETED for SCI_AUTOCSHOW triggering insertion because of SCI_AUTOCSETCHOOSESINGLE mode. Feature #1459. Change 'paragraph up' commands SCI_PARAUP and SCI_PARAUPEXTEND to go to the start position of the paragraph containing the caret. Only if the caret is already at the start of the paragraph will it go to the start of the previous paragraph. Bug #2363. Change release compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. On Win32, avoid blurry display with DirectWrite in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344. On Win32, use the top-level window to find the monitor for DirectWrite rendering parameters. Temporarily switch DPI awareness to find correct monitor in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344. On Qt, implement SCI_SETRECTANGULARSELECTIONMODIFIER for all platforms. On Qt, allow string form XPM images for SCI_REGISTERIMAGE. and with Released 6 December 2022. Update to Unicode 14. Feature #1461. Change default compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. Batch: Fix comments starting inside strings. Issue #115. F#: Lex signed numeric literals more accurately. Issue #110, Issue #111. F#: Add specifiers for 64-bit integer and floating point literals. Issue #112. Markdown: Stop styling numbers at line start in PRECHAR style. Issue #117. PowerShell: Recognise numeric literals more accurately. Issue #118. Close #12624
2022-12-10 13:35:16 +01:00
# Examine definitions
defPattern = re.compile(r'<b id="([A-Z_0-9]+)">([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_() *#\"=<>/&;,\n-]+?)</b>')
for api, sig in re.findall(defPattern, docs):
sigFlat = flattenSpaces(sig)
if '<a' in sigFlat : # Remove anchors
sigFlat = re.sub('<a.*>(.+)</a>', '\\1', sigFlat)
sigFlat = sigFlat.replace('colouralpha ', 'xxxx ') # Temporary to avoid next line
sigFlat = sigFlat.replace('alpha ', 'int ')
sigFlat = sigFlat.replace('xxxx ', 'colouralpha ')
sigFlat = sigFlat.replace("document *", "int ")
sigFlat = sigFlat.replace(' NUL-terminated', '')
sigFlat = sigFlat.rstrip()
#~ sigFlat = sigFlat.replace(' NUL-terminated', '')
sigApi = re.split('\W+', sigFlat)[0]
#~ print(sigFlat, ";;", sig, ";;", api)
if '(' in sigFlat or api.startswith("SCI_"):
name = sciToFeature[api]
sigFromFace = api + makeSig(face.features[name])
if sigFlat != sigFromFace:
print(sigFlat, "|", sigFromFace)
if showCTags:
printCtag('="' + api, docFileName)
#~ printCtag(" " + name, pathIface)
except KeyError:
pass # Feature removed but still has documentation
if api != sigApi:
print(sigApi, ";;", sig, ";;", api)
definitions[api] = 1
# Warns for most keyboard commands so not enabled
#~ for api in sorted(sciToFeature.keys()):
#~ if api not in definitions:
#~ print("No definition for ", api)
outName = docFileName.replace("Doc", "Dox")
with open(outName, "wt") as docFile:
Update to Scintilla 5.3.2 and Lexilla 5.2.1 update to with: Released 6 December 2022. Add SCI_REPLACETARGETMINIMAL to change text without causing unchanged prefix and suffix to be marked as modified in change history. Draw background colour for EOL annotations with standard and boxed visuals. Add SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXTFULL to support 64-bit document positions on Win32 replacing SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXT which is not safe for huge documents. Feature #1455. Send SCN_AUTOCCOMPLETED for SCI_AUTOCSHOW triggering insertion because of SCI_AUTOCSETCHOOSESINGLE mode. Feature #1459. Change 'paragraph up' commands SCI_PARAUP and SCI_PARAUPEXTEND to go to the start position of the paragraph containing the caret. Only if the caret is already at the start of the paragraph will it go to the start of the previous paragraph. Bug #2363. Change release compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. On Win32, avoid blurry display with DirectWrite in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344. On Win32, use the top-level window to find the monitor for DirectWrite rendering parameters. Temporarily switch DPI awareness to find correct monitor in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344. On Qt, implement SCI_SETRECTANGULARSELECTIONMODIFIER for all platforms. On Qt, allow string form XPM images for SCI_REGISTERIMAGE. and with Released 6 December 2022. Update to Unicode 14. Feature #1461. Change default compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. Batch: Fix comments starting inside strings. Issue #115. F#: Lex signed numeric literals more accurately. Issue #110, Issue #111. F#: Add specifiers for 64-bit integer and floating point literals. Issue #112. Markdown: Stop styling numbers at line start in PRECHAR style. Issue #117. PowerShell: Recognise numeric literals more accurately. Issue #118. Close #12624
2022-12-10 13:35:16 +01:00
# Examine constant definitions
constPattern = re.compile(r'<code>(\w+)</code> *\((\w+)\)')
for name, val in re.findall(constPattern, docs):
valOfName = sccToValue[name]
if val != valOfName:
print(val, "<-", name, ";;", valOfName)
except KeyError:
print("***", val, "<-", name)
Update to Scintilla 5.3.2 and Lexilla 5.2.1 update to with: Released 6 December 2022. Add SCI_REPLACETARGETMINIMAL to change text without causing unchanged prefix and suffix to be marked as modified in change history. Draw background colour for EOL annotations with standard and boxed visuals. Add SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXTFULL to support 64-bit document positions on Win32 replacing SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXT which is not safe for huge documents. Feature #1455. Send SCN_AUTOCCOMPLETED for SCI_AUTOCSHOW triggering insertion because of SCI_AUTOCSETCHOOSESINGLE mode. Feature #1459. Change 'paragraph up' commands SCI_PARAUP and SCI_PARAUPEXTEND to go to the start position of the paragraph containing the caret. Only if the caret is already at the start of the paragraph will it go to the start of the previous paragraph. Bug #2363. Change release compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. On Win32, avoid blurry display with DirectWrite in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344. On Win32, use the top-level window to find the monitor for DirectWrite rendering parameters. Temporarily switch DPI awareness to find correct monitor in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344. On Qt, implement SCI_SETRECTANGULARSELECTIONMODIFIER for all platforms. On Qt, allow string form XPM images for SCI_REGISTERIMAGE. and with Released 6 December 2022. Update to Unicode 14. Feature #1461. Change default compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. Batch: Fix comments starting inside strings. Issue #115. F#: Lex signed numeric literals more accurately. Issue #110, Issue #111. F#: Add specifiers for 64-bit integer and floating point literals. Issue #112. Markdown: Stop styling numbers at line start in PRECHAR style. Issue #117. PowerShell: Recognise numeric literals more accurately. Issue #118. Close #12624
2022-12-10 13:35:16 +01:00
# Examine 'seealso' definitions
#<a class="seealso" href="#SCI_CREATEDOCUMENT">SCI_CREATEDOCUMENT</a>
seealsoPattern = re.compile(r'"seealso" href="#(\w+)">(\w+)[<(]')
for ref, text in re.findall(seealsoPattern, docs):
if ref != text:
print(f"seealso {text} -> {ref}")
for name in sccToValue.keys():
if name not in ["SCI_OPTIONAL_START", "SCI_LEXER_START"] and name not in docs:
print(f"Unknown {name}")
for identifier in sorted(symbols.keys()):
if not symbols[identifier] and identifier not in uninteresting: