
578 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Requires Python 3.6 or later
from __future__ import with_statement
from __future__ import unicode_literals
2019-05-04 20:14:48 +02:00
import os, platform, sys, unittest
import ctypes
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-06-01 01:11:12 +02:00
from ctypes import c_int, c_char_p, c_wchar_p, c_ushort, c_uint
from ctypes.wintypes import HWND, WPARAM, LPARAM, HANDLE, HBRUSH, LPCWSTR
from MessageNumbers import msgs, sgsm
import ScintillaCallable
import XiteMenu
scintillaIncludesLexers = False
# Lexilla may optionally be tested it is built and can be loaded
lexillaAvailable = False
scintillaDirectory = ".."
scintillaIncludeDirectory = os.path.join(scintillaDirectory, "include")
scintillaScriptsDirectory = os.path.join(scintillaDirectory, "scripts")
import Face
scintillaBinDirectory = os.path.join(scintillaDirectory, "bin")
lexillaDirectory = os.path.join(scintillaDirectory, "..", "lexilla")
lexillaBinDirectory = os.path.join(lexillaDirectory, "bin")
lexillaIncludeDirectory = os.path.join(lexillaDirectory, "include")
lexName = "Lexilla.DLL"
lexillaDLLPath = os.path.join(lexillaBinDirectory, lexName)
lexillaLibrary = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(lexillaDLLPath)
createLexer = lexillaLibrary.CreateLexer
createLexer.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
lexillaAvailable = True
print("Found Lexilla")
except OSError:
print("Can't find " + lexName)
print("Python is built for " + " ".join(platform.architecture()))
WS_CHILD = 0x40000000
WS_VISIBLE = 0x10000000
WS_HSCROLL = 0x100000
WS_VSCROLL = 0x200000
MB_OK = 0
VK_MENU = 18
class OPENFILENAME(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = (("lStructSize", c_int),
("hwndOwner", c_int),
("hInstance", c_int),
("lpstrFilter", c_wchar_p),
("lpstrCustomFilter", c_char_p),
("nMaxCustFilter", c_int),
("nFilterIndex", c_int),
("lpstrFile", c_wchar_p),
("nMaxFile", c_int),
("lpstrFileTitle", c_wchar_p),
("nMaxFileTitle", c_int),
("lpstrInitialDir", c_wchar_p),
("lpstrTitle", c_wchar_p),
("flags", c_int),
("nFileOffset", c_ushort),
("nFileExtension", c_ushort),
("lpstrDefExt", c_char_p),
("lCustData", c_int),
("lpfnHook", c_char_p),
("lpTemplateName", c_char_p),
("pvReserved", c_char_p),
("dwReserved", c_int),
("flagsEx", c_int))
def __init__(self, win, title):
self.lStructSize = ctypes.sizeof(OPENFILENAME)
self.nMaxFile = 1024
self.hwndOwner = win
self.lpstrTitle = title
trace = False
#~ trace = True
def WindowSize(w):
rc = ctypes.wintypes.RECT()
user32.GetClientRect(w, ctypes.byref(rc))
return rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom -
def IsKeyDown(key):
return (user32.GetKeyState(key) & 0x8000) != 0
def KeyTranslate(w):
tr = { 9: "Tab", 0xD:"Enter", 0x1B: "Esc" }
if w in tr:
return tr[w]
elif ord("A") <= w <= ord("Z"):
return chr(w)
elif 0x70 <= w <= 0x7b:
return "F" + str(w-0x70+1)
return "Unknown_" + hex(w)
class WNDCLASS(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_= (\
('style', c_int),
('lpfnWndProc', WFUNC),
('cls_extra', c_int),
('wnd_extra', c_int),
('hInst', HANDLE),
('hIcon', HANDLE),
('hCursor', HANDLE),
('hbrBackground', HBRUSH),
('menu_name', LPCWSTR),
('lpzClassName', LPCWSTR),
hinst = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetModuleHandleW(0)
def RegisterClass(name, func, background = 0):
# register a window class for toplevel windows.
wc = WNDCLASS() = 0
wc.lpfnWndProc = func
wc.cls_extra = 0
wc.wnd_extra = 0
wc.hInst = hinst
wc.hIcon = 0
wc.hCursor = 0
wc.hbrBackground = background
wc.menu_name = None
wc.lpzClassName = name
class XiteWin():
def __init__(self, test=""):
self.face = Face.Face()
self.face.ReadFromFile(os.path.join(scintillaIncludeDirectory, "Scintilla.iface"))
faceLex = Face.Face()
faceLex.ReadFromFile(os.path.join(lexillaIncludeDirectory, "LexicalStyles.iface"))
except FileNotFoundError:
print("Can't find " + "LexicalStyles.iface")
if scintillaIncludesLexers:
sciName = "SciLexer.DLL"
sciName = "Scintilla.DLL"
scintillaDLLPath = os.path.join(scintillaBinDirectory, sciName)
except OSError:
print("Can't find " + sciName)
print("Python is built for " + " ".join(platform.architecture()))
self.titleDirty = True
self.fullPath = ""
self.test = test
self.appName = "xite"
2019-05-04 20:14:48 +02:00
self.large = "-large" in sys.argv
self.cmds = {}
self.windowName = "XiteWindow"
self.wfunc = WFUNC(self.WndProc)
RegisterClass(self.windowName, self.wfunc)
user32.CreateWindowExW(0, self.windowName, self.appName, \
0, 0, 500, 700, 0, 0, hinst, 0)
2019-05-04 20:14:48 +02:00
args = [a for a in sys.argv[1:] if not a.startswith("-")]
if args:
if self.test:
for k in self.cmds:
if self.cmds[k] == "Test":
user32.PostMessageW(, msgs["WM_COMMAND"], k, 0)
def FocusOnEditor(self):
def OnSize(self):
width, height = WindowSize(
user32.SetWindowPos(self.sciHwnd, 0, 0, 0, width, height, 0)
user32.InvalidateRect(, 0, 0)
def OnCreate(self, hwnd): = hwnd
self.sciHwnd = user32.CreateWindowExW(0,
"Scintilla", "Source",
0, 0, 100, 100,, 0, hinst, 0)
user32.ShowWindow(self.sciHwnd, SW_SHOW)
user32.SendMessageW.restype = WPARAM
scifn = user32.SendMessageW(self.sciHwnd,
int(self.face.features["GetDirectFunction"]["Value"], 0), 0,0)
sciptr = c_char_p(user32.SendMessageW(self.sciHwnd,
int(self.face.features["GetDirectPointer"]["Value"], 0), 0,0))
self.ed = ScintillaCallable.ScintillaCallable(self.face, scifn, sciptr)
2019-05-04 20:14:48 +02:00
if self.large:
doc = self.ed.CreateDocument(10, 0x100)
self.ed.SetDocPointer(0, doc)
def ChooseLexer(self, lexer):
if scintillaIncludesLexers:
self.ed.LexerLanguage = lexer
elif lexillaAvailable:
pLexilla = createLexer(lexer)
self.ed.SetILexer(0, pLexilla)
else: # No lexers available
def Invalidate(self):
user32.InvalidateRect(, 0, 0)
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-06-01 01:11:12 +02:00
def WndProc(self, h, m, wp, lp):
user32.DefWindowProcW.argtypes = [HWND, c_uint, WPARAM, LPARAM]
ms = sgsm.get(m, "XXX")
if trace:
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-06-01 01:11:12 +02:00
print("%s %s %s %s" % (hex(h)[2:],ms,wp,lp))
if ms == "WM_CLOSE":
elif ms == "WM_CREATE":
return 0
elif ms == "WM_SIZE":
# Work out size
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-06-01 01:11:12 +02:00
if wp != 1:
return 0
elif ms == "WM_COMMAND":
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-06-01 01:11:12 +02:00
cmdCode = wp & 0xffff
if cmdCode in self.cmds:
return 0
elif ms == "WM_ACTIVATE":
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-06-01 01:11:12 +02:00
if wp != WA_INACTIVE:
return 0
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-06-01 01:11:12 +02:00
return user32.DefWindowProcW(h, m, wp, lp)
return 0
def Command(self, name):
name = name.replace(" ", "")
method = "Cmd" + name
cmd = None
cmd = getattr(self, method)
except AttributeError:
if cmd:
def KeyDown(self, w, prefix = ""):
keyName = prefix
if IsKeyDown(VK_CONTROL):
keyName += "<control>"
if IsKeyDown(VK_SHIFT):
keyName += "<shift>"
keyName += KeyTranslate(w)
if trace:
print("Key:", keyName)
if keyName in self.keys:
method = "Cmd" + self.keys[keyName]
getattr(self, method)()
return True
#~ print("UKey:", keyName)
return False
def Accelerator(self, msg):
ms = sgsm.get(msg.message, "XXX")
if ms == "WM_KEYDOWN":
return self.KeyDown(msg.wParam)
elif ms == "WM_SYSKEYDOWN":
return self.KeyDown(msg.wParam, "<alt>")
return False
def AppLoop(self):
msg = ctypes.wintypes.MSG()
lpmsg = ctypes.byref(msg)
while user32.GetMessageW(lpmsg, 0, 0, 0):
if trace and msg.message != msgs["WM_TIMER"]:
print('mm', hex(msg.hWnd)[2:],sgsm.get(msg.message, "XXX"))
if not self.Accelerator(msg):
def DoEvents(self):
msg = ctypes.wintypes.MSG()
lpmsg = ctypes.byref(msg)
cont = True
while cont:
cont = user32.PeekMessageW(lpmsg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)
if cont:
if not self.Accelerator(msg):
def SetTitle(self, changePath):
if changePath or self.titleDirty != self.ed.Modify:
self.titleDirty = self.ed.Modify
self.title = self.fullPath
if self.titleDirty:
self.title += " * "
self.title += " - "
self.title += self.appName
user32.SetWindowTextW(, self.title)
def Open(self):
ofx = OPENFILENAME(, "Open File")
2019-05-04 20:14:48 +02:00
opath = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(1024)
ofx.lpstrFile = ctypes.addressof(opath)
filters = ["Python (.py;.pyw)|*.py;*.pyw|All|*.*"]
filterText = "\0".join([f.replace("|", "\0") for f in filters])+"\0\0"
ofx.lpstrFilter = filterText
if ctypes.windll.comdlg32.GetOpenFileNameW(ctypes.byref(ofx)):
2019-05-04 20:14:48 +02:00
absPath = opath.value.replace("\0", "")
2019-05-04 20:14:48 +02:00
self.ed.LexerLanguage = b"python"
self.ed.Lexer = self.ed.SCLEX_PYTHON
self.ed.SetKeyWords(0, b"class def else for from if import print return while")
for style in [k for k in self.ed.k if k.startswith("SCE_P_")]:
self.ed.StyleSetFont(self.ed.k[style], b"Verdana")
if "COMMENT" in style:
self.ed.StyleSetFore(self.ed.k[style], 127 * 256)
self.ed.StyleSetFont(self.ed.k[style], b"Comic Sans MS")
elif "OPERATOR" in style:
self.ed.StyleSetBold(self.ed.k[style], 1)
self.ed.StyleSetFore(self.ed.k[style], 127 * 256 * 256)
elif "WORD" in style:
self.ed.StyleSetItalic(self.ed.k[style], 255)
self.ed.StyleSetFore(self.ed.k[style], 255 * 256 * 256)
elif "TRIPLE" in style:
self.ed.StyleSetFore(self.ed.k[style], 0xA0A0)
elif "STRING" in style or "CHARACTER" in style:
self.ed.StyleSetFore(self.ed.k[style], 0xA000A0)
self.ed.StyleSetFore(self.ed.k[style], 0)
def SaveAs(self):
ofx = OPENFILENAME(, "Save File")
opath = "\0" * 1024
ofx.lpstrFile = opath
if ctypes.windll.comdlg32.GetSaveFileNameW(ctypes.byref(ofx)):
self.fullPath = opath.replace("\0", "")
def SetMenus(self):
ui = XiteMenu.MenuStructure
self.cmds = {}
self.keys = {}
cmdId = 0
self.menuBar = user32.CreateMenu()
for name, contents in ui:
cmdId += 1
menu = user32.CreateMenu()
for item in contents:
text, key = item
cmdText = text.replace("&", "")
cmdText = cmdText.replace("...", "")
cmdText = cmdText.replace(" ", "")
cmdId += 1
if key:
keyText = key.replace("<control>", "Ctrl+")
keyText = keyText.replace("<shift>", "Shift+")
text += "\t" + keyText
if text == "-":
user32.AppendMenuW(menu, MF_SEPARATOR, cmdId, text)
user32.AppendMenuW(menu, 0, cmdId, text)
self.cmds[cmdId] = cmdText
self.keys[key] = cmdText
#~ print(cmdId, item)
user32.AppendMenuW(self.menuBar, MF_POPUP, menu, name)
user32.SetMenu(, self.menuBar)
self.CheckMenuItem("Wrap", True)
user32.ShowWindow(, SW_SHOW)
def CheckMenuItem(self, name, val):
#~ print(name, val)
if self.cmds:
for k,v in self.cmds.items():
if v == name:
#~ print(name, k)
user32.CheckMenuItem(user32.GetMenu(, \
def Exit(self):
def DisplayMessage(self, msg, ask):
return IDYES == user32.MessageBoxW(, \
msg, self.appName, [MB_OK, MB_YESNOCANCEL][ask])
def NewDocument(self):
def SaveIfUnsure(self):
if self.ed.Modify:
msg = "Save changes to \"" + self.fullPath + "\"?"
decision = self.DisplayMessage(msg, True)
if decision:
return decision
return True
def New(self):
if self.SaveIfUnsure():
self.fullPath = ""
self.overrideMode = None
def CheckMenus(self):
def MoveSelection(self, caret, anchor=-1):
if anchor == -1:
anchor = caret
def GrabFile(self, name):
self.fullPath = name
self.overrideMode = None
fsr = open(name, "rb")
data =
self.ed.AddText(len(data), data)
def Save(self):
fos = open(self.fullPath, "wb")
blockSize = 1024
length = self.ed.Length
i = 0
while i < length:
grabSize = length - i
if grabSize > blockSize:
grabSize = blockSize
#~ print(i, grabSize, length)
data = self.ed.ByteRange(i, i + grabSize)
i += grabSize
# Command handlers are called by menu actions
def CmdNew(self):
def CmdOpen(self):
def CmdSave(self):
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-06-01 01:11:12 +02:00
if (self.fullPath is None) or (len(self.fullPath) == 0):
def CmdSaveAs(self):
def CmdTest(self):
runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()
if self.test:
tests = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromName(self.test)
tests = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromName("simpleTests")
results =
#~ print(results)
if self.test:
def CmdExercised(self):
unused = sorted(self.ed.all.difference(self.ed.used))
print("Unused", len(unused))
print("Used", len(self.ed.used))
def Uncalled(self):
unused = sorted(self.ed.all.difference(self.ed.used))
uu = {}
for u in unused:
v = self.ed.getvalue(u)
if v > 2000:
uu[v] = u
#~ for x in sorted(uu.keys())[150:]:
return uu
def CmdExit(self):
def CmdUndo(self):
def CmdRedo(self):
def CmdCut(self):
def CmdCopy(self):
def CmdPaste(self):
def CmdDelete(self):
xiteFrame = None
def main(test):
global xiteFrame
xiteFrame = XiteWin(test)
#~ xiteFrame.CmdExercised()
return xiteFrame.Uncalled()