<Keywordsname="instre1">add for lt tellTarget and function ne this break ge new typeof continue gt not var delete if on void do ifFrameLoaded onClipEvent while else in or with eq le return instanceof case default switch</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="instre1">abort abstract accept access aliased all and array at begin body case constant declare delay delta digits do else elsif end entry exception exit for function generic goto if in is limited loop new not null of others out or package pragma private procedure protected raise range record renames requeue return reverse select separate subtype tagged task terminate then type until use when while with</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="instre1">addhandler addressof andalso alias and ansi as assembly attribute auto begin boolean byref byte byval call case catch cbool cbyte cchar cdate cdec cdbl char cint class clng cobj compare const continue cshort csng cstr ctype currency date decimal declare default delegate dim do double each else elseif end enum erase error event exit explicit false finally for friend function get gettype global gosub goto handles if implement implements imports in inherits integer interface is let lib like load long loop lset me mid mod module mustinherit mustoverride mybase myclass namespace new next not nothing notinheritable notoverridable object on option optional or orelse overloads overridable overrides paramarray preserve private property protected public raiseevent readonly redim rem removehandler rset resume return select set shadows shared short single static step stop string structure sub synclock then throw to true try type typeof unload unicode until variant wend when while with withevents writeonly xor</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="instre1">and byref case continueloop dim do else elseif endfunc endif endselect exit exitloop for func global if local next not or return select step then to until wend while exit</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="instre1">alias ar asa awk banner basename bash bc bdiff break bunzip2 bzip2 cal calendar case cat cc cd chmod cksum clear cmp col comm compress continue cp cpio crypt csplit ctags cut date dc dd declare deroff dev df diff diff3 dircmp dirname do done du echo ed egrep elif else env esac eval ex exec exit expand export expr false fc fgrep fi file find fmt fold for function functions getconf getopt getopts grep gres hash head help history iconv id if in integer jobs join kill local lc let line ln logname look ls m4 mail mailx make man mkdir more mt mv newgrp nl nm nohup ntps od pack paste patch pathchk pax pcat perl pg pr print printf ps pwd read readonly red return rev rm rmdir sed select set sh shift size sleep sort spell split start stop strings strip stty sum suspend sync tail tar tee test then time times touch tr trap true tsort tty type typeset ulimit umask unalias uname uncompress unexpand uniq unpack unset until uudecode uuencode vi vim vpax wait wc whence which while who wpaste wstart xargs zcat</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="instre1">rem set if else exist errorlevel for in do break call copy chcp cd chdir choice cls country ctty date del erase dir echo exit goto loadfix loadhigh mkdir md move path pause prompt rename ren rmdir rd shift time type ver verify vol com con lpt nul defined not errorlevel cmdextversion</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="instre1">and as assert asr begin class constraint do done downto else end exception external false for fun function functor if in include inherit initializer land lazy let lor lsl lsr lxor match method mod module mutable new object of open or private rec sig struct then to true try type val virtual when while with</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="instre2">option Some None ignore ref lnot succ pred</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="type1">array bool char float int list string unit</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="instre1">if else switch case default break goto return for while do continue typedef sizeof NULL new delete throw try catch namespace operator this const_cast static_cast dynamic_cast reinterpret_cast true false using typeid and and_eq bitand bitor compl not not_eq or or_eq xor xor_eq </Keywords>
<Keywordsname="type1">void struct union enum char short int long double float signed unsigned const static extern auto register volatile bool class private protected public friend inline template virtual asm explicit typename mutable</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="type2">a addindex addtogroup anchor arg attention author b brief bug c class code date def defgroup deprecated dontinclude e em endcode endhtmlonly endif endlatexonly endlink endverbatim enum example exception f$ f[ f] file fn hideinitializer htmlinclude htmlonly if image include ingroup internal invariant interface latexonly li line link mainpage name namespace nosubgrouping note overload p page par param post preref relates remarks return retval sa section see showinitializer since skip skipline struct subsection test throw throws todo typedef union until var verbatim verbinclude version warning weakgroup $ @ \ &<> # { }</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="instre1">abstract as base break case catch checked continue default delegate do else event explicit extern false finally fixed for foreach goto if implicit in interface internal is lock namespace new null object operator out override params private protected public readonly ref return sealed sizeof stackalloc switch this throw true try typeof unchecked unsafe using virtual while</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="type1">bool byte char class const decimal double enum float int long sbyte short static string struct uint ulong ushort void</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="instre2">active after before first first-child first-letter first-line focus hover lang left link right visited</Keywords>
<Languagename="diff"ext="diff patch">
<Languagename="fortran"ext="f for f90 f95 f2k"commentLine="C">
<Keywordsname="instre1">access action advance allocatable allocate apostrophe assign assignment associate asynchronous backspace bind blank blockdata call case character class close common complex contains continue cycle data deallocate decimal delim default dimension direct do dowhile double doubleprecision else elseif elsewhere encoding end endassociate endblockdata enddo endfile endforall endfunction endif endinterface endmodule endprogram endselect endsubroutine endtype endwhere entry eor equivalence err errmsg exist exit external file flush fmt forall form format formatted function go goto id if implicit in include inout integer inquire intent interface intrinsic iomsg iolength iostat kind len logical module name named namelist nextrec nml none nullify number only open opened operator optional out pad parameter pass pause pending pointer pos position precision print private program protected public quote read readwrite real rec recl recursive result return rewind save select selectcase selecttype sequential sign size stat status stop stream subroutine target then to type unformatted unit use value volatile wait where while write</Keywords>
<Languagename="haskell"ext="hs lhs as las"commentLine="--">
<Keywordsname="instre1">as case class data default deriving do else hiding if import in infix infixl infixr instance let module newtype of proc qualified rec then type where _</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="instre1">!doctype a abbr accept-charset accept accesskey acronym action address align alink alt applet archive area axis b background base basefont bdo bgcolor big blockquote body border br button caption cellpadding cellspacing center char charoff charset checkbox checked cite class classid clear code codebase codetype col colgroup color cols colspan comment compact content coords data datafld dataformatas datapagesize datasrc datetime dd declare defer del dfn dir disabled div dl dt em embed enctype event face fieldset file font for form frame frameborder frameset h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 head headers height hidden hr href hreflang hspace html http-equiv i id iframe image img input ins isindex ismap kbd label lang language leftmargin legend li link longdesc map marginwidth marginheight maxlength media menu meta method multiple name noframes nohref noresize noscript noshade nowrap object ol onblur onchange onclick ondblclick onfocus onkeydown onkeypress onkeyup onload onmousedown onmousemove onmouseover onmouseout onmouseup optgroup option onreset onselect onsubmit onunload p param password profile pre prompt public q radio readonly rel reset rev rows rowspan rules s samp scheme scope script scrolling select selected shape size small span src standby start strike strong style sub submit summary sup tabindex table target tbody td text textarea tfoot th thead title topmargin tr tt type u ul usemap valign value valuetype var version vlink vspace width xml xmlns</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="type2">append define dim else emit endif endsub error expr file for if ifdef ifexist ifndef ifnexist include insert pragma sub undef</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="type3">begin break case const continue do downto else end except finally for function if of procedure repeat then to try until uses var while with</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="instre1">instanceof assert if else switch case default break goto return for while do continue new throw throws try catch finally this super extends implements import true false null</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="type1">package transient strictfp void char short int long double float const static volatile byte boolean class interface native private protected public final abstract synchronized enum</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="instre1">abstract boolean break byte case catch char class const continue debugger default delete do double else enum export extends final finally float for function goto if implements import in instanceof int interface long native new package private protected public return short static super switch synchronized this throw throws transient try typeof var void volatile while with true false prototype</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="instre1">? and beep big break call cd cls color cookie1 copy debug del dim display do until exit flushkb for each next function endfunction get gets global go gosub goto if else endif md or password play quit rd redim return run select case endselect set setl setm settime shell sleep small use while loop</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="instre1">if else switch case default break goto return for while do continue typedef sizeof NULL self super nil NIL</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="instre2">interface implementation protocol end private protected public class selector encode defs</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="type1">void struct union enum char short int long double float signed unsigned const static extern auto register volatile id Class SEL IMP BOOL</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="type2">oneway in out inout bycopy byref</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="instre1">and array asm begin case cdecl class const constructor default destructor div do downto else end end. except exit exports external far file finalization finally for function goto if implementation in index inherited initialization inline interface label library message mod near nil not object of on or out overload override packed pascal private procedure program property protected public published raise read record register repeat resourcestring safecall set shl shr stdcall stored string then threadvar to try type unit until uses var virtual while with write xor</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="instre1">and as assert break class continue def del elif else except exec finally for from global if import in is lambda None not or pass print raise return triple try while with yield</Keywords>
<Languagename="ruby"ext="rb rbw"commentLine="#">
<Keywordsname="instre1">__FILE__ and def end in or self unless __LINE__ begin defined? ensure module redo super until BEGIN break do false next rescue then when END case else for nil retry true while alias class elsif if not return undef yield</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="instre1">abs absolute access acos add add_months adddate admin after aggregate all allocate alter and any app_name are array as asc ascii asin assertion at atan atn2 audit authid authorization autonomous_transaction avg before begin benchmark between bfilename bin binary binary_checksum binary_integer bit bit_count bit_and bit_or blob body boolean both breadth bulk by call cascade cascaded case cast catalog ceil ceiling char char_base character charindex chartorowid check checksum checksum_agg chr class clob close cluster coalesce col_length col_name collate collation collect column comment commit completion compress concat concat_ws connect connection constant constraint constraints constructorcreate contains containsable continue conv convert corr corresponding cos cot count count_big covar_pop covar_samp create cross cube cume_dist current current_date current_path current_role current_time current_timestamp current_user currval cursor cycle data datalength databasepropertyex date date_add date_format date_sub dateadd datediff datename datepart day db_id db_name deallocate dec declare decimal decode default deferrable deferred degrees delete dense_rank depth deref desc describe descriptor destroy destructor deterministic diagnostics dictionary disconnect difference distinct do domain double drop dump dynamic each else elsif empth encode encrypt end end-exec equals escape every except exception exclusive exec execute exists exit exp export_set extends external extract false fetch first first_value file float floor file_id file_name filegroup_id filegroup_name filegroupproperty fileproperty for forall foreign format formatmessage found freetexttable from from_days fulltextcatalog fulltextservice function general get get_lock getdate getansinull getutcdate global go goto grant greatest group grouping having heap hex hextoraw host host_id host_name hour ident_incr ident_seed ident_current identified identity if ifnull ignore immediate in increment index index_col indexproperty indicator initcap initial initialize initially inner inout input insert instr instrb int integer interface intersect interval into is is_member is_srvrolemember is_null is_numeric isdate isnull isolation iterate java join key lag language large last last_day last_value lateral lcase lead leading least left len length lengthb less level like limit limited ln lpad local localtime localtimestamp locator lock log log10 long loop lower ltrim make_ref map match max maxextents mid min minus minute mlslabel mod mode modifies modify module month months_between names national natural naturaln nchar nclob new new_time newid next next_day nextval no noaudit nocompress nocopy none not nowait null nullif number number_base numeric nvl nvl2 object object_id object_name object_property ocirowid oct of off offline old on online only opaque open operator operation option or ord order ordinalityorganization others out outer output package pad parameter parameters partial partition path pctfree percent_rank pi pls_integer positive positiven postfix pow power pragma precision prefix preorder prepare preserve primary prior private privileges procedure public radians raise rand range rank ratio_to_export raw rawtohex read reads real record recursive ref references referencing reftohex relative release release_lock rename repeat replace resource restrict result return returns reverse revoke right rollback rollup round routine row row_number rowid rowidtochar rowlabel rownum rows rowtype rpad rtrim savepoint schema scroll scope search second section seddev_samp select separate sequence session session_user set sets share sign sin sinh size smallint some soundex space specific specifictype sql sqlcode sqlerrm sqlexception sqlstate sqlwarning sqrt start state statement static std stddev stdev_pop strcmp structure subdate substr substrb substring substring_index subtype successful sum synonym sys_context sys_guid sysdate system_user table tan tanh temporary terminate than then time timestamp timezone_abbr timezone_minute timezone_hour timezone_regi
<Keywordsname="instre1">after append array auto_execok auto_import auto_load auto_load_index auto_qualify beep binary break case catch cd clock close concat continue dde default echo else elseif encoding eof error eval exec exit expr fblocked fconfigure fcopy file fileevent flush for foreach format gets glob global history if incr info interp join lappend lindex linsert list llength load lrange lreplace lsearch lsort namespace open package pid pkg_mkIndex proc puts pwd read regexp regsub rename resource return scan seek set socket source split string subst switch tclLog tclMacPkgSearch tclPkgSetup tclPkgUnknown tell time trace unknown unset update uplevel upvar variable vwait while</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="instre2">bell bind bindtags button canvas checkbutton console destroy entry event focus font frame grab grid image label listbox menu menubutton message pack place radiobutton raise scale scrollbar text tk tkwait toplevel winfo wm</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="type1">@scope body class code common component configbody constructor define destructor hull import inherit itcl itk itk_component itk_initialize itk_interior itk_option iwidgets keep method private protected public</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="instre1">addhandler addressof andalso alias and ansi as assembly attribute auto begin boolean byref byte byval call case catch cbool cbyte cchar cdate cdec cdbl char cint class clng cobj compare const continue cshort csng cstr ctype currency date decimal declare default delegate dim do double each else elseif end enum erase error event exit explicit false finally for friend function get gettype global gosub goto handles if implement implements imports in inherits integer interface is let lib like load long loop lset me mid mod module mustinherit mustoverride mybase myclass namespace new next not nothing notinheritable notoverridable object on option optional or orelse overloads overridable overrides paramarray preserve private property protected public raiseevent readonly redim rem removehandler rset resume return select set shadows shared short single static step stop string structure sub synclock then throw to true try type typeof unload unicode until variant wend when while with withevents writeonly xor</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="instre1">access after alias all architecture array assert attribute begin block body buffer bus case component configuration constant disconnect downto else elsif end entity exit file for function generate generic group guarded if impure in inertial inout is label library linkage literal loop map new next null of on open others out package port postponed procedure process pure range record register reject report return select severity shared signal subtype then to transport type unaffected units until use variable wait when while with</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="instre2">abs and mod nand nor not or rem rol ror sla sll sra srl xnor xor</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="type1">left right low high ascending image value pos val succ pred leftof rightof base range reverse_range length delayed stable quiet transaction event active last_event last_active last_value driving driving_value simple_name path_name instance_name</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="type3">std ieee work standard textio std_logic_1164 std_logic_arith std_logic_misc std_logic_signed std_logic_textio std_logic_unsigned numeric_bit numeric_std math_complex math_real vital_primitives vital_timing</Keywords>
<Keywordsname="type4">boolean bit character severity_level integer real time delay_length natural positive string bit_vector file_open_kind file_open_status line text side width std_ulogic std_ulogic_vector std_logic std_logic_vector X01 X01Z UX01 UX01Z unsigned signed</Keywords>