Add two functions: one correctly switches to the active tab, the second swaps tab item data when given two tab indexes

This commit is contained in:
AngryGamer 2017-03-18 18:29:11 -07:00 committed by Don Ho
parent 1205ab9805
commit 07a565e935
2 changed files with 57 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -1056,6 +1056,60 @@ void TabBarPlus::draggingCursor(POINT screenPoint)
void TabBarPlus::setActiveTab(int tabIndex)
::SendMessage(_hSelf, TCM_SETCURFOCUS, tabIndex, 0);
// the TCS_BUTTONS style does not automatically send TCM_SETCURSEL & TCN_SELCHANGE
if (::GetWindowLongPtr(_hSelf, GWL_STYLE) & TCS_BUTTONS)
::SendMessage(_hSelf, TCM_SETCURSEL, tabIndex, 0);
notify(TCN_SELCHANGE, tabIndex);
void TabBarPlus::exchangeTabItemData(int oldTab, int newTab)
//1. shift their data, and insert the source
TCITEM itemData_nDraggedTab, itemData_shift;
itemData_nDraggedTab.mask = itemData_shift.mask = TCIF_IMAGE | TCIF_TEXT | TCIF_PARAM;
const int stringSize = 256;
TCHAR str1[stringSize];
TCHAR str2[stringSize];
itemData_nDraggedTab.pszText = str1;
itemData_nDraggedTab.cchTextMax = (stringSize);
itemData_shift.pszText = str2;
itemData_shift.cchTextMax = (stringSize);
::SendMessage(_hSelf, TCM_GETITEM, oldTab, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&itemData_nDraggedTab));
if (oldTab > newTab)
for (int i = oldTab; i > newTab; i--)
::SendMessage(_hSelf, TCM_GETITEM, i - 1, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&itemData_shift));
::SendMessage(_hSelf, TCM_SETITEM, i, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&itemData_shift));
for (int i = oldTab; i < newTab; ++i)
::SendMessage(_hSelf, TCM_GETITEM, i + 1, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&itemData_shift));
::SendMessage(_hSelf, TCM_SETITEM, i, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&itemData_shift));
::SendMessage(_hSelf, TCM_SETITEM, newTab, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&itemData_nDraggedTab));
// Tell Notepad_plus to notifiy plugins that a D&D operation was done (so doc index has been changed)
::SendMessage(_hParent, NPPM_INTERNAL_DOCORDERCHANGED, 0, oldTab);
//2. set to focus
void TabBarPlus::exchangeItemData(POINT point)
// Find the destination tab...
@ -1069,47 +1123,8 @@ void TabBarPlus::exchangeItemData(POINT point)
if (nTab != _nTabDragged)
//1. set to focus
::SendMessage(_hSelf, TCM_SETCURSEL, nTab, 0);
//2. shift their data, and insert the source
TCITEM itemData_nDraggedTab, itemData_shift;
itemData_nDraggedTab.mask = itemData_shift.mask = TCIF_IMAGE | TCIF_TEXT | TCIF_PARAM;
const int stringSize = 256;
TCHAR str1[stringSize];
TCHAR str2[stringSize];
itemData_nDraggedTab.pszText = str1;
itemData_nDraggedTab.cchTextMax = (stringSize);
itemData_shift.pszText = str2;
itemData_shift.cchTextMax = (stringSize);
::SendMessage(_hSelf, TCM_GETITEM, _nTabDragged, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&itemData_nDraggedTab));
if (_nTabDragged > nTab)
for (int i = _nTabDragged ; i > nTab ; i--)
::SendMessage(_hSelf, TCM_GETITEM, i-1, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&itemData_shift));
::SendMessage(_hSelf, TCM_SETITEM, i, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&itemData_shift));
for (int i = _nTabDragged ; i < nTab ; ++i)
::SendMessage(_hSelf, TCM_GETITEM, i+1, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&itemData_shift));
::SendMessage(_hSelf, TCM_SETITEM, i, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&itemData_shift));
::SendMessage(_hSelf, TCM_SETITEM, nTab, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&itemData_nDraggedTab));
//3. update the current index
exchangeTabItemData(_nTabDragged, nTab);
_nTabDragged = nTab;
// Tell Notepad_plus to notifiy plugins that a D&D operation was done (so doc index has been changed)
::SendMessage(_hParent, NPPM_INTERNAL_DOCORDERCHANGED, 0, _nTabDragged);

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@ -244,6 +244,8 @@ protected:
static LRESULT CALLBACK TabBarPlus_Proc(HWND hwnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
return (((TabBarPlus *)(::GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA)))->runProc(hwnd, Message, wParam, lParam));
void setActiveTab(int tabIndex);
void exchangeTabItemData(int oldTab, int newTab);
void exchangeItemData(POINT point);