Make cpp the first extension for C++

Since save-as appends the first extension from the list to all files, the first extension for C++ should be cpp, not h

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PeterCJ 2020-06-03 11:00:46 -07:00 committed by Don HO
parent a28dcb56ec
commit 18105aa882
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 6C429F1D8D84F46E
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
<Keywords name="instre2">Object Number Boolean Array String RegExp Function Date Math eval setInterval clearInterval setTimeout clearTimeout isFinite isNaN parseFloat parseInt escape unescape console encodeURI encodeURIComponent decodeURI decodeURIComponent window document navigator location history screen alert prompt process GLOBAL require exports</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type2">false true yes no on off undefined null NaN Infinity</Keywords>
<Language name="cpp" ext="h hh hpp hxx cpp cxx cc ino" commentLine="//" commentStart="/*" commentEnd="*/">
<Language name="cpp" ext="cpp cxx cc h hh hpp hxx ino" commentLine="//" commentStart="/*" commentEnd="*/">
<Keywords name="instre1">alignof and and_eq bitand bitor break case catch compl const_cast continue default delete do dynamic_cast else false for goto if namespace new not not_eq nullptr operator or or_eq reinterpret_cast return sizeof static_assert static_cast switch this throw true try typedef typeid using while xor xor_eq NULL</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type1">alignas asm auto bool char char16_t char32_t class clock_t const constexpr decltype double enum explicit export extern final float friend inline int int8_t int16_t int32_t int64_t int_fast8_t int_fast16_t int_fast32_t int_fast64_t intmax_t intptr_t long mutable noexcept override private protected ptrdiff_t public register short signed size_t ssize_t static struct template thread_local time_t typename uint8_t uint16_t uint32_t uint64_t uint_fast8_t uint_fast16_t uint_fast32_t uint_fast64_t uintmax_t uintptr_t union unsigned virtual void volatile wchar_t</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type2">a addindex addtogroup anchor arg attention author authors b brief bug c callergraph callgraph category cite class code cond copybrief copydetails copydoc copyright date def defgroup deprecated details diafile dir docbookonly dontinclude dot dotfile e else elseif em endcode endcond enddocbookonly enddot endhtmlonly endif endinternal endlatexonly endlink endmanonly endmsc endparblock endrtfonly endsecreflist enduml endverbatim endxmlonly enum example exception extends f$ f[ f] file fn f{ f} headerfile hidecallergraph hidecallgraph hideinitializer htmlinclude htmlonly idlexcept if ifnot image implements include includelineno ingroup interface internal invariant latexinclude latexonly li line link mainpage manonly memberof msc mscfile n name namespace nosubgrouping note overload p package page par paragraph param parblock post pre private privatesection property protected protectedsection protocol public publicsection pure ref refitem related relatedalso relates relatesalso remark remarks result return returns retval rtfonly sa secreflist section see short showinitializer since skip skipline snippet startuml struct subpage subsection subsubsection tableofcontents test throw throws todo tparam typedef union until var verbatim verbinclude version vhdlflow warning weakgroup xmlonly xrefitem</Keywords>