Fix session.xml emptying by forced Windows update restart

This fixes both the long standing problem with the emptying of the session.xml file by forced Windows Update restart/shutdown and some potential Notepad++ crashes caused by possible main Notepad++ window blocking at exit.

Two main changes to the original design:
- WM_QUERYENDSESSION is not used anymore for the tidy-up ops and it always quickly returns TRUE/FALSE to the system as it should.
- there is now a safe-guard flag for the session.xml saving at N++ exit, which prevents otherwise possible incorrect overwriting in case of multiple "endsession" messages.

Fix #9850, fix #12389, close #12388
This commit is contained in:
xomx 2022-10-24 02:11:23 +02:00 committed by Don Ho
parent ed3189e00b
commit 6000f3bb21
6 changed files with 236 additions and 102 deletions

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Win32_IO_File::Win32_IO_File(const wchar_t *fname)
_hFile = ::CreateFileW(fname, _accessParam, _shareParam, NULL, _dispParam, _attribParam, NULL);
NppParameters& nppParam = NppParameters::getInstance();
if (nppParam.isQueryEndSessionStarted() && nppParam.doNppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue())
if (nppParam.isEndSessionStarted() && nppParam.doNppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue())
generic_string issueFn = nppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue;
issueFn += TEXT(".log");
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ void Win32_IO_File::close()
NppParameters& nppParam = NppParameters::getInstance();
if (nppParam.isQueryEndSessionStarted() && nppParam.doNppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue())
if (nppParam.isEndSessionStarted() && nppParam.doNppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue())
generic_string issueFn = nppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue;
issueFn += TEXT(".log");
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ bool Win32_IO_File::write(const void *wbuf, unsigned long buf_size)
NppParameters& nppParam = NppParameters::getInstance();
if (::WriteFile(_hFile, wbuf, buf_size, &bytes_written, NULL) == FALSE)
if (nppParam.isQueryEndSessionStarted() && nppParam.doNppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue())
if (nppParam.isEndSessionStarted() && nppParam.doNppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue())
generic_string issueFn = nppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue;
issueFn += TEXT(".log");
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ bool Win32_IO_File::write(const void *wbuf, unsigned long buf_size)
if (nppParam.isQueryEndSessionStarted() && nppParam.doNppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue())
if (nppParam.isEndSessionStarted() && nppParam.doNppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue())
generic_string issueFn = nppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue;
issueFn += TEXT(".log");

View File

@ -2057,6 +2057,9 @@ void Notepad_plus::filePrint(bool showDialog)
int Notepad_plus::doSaveOrNot(const TCHAR* fn, bool isMulti)
if ((NppParameters::getInstance()).isEndSessionCritical())
return IDCANCEL; // simulate Esc-key or Cancel-button as there should not be any big delay / code-flow block
// In case Notepad++ is iconized into notification zone
if (!::IsWindowVisible(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf()))

View File

@ -383,11 +383,8 @@ private:
bool _isFileOpening = false;
bool _isAdministrator = false;
bool _isEndingSessionButNotReady = false; // If Windows 10 update needs to restart
// and Notepad++ has one (some) dirty document(s)
// and "Enable session snapshot and periodic backup" is not enabled
// then WM_ENDSESSION is send with wParam == FALSE
// in this case this boolean is set true, so Notepad++ will quit and its current session will be saved
bool _isNppSessionSavedAtExit = false; // guard flag, it prevents emptying of the N++ session.xml in case of multiple WM_ENDSESSION or WM_CLOSE messages
ScintillaCtrls _scintillaCtrls4Plugins;
std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > _hideLinesMarks;

View File

@ -2059,14 +2059,29 @@ LRESULT Notepad_plus::process(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lPa
case WM_CLOSE:
if (message == WM_QUERYENDSESSION)
// app should return TRUE or FALSE immediately upon receiving this message,
// and defer any cleanup operations until it receives WM_ENDSESSION (with WPARAM TRUE)
if (nppParam.isQueryEndSessionStarted() && nppParam.doNppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue())
// for a bigger tidy-up/save operations we can kick off a background thread here to prepare for shutdown
// and when we get the WM_END­SESSION TRUE, we wait there until that background operation completes
// before telling the system, "ok, you can shut down now...", i.e. returning 0 there
// whatever we do from here - make sure that it is ok for the operation to occur even if the shutdown
// is then subsequently canceled
// here we could also display a prompt to ask the users whether they want to save their unsaved changes etc.,
// but in practice, this is usually not a good idea because if we do not respond to this message
// after a few seconds (e.g. user is away from PC...), the system will shut down without us
bool isFirstQueryEndSession = !nppParam.isEndSessionStarted();
bool isForcedShuttingDown = (lParam & ENDSESSION_CRITICAL);
if (isForcedShuttingDown)
if (nppParam.doNppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue())
generic_string issueFn = nppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue;
issueFn += TEXT(".log");
@ -2074,7 +2089,7 @@ LRESULT Notepad_plus::process(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lPa
pathAppend(nppIssueLog, issueFn);
string wmqesType = std::to_string(lParam);
if (0 == lParam)
if (lParam == 0)
wmqesType += " - ordinary system shutdown/restart";
@ -2088,11 +2103,173 @@ LRESULT Notepad_plus::process(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lPa
wmqesType += " - ENDSESSION_LOGOFF";
string queryEndSession = "WM_QUERYENDSESSION (lParam: " + wmqesType + ") =====================================";
if (WM_QUERYENDSESSION == message)
writeLog(nppIssueLog.c_str(), queryEndSession.c_str());
string msg = "WM_QUERYENDSESSION (lParam: " + wmqesType + ") =====================================";
writeLog(nppIssueLog.c_str(), msg.c_str());
if (::IsWindowEnabled(hwnd))
if (MainFileManager.getNbDirtyBuffers() > 0)
// we have unsaved filebuffer(s), give the user a chance to respond (non-critical shutdown only)
if (!isForcedShuttingDown && isFirstQueryEndSession)
// if N++ has been minimized or invisible, we need to show it 1st
if (::IsIconic(hwnd))
::ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_RESTORE);
if (!::IsWindowVisible(hwnd))
// systray etc...
::ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOW);
::SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SIZE, 0, 0); // to make window fit (specially to show tool bar.)
::PostMessage(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_FILE_SAVEALL, 0); // posting will not block us here
return FALSE; // request abort of the shutdown
// we probably have a blocking modal-window like MessageBox (e.g. the "Reload" or "Keep non existing file")
if (!isForcedShuttingDown && isFirstQueryEndSession)
return FALSE; // request abort of the shutdown (for a non-critical one we can give the user a chance to solve whatever is needed)
// here is the right place to unblock the modal-dlg blocking the main N++ wnd, because then it will be too late
// to do so at the WM_ENDSESSION time (for that we need this thread message queue...)
// in most cases we will need to take care and programmatically close such dialogs in order to exit gracefully,
// otherwise the N++ most probably crashes itself without any tidy-up
string strLog = "Main N++ wnd is disabled by (an active modal-dlg?): ";
char szBuf[MAX_PATH + 128] = { 0 };
HWND hActiveWnd = ::GetActiveWindow();
if (hActiveWnd)
if (::GetWindowTextA(hActiveWnd, szBuf, _countof(szBuf)))
strLog += szBuf;
::SendMessage(hActiveWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
writeLog(nppIssueLog.c_str(), "WM_CLOSE (isQueryEndSessionStarted == true)");
// no active child window, so it is most probably the system dialog box class #32770 (used e.g. by the MessageBox WINAPI)
// - so our main hwnd here is not the PARENT but OWNER of that top-level window
hActiveWnd = ::GetLastActivePopup(hwnd);
if (hActiveWnd)
if (::GetWindowTextA(hActiveWnd, szBuf, _countof(szBuf)))
strLog += szBuf;
::GetClassNameA(hActiveWnd, szBuf, _countof(szBuf));
if (lstrcmpiA("#32770", szBuf) == 0)
strLog += " (MessageBox)";
// we cannot use here the usual sending of the WM_CLOSE as it will not always work (e.g. for a MB_YESNO MessageBox)
if (!::EndDialog(hActiveWnd, 0))
strLog += " -> EndDialog failed with ErrorCode: ";
strLog += std::to_string(::GetLastError());
// last attempt
::SendMessage(hActiveWnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_CLOSE, 0);
strLog += "???";
// re-test
if (::IsWindowEnabled(hwnd))
strLog += " -> Main N++ wnd has been successfully reenabled.";
if (nppParam.doNppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue())
generic_string issueFn = nppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue;
issueFn += TEXT(".log");
generic_string nppIssueLog = nppParam.getUserPath();
pathAppend(nppIssueLog, issueFn);
writeLog(nppIssueLog.c_str(), strLog.c_str());
// TODO: here is the last opportunity to call the following WINAPI in a possible future version of the N++
// flags RESTART_NO_PATCH and RESTART_NO_REBOOT are not set, so we should be restarted if terminated by an update or restart
//::RegisterApplicationRestart(restartCommandLine.c_str(), RESTART_NO_CRASH | RESTART_NO_HANG);
return TRUE; // nowadays, with the monstrous Win10+ Windows Update behind, is futile to try to interrupt the shutdown by returning FALSE here
// (if one really needs so, there is the ShutdownBlockReasonCreate WINAPI for the rescue ...)
// this message informs our app whether the session is really ending
if (nppParam.doNppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue())
generic_string issueFn = nppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue;
issueFn += TEXT(".log");
generic_string nppIssueLog = nppParam.getUserPath();
pathAppend(nppIssueLog, issueFn);
string wmesType = std::to_string(lParam);
if (lParam == 0)
wmesType += " - ordinary system shutdown/restart";
// the lParam here is a bit mask, it can be one or more of the following values
wmesType += " - ENDSESSION_LOGOFF";
string msg = "WM_ENDSESSION (wParam: ";
if (wParam)
msg += "TRUE, lParam: ";
msg += "FALSE, lParam: ";
msg += wmesType + ")";
writeLog(nppIssueLog.c_str(), msg.c_str());
if (wParam == FALSE)
// the session is not being ended after all
// - it happens when either the N++ returns FALSE to non-critical WM_QUERYENDSESSION or any other app with higher shutdown level
// than N++ (app shuttdown order can be checked by the GetProcessShutdownParameters WINAPI)
// - we will not try to reset back our nppParam _isEndSessionStarted flag somehow, because of we should now that there was already
// a previous shutdown attempt, otherwise we could stubbornly repeat returning FALSE for the next WM_QUERYENDSESSION and
// the system will terminate us
return 0; // return here and do not continue to the WM_CLOSE part
// the session is being ended, it can end ANY TIME after all apps running have returned from processing this message,
// so DO NOT e.g. Send/Post any message from here onwards!!!
nppParam.endSessionStart(); // ensure
nppParam.makeEndSessionCritical(); // set our exit-flag to critical even if the bitmask has not the ENDSESSION_CRITICAL set
// do not return 0 here and continue to the N++ standard WM_CLOSE code-part (no verbose GUI there this time!!!)
} // case WM_ENDSESSION:
case WM_CLOSE:
if (nppParam.doNppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue() && nppParam.isEndSessionStarted() && (message == WM_CLOSE))
generic_string issueFn = nppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue;
issueFn += TEXT(".log");
generic_string nppIssueLog = nppParam.getUserPath();
pathAppend(nppIssueLog, issueFn);
writeLog(nppIssueLog.c_str(), "WM_CLOSE (isEndSessionStarted == true)");
if (_pPublicInterface->isPrelaunch())
@ -2102,9 +2279,9 @@ LRESULT Notepad_plus::process(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lPa
SCNotification scnN{};
scnN.nmhdr.code = NPPN_BEFORESHUTDOWN;
scnN.nmhdr.hwndFrom = hwnd;
scnN.nmhdr.idFrom = 0;
scnN.nmhdr.code = NPPN_BEFORESHUTDOWN;
if (_pTrayIco)
@ -2141,15 +2318,14 @@ LRESULT Notepad_plus::process(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lPa
if (!allClosed)
if (!allClosed && !nppParam.isEndSessionCritical())
//User cancelled the shutdown
// cancelled by user
scnN.nmhdr.code = NPPN_CANCELSHUTDOWN;
if (isSnapshotMode)
return FALSE;
return 0; // abort quitting
if (_beforeSpecialView._isFullScreen) //closing, return to windowed mode
@ -2163,7 +2339,6 @@ LRESULT Notepad_plus::process(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lPa
scnN.nmhdr.code = NPPN_SHUTDOWN;
saveGUIParams(); //writeGUIParams writeScintillaParams
saveFindHistory(); //writeFindHistory
@ -2183,18 +2358,23 @@ LRESULT Notepad_plus::process(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lPa
// saving session.xml
if (nppgui._rememberLastSession && !nppgui._isCmdlineNosessionActivated)
if (!_isNppSessionSavedAtExit)
_isNppSessionSavedAtExit = true; // prevents emptying of the session.xml file on another WM_ENDSESSION or WM_CLOSE
// saving session.xml into loaded session if a saved session is loaded and saveLoadedSessionOnExit option is enabled
generic_string loadedSessionFilePath = nppParam.getLoadedSessionFilePath();
if (!loadedSessionFilePath.empty() && PathFileExists(loadedSessionFilePath.c_str()))
nppParam.writeSession(currentSession, loadedSessionFilePath.c_str());
// saving session.xml
if (nppgui._rememberLastSession && !nppgui._isCmdlineNosessionActivated)
// saving session.xml into loaded session if a saved session is loaded and saveLoadedSessionOnExit option is enabled
generic_string loadedSessionFilePath = nppParam.getLoadedSessionFilePath();
if (!loadedSessionFilePath.empty() && PathFileExists(loadedSessionFilePath.c_str()))
nppParam.writeSession(currentSession, loadedSessionFilePath.c_str());
// write settings on cloud if enabled, if the settings files don't exist
if (nppgui._cloudPath != TEXT("") && nppParam.isCloudPathChanged())
@ -2215,83 +2395,31 @@ LRESULT Notepad_plus::process(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lPa
//Sends WM_DESTROY, Notepad++ will end
if (message == WM_CLOSE)
generic_string updaterFullPath = nppParam.getWingupFullPath();
if (!updaterFullPath.empty())
Process updater(updaterFullPath.c_str(), nppParam.getWingupParams().c_str(), nppParam.getWingupDir().c_str());;
// _isEndingSessionButNotReady is true means WM_QUERYENDSESSION is sent but no time to finish saving data
// then WM_ENDSESSION is sent with wParam == FALSE - Notepad++ should exit in this case
if (_isEndingSessionButNotReady)
if (message == WM_CLOSE)
return 0;
return TRUE;
if (nppParam.isQueryEndSessionStarted() && nppParam.doNppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue())
generic_string issueFn = nppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue;
issueFn += TEXT(".log");
generic_string nppIssueLog = nppParam.getUserPath();
pathAppend(nppIssueLog, issueFn);
string wmesType = std::to_string(lParam);
if (0 == lParam)
if (!nppParam.isEndSessionCritical())
wmesType += " - ordinary system shutdown/restart";
generic_string updaterFullPath = nppParam.getWingupFullPath();
if (!updaterFullPath.empty())
Process updater(updaterFullPath.c_str(), nppParam.getWingupParams().c_str(), nppParam.getWingupDir().c_str());;
// the lParam here is a bit mask, it can be one or more of the following values
wmesType += " - ENDSESSION_LOGOFF";
string endSession = "WM_ENDSESSION (wParam: ";
if (wParam)
endSession += "TRUE, lParam: ";
endSession += "FALSE, lParam: ";
endSession += wmesType + ")";
writeLog(nppIssueLog.c_str(), endSession.c_str());
if (wParam == TRUE)
_isEndingSessionButNotReady = true;
return 0;
return 0; // both WM_CLOSE and a possible WM_ENDSESSION should return 0
if (nppParam.isQueryEndSessionStarted() && nppParam.doNppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue())
if (nppParam.isEndSessionStarted() && nppParam.doNppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue())
generic_string issueFn = nppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue;
issueFn += TEXT(".log");
generic_string nppIssueLog = nppParam.getUserPath();
pathAppend(nppIssueLog, issueFn);
writeLog(nppIssueLog.c_str(), "WM_DESTROY");
writeLog(nppIssueLog.c_str(), "WM_DESTROY (isEndSessionStarted == true)");

View File

@ -1874,7 +1874,8 @@ private:
bool _doNppLogNetworkDriveIssue = false;
bool _doNppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue = false;
bool _isQueryEndSessionStarted = false;
bool _isEndSessionStarted = false;
bool _isEndSessionCritical = false;
generic_string getWingupFullPath() const { return _wingupFullPath; };
@ -1888,8 +1889,10 @@ public:
bool doNppLogNetworkDriveIssue() { return _doNppLogNetworkDriveIssue; };
bool doNppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue() { return _doNppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue; };
void queryEndSessionStart() { _isQueryEndSessionStarted = true; };
bool isQueryEndSessionStarted() { return _isQueryEndSessionStarted; };
void endSessionStart() { _isEndSessionStarted = true; };
bool isEndSessionStarted() { return _isEndSessionStarted; };
void makeEndSessionCritical() { _isEndSessionCritical = true; };
bool isEndSessionCritical() { return _isEndSessionCritical; };
void getLangKeywordsFromXmlTree();

View File

@ -1365,6 +1365,9 @@ generic_string NativeLangSpeaker::getAttrNameStr(const TCHAR *defaultStr, const
int NativeLangSpeaker::messageBox(const char *msgBoxTagName, HWND hWnd, const TCHAR *defaultMessage, const TCHAR *defaultTitle, int msgBoxType, int intInfo, const TCHAR *strInfo)
if ((NppParameters::getInstance()).isEndSessionCritical())
return IDCANCEL; // simulate Esc-key or Cancel-button as there should not be any big delay / code-flow block
generic_string msg, title;
if (!getMsgBoxLang(msgBoxTagName, title, msg))