Add new language and update translations

This commit is contained in:
Don HO 2018-02-19 11:40:47 +01:00
parent 213af53389
commit bd0867ee62
14 changed files with 1465 additions and 110 deletions

View File

@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Native-Langue name="Basque" filename="basque.xml" version="6.6.8">
<Native-Langue name="Basque" filename="basque.xml" version="7.5">
<!-- Main Menu Entries -->
<Item menuId="file" name="&amp;Agiria"/>
<Item menuId="edit" name="&amp;Editatu"/>
<Item menuId="search" name="Bilat&amp;u"/>
<Item menuId="search" name="Bila&amp;tu"/>
<Item menuId="view" name="&amp;Ikusi"/>
<Item menuId="encoding" name="K&amp;odeaketa"/>
<Item menuId="language" name="Hizku&amp;ntza"/>
<Item menuId="settings" name="E&amp;zarpenak"/>
<Item menuId="tools" name="Tresnak"/>
<Item menuId="macro" name="&amp;Makroa"/>
<Item menuId="run" name="E&amp;kin"/>
<Item idName="Plugins" name="&amp;Pluginak"/>
@ -32,6 +33,7 @@
<Item subMenuId="edit-eolConversion" name="E&amp;OL Bihurketa"/>
<Item subMenuId="edit-blankOperations" name="Tarte Eragiketak"/>
<Item subMenuId="edit-pasteSpecial" name="It&amp;satsi Berezia"/>
<Item subMenuId="edit-onSelection" name="Hautapenean"/>
<Item subMenuId="search-markAll" name="Markatu Denak"/>
<Item subMenuId="search-unmarkAll" name="Ezmarkatu Denak"/>
<Item subMenuId="search-jumpUp" name="Jauzi Gora"/>
@ -41,8 +43,8 @@
<Item subMenuId="view-zoom" name="Zooma"/>
<Item subMenuId="view-moveCloneDocument" name="Mugitu/Klonatu Oraingo Agiria"/>
<Item subMenuId="view-tab" name="Hegatsa"/>
<Item subMenuId="view-collapsLevel" name="&amp;Bildu Maila"/>
<Item subMenuId="view-uncollapseLevel" name="Ezbildu &amp;Maila"/>
<Item subMenuId="view-collapseLevel" name="Bildu Maila"/>
<Item subMenuId="view-uncollapseLevel" name="Desbildu &amp;Maila"/>
<Item subMenuId="view-project" name="Egitasmoa"/>
<Item subMenuId="encoding-characterSets" name="&amp;Hizkikode Ezarpena"/>
<Item subMenuId="encoding-arabic" name="Arabiera"/>
@ -87,6 +89,9 @@
<Item id="41015" name="Gorde &amp;Kopia Bat Honela..."/>
<Item id="41016" name="Ezabatu Diskatik"/>
<Item id="41017" name="Berrizendatu..."/>
<Item id="41021" name="Leheneratu Berriki Itxitako Agiria"/>
<Item id="41022" name="Ireki agiritegia laninguru bezala"/>
<Item id="41023" name="Ireki Berezko Ikusgailuan"/>
<Item id="42001" name="&amp;Ebaki"/>
<Item id="42002" name="&amp;Kopiatu"/>
<Item id="42003" name="&amp;Desegin"/>
@ -94,15 +99,34 @@
<Item id="42005" name="&amp;Itsatsi"/>
<Item id="42006" name="E&amp;zabatu"/>
<Item id="42007" name="&amp;Hautatu Dena"/>
<Item id="42020" name="Hasiera/Amaiera Hautapena"/>
<Item id="42008" name="Gehitu Lerro Eskuineratzea"/>
<Item id="42009" name="Gutxitu Lerro Eskuineratzea"/>
<Item id="42010" name="Bikoiztu Oraingo Lerroa"/>
<Item id="42012" name="Banandu Lerroak"/>
<Item id="42013" name="Elkartu Lerroak"/>
<Item id="42014" name="Igo Oraingo Lerroa"/>
<Item id="42015" name="Jeitsi Oraingo Lerroa"/>
<Item id="42014" name="Mugitu Gora Oraingo Lerroa"/>
<Item id="42015" name="Mugitu Behera Oraingo Lerroa"/>
<Item id="42059" name="Antolatu Lerroak Lexikografikoki Gorantz"/>
<Item id="42060" name="Antolatu Lerroak Lexikografikoki Beherantz"/>
<Item id="42061" name="Antolatu Lerroak Osoak Bezala Gorantz"/>
<Item id="42062" name="Antolatu Lerroak Osoak Bezala Beherantz"/>
<Item id="42063" name="Antolatu Lerroak Hamarren Bezala (Kakotxa) Gorantz"/>
<Item id="42064" name="Antolatu Lerroak Hamarren Bezala (Kakotxa) Beherantz"/>
<Item id="42065" name="Antolatu Lerroak Hamarren Bezala (Puntua) Gorantz"/>
<Item id="42066" name="Antolatu Lerroak Hamarren Bezala (Puntua) Beherantz"/>
<Item id="42016" name="HIZKI-LARRI"/>
<Item id="42017" name="hizki-xehe"/>
<Item id="42067" name="Izenburua"/>
<Item id="42068" name="Izenburua (nahastua)"/>
<Item id="42069" name="Esaldia"/>
<Item id="42070" name="Esaldia (nahastua)"/>
<Item id="42071" name="aLDERANTZIZ"/>
<Item id="42072" name="ZoRiZKoa"/>
<Item id="42073" name="Ireki Agiria"/>
<Item id="42074" name="Ireki Edukiaren Agiritegia Esploratzailean"/>
<Item id="42075" name="Bilatu Interneten"/>
<Item id="42076" name="Aldatu Bilaketa Gailua..."/>
<Item id="42018" name="&amp;Hasi Grabaketa "/>
<Item id="42019" name="&amp;Gelditu Grabaketa"/>
<Item id="42020" name="Hautapen Hasiera/Amaiera"/>
@ -193,6 +217,7 @@
<Item id="43051" name="Kendu Markatugabeko Lerroak"/>
<Item id="43052" name="Bilatu hizkikodeak mailan..."/>
<Item id="43053" name="Hautatu Berdin Denak Giltza artean"/>
<Item id="43054" name="Markatu..."/>
<Item id="44009" name="I&amp;ragarri"/>
<Item id="44010" name="Tolestu dena"/>
<Item id="44011" name="Erabiltzaileak Zehaztutako Elkarrizk."/>
@ -222,6 +247,7 @@
<Item id="44082" name="Egitasmo Panela 2"/>
<Item id="44083" name="Egitasmo Panela 3"/>
<Item id="44084" name="Eginkizun Zerrenda"/>
<Item id="44085" name="Agiritegia &amp;Laninguru bezala"/>
<Item id="44086" name="1. Hegatsa"/>
<Item id="44087" name="2. Hegatsa"/>
<Item id="44088" name="3. Hegatsa"/>
@ -233,6 +259,9 @@
<Item id="44094" name="9. Hegatsa"/>
<Item id="44095" name="Hurrengo Hegatsa"/>
<Item id="44096" name="Aurreko Hegatsa"/>
<Item id="44097" name="Monitorizatzen (isatsa -f)"/>
<Item id="44098" name="Mugitu Hegatsa Aurrera"/>
<Item id="44099" name="Mugitu Hegatsa Atzera"/>
<Item id="45001" name="Bihurtu &amp;Windows Heuskarrira"/>
<Item id="45002" name="Bihurtu &amp;UNIX Heuskarrira"/>
<Item id="45003" name="Bihurtu &amp;MAC Heuskarrira"/>
@ -258,9 +287,11 @@
<Item id="47002" name="Notepad++ Egitasmoaren &amp;Webgunea"/>
<Item id="47003" name="Online Laguntza"/>
<Item id="47004" name="Eztabaidagunea"/>
<Item id="47011" name="Zuzeneko Sostengua"/>
<Item id="47005" name="Lortu &amp;Plugin Gehiago"/>
<Item id="47006" name="Eg&amp;uneratu Notepad++"/>
<Item id="47008" name="Laguntza Edukiak"/>
<Item id="47009" name="Ezarri Eguneratzaile Proxya..."/>
<Item id="47010" name="Komando Lerro Argumentuak..."/>
<Item id="48005" name="Inportatu &amp;Plugina(k) ..."/>
<Item id="48006" name="Inportatu &amp;Gaia(k) ..."/>
@ -350,18 +381,7 @@
<Item id="1687" name="&amp;Foku galduan"/>
<Item id="1688" name="Beti&amp;k"/>
<Item id="1703" name="&amp;. bat dator lerro-berriarekin"/>
<GoToLine title="Joan hona...">
<Item id="2007" name="Lerrora"/>
<Item id="2008" name="Oreka"/>
<Item id="1" name="&amp;Joan !"/>
<Item id="2" name="&amp;Ez noa inora"/>
<Item id="2004" name="Hemen zaude :"/>
<Item id="2005" name="Hona joan nahi duzu :"/>
<Item id="2006" name="Ezin zara hurrunago joan :"/>
<FindCharsInRange title = "Bilatu Hizkikodeak Mailan...">
<Item id="2910" name="Bilatu"/>
@ -375,6 +395,16 @@
<Item id="2909" name="Inguratu"/>
<GoToLine title="Joan hona...">
<Item id="2007" name="Lerrora"/>
<Item id="2008" name="Oreka"/>
<Item id="1" name="&amp;Joan !"/>
<Item id="2" name="&amp;Ez noa inora"/>
<Item id="2004" name="Hemen zaude :"/>
<Item id="2005" name="Hona joan nahi duzu :"/>
<Item id="2006" name="Ezin zara hurrunago joan :"/>
<Run title="Ekin...">
<Item id="1" name="Ekin!"/>
<Item id="2" name="Ezeztatu"/>
@ -382,6 +412,18 @@
<Item id="1904" name="Gorde..."/>
<MD5FromFilesDlg title="Sortu MD5 digest agirientzat">
<Item id="1922" name="Hautatu agiriak MD5 sortzeko..."/>
<Item id="1924" name="Kopiatu Gakora"/>
<Item id="2" name="Itxi"/>
<MD5FromTextDlg title="Sortu MD5 digest">
<Item id="1932" name="Tratatu lerro bakoitz kate bereizi bezala"/>
<Item id="1934" name="Kopiatu Gakora"/>
<Item id="2" name="Itxi"/>
<StyleConfig title="Estilo Itxuratzailea">
<Item id="2" name="Ezeztatu"/>
<Item id="2301" name="Gorde eta Itxi"/>
@ -456,6 +498,8 @@
<Item id="25026" name="Eragilea 1"/>
<Item id="25027" name="Eragilea 2"/>
<Item id="25028" name="Zenbakiak"/>
<Item id="1" name="Ongi"/>
<Item id="2" name="Ezeztatu"/>
<Folder title="Agiritegia eta Berezkoa">
<Item id="21101" name="Berezko Estilo Ezarpenak"/>
@ -549,7 +593,7 @@
<Operator title="Eragileak">
<Item id="24107" name="Eragilea"/>
<Item id="24103" name="Sinbolo eskuragarriak"/>
<Item id="24101" name="Eragindako Eragileak"/>
<Item id="24101" name="Gaitutako Eragileak"/>
<Item id="24201" name="Mugatzailea 1"/>
<Item id="24211" name="Muga irekita :"/>
<Item id="24214" name="Muga itxita :"/>
@ -597,7 +641,7 @@
<Item id="24551" name="Mugatzailea 6 estiloa"/>
<Item id="24601" name="Mugatzailea 7 estiloa"/>
<Item id="24651" name="Mugatzailea 8 estiloa"/>
<Item id="24101" name="Eragindako eragileak"/>
<Item id="24101" name="Gaitutako eragileak"/>
<Item id="24201" name="Mugatzailea 1 estiloa"/>
<Item id="24301" name="Mugatzailea 2 estiloa"/>
@ -642,8 +686,12 @@
<Item id="6211" name="Zutikako Hertz Ezarpena"/>
<Item id="6212" name="Lerro modua"/>
<Item id="6213" name="Barren modua"/>
<Item id="6214" name="Eragin oraingo lerro nabarmentzea"/>
<Item id="6214" name="Gaitu oraingo lerro nabarmentzea"/>
<Item id="6216" name="Gehikizun ezarpenak"/>
<Item id="6215" name="Gaitu hizki lehuntzea"/>
<Item id="6231" name="Hertz Zabalera"/>
<Item id="6235" name="Hertzik ez"/>
<Item id="6236" name="Gaitu azken lerroa baino harago irristatzea"/>
<Item id="6217" name="Zabalera :"/>
<Item id="6219" name="Dizdira Maila :"/>
<Item id="6221" name="F"/>
@ -680,20 +728,43 @@
<Item id="6426" name="Agiri Izen Helburu Osoa"/>
<Item id="6427" name="Norbereraratu Gehinezko Luzera"/>
<DefaultDir title="Berezko Zuzenbidea">
<Item id="6413" name="Berezko Zuzenbidea (Ireki/Gorde)"/>
<Item id="6414" name="Jarraitu uneko agiria"/>
<Item id="6415" name="Gogoratu erabilitako azken zuzenbidea"/>
<Item id="6430" name="Erabili estilo berriko gordetze elkarrizketa (agiri hedapen ezaugarria gabe)"/>a
<Item id="6431" name="Ireki agiritegiko agiri guztiak agiritegi erortzean Agiritegia Laninguru bezala abiarazi ordez"/>
<FileAssoc title="Agiri Elkarketa">
<Item id="4009" name="Onartutako Luzapenak:"/>
<Item id="4010" name="Erregis. Luzap.:"/>
<LangMenu title="Hizkuntza Menua/Hegats Ezarpenak">
<Language title="Hizkuntza">
<Item id="6505" name="Gai eskuragarriak"/>
<Item id="6506" name="Desgaitutako gaiak"/>
<Item id="6507" name="Egin hizkuntza menua trinkoa"/>
<Item id="6508" name="Hizkuntza Menua"/>
<Item id="6301" name="Hegats Ezarpenak"/>
<Item id="6302" name="Ordeztu tarte batekin"/>
<Item id="6303" name="Hegats neurria: "/>
<Item id="6505" name="Gai eskuragarriak"/>
<Item id="6506" name="Ezgaitu gaiak"/>
<Item id="6507" name="Egin hizkuntza menua trinkoa"/>
<Item id="6508" name="Hizkuntza Menua"/>
<Item id="6510" name="Erabili berezko balioa"/>
<Highlighting title="Nabarmentzea">
<Item id="6333" name="Nabarmentze adimentsua"/>
<Item id="6326" name="Gaitu Nabarmentze adimentsua"/>
<Item id="6332" name="Bat dator"/>
<Item id="6338" name="Bat dator hitz osoa bakarrik"/>
<Item id="6339" name="Erabili Bilatu elkarrizketaren ezarpenak"/>
<Item id="6340" name="Nabarmendu beste ikuspegia"/>
<Item id="6329" name="Nabarmendu Bat datozen Etiketak"/>
<Item id="6327" name="Gaitu"/>
<Item id="6328" name="Nabarmendu etiketa ezaugarriak"/>
<Item id="6330" name="Nabarmeendu aipamen/php/asp eremua"/>
<Print title="Irarketa">
<Item id="6601" name="Irarkitu lerro zenbakia"/>
@ -735,10 +806,11 @@
<Item id="6427" name="Norbereratu Gehinezko Luzera:"/>
<Backup title="Backup">
<Backup title="Babeskopia">
<Item id="6801" name="Babeskopia"/>
<Item id="6803" name="Zuzenbidea:"/>
<Item id="6804" name="Norbere Babeskopia Zuzenbidea"/>
<Item id="6309" name="Gogoratu oraingo saioa hurrengo abiatzerako"/>
<Item id="6315" name="Ezer ez"/>
<Item id="6316" name="Babeskopia Arrunta"/>
<Item id="6317" name="Babeskopia Berritsua"/>
@ -759,6 +831,7 @@
<Item id="6814" name="Baliozko Balioa: 1 - 9"/>
<Item id="6815" name="Eginkizun parametro iradokizuna sarreran"/>
<Item id="6816" name="Eginkizun eta hitz osaketa"/>
<Item id="6824" name="Ezikusi zenbakiak"/>
<Item id="6851" name="Berez-Txertatu"/>
<Item id="6857" name=" html/xml etiketa itxia"/>
<Item id="6858" name="Ireki"/>
@ -776,21 +849,34 @@
<Item id="6155" name="* Ezarpen honen aldaketak Notepad++ berrabiaraztea behar du"/>
<Delimiter title="Mugatzilea">
<Delimiter title="Mugatzailea">
<Item id="6251" name="Mugatzaile hautapen ezarpenak (Ktrl + Sagu klik bikoitza)"/>
<Item id="6252" name="Ireki"/>
<Item id="6255" name="Itxi"/>
<Item id="6256" name="Ahalbidetu lerro ugaritan"/>
<Item id="6161" name="Hitz karaktere zerrenda"/>
<Item id="6162" name="Erabili berezko hitz karaktere zerrenda den bezala"/>
<Item id="6163" name="Gehitu zure karakterea hitzaren atal bezala
(ez hautatu hau zer egiten ari zaren jakin ezik)"/>
<Cloud title="Hodeia">
<Item id="6262" name="Hodeiko ezarpenak"/>
<Item id="6263" name="Hodeirik Ez"/>
<Item id="6264" name="Dropbox"/>
<Item id="6265" name="OneDrive"/>
<Item id="6266" name="Google Drive"/>
<!--Item id="6261" name="Mesedez berrabiarazi Notepad++ eragina izateko."/-->
<Item id="6267" name="Ezarri zure hodei kokalekuaren helburua hemen:"/>
<SearchEngine title="Bilaketa Gailua">
<Item id="6271" name="Bilaketa Gailua (&quot;Bilatu Interneten&quot; aginduarentzat)"/>
<Item id="6272" name="DuckDuckGo"/>
<Item id="6273" name="Google"/>
<Item id="6274" name="Bing"/>
<Item id="6275" name="Yahoo!"/>
<Item id="6276" name="Ezarri zure bilaketa gailua hemen:"/>
<!-- Don't change anything after Example: -->
<Item id="6278" name="Adibidea:$(CURRENT_WORD)"/>
<MISC title="Askotarikoa">
<Item id="6304" name="Historia Agiri Ezarpena"/>
<Item id="6305" name="Ez egiaztatu abiatzerako orduan"/>
@ -800,9 +886,13 @@
<Item id="6309" name="Gogoratu oraingo saioa hurrengo ekinerako"/>
<Item id="6312" name="Agiri Egoera Berez-atzematea"/>
<Item id="6313" name="Eguneratu isilean"/>
<Item id="6337" name="Laneremu agiri luzp.:"/>
<Item id="6114" name="Gaitu"/>
<Item id="6115" name="Berez-eskuineratu"/>
<Item id="6117" name="Gaitu MRU jokabidea agiri aldatzailerako"/>
<Item id="6344" name="Agiri Begiralea"/>
<Item id="6345" name="Begiratu hegatsean"/>
<Item id="6346" name="Begiratu agiriaren mapan"/>
<Item id="6318" name="Lotura klikagarrri ezarpenak"/>
<Item id="6319" name="Gaitu"/>
<Item id="6320" name="Ez azpimarratuta"/>
@ -834,7 +924,7 @@
<Window title="Leihoak">
<Item id="1" name="&amp;Eragin"/>
<Item id="1" name="&amp;Gaitu"/>
<Item id="2" name="&amp;Ongi"/>
<Item id="7002" name="&amp;Gorde"/>
<Item id="7003" name="It&amp;xi leihoa(k)"/>
@ -856,20 +946,31 @@
<ContextMenuXmlEditWarning title="Hitzinguru Menua Editatzea" message="Hitzinguru Menua Editatzen.xml-ek Notepad++ oharleiho hitzinguru menua aldatzea ahalbidetzen dizu.\rNotepad++ berrabiarazi behar duzu eragina izateko hitzinguru Menua.xml aldatu ondoren."/>
<ContextMenuXmlEditWarning title="Hitzinguru Menua Editatzea" message="Hitzinguru Menua Editatzen.xml-ek Notepad++ oharleiho hitzinguru menua aldatzea ahalbidetzen dizu.
Notepad++ berrabiarazi behar duzu eragina izateko hitzinguru Menua.xml aldatu ondoren."/>
<NppHelpAbsentWarning title="Agiria ez dago" message="\rEz dago. Mesedez jeitsi ezazu Notepad++ webgunetik."/>
<SaveCurrentModifWarning title="Gorde Oraingo Aldaketa" message="Oraingo aldaketa gorde behar duzu.
\rGordetako aldaketa guztiak ezin dira desegin.\r\rJarraitu?"/>
Gordetako aldaketa guztiak ezin dira desegin.
<LoseUndoAbilityWarning title="Galdu Desegin Gaitasun Gutxitzailea" message="Oraingo aldaketa gorde behar duzu.
\rGordetako aldaketa guztiak ezin dira desegin.\r\rJarraitu?"/>
Gordetako aldaketa guztiak ezin dira desegin.
<CannotMoveDoc title="Mugitu Notepad++ Eskabide berrira" message="Agiria aldatuta dago, gorde eta saiatu berriro."/>
<DocReloadWarning title="Birgertatu" message="Zihur zaude oraingo agiria birgertatzea eta Notepad++ egindako aldaketak galtzea nahi dituzula?"/><FileLockedWarning title="Gordetze hutsegitea" message="Mesedez egiaztatu agiria beste programaren batean irekita dagoen"/><FileAlreadyOpenedInNpp title="" message="Agiria jadanik irekita dago hemen: Notepad++."/>
<FileLockedWarning title="Save failed" message="Mesedez egiaztatu agiri hau beste programaren batean irekita dagoen"/>
<FileAlreadyOpenedInNpp title="" message="Agiria jadanik irekita dago Notepad++."/>
<DocReloadWarning title="Birgertatu" message="Zihur zaude oraingo agiria birgertatzea eta Notepad++ egindako aldaketak galtzea nahi dituzula?"/>
<FileLockedWarning title="Gordetze hutsegitea" message="Mesedez egiaztatu agiria beste programaren batean irekita dagoen"/>
<FileAlreadyOpenedInNpp title="" message="Agiria jadanik irekita dago hemen: Notepad++."/>
<DeleteFileFailed title="Ezabatu Agiria" message="Ezabatu Agiria Hutsegitea"/>
<!-- $INT_REPLACE$ is a place holder, don't translate it -->
<NbFileToOpenImportantWarning title="Irekitzeko agiri kopurua handiegia da" message="$INT_REPLACE$ agiri daude irekitzeko.\rZihur zaude irekitzea nahi dituzula?"/>
<NbFileToOpenImportantWarning title="Irekitzeko agiri kopurua handiegia da" message="$INT_REPLACE$ agiri daude irekitzeko.
Zihur zaude irekitzea nahi dituzula?"/>
<SettingsOnCloudError title="Ezarpenak hodeian" message="Dirudienez ezarpenak hodeian helburua irakurtzeko bakarrik den gidagailuan dago,
edo idaz eskubidea izateko pribilegioak behar dituen agiritegi batean.
Zure ezarpenak hodeian ezeztatu egingo da. Mesedez berrezarri balio zuzen bat Hobespenak elkarrizketaren bidez."/>
<FilePathNotFoundWarning title="Agiri IrekitzeaFile Open" message="Irekitzen saiatzen ari zaren agiria ez dago."/>
<SessionFileInvalidError title="Ezin da Saioa Gertatu" message="Saio agiria hondatuta dago edo baliogabea da."/>
<PanelTitle name="Gako Historia"/>
@ -938,5 +1039,17 @@
<word-chars-list-tip value="Honek hizki gehigarriren bat gehitzea ahalbidetzen dizu oraingo hitz hizkietan, klik bikoitzak hautatzeko edo bilatzeko &quot;hitz osoa bat dator bakarrik&quot; aukera hautatuta dagoela."/>
<word-chars-list-warning-begin value="Kontuz: "/>
<!-- $INT_REPLACE$ is a place holder, don't translate it -->
<word-chars-list-space-warning value="$INT_REPLACE$ space(s)"/>
<!-- $INT_REPLACE$ is a place holder, don't translate it -->
<word-chars-list-tab-warning value="$INT_REPLACE$ TAB(s)"/>
<word-chars-list-warning-end value=" zure hizki zerrendan."/>
<cloud-invalid-warning value="Helburu baliogabea."/>
<cloud-restart-warning value="Mesedez berrabiarazi Notepad++ eragina izateko."/>
<shift-change-direction-tip value="Erabili Aldatu + Sartu alderantzizko norabidean bilatzeko"/>

View File

@ -262,15 +262,15 @@
<Item id="45002" name="轉換成 UNIX 格式"/>
<Item id="45003" name="轉換成 Mac 格式"/>
<Item id="45004" name="編譯成 ANSI 碼"/>
<Item id="45005" name="編譯成 UTF-8 碼"/>
<Item id="45005" name="編譯成 UTF-8 碼〈BOM 檔首〉"/>
<Item id="45006" name="編譯成 UCS-2 Big Endian 碼"/>
<Item id="45007" name="編譯成 UCS-2 Little Endian 碼"/>
<Item id="45008" name="編譯成 UTF-8 碼〈檔首無 BOM〉"/>
<Item id="45008" name="編譯成 UTF-8 碼"/>
<Item id="45009" name="轉換至 ANSI 碼格式"/>
<Item id="45011" name="轉換至 UTF-8 碼格式"/>
<Item id="45010" name="轉換至 UTF-8 碼格式"/>
<Item id="45011" name="轉換至 UTF-8 碼格式〈BOM 檔首〉"/>
<Item id="45012" name="轉換至 UCS-2 Big Endian 碼格式"/>
<Item id="45013" name="轉換至 UCS-2 Little Endian 碼格式"/>
<Item id="45010" name="轉換至 UTF-8 碼格式〈檔首無 BOM〉"/>
<Item id="10001" name="移至另一個視窗"/>
<Item id="10002" name="複製到另一個視窗"/>
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
<Item id="1" name="找下一個"/>
<Item id="1722" name="往上搜尋"/>
<Item id="2" name="關閉"/>
<Item id="1620" name="尋找內容: "/>
<Item id="1620" name="尋找內容 "/>
<Item id="1603" name="僅符合整個單字(&amp;W)"/>
<Item id="1604" name="區分大小寫(&amp;C)"/>
<Item id="1605" name="規則運算式(&amp;E)"/>
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@
<Item id="1615" name="全部尋找"/>
<Item id="1616" name="標記該行"/>
<Item id="1618" name="每次搜尋都重新標記"/>
<Item id="1611" name="取代為: "/>
<Item id="1611" name="取代為 "/>
<Item id="1608" name="取代(&amp;R)"/>
<Item id="1609" name="全部取代(&amp;A)"/>
<Item id="1687" name="當視窗失焦"/>
@ -393,9 +393,9 @@
<Item id="2008" name="位移"/>
<Item id="1" name="走吧!"/>
<Item id="2" name="我那兒也不去"/>
<Item id="2004" name="目前的所在位置:"/>
<Item id="2005" name="要前往:"/>
<Item id="2006" name="不能超過:"/>
<Item id="2004" name="目前的所在位置:"/>
<Item id="2005" name="要前往:"/>
<Item id="2006" name="不能超過:"/>
<Run title="執行...">
@ -451,6 +451,7 @@
<Item id="2602" name="修改"/>
<Item id="2603" name="刪除"/>
<Item id="2606" name="清除"/>
<Item id="2607" name="濾鏡:"/>
<Item id="1" name="關閉"/>
<ColumnName name="名稱"/>
<ColumnShortcut name="快速鍵"/>
@ -461,6 +462,8 @@
<RunCommandsTab name="自訂指令"/>
<PluginCommandsTab name="外掛指令"/>
<ScintillaCommandsTab name="Scintilla 指令"/>
<ConflictInfoOk name="此項目沒有快速鍵重複定義"/>
<ConflictInfoEditing name="無快速鍵重複定義 . . ."/>
<ShortcutMapperSubDialg title="快速鍵設定">
<Item id="1" name="確認"/>
@ -478,7 +481,7 @@
<Item id="20003" name="建立..."/>
<Item id="20004" name="刪除"/>
<Item id="20005" name="另存..."/>
<Item id="20007" name="自訂語言: "/>
<Item id="20007" name="自訂語言 "/>
<Item id="20009" name="副檔名"/>
<Item id="20012" name="不分大小寫"/>
<Item id="20011" name="透明度"/>
@ -679,7 +682,7 @@
<Scintillas title="編輯">
<Item id="6216" name="游標設定"/>
<Item id="6217" name="寬: "/>
<Item id="6217" name="寬 "/>
<Item id="6219" name="閃爍頻率:"/>
<Item id="6221" name="快"/>
<Item id="6222" name="慢"/>
@ -703,7 +706,6 @@
<Item id="6209" name="字元數:"/>
<Item id="6234" name="關閉進階捲動功能
<Item id="6211" name="邊緣線設定"/>
<Item id="6212" name="垂直線模式"/>
<Item id="6213" name="背景色模式"/>
@ -748,7 +750,7 @@
<Item id="6508" name="程式語言選單"/>
<Item id="6301" name="跳格設定"/>
<Item id="6302" name="以空格取代"/>
<Item id="6303" name="跳格大小: "/>
<Item id="6303" name="跳格大小 "/>
<Item id="6510" name="使用預設值"/>
@ -932,11 +934,11 @@
修改 contextMenu.xml 後必須重啟 Notepad++ 才會生效。"/>
<NppHelpAbsentWarning title="檔案不存在" message="
不存在。請在 Notepad++ 網站下載它。"/>
<SaveCurrentModifWarning title="儲存目前修改" message="必須儲存目前修改。
<SaveCurrentModifWarning title="儲存目前修改" message="必須儲存目前修改。
<LoseUndoAbilityWarning title="失去復原能力警告" message="必須儲存目前修改。
<LoseUndoAbilityWarning title="失去復原能力警告" message="必須儲存目前修改。
@ -950,9 +952,68 @@
<NbFileToOpenImportantWarning title="檔案開啟數量過多" message="$INT_REPLACE$
<SettingsOnCloudError title="雲端設定" message="雲端路徑似乎設成唯讀磁碟,或是資料夾需要寫入權限。
<FilePathNotFoundWarning title="開啟檔案" message="你試圖開啟的文件不存在。"/>
<SessionFileInvalidError title="無法開啟檔案組群" message="組群檔無效。"/>
<DroppingFolderAsProjetModeWarning title="操作無效" message="你只能單獨拖放文件或目錄,但不能同時拖放,因為你目前的模式是『拖放目錄為文件夾工作區』。
<SortingError title="排序錯誤" message="由於第 $INT_REPLACE$ 行無法執行數字排序。"/>
<ColumnModeTip title="列模式選取提示" message="請使用『ALT +鼠標選擇』或『Alt + Shift +箭頭鍵』切換到列模式選取。"/>
<BufferInvalidWarning title="儲存失敗" message="Cannot save: Buffer is invalid."/>
<DoSaveOrNot title="儲存" message="儲存檔案 &quot;$STR_REPLACE$&quot;"/>
<DoCloseOrNot title="保留已不存在的文件" message="檔案 &quot;$STR_REPLACE$&quot;
<DoDeleteOrNot title="刪除檔案" message="檔案 &quot;$STR_REPLACE$&quot;
<NoBackupDoSaveFile title="儲存" message="你的備份文件無法找到(從外部刪除)。
是否要保存檔案 &quot;$STR_REPLACE$&quot;"/>
<DoReloadOrNot title="重新載入" message="&quot;$STR_REPLACE$&quot;
<DoReloadOrNotAndLooseChange title="重新載入" message="&quot;$STR_REPLACE$&quot;
你想重新載入並遺失在 Notepad++ 中所做的更改嗎?"/>
<PrehistoricSystemDetected title="偵測到史前的老舊系統" message="看來你還在使用史前的老舊系統,這個功能只適用於現代系統,抱歉。"/>
<XpUpdaterProblem title="Notepad++ 更新程式" message="更新程序與 XP
你要直接到 Notepad++ 網頁下載最新版本嗎?"/>
<DocTooDirtyToMonitor title="監控錯誤" message="文件已修改而尚未儲存。 在監視之前請儲存修改。"/>
<DocNoExistToMonitor title="監控錯誤" message="該文件必須存在以進行監視。"/>
<FileTooBigToOpene title="文件太大" message="文件太大,無法用 Notepad++ 打開。"/>
<CreateNewFileOrNot title="開新檔案" message="&quot;$INT_REPLACE$&quot; 不存在。 開新檔案?"/>
<CreateNewFileError title="開新檔案" message="無法創建新檔 &quot;$INT_REPLACE$&quot;."/>
<OpenFileError title="錯誤" message="無法開啟 &quot;$INT_REPLACE$&quot;"/>
<FileBackupFailed title="文件備份失敗" message="以前版本的檔案無法保存到 &quot;$INT_REPLACE$&quot;
<LoadStylersFailed title="載入 stylers.xml 失敗" message="載入 &quot;$INT_REPLACE$&quot; 失敗!"/>
<LoadLangsFailed title="配置" message="載入 langs.xml !
你要恢復 langs.xml?"/>
<LoadLangsFailedFinal title="配置" message="載入 langs.xml 失敗!"/>
<FolderAsWorspaceSubfolderExists title="文件夾工作區加入錯誤" message="您想要添加的目錄已以子目錄型態存在中。
請先將其根目錄從文件夾工作區中移除,如你欲添加此目錄 &quot;$STR_REPLACE$&quot;."/>
<ProjectPanelChanged title="$STR_REPLACE$" message="工作區已被修改。 你想保存它嗎?"/>
<ProjectPanelChangedSaveError title="$STR_REPLACE$" message="工作區修改儲存失敗。"/>
<ProjectPanelOpenDoSaveDirtyWsOrNot title="開啟工作區" message="目前的工作區已被修改。 你想儲存目前的專案嗎?"/>
<ProjectPanelNewDoSaveDirtyWsOrNot title="新工作區" message="目前的工作區已被修改。 你想儲存目前的專案嗎?"/>
<ProjectPanelOpenFailed title="開啟工作區" message="工作區無法打開。
<ProjectPanelRemoveFolderFromProject title="從專案中刪除文件夾" message="所有的子目錄將被刪除。
<ProjectPanelRemoveFileFromProject title="從專案中移除文件" message="確定從專案中刪除這個文件嗎?"/>
<ProjectPanelReloadError title="重新載入工作區" message="無法找到要重新載入的檔案。"/>
<ProjectPanelReloadDirty title="重新載入工作區" message="當前的工作區已被修改。
<UDLNewNameError title="自訂程式語言錯誤" message="這個名字被另一種語言使用,
<UDLRemoveCurrentLang title="刪除目前的自訂程式語言" message="你確定?"/>
<SCMapperDoDeleteOrNot title="你確定?" message="你確定要刪除這個快速鍵嗎?"/>
<FindCharRangeValueError title="輸入值範圍錯誤" message="你的輸入值應該在 0 到 255 之間。"/>
<PanelTitle name="剪貼簿記錄"/>
@ -976,6 +1037,21 @@
<SortTip name="排序" />
<ReloadTip name="重新載入" />
<PanelTitle name="文件夾工作區"/>
<SelectFolderFromBrowserString name="選擇一個目錄加入到文件夾工作區"/>
<Item id="3511" name="移除"/>
<Item id="3512" name="全部移除"/>
<Item id="3513" name="加入"/>
<Item id="3514" name="(系統)執行"/>
<Item id="3515" name="開啟"/>
<Item id="3516" name="複製文件路徑"/>
<Item id="3517" name="在檔案中尋找..."/>
<Item id="3518" name="在此開啟 Explorer"/>
<Item id="3519" name="在此開啟 CMD"/>
<PanelTitle name="專案"/>
<WorkspaceRootName name="工作區"/>
@ -1030,8 +1106,34 @@
<word-chars-list-warning-end value=" 在你的單字字符集中。"/>
<cloud-invalid-warning value="無效路徑"/>
<cloud-restart-warning value="請重新啟動 Notepad++ 以讓改變生效"/>
<cloud-select-folder value="選擇一個文件夾,以便 Notepad++ 從中讀取/寫入其設定"/>
<shift-change-direction-tip value="使用 Shift + Enter 以相反方向進行搜索"/>
<1-to-2-buttons-tip value="2個按鈕模式"/>
<two-find-buttons-tip value="2個按鈕模式"/>
<find-status-top-reached value="搜尋: 從底部找到了相符的字串。搜尋已抵達文件初"/>
<find-status-end-reached value="搜尋: 從上端找到了相符的字串。搜尋已抵達文件末"/>
<find-status-replaceinfiles-1-replaced value="在檔案中取代: 取代了 1 個字串"/>
<find-status-replaceinfiles-nb-replaced value="在檔案中取代: 取代了 $INT_REPLACE$ 個字串"/>
<find-status-replaceinfiles-re-malformed value="在所有開啟文件中取代:無效的規則運算式"/>
<find-status-replaceinopenedfiles-1-replaced value="在所有開啟文件中取代: 取代了 1 個字串"/>
<find-status-replaceinopenedfiles-nb-replaced value="在所有開啟文件中取代: 取代了 $INT_REPLACE$ 個字串"/>
<find-status-mark-re-malformed value="Mark無效的規則運算式"/>
<find-status-invalid-re value="搜尋:無效的規則運算式"/>
<find-status-mark-1-match value="1 個相符"/>
<find-status-mark-nb-matches value="$INT_REPLACE$ 個相符"/>
<find-status-count-re-malformed value="標記:無效的規則運算式"/>
<find-status-count-1-match value="標記: 1 個相符"/>
<find-status-count-nb-matches value="標記: $INT_REPLACE$ 個相符"/>
<find-status-replaceall-re-malformed value="全部取代:無效的規則運算式"/>
<find-status-replaceall-1-replaced value="全部取代: 取代了 1 個字串"/>
<find-status-replaceall-nb-replaced value="全部取代: 取代了 $INT_REPLACE$ 個字串"/>
<find-status-replaceall-readonly value="全部取代:檔案唯讀,無法取代字串"/>
<find-status-replace-end-reached value="取代: 從上端取代了 1 個相符了相符的字串。搜尋已抵達文件末"/>
<find-status-replace-top-reached value="取代: 從底部取代了 1 個相符的字串。搜尋已抵達文件初"/>
<find-status-replaced-next-found value="取代: 取代了 1 個字串。找到了下一個字串"/>
<find-status-replaced-next-not-found value="取代: 取代了 1 個字串。找不到下一個字串"/>
<find-status-replace-not-found value="取代: 找不到搜尋字串"/>
<find-status-replace-readonly value="取代:檔案唯讀,無法取代字串"/>
<find-status-cannot-find value="搜尋: 找不到搜尋字串 &quot;$STR_REPLACE$&quot;"/>

View File

@ -473,7 +473,7 @@
<Item id="5008" name="Add"/>
<Item id="5009" name="Remove"/>
<Item id="5010" name="Apply"/>
<Item id="5007" name="This will remove the accelerator"/>
<Item id="5007" name="This will remove shorcut from this command"/>
<Item id="5012" name="CONFLICT FOUND!"/>
<UserDefine title="User-Defined">
@ -669,7 +669,7 @@
<Item id="6120" name="Vertical"/>
<Item id="6121" name="Exit on close the last tab"/>
<Item id="6122" name="Hide (use Alt or F10 key to toggle)"/>
<Item id="6122" name="Hide menu bar (use Alt or F10 key to toggle)"/>
<Item id="6123" name="Localization"/>
<Item id="6125" name="Document List Panel"/>
@ -958,9 +958,9 @@ or on a folder needed privilege right for writing access.
Your settings on cloud will be canceled. Please reset a coherent value via Preference dialog."/>
<FilePathNotFoundWarning title="File Open" message="The file you're trying to open doesn't exist."/>
<SessionFileInvalidError title="Could not Load Session" message="Session file is either corrupted or not valid."/>
<DroppingFolderAsProjetModeWarning title="Invalid action" message="You can drop only files or folders but not both, because you're in dropping Folder as Projet mode.
<DroppingFolderAsProjetModeWarning title="Invalid action" message="You can drop only files or folders but not both, because you're in dropping Folder as Project mode.
you have to enable &quot;Open all files of folder instead of launching Folder as Workspace on folder dropping&quot; in &quot;Default Directory&quot; section of Preferences dialog to make this operation work."/>
<SortingError title="Sorting Error" message="Unable to perform numeric sort due to line $STR_REPLACE$."/>
<SortingError title="Sorting Error" message="Unable to perform numeric sort due to line $INT_REPLACE$."/>
<ColumnModeTip title="Column Mode Tip" message="Please use &quot;ALT+Mouse Selection&quot; or &quot;Alt+Shift+Arrow key&quot; to switch to column mode."/>
<BufferInvalidWarning title="Save failed" message="Cannot save: Buffer is invalid."/>
<DoSaveOrNot title="Save" message="Save file &quot;$STR_REPLACE$&quot; ?"/>
@ -996,11 +996,11 @@ Do you want to save the current file anyways?"/>
<LoadLangsFailed title="Configurator" message="Load langs.xml failed!
Do you want to recover your langs.xml?"/>
<LoadLangsFailedFinal title="Configurator" message="Load langs.xml failed!"/>
<FolderAsWorspaceSubfolderExists title="Folder as Worspace adding folder problem" message="A sub-folder of the folder you want to add exists.
Please remove it from the panel before you add folder &quot;$STR_REPLACE$&quot;."/>
<FolderAsWorspaceSubfolderExists title="Folder as Workspace adding folder problem" message="A sub-folder of the folder you want to add exists.
Please remove its root from the panel before you add folder &quot;$STR_REPLACE$&quot;."/>
<ProjectPanelChanged title="$STR_REPLACE$" message="The workspace was modified. Do you want to save it?"/>
<ProjectPanelChangedSaveError title="$STR_REPLACE$" message="Your workspace was not saved."/>
<ProjectPanelChangedSaveError title="$STR_REPLACE$" message="Your workspace has not been saved."/>
<ProjectPanelOpenDoSaveDirtyWsOrNot title="Open Workspace" message="The current workspace was modified. Do you want to save the current project?"/>
<ProjectPanelNewDoSaveDirtyWsOrNot title="New Workspace" message="The current workspace was modified. Do you want to save the current project?"/>
<ProjectPanelOpenFailed title="Open Workspace" message="The workspace could not be opened.
@ -1113,11 +1113,8 @@ please give another one."/>
<cloud-select-folder value="Select a folder from/to where Notepad++ reads/writes its settings"/>
<shift-change-direction-tip value="Use Shift + Enter to search in the opposite direction"/>
<two-find-buttons-tip value="2 find buttons mode"/>
<find-status-top-reached value="Find: Found the 1st occurrence from the bottom. The beginning of the document has been reached."/>
<find-status-end-reached value="Find: Found the 1st occurrence from the top. The end of the document has been reached."/>
<find-status-find-from-top-end-reached value="Find: Found the 1st occurrence from the top. The end of document has been reached"/>
<find-status-find-from-bottom-begin-reached value="Find: Found the 1st occurrence from the bottom. The begin of document has been reached"/>
<find-status-replaceinfiles-1-replaced value="Replace in Files: 1 occurrence was replaced"/>
<find-status-replaceinfiles-nb-replaced value="Replace in Files: $INT_REPLACE$ occurrences were replaced"/>
<find-status-replaceinfiles-re-malformed value="Replace in Opened Files: The regular expression is malformed"/>
@ -1133,15 +1130,14 @@ please give another one."/>
<find-status-replaceall-re-malformed value="Replace All: The regular expression is malformed"/>
<find-status-replaceall-1-replaced value="Replace All: 1 occurrence was replaced"/>
<find-status-replaceall-nb-replaced value="Replace All: $INT_REPLACE$ occurrences were replaced"/>
<ind-status-replaceall-readonly value="Replace All: Cannot replace text. The current document is read only"/>
<find-status-replaceall-readonly value="Replace All: Cannot replace text. The current document is read only"/>
<find-status-replace-end-reached value="Replace: Replaced the 1st occurrence from the top. The end of document has been reached"/>
<find-status-replace-top-reached value="Replace: Replaced the 1st occurrence from the bottom. The begin of document has been reached"/>
<find-status-relaced-next-found value="Replace: 1 occurrence was replaced. The next occurence found"/>
<find-status-relaced-next-not-found value="Replace: 1 occurrence was replaced. The next occurence not found"/>
<find-status-relaced-next-found value="Replace: 1 occurrence was replaced. The next occurrence found"/>
<find-status-relaced-next-not-found value="Replace: 1 occurrence was replaced. The next occurrence not found"/>
<find-status-replace-not-found value="Replace: no occurrence was found"/>
<find-status-replace-readonly value="Replace: Cannot replace text. The current document is read only"/>
<find-status-cannot-find value="Find: Can't find the text &quot;$STR_REPLACE$&quot;"/>
<find-status-mark-re-malformed value="Mark: The regular expression to search is malformed"/>
<find-status-mark-nb-matches value="$INT_REPLACE$ matches"/>

View File

@ -267,13 +267,13 @@
<Item id="45002" name="Convertir en Format UNIX (LF)"/>
<Item id="45003" name="Convertir en Format Mac (CR)"/>
<Item id="45004" name="Encoder en ANSI"/>
<Item id="45005" name="Encoder en UTF-8"/>
<Item id="45005" name="Encoder en UTF-8(avec BOM)"/>
<Item id="45006" name="Encoder en UTF-16BE"/>
<Item id="45007" name="Encoder en UTF-16LE"/>
<Item id="45008" name="Encoder en UTF-8 (sans BOM)"/>
<Item id="45008" name="Encoder en UTF-8"/>
<Item id="45009" name="Convertir en ANSI"/>
<Item id="45010" name="Convertir en UTF-8 (sans BOM)"/>
<Item id="45011" name="Convertir en UTF-8"/>
<Item id="45010" name="Convertir en UTF-8"/>
<Item id="45011" name="Convertir en UTF-8-BOM"/>
<Item id="45012" name="Convertir en UTF-16BE"/>
<Item id="45013" name="Convertir en UTF-16LE"/>
<Item id="46001" name="Configurateur de coloration syntaxique..."/>
@ -443,7 +443,34 @@
<Item id="2232" name="Appliquer le style souligné global"/>
<ShortcutMapper title="Gestionnaire de Raccourcis clavier">
<Item id="2602" name="Modifier"/>
<Item id="2603" name="Supprimer"/>
<Item id="2606" name="Effacer"/>
<Item id="2607" name="Filtre: "/>
<Item id="1" name="Fermer"/>
<ColumnName name="Nom"/>
<ColumnShortcut name="Raccourcis clavier"/>
<ColumnCategory name="Catégorie"/>
<ColumnPlugin name="Plugin"/>
<MainMenuTab name="Menu principal"/>
<MacrosTab name="Macros"/>
<RunCommandsTab name="Excécution"/>
<PluginCommandsTab name="Commandes de Plugin"/>
<ScintillaCommandsTab name="Commandes de Scintilla "/>
<ConflictInfoOk name="Pas de conflit pour cet item."/>
<ConflictInfoEditing name="Pas de conflit . . ."/>
<ShortcutMapperSubDialg title="Raccourcis clavier">
<Item id="1" name="OK"/>
<Item id="2" name="Annuler"/>
<Item id="5006" name="Nom"/>
<Item id="5008" name="Ajouter"/>
<Item id="5009" name="Supprimer"/>
<Item id="5010" name="Appliquer"/>
<Item id="5007" name="Cela supprimera le raccourcis depuis cette commande"/>
<Item id="5012" name="CONFLIT TROUVÉ!"/>
<UserDefine title="Langage utilisateur">
<Item id="20001" name="Ancrer"/>
<Item id="20005" name="Enregistrer sous"/>
@ -904,6 +931,64 @@
<NppHelpAbsentWarning title="Le fichier n'existe pas" message=" n'existe pas. Veuillez le télécharger sur le site de Notepad++."/>
<SaveCurrentModifWarning title="Sauvegarder la modification en cours" message="Vous devez enregistrer la modification en cours. Toutes les modifications enregistrées ne peuvent pas être annulées. Continuer ?"/>
<FilePathNotFoundWarning title="Ouvrir" message="Le fichier que vous essayez d'ouvrir n'existe pas."/>
<SessionFileInvalidError title="Could not Load Session" message="Session file is either corrupted or not valid."/>
<DroppingFolderAsProjetModeWarning title="Invalid action" message="You can drop only files or folders but not both, because you're in dropping Folder as Project mode.
you have to enable &quot;Open all files of folder instead of launching Folder as Workspace on folder dropping&quot; in &quot;Default Directory&quot; section of Preferences dialog to make this operation work."/>
<SortingError title="Sorting Error" message="Unable to perform numeric sort due to line $INT_REPLACE$."/>
<BufferInvalidWarning title="Save failed" message="Cannot save: Buffer is invalid."/>
<DoSaveOrNot title="Save" message="Save file &quot;$STR_REPLACE$&quot; ?"/>
<DoCloseOrNot title="Keep non existing file" message="The file &quot;$STR_REPLACE$&quot; doesn't exist anymore.
Keep this file in editor?"/>
<DoDeleteOrNot title="Delete file" message="The file &quot;$STR_REPLACE$&quot;
will be moved to your Recycle Bin and this document will be closed.
<NoBackupDoSaveFile title="Save" message="Your backup file cannot be found (deleted from outside).
Save it otherwise your data will be lost
Do you want to save file &quot;$STR_REPLACE$&quot; ?"/>
<DoReloadOrNot title="Reload" message="&quot;$STR_REPLACE$&quot;
This file has been modified by another program.
Do you want to reload it?"/>
<DoReloadOrNotAndLooseChange title="Reload" message="&quot;$STR_REPLACE$&quot;
This file has been modified by another program.
Do you want to reload it and lose the changes made in Notepad++?"/>
<PrehistoricSystemDetected title="Prehistoric system detected" message="It seems you still use a prehistoric system, This feature works only on a modern system, sorry."/>
<XpUpdaterProblem title="Notepad++ Updater" message="Notepad++ updater is not compatible with XP due to the obsolete security layer under XP.
Do you want to go to Notepad++ page to download the latest version?"/>
<DocTooDirtyToMonitor title="Monitoring problem" message="The document is dirty. Please save the modification before monitoring it."/>
<DocNoExistToMonitor title="Monitoring problem" message="The file should exist to be monitored."/>
<FileTooBigToOpene title="File size problem" message="File is too big to be opened by Notepad++"/>
<CreateNewFileOrNot title="Create new file" message="&quot;$INT_REPLACE$&quot; doesn't exist. Create it?."/>
<CreateNewFileError title="Create new file" message="Cannot create the file &quot;$INT_REPLACE$&quot;."/>
<OpenFileError title="ERROR" message="Can not open file &quot;$INT_REPLACE$&quot;."/>
<FileBackupFailed title="File Backup Failed" message="The previous version of the file could not be saved into the backup directory at &quot;$INT_REPLACE$&quot;.
Do you want to save the current file anyways?"/>
<LoadStylersFailed title="Load stylers.xml failed" message="Load &quot;$INT_REPLACE$&quot; failed!"/>
<LoadLangsFailed title="Configurator" message="Load langs.xml failed!
Do you want to recover your langs.xml?"/>
<LoadLangsFailedFinal title="Configurator" message="Load langs.xml failed!"/>
<FolderAsWorspaceSubfolderExists title="Folder as Workspace adding folder problem" message="A sub-folder of the folder you want to add exists.
Please remove its root from the panel before you add folder &quot;$STR_REPLACE$&quot;."/>
<ProjectPanelChanged title="$STR_REPLACE$" message="The workspace was modified. Do you want to save it?"/>
<ProjectPanelChangedSaveError title="$STR_REPLACE$" message="Your workspace has not been saved."/>
<ProjectPanelOpenDoSaveDirtyWsOrNot title="Open Workspace" message="The current workspace was modified. Do you want to save the current project?"/>
<ProjectPanelNewDoSaveDirtyWsOrNot title="New Workspace" message="The current workspace was modified. Do you want to save the current project?"/>
<ProjectPanelOpenFailed title="Open Workspace" message="The workspace could not be opened.
It seems the file to open is not a valid project file."/>
<ProjectPanelRemoveFolderFromProject title="Remove folder from project" message="All the sub-items will be removed.
Are you sure you want to remove this folder from the project?"/>
<ProjectPanelRemoveFileFromProject title="Remove file from project" message="Are you sure you want to remove this file from the project?"/>
<ProjectPanelReloadError title="Reload Workspace" message="Cannot find the file to reload."/>
<ProjectPanelReloadDirty title="Reload Workspace" message="The current workspace was modified. Reloading will discard all modifications.
Do you want to continue?"/>
<UDLNewNameError title="UDL Error" message="This name is used by another language,
please give another one."/>
<UDLRemoveCurrentLang title="Remove the current language" message="Are you sure?"/>
<SCMapperDoDeleteOrNot title="Are you sure?" message="Are you sure you want to delete this shortcut?"/>
<FindCharRangeValueError title="Range Value problem" message="You should type between from 0 to 255."/>
<PanelTitle name="Historique du presse-papiers"/>
@ -927,6 +1012,21 @@
<SortTip name="Trier" />
<ReloadTip name="Recharger" />
<PanelTitle name="Dossier en tant qu'Espace de travail"/>
<SelectFolderFromBrowserString name="Sélectioner un dossier pour ajouter dans Dossier en tant qu'Espace de travail"/>
<Item id="3511" name="Effacer"/>
<Item id="3512" name="Effacer Tout"/>
<Item id="3513" name="Ajouter"/>
<Item id="3514" name="Excécuter par le système"/>
<Item id="3515" name="Ouvrir"/>
<Item id="3516" name="Copier le chemin d'accès"/>
<Item id="3517" name="Rechercher dans les fichiers..."/>
<Item id="3518" name="Explorer depuis ici"/>
<Item id="3519" name="CMD depuis ici"/>
<PanelTitle name="Projet"/>
<WorkspaceRootName name="Espace de travail"/>
@ -984,7 +1084,31 @@
<cloud-invalid-warning value="Chemin invalide."/>
<cloud-restart-warning value="Veuillez redémarrer Notepad++ afin que le changement prenne effet."/>
<shift-change-direction-tip value="Utilisez Shift + Entrée pour rechercher dans le sens inverse"/>
<1-to-2-buttons-tip value="2 boutons Recherche"/>
<two-find-buttons-tip value="2 boutons Recherche"/>
<cloud-select-folder value="Sélectionner un répertoire où Notepad++ lit ou écrit ses paramètres"/>
<find-status-top-reached value="Rechercher : La 1ère occurrence a été trouvée depuis le bas. Le début du document a été atteinte"/>
<find-status-end-reached value="Rechercher : La 1ère occurrence a été trouvée depuis le haut. La fin du document a été atteinte"/>
<find-status-replaceinfiles-1-replaced value="Remplacer dans les fichierss : 1 occurrence a été remplacée"/>
<find-status-replaceinfiles-nb-replaced value="Remplacer dans les fichierss : $INT_REPLACE$ occurrences ont été remplacées"/>
<find-status-replaceinfiles-re-malformed value="Remplacer dans les fichierss ouverts : l'expression régulière est malformée"/>
<find-status-replaceinopenedfiles-1-replaced value="Remplacer dans les fichierss ouverts : 1 occurrence a été remplacée"/>
<find-status-replaceinopenedfiles-nb-replaced value="Remplacer dans les fichierss ouverts : $INT_REPLACE$ occurrences ont été remplacées"/>
<find-status-mark-re-malformed value="Marquer : l'expression régulière est malformée"/>
<find-status-invalid-re value="Rechercher : Invalid regular expression"/>
<find-status-mark-1-match value="1 match"/>
<find-status-mark-nb-matches value="$INT_REPLACE$ matches"/>
<find-status-count-re-malformed value="Compter : l'expression régulière est malformée"/>
<find-status-count-1-match value="Compter : 1 match"/>
<find-status-count-nb-matches value="Compter : $INT_REPLACE$ matches"/>
<find-status-replaceall-re-malformed value="Remplacer tout : l'expression régulière est malformée"/>
<find-status-replaceall-1-replaced value="Remplacer tout : 1 occurrence a été remplacée"/>
<find-status-replaceall-nb-replaced value="Remplacer tout : $INT_REPLACE$ occurrences ont été remplacées"/>
<find-status-replaceall-readonly value="Remplacer tout : l'opération échouée. Le fichier est en lecture seule"/>
<find-status-replace-end-reached value="Remplacer : La 1ère occurrence a été remplacée depuis le haut. La fin du document a été atteinte"/>
<find-status-replace-top-reached value="Remplacer : La 1ère occurrence a été remplcée depuis le bas. Le début du document a été atteinte"/>
<find-status-replace-not-found value="Remplacer : aucune occurrence a été trouvéé"/>
<find-status-replace-readonly value="Remplacer : l'opération échouée. Le fichier est en lecture seule"/>
<find-status-cannot-find value="Rechercher : &quot;$STR_REPLACE$&quot; n'a pas été trouvé"/>

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Italian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Japanese"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Korean"
;!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Kurdish"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Kurdish"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Latvian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Lithuanian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Luxembourgish"
@ -150,3 +150,4 @@ LangString langFileName ${LANG_BRETON} "breton.xml"
LangString langFileName ${LANG_GEORGIAN} "georgian.xml"
LangString langFileName ${LANG_VIETNAMESE} "vietnamese.xml"
LangString langFileName ${LANG_WELSH} "welsh.xml"
LangString langFileName ${LANG_KURDISH} "kurdish.xml"

View File

@ -280,6 +280,9 @@ SectionGroup "Localization" localization
${MementoUnselectedSection} "Welsh" welsh
CopyFiles "$PLUGINSDIR\nppLocalization\welsh.xml" "$INSTDIR\localization\welsh.xml"
${MementoUnselectedSection} "Kurdish" kurdish
CopyFiles "$PLUGINSDIR\nppLocalization\kurdish.xml" "$INSTDIR\localization\kurdish.xml"
SectionGroup un.localization
@ -535,4 +538,7 @@ SectionGroup un.localization
Section un.welsh
Delete "$INSTDIR\localization\welsh.xml"
Section un.kurdish
Delete "$INSTDIR\localization\kurdish.xml"

View File

@ -3270,7 +3270,7 @@ void Notepad_plus::dropFiles(HDROP hdrop)
// display error & do nothing
TEXT("You can drop only files or folders but not both, because you're in dropping Folder as Projet mode.\ryou have to enable \"Open all files of folder instead of launching Folder as Workspace on folder dropping\" in \"Default Directory\" section of Preferences dialog to make this operation work."),
TEXT("You can drop only files or folders but not both, because you're in dropping Folder as Project mode.\ryou have to enable \"Open all files of folder instead of launching Folder as Workspace on folder dropping\" in \"Default Directory\" section of Preferences dialog to make this operation work."),
TEXT("Invalid action"),

View File

@ -628,14 +628,15 @@ void Notepad_plus::command(int id)
catch (size_t& failedLineIndex)
generic_string lineNo = std::to_wstring(1 + fromLine + failedLineIndex);
size_t lineNo = 1 + fromLine + failedLineIndex;
TEXT("Unable to perform numeric sort due to line $STR_REPLACE$."),
TEXT("Unable to perform numeric sort due to line $INT_REPLACE$."),
TEXT("Sorting Error"),
lineNo.c_str()); // We don't use intInfo since it would require casting size_t -> int.
@ -1015,12 +1016,12 @@ void Notepad_plus::command(int id)
_findReplaceDlg.processFindNext(s.c_str(), &op, &status);
if (status == FSEndReached)
generic_string msg = _nativeLangSpeaker.getLocalizedStrFromID("find-status-find-from-top-end-reached", TEXT("Find: Found the 1st occurrence from the top. The end of document has been reached."));
generic_string msg = _nativeLangSpeaker.getLocalizedStrFromID("find-status-end-reached", TEXT("Find: Found the 1st occurrence from the top. The end of the document has been reached."));
_findReplaceDlg.setStatusbarMessage(msg, FSEndReached);
else if (status == FSTopReached)
generic_string msg = _nativeLangSpeaker.getLocalizedStrFromID("find-status-find-from-bottom-begin-reached", TEXT("Find: Found the 1st occurrence from the bottom. The begin of document has been reached."));
generic_string msg = _nativeLangSpeaker.getLocalizedStrFromID("find-status-top-reached", TEXT("Find: Found the 1st occurrence from the bottom. The beginning of the document has been reached."));
_findReplaceDlg.setStatusbarMessage(msg, FSTopReached);
@ -1049,12 +1050,12 @@ void Notepad_plus::command(int id)
_findReplaceDlg.processFindNext(str, &op, &status);
if (status == FSEndReached)
generic_string msg = _nativeLangSpeaker.getLocalizedStrFromID("find-status-find-from-top-end-reached", TEXT("Find: Found the 1st occurrence from the top. The end of document has been reached."));
generic_string msg = _nativeLangSpeaker.getLocalizedStrFromID("find-status-end-reached", TEXT("Find: Found the 1st occurrence from the top. The end of the document has been reached."));
_findReplaceDlg.setStatusbarMessage(msg, FSEndReached);
else if (status == FSTopReached)
generic_string msg = _nativeLangSpeaker.getLocalizedStrFromID("find-status-find-from-bottom-begin-reached", TEXT("Find: Found the 1st occurrence from the bottom. The begin of document has been reached."));
generic_string msg = _nativeLangSpeaker.getLocalizedStrFromID("find-status-top-reached", TEXT("Find: Found the 1st occurrence from the bottom. The beginning of the document has been reached."));
_findReplaceDlg.setStatusbarMessage(msg, FSTopReached);
@ -1096,12 +1097,12 @@ void Notepad_plus::command(int id)
_findReplaceDlg.processFindNext(text2Find, &op, &status);
if (status == FSEndReached)
generic_string msg = _nativeLangSpeaker.getLocalizedStrFromID("find-status-find-from-top-end-reached", TEXT("Find: Found the 1st occurrence from the top. The end of document has been reached."));
generic_string msg = _nativeLangSpeaker.getLocalizedStrFromID("find-status-end-reached", TEXT("Find: Found the 1st occurrence from the top. The end of the document has been reached."));
_findReplaceDlg.setStatusbarMessage(msg, FSEndReached);
else if (status == FSTopReached)
generic_string msg = _nativeLangSpeaker.getLocalizedStrFromID("find-status-find-from-bottom-begin-reached", TEXT("Find: Found the 1st occurrence from the bottom. The begin of document has been reached."));
generic_string msg = _nativeLangSpeaker.getLocalizedStrFromID("find-status-top-reached", TEXT("Find: Found the 1st occurrence from the bottom. The beginning of the document has been reached."));
_findReplaceDlg.setStatusbarMessage(msg, FSTopReached);

View File

@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ void FileBrowser::addRootFolder(generic_string rootFolderPath)
TEXT("A sub-folder of the folder you want to add exists.\rPlease remove it from the panel before you add folder \"$STR_REPLACE$\"."),
TEXT("A sub-folder of the folder you want to add exists.\rPlease remove its root from the panel before you add folder \"$STR_REPLACE$\"."),
TEXT("Folder as Worspace adding folder problem"),
0, // not used

View File

@ -122,23 +122,17 @@ BEGIN
CONTROL "Autodetect character encoding",IDC_CHECK_DETECTENCODING,
"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,37,98,217,10
CONTROL "Minimize to system tray",IDC_CHECK_MIN2SYSTRAY,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,37,128,150,10
CONTROL "Show only filename in title bar",IDC_CHECK_SHORTTITLE,
"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,37,158,217,10
CONTROL "Enable Notepad++ auto-updater",IDC_CHECK_AUTOUPDATE,
CONTROL "Autodetect character encoding",IDC_CHECK_DETECTENCODING, "Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,37,98,217,10
CONTROL "Minimize to system tray",IDC_CHECK_MIN2SYSTRAY,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,37,128,217,10
CONTROL "Show only filename in title bar",IDC_CHECK_SHORTTITLE, "Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | BS_MULTILINE | WS_TABSTOP,37,143,217,10
CONTROL "Enable Notepad++ auto-updater",IDC_CHECK_AUTOUPDATE, "Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | BS_MULTILINE | WS_TABSTOP,37,173,217,10
"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,267,28,140,10
CONTROL "Scroll to the last line after update",IDC_CHECK_UPDATEGOTOEOF,
"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,267,81,140,10
CONTROL "Scroll to the last line after update",IDC_CHECK_UPDATEGOTOEOF,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,267,81,140,10

View File

@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ void ProjectPanel::checkIfNeedSave(const TCHAR *title)
if (!saveWorkSpace())
TEXT("Your workspace was not saved."),
TEXT("Your workspace has not been saved."),

View File

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ BEGIN
LTEXT "+",IDC_STATIC,198,39,8,8
LTEXT "This will remove the accelerator",IDC_WARNING_STATIC,6,101,162,8
LTEXT "This will remove shorcut from this command",IDC_WARNING_STATIC,6,101,162,8

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ LocalizationSwitcher::LocalizationDefinition localizationDefs[] =
{TEXT("Occitan"), TEXT("occitan.xml")},
{TEXT("ไทย"), TEXT("thai.xml")},
{TEXT("Furlan"), TEXT("friulian.xml")},
{TEXT("الْعَرَبيّة"), TEXT("arabic.xml")},
{TEXT("العربية"), TEXT("arabic.xml")},
{TEXT("Suomi"), TEXT("finnish.xml")},
{TEXT("Lietuvių"), TEXT("lithuanian.xml")},
{TEXT("Ελληνικά"), TEXT("greek.xml")},
@ -113,5 +113,6 @@ LocalizationSwitcher::LocalizationDefinition localizationDefs[] =
{TEXT("татарча"), TEXT("tatar.xml")},
{TEXT("ਪੰਜਾਬੀ"), TEXT("punjabi.xml")},
{TEXT("Corsu"), TEXT("corsican.xml")},
{TEXT("Brezhoneg"), TEXT("breton.xml")}
{TEXT("Brezhoneg"), TEXT("breton.xml")},
{TEXT("کوردی‬"), TEXT("kurdish.xml")}