Notepad++ 7.5.1 release
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,21 +1,17 @@
Notepad++ 7.5 new featurs/enhancements & bug-fixes:
Notepad++ 7.5.1 new featurs/enhancements & bug-fixes:
1. Fix some excluded language cannot be remembered bug.
2. Fix a localization regression bug.
3. Fix the bug that Notepad++ create "%APPDATA%\local\notepad++" folder in local conf mode.
4. Add Visual Prolog language support.
5. Add auto-completion support for batch file (*.bat).
6. Enhance Function List for PHP and JavaScript.
7. Enhance Shortcut Mapper by adding category column.
8. Make double click work for language menu disabling/enabling in preferences dialog.
9. Make double click work to improve file extension movement in Preferences dialog.
10. Fix bug: language menu item is restored back on the wrong zone.
11. Add a spiritual quote.
1. Add new languages support: ASN.1, AviSynth, Blitz Basic, Csound, Erlang, escript, Forth, FreeBASIC, LaTeX, MMIX, Nimrod, nnCron, OScript, PureBasic, Rebol, registry, Rust, SPICE, txt2tags
2. Add "Open file in its default viewer" command.
3. Add "-quickPrint" command line argument: Launch Notepad++, print document & exit.
4. Add /noUpdater argument for installer to not install updater (useful in silent mode).
5. Add new installer argument /allowAppDataPluginsLoading.
6. Roll back to 1 "Find next" button in Find/Replace dialog, due to the inconsistence after removal of direction option.
7. Enhancement: empty fields "Replace with" and "Filters" of Find/Replace dialog are remembered in the next session.
8. Fix text selection in combo boxes of find/replace dialog problem on resizing.
9. Fix the issue of passing non-exist folder via command line without any warning.
10. Fix multi-line tab button remaining pushed issue while switching off.
11. Fix TAB key wired behavior on find/replace dialog's transparency radio button.
12. Fix click on tab without hitting close button but close file issue.
13. Fix Notepad++ modifying command line arguments issue (command line arguments could be visualized by system tools).
14. Fix file not dirty while its content changed on the hard drive.
15. Fix saved duplicated file in the same view issue.
16. Fix "Folder as Workspace" toolbar button not activated after dropping folder issue.
Included plugins:
@ -77,6 +77,21 @@ SectionGroup "Plugins" Plugins
File "..\bin\plugins\NppConverter.dll"
${MementoSection} "Decent Spell-Checking" DSpellCheck
Delete "$INSTDIR\plugins\DSpellCheck.dll"
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\plugins"
!ifdef ARCH64
File "..\bin64\plugins\DSpellCheck.dll"
File "..\bin64\plugins\Config\Hunspell\en_US.aff"
File "..\bin64\plugins\Config\Hunspell\en_US.dic"
File "..\bin\plugins\DSpellCheck.dll"
File "..\bin\plugins\Config\Hunspell\en_US.aff"
File "..\bin\plugins\Config\Hunspell\en_US.dic"
${MementoSection} "Auto-Updater" AutoUpdater
@ -118,7 +133,15 @@ SectionGroup un.Plugins
Delete "$UPDATE_PATH\plugins\Config\PluginManager.ini"
Delete "$INSTDIR\updater\gpup.exe"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\updater\"
/* Section un.DSpellCheck
Delete "$INSTDIR\plugins\DSpellCheck.dll"
Delete "$UPDATE_PATH\plugins\Config\DSpellCheck.ini"
Delete "$INSTDIR\plugins\Config\Hunspell\en_US.aff"
Delete "$INSTDIR\plugins\Config\Hunspell\en_US.dic"
RMDir "$INSTDIRplugins\Config\Hunspell\"
SectionEnd */
@ -29,10 +29,10 @@
; Define the application name
!define APPNAME "Notepad++"
!define APPVERSION "7.5"
!define APPVERSION "7.5.1"
!define VERSION_MINOR 51
!define APPWEBSITE ""
@ -51,6 +51,10 @@ If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
signtool.exe sign /f %NPP_CERT% /p %NPP_CERT_PWD% /d "Notepad++" /du /t ..\bin\plugins\NppConverter.dll
signtool.exe sign /f %NPP_CERT% /p %NPP_CERT_PWD% /d "Notepad++" /du /t ..\bin64\plugins\NppConverter.dll
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
REM signtool.exe sign /f %NPP_CERT% /p %NPP_CERT_PWD% /d "Notepad++" /du /t ..\bin\plugins\DSpellCheck.dll
REM If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
REM signtool.exe sign /f %NPP_CERT% /p %NPP_CERT_PWD% /d "Notepad++" /du /t ..\bin64\plugins\DSpellCheck.dll
REM If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
@ -131,6 +135,7 @@ mkdir .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\APIs
mkdir .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\Config
mkdir .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\doc
rem 32
copy /Y ..\bin\license.txt .\zipped.package.release\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y ..\bin\readme.txt .\zipped.package.release\
@ -154,68 +159,7 @@ If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y ..\bin\SciLexer.dll .\zipped.package.release\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
rem Plugins
copy /Y "..\bin\plugins\NppExport.dll" .\zipped.package.release\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y "..\bin\plugins\mimeTools.dll" .\zipped.package.release\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y "..\bin\plugins\NppConverter.dll" .\zipped.package.release\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y "..\bin64\plugins\mimeTools.dll" .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y "..\bin64\plugins\NppConverter.dll" .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
rem localizations
copy /Y ".\nativeLang\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release\localization\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y ".\nativeLang\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release64\localization\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
rem files API
copy /Y ".\APIs\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release\plugins\APIs\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y ".\APIs\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\APIs\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
rem theme
copy /Y ".\themes\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release\themes\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y ".\themes\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release64\themes\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -r .\build\npp.bin.minimalist.7z .\minimalist\*
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -r .\build\npp.bin.minimalist64.7z .\minimalist64\*
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip -r .\build\ .\zipped.package.release\*
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -r .\build\npp.bin.7z .\zipped.package.release\*
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
rem IF EXIST "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" ("%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\NSIS\Unicode\makensis.exe" nppSetup.nsi) ELSE ("%PROGRAMFILES%\NSIS\Unicode\makensis.exe" nppSetup.nsi)
IF EXIST "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" ("%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\NSIS\makensis.exe" nppSetup.nsi) ELSE ("%PROGRAMFILES%\NSIS\makensis.exe" nppSetup.nsi)
IF EXIST "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" ("%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\NSIS\makensis.exe" -DARCH64 nppSetup.nsi) ELSE ("%PROGRAMFILES%\NSIS\makensis.exe" -DARCH64 nppSetup.nsi)
rem Notepad++ Unicode package
rmdir /S /Q .\zipped.package.release
mkdir .\zipped.package.release64
rem mkdir .\zipped.package.release64\updater
mkdir .\zipped.package.release64\localization
mkdir .\zipped.package.release64\themes
mkdir .\zipped.package.release64\plugins
mkdir .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\APIs
mkdir .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\Config
mkdir .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\doc
rem 64
copy /Y ..\bin\license.txt .\zipped.package.release64\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y ..\bin\readme.txt .\zipped.package.release64\
@ -239,6 +183,75 @@ If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y ..\bin64\SciLexer.dll .\zipped.package.release64\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
rem Plugins
copy /Y "..\bin\plugins\NppExport.dll" .\zipped.package.release\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y "..\bin\plugins\mimeTools.dll" .\zipped.package.release\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y "..\bin\plugins\NppConverter.dll" .\zipped.package.release\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
REM copy /Y "..\bin\plugins\DSpellCheck.dll" .\zipped.package.release\plugins\
REM If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
REM mkdir .\zipped.package.release\plugins\Config\Hunspell
REM If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
REM copy /Y "..\bin\plugins\Config\Hunspell\en_US.aff" .\zipped.package.release\plugins\Config\Hunspell\
REM If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
REM copy /Y "..\bin\plugins\Config\Hunspell\en_US.dic" .\zipped.package.release\plugins\Config\Hunspell\
REM If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y "..\bin64\plugins\mimeTools.dll" .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y "..\bin64\plugins\NppConverter.dll" .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
REM copy /Y "..\bin64\plugins\DSpellCheck.dll" .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\
REM If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
REM mkdir .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\Config\Hunspell
REM If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
REM copy /Y "..\bin64\plugins\Config\Hunspell\en_US.aff" .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\Config\Hunspell\
REM If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
REM copy /Y "..\bin64\plugins\Config\Hunspell\en_US.dic" .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\Config\Hunspell\
REM If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
rem localizations
copy /Y ".\nativeLang\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release\localization\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y ".\nativeLang\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release64\localization\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
rem files API
copy /Y ".\APIs\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release\plugins\APIs\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y ".\APIs\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\APIs\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
rem theme
copy /Y ".\themes\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release\themes\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y ".\themes\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release64\themes\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -r .\build\npp.bin.minimalist.7z .\minimalist\*
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -r .\build\npp.bin.minimalist64.7z .\minimalist64\*
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip -r .\build\ .\zipped.package.release\*
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -r .\build\npp.bin.7z .\zipped.package.release\*
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
rem IF EXIST "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" ("%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\NSIS\Unicode\makensis.exe" nppSetup.nsi) ELSE ("%PROGRAMFILES%\NSIS\Unicode\makensis.exe" nppSetup.nsi)
IF EXIST "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" ("%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\NSIS\makensis.exe" nppSetup.nsi) ELSE ("%PROGRAMFILES%\NSIS\makensis.exe" nppSetup.nsi)
IF EXIST "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" ("%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\NSIS\makensis.exe" -DARCH64 nppSetup.nsi) ELSE ("%PROGRAMFILES%\NSIS\makensis.exe" -DARCH64 nppSetup.nsi)
rem Notepad++ Unicode package
rmdir /S /Q .\zipped.package.release
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip -r .\build\ .\zipped.package.release64\*
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
@ -256,10 +269,11 @@ for %%a in (npp.*.Installer.exe) do (
rem echo a = %%a
set nppInstallerVar=%%a
set nppInstallerVar64=!nppInstallerVar:Installer.exe=Installer.x64.exe!
rem nppInstallerVar should be the version for exemple: 6.9
rem we put npp.6.9. + ( instead of Installer.exe) into var zipvar
rem nppInstallerVar should be the version for exemple: 6.9
rem we put npp.6.9. + ( instead of Installer.exe) into var zipvar
set zipvar=!!
set zipvar64=!!
set 7zvar=!nppInstallerVar:Installer.exe=bin.7z!
set 7zvar64=!nppInstallerVar:Installer.exe=bin.x64.7z!
@ -27,12 +27,12 @@
#pragma once
#define NOTEPAD_PLUS_VERSION TEXT("Notepad++ v7.5")
#define NOTEPAD_PLUS_VERSION TEXT("Notepad++ v7.5.1")
// should be X.Y : ie. if VERSION_DIGITALVALUE == 4, 7, 1, 0 , then X = 4, Y = 71
// ex : #define VERSION_VALUE TEXT("5.63\0")
#define VERSION_VALUE TEXT("7.5\0")
#define VERSION_DIGITALVALUE 7, 5, 0, 0
#define VERSION_VALUE TEXT("7.51\0")
#define VERSION_DIGITALVALUE 7, 5, 1, 0
Reference in New Issue