Make menu folders on context menu translatable
Make the following context menu items translatable: 1. "Style all occurrences of token" 2. "Style one token" 3. "Clear style" 4. "Plugin commands" Note for translators: to test your translation, you have to replace the old "contextMenu.xml" with the new one (modified in this commit). Fix partially #8972 Fix #9713, close #11031
This commit is contained in:
@ -1506,6 +1506,10 @@ Find in all files but exclude all folders log or logs recursively:
<IncrementalFind-FSNotFound value="Phrase not found" />
<IncrementalFind-FSTopReached value="Reached top of page, continued from bottom" />
<IncrementalFind-FSEndReached value="Reached end of page, continued from top" />
<contextMenu-styleAlloccurrencesOfToken value="Style all occurrences of token" />
<contextMenu-styleOneToken value="Style one token" />
<contextMenu-clearStyle value="Clear style" />
<contextMenu-PluginCommands value="Plugin commands" />
@ -1460,6 +1460,10 @@ Rechercher dans tous les fichiers mais pas dans les dossiers log ou logs récurs
<IncrementalFind-FSNotFound value="Expression introuvable" />
<IncrementalFind-FSTopReached value="Haut de page atteint, continuer en partant du bas" />
<IncrementalFind-FSEndReached value="Fin de page atteinte, continuer en partant du haut" />
<contextMenu-styleAlloccurrencesOfToken value="Appliquer le style à toutes les occurrences" />
<contextMenu-styleOneToken value="Appliquer le style à 1 seul occurrence" />
<contextMenu-clearStyle value="Dégager le style" />
<contextMenu-PluginCommands value="Modules d'extension" />
@ -1453,6 +1453,10 @@
<IncrementalFind-FSNotFound value="找不到相符字串" />
<IncrementalFind-FSTopReached value="到達頁面頂部,從底部繼續" />
<IncrementalFind-FSEndReached value="到達頁面末尾,從頂部繼續 " />
<contextMenu-styleAlloccurrencesOfToken value="樣式化所有相符的字串" />
<contextMenu-styleOneToken value="僅樣式化選擇的字串" />
<contextMenu-clearStyle value="清除樣式" />
<contextMenu-PluginCommands value="外掛模組" />
@ -2018,6 +2018,7 @@ bool NppParameters::getContextMenuFromXmlTree(HMENU mainMenuHadle, HMENU plugins
return false;
WcharMbcsConvertor& wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
NativeLangSpeaker* pNativeSpeaker = (NppParameters::getInstance()).getNativeLangSpeaker();
TiXmlNodeA *contextMenuRoot = root->FirstChildElement("ScintillaContextMenu");
if (contextMenuRoot)
@ -2026,13 +2027,19 @@ bool NppParameters::getContextMenuFromXmlTree(HMENU mainMenuHadle, HMENU plugins
childNode ;
childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
const char *folderNameA = (childNode->ToElement())->Attribute("FolderName");
const char *folderNameDefaultA = (childNode->ToElement())->Attribute("FolderName");
const char *folderNameTranslateID_A = (childNode->ToElement())->Attribute("TranslateID");
const char *displayAsA = (childNode->ToElement())->Attribute("ItemNameAs");
generic_string folderName;
generic_string displayAs;
folderName = folderNameA?wmc.char2wchar(folderNameA, SC_CP_UTF8):TEXT("");
displayAs = displayAsA?wmc.char2wchar(displayAsA, SC_CP_UTF8):TEXT("");
folderName = folderNameDefaultA ? wmc.char2wchar(folderNameDefaultA, SC_CP_UTF8) : TEXT("");
displayAs = displayAsA ? wmc.char2wchar(displayAsA, SC_CP_UTF8) : TEXT("");
if (folderNameTranslateID_A)
folderName = pNativeSpeaker->getLocalizedStrFromID(folderNameTranslateID_A, folderName);
int id;
const char *idStr = (childNode->ToElement())->Attribute("id", &id);
@ -29,38 +29,39 @@
Use FolderName (optional) to create sub-menu. FolderName can be used in any type of item.
FolderName value can be in any language.
TranslateID is for translating FolderName's value. If you create your FolderName, don't add TranslateID.
<Item FolderName="Style all occurrences of token" id="43022"/>
<Item FolderName="Style all occurrences of token" id="43024"/>
<Item FolderName="Style all occurrences of token" id="43026"/>
<Item FolderName="Style all occurrences of token" id="43028"/>
<Item FolderName="Style all occurrences of token" id="43030"/>
<Item FolderName="Style all occurrences of token" TranslateID="contextMenu-styleAlloccurrencesOfToken" id="43022"/>
<Item FolderName="Style all occurrences of token" TranslateID="contextMenu-styleAlloccurrencesOfToken" id="43024"/>
<Item FolderName="Style all occurrences of token" TranslateID="contextMenu-styleAlloccurrencesOfToken" id="43026"/>
<Item FolderName="Style all occurrences of token" TranslateID="contextMenu-styleAlloccurrencesOfToken" id="43028"/>
<Item FolderName="Style all occurrences of token" TranslateID="contextMenu-styleAlloccurrencesOfToken" id="43030"/>
<Item FolderName="Style one token" id="43062"/>
<Item FolderName="Style one token" id="43063"/>
<Item FolderName="Style one token" id="43064"/>
<Item FolderName="Style one token" id="43065"/>
<Item FolderName="Style one token" id="43066"/>
<Item FolderName="Style one token" TranslateID="contextMenu-styleOneToken" id="43062"/>
<Item FolderName="Style one token" TranslateID="contextMenu-styleOneToken" id="43063"/>
<Item FolderName="Style one token" TranslateID="contextMenu-styleOneToken" id="43064"/>
<Item FolderName="Style one token" TranslateID="contextMenu-styleOneToken" id="43065"/>
<Item FolderName="Style one token" TranslateID="contextMenu-styleOneToken" id="43066"/>
<Item FolderName="Clear style" id="43023"/>
<Item FolderName="Clear style" id="43025"/>
<Item FolderName="Clear style" id="43027"/>
<Item FolderName="Clear style" id="43029"/>
<Item FolderName="Clear style" id="43031"/>
<Item FolderName="Clear style" id="43032"/>
<Item FolderName="Clear style" TranslateID="contextMenu-clearStyle" id="43023"/>
<Item FolderName="Clear style" TranslateID="contextMenu-clearStyle" id="43025"/>
<Item FolderName="Clear style" TranslateID="contextMenu-clearStyle" id="43027"/>
<Item FolderName="Clear style" TranslateID="contextMenu-clearStyle" id="43029"/>
<Item FolderName="Clear style" TranslateID="contextMenu-clearStyle" id="43031"/>
<Item FolderName="Clear style" TranslateID="contextMenu-clearStyle" id="43032"/>
<Item id="0"/>
To add plugin commands, you have to use PluginEntryName and PluginCommandItemName to localize the plugin commands
<Item FolderName="Plugin commands" PluginEntryName="MIME Tools" PluginCommandItemName="Base64 Encode" />
<Item FolderName="Plugin commands" PluginEntryName="MIME Tools" PluginCommandItemName="Base64 Decode" />
<Item FolderName="Plugin commands" TranslateID="contextMenu-PluginCommands" PluginEntryName="MIME Tools" PluginCommandItemName="Base64 Encode" />
<Item FolderName="Plugin commands" TranslateID="contextMenu-PluginCommands" PluginEntryName="MIME Tools" PluginCommandItemName="Base64 Decode" />
Use ItemNameAs (optional) to rename the menu item name in the context menu
ItemNameAs can be used in any type of item. ItemNameAs value can be in any language.
<Item FolderName="Plugin commands" PluginEntryName="NppExport" PluginCommandItemName="Copy all formats to clipboard" ItemNameAs="Copy Text with Syntax Highlighting" />
<Item FolderName="Plugin commands" TranslateID="contextMenu-PluginCommands" PluginEntryName="NppExport" PluginCommandItemName="Copy all formats to clipboard" ItemNameAs="Copy Text with Syntax Highlighting" />
<Item id="0"/>
<Item MenuEntryName="Edit" MenuItemName="UPPERCASE"/>
<Item MenuEntryName="Edit" MenuItemName="lowercase"/>
Reference in New Issue