Update functionList.xml C++ parser
Improvements : - add templated classes (and template-nested templated classes) - add namespaced classes - add classes which inherits another class without the accessibility keyword (private is optional for example) - add classes with virtual inheritance - add functions defined with the following keywords - (left) consteval|constexpr|friend|inline|static|virtual - (right) const|final|noexcept|override - add functions defined with templated types (and template-nested templated types) - add operator definitions Close #5175
This commit is contained in:
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,840 @@
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
/* -------------------- Namespaces -------------------- */
namespace test {
typedef const int type;
static constexpr type n = 0;
//Template functions
template <typename LType, typename RType> constexpr LType coalesce(const LType &left, const RType &right);
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
template <typename LType, typename RType, typename ...Args>
constexpr LType coalesce(const LType &left, const RType &right, const Args &...args);
template <typename LType, typename RType> constexpr test::type compare(const LType &left, const RType &right);
template <typename Type> constexpr Type divide(const Type &left, const Type &right);
template <typename LType, typename RType> constexpr bool equals(const LType &left, const RType &right);
template <typename Return, typename Type> constexpr Return cast(const Type &val);
template <typename Type> constexpr Type minus(const Type &left, const Type &right);
template <typename Type> constexpr Type modulus(const Type &left, const Type &right);
template <typename Type> constexpr Type multiply(const Type &left, const Type &right);
template <typename Type> constexpr Type negate(const Type &val);
template <typename Type> constexpr bool isnot(const Type &val);
template <typename Type> constexpr bool isnull(const Type &val);
template <typename Type> constexpr Type plus(const Type &left, const Type &right);
template <typename Type> void print(const Type &val);
class TestA2;
class TestA12;
template <class Type> struct TestB3;
struct TestD3;
class TestH3;
using test::coalesce;
/* -------------------- Template functions -------------------- */
template <typename LType, typename RType> constexpr LType test::coalesce(const LType &left, const RType &right){
return (left)? left : right;
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
template <typename LType, typename RType, typename ...Args> constexpr LType test::coalesce(const LType &left, const RType &right, const Args &...args){
return (left)? left : coalesce<LType>(right,args...);
template <typename LType, typename RType> constexpr test::type test::compare(const LType &left, const RType &right){
return (left<right)? -1 : (right<left)? 1 : 0;
template <typename Type> constexpr Type test::divide(const Type &left, const Type &right){ return left/right; }
template <typename LType, typename RType> constexpr bool test::equals(const LType &left, const RType &right){ return (left==right); }
template <typename Return, typename Type> constexpr Return test::cast(const Type &val){ return (Return)val; }
template <typename Type> constexpr Type test::minus(const Type &left, const Type &right){ return left-right; }
template <typename Type> constexpr Type test::modulus(const Type &left, const Type &right){ return left%right; }
template <typename Type> constexpr Type test::multiply(const Type &left, const Type &right){ return left*right; }
template <typename Type> constexpr Type test::negate(const Type &val){ return -val; }
template <typename Type> constexpr bool test::isnot(const Type &val){ return !val; }
template <typename Type> constexpr bool test::isnull(const Type &val){ return (val==NULL); }
template <typename Type> constexpr Type test::plus(const Type &left, const Type &right){ return left+right; }
template <typename Type> void test::print(const Type &val){ std::cout << val << std::endl; }
template <typename Type = test::type, Type N = 42> constexpr Type test42() noexcept { return coalesce(N,42); }
/* -------------------- Classes -------------------- */
struct TestA1 {
int test(){ return 42; }
class test::TestA2 {
int test(){ return 42; }
struct TestA3 : TestA1 {
int test(){ return 42; }
class TestA4 : private TestA1 {
int test(){ return 42; }
struct TestA5 : protected TestA1 {
int test(){ return 42; }
class TestA6 : public TestA1 {
int test(){ return 42; }
struct TestA7 final : virtual TestA1 {
int test(){ return 42; }
class TestA8 : public virtual TestA1 {
int test(){ return 42; }
struct TestA9 final : virtual public TestA1 {
int test(){ return 42; }
class TestA10 : TestA1, test::TestA2, TestA3 {
int test(){ return 42; }
struct TestA11 : private TestA1, protected test::TestA2, public TestA3 {
int test(){ return 42; }
class test::TestA12 : TestA1, protected test::TestA2, public virtual TestA3 {
int test(){ return 42; }
struct TestA13 final : public virtual TestA1, protected test::TestA2, TestA3 {
int test(){ return 42; }
/* -------------------- Template classes -------------------- */
template <typename Type> struct TestB1 {
int test(){ return 42; }
template <typename Type> class TestB2 {
int test(){ return 42; }
template <class Type> struct test::TestB3 {
int test(){ return 42; }
template <class Type> class TestB4 {
int test(){ return 42; }
template <typename Type = int> struct TestB5 {
int test(){ return 42; }
template <int N = coalesce(test::n,42)> struct TestB6 {
int test(){ return 42; }
template <class Type = std::pair<int,double> > struct TestB7 {
int test(){ return 42; }
template <class Type1, typename Type2, int N> class TestB8 {
int test(){ return 42; }
template <typename Type1 = int, class Type2 = double, int N = 42> struct TestB9 {
int test(){ return 42; }
template <template <typename> typename Type> class TestB10 {
int test(){ return 42; }
template <template <typename,typename> class Type> struct TestB11 {
int test(){ return 42; }
template <template <class,class> typename Type = std::pair> class TestB12 {
int test(){ return 42; }
template <template <typename> class Type1, template <class,class> typename Type2 = std::pair> struct TestB13 {
int test(){ return 42; }
/* -------------------- Template class specialization -------------------- */
template <typename Type> struct TestC1 {
int test1(){ return 42; }
template <> struct TestC1<int> {
int test2(){ return 42; }
template <> struct TestC1< std::pair<int,double> > {
int test3(){ return 42; }
template <class Type1, typename Type2, int N> class TestC2 {
int test1(){ return 42; }
template <> class TestC2<int,double,42> {
int test2(){ return 42; }
template <typename Type> class TestC2<Type,double,42> {
int test3(){ return 42; }
template <typename Type1, class Type2> class TestC2<Type1,Type2,42> {
int test4(){ return 42; }
template <template <typename,typename> class Type, int N = 42> struct TestC3 {
int test1(){ return 42; }
template <> struct TestC3<std::pair,coalesce(test::n,42)> {
int test2(){ return 42; }
/* -------------------- Template class inheritance -------------------- */
template <typename Type> struct TestD1 {
int test(){ return 42; }
template <typename Type> class TestD2 : public TestD1<Type> {
int test(){ return 42; }
struct test::TestD3 : public TestD1<int>, private TestD2< std::pair<int,double> > {
int test(){ return 42; }
template <template <typename> class Type, int N = 42> class TestD4 final : public virtual TestD1<int>, private TestD2< Type<int> > {
int test(){ return 42; }
/* -------------------- Class method inline definitions -------------------- */
struct TestE1 {
int n;
constexpr TestE1() noexcept : n(0) {}
constexpr TestE1(int n) noexcept : n(n) {}
explicit constexpr TestE1(double n) noexcept : n((int)n) {}
explicit constexpr TestE1(int a, int b) noexcept : n(a+b) {}
//Conversion operators
explicit constexpr operator bool() const noexcept { return !!n; }
explicit constexpr operator double() const noexcept { return n; }
explicit constexpr operator unsigned int() const noexcept { return (n<0)? -n : n; }
//Assignment operators
friend void swap(TestE1 &left, TestE1 &right) noexcept {
using std::swap;
TestE1& operator=(TestE1 test) noexcept {
return *this;
TestE1& operator+=(TestE1 test) noexcept {
n += test.n;
return *this;
TestE1& operator-=(TestE1 test) noexcept {
n -= test.n;
return *this;
TestE1& operator*=(TestE1 test) noexcept {
n *= test.n;
return *this;
TestE1& operator/=(TestE1 test) noexcept {
n /= test.n;
return *this;
TestE1& operator%=(TestE1 test) noexcept {
n %= test.n;
return *this;
TestE1& operator^=(TestE1 test) noexcept {
n ^= test.n;
return *this;
TestE1& operator&=(TestE1 test) noexcept {
n &= test.n;
return *this;
TestE1& operator|=(TestE1 test) noexcept {
n |= test.n;
return *this;
TestE1& operator<<=(TestE1 test) noexcept {
n <<= test.n;
return *this;
TestE1& operator>>=(TestE1 test) noexcept {
n >>= test.n;
return *this;
//Increment & decrement operators
TestE1& operator++() noexcept {
return *this;
TestE1 operator++(int) noexcept {
TestE1 temp = *this;
return temp;
TestE1& operator--() noexcept {
return *this;
TestE1 operator--(int) noexcept {
TestE1 temp = *this;
return temp;
//Arithmetic operators
friend constexpr TestE1 operator+(const TestE1 &test) noexcept { return +(test.n); }
friend constexpr TestE1 operator-(const TestE1 &test) noexcept { return -(test.n); }
friend constexpr TestE1 operator!(const TestE1 &test) noexcept { return !(test.n); }
friend constexpr TestE1 operator~(const TestE1 &test) noexcept { return ~(test.n); }
friend constexpr TestE1 operator+(const TestE1 &left, const TestE1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n + right.n); }
friend constexpr TestE1 operator-(const TestE1 &left, const TestE1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n - right.n); }
friend constexpr TestE1 operator*(const TestE1 &left, const TestE1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n * right.n); }
friend constexpr TestE1 operator/(const TestE1 &left, const TestE1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n / right.n); }
friend constexpr TestE1 operator%(const TestE1 &left, const TestE1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n % right.n); }
friend constexpr TestE1 operator^(const TestE1 &left, const TestE1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n ^ right.n); }
friend constexpr TestE1 operator&(const TestE1 &left, const TestE1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n & right.n); }
friend constexpr TestE1 operator|(const TestE1 &left, const TestE1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n | right.n); }
friend constexpr TestE1 operator<<(const TestE1 &left, const TestE1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n << right.n); }
friend constexpr TestE1 operator>>(const TestE1 &left, const TestE1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n >> right.n); }
friend constexpr TestE1 operator&&(const TestE1 &left, const TestE1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n && right.n); }
friend constexpr TestE1 operator||(const TestE1 &left, const TestE1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n || right.n); }
//Comparison operators
#if __cplusplus >= 202003L
friend constexpr bool operator<=>(const TestE1 &left, const TestE1 &right) noexcept {
return (left.n<right.n)? -1 : (right.n<left.n)? 1 : 0);
friend constexpr bool operator==(const TestE1 &left, const TestE1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n == right.n); }
friend constexpr bool operator!=(const TestE1 &left, const TestE1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n != right.n); }
friend constexpr bool operator<(const TestE1 &left, const TestE1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n < right.n); }
friend constexpr bool operator<=(const TestE1 &left, const TestE1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n <= right.n); }
friend constexpr bool operator>(const TestE1 &left, const TestE1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n > right.n); }
friend constexpr bool operator>=(const TestE1 &left, const TestE1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n >= right.n); }
//Access operators
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const TestE1 &test){ return out << test.n; }
friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream &in, TestE1 &test){ return in >> test.n; }
int& operator[](int) noexcept { return n; }
const int& operator[](int) const noexcept { return n; }
constexpr int operator()() const noexcept { return n; }
int& operator*() noexcept { return n; }
int* operator->() noexcept { return &n; }
inline constexpr const volatile long int test1() const volatile noexcept { return 42; }
static inline constexpr const volatile long int test2() noexcept { return 42; }
virtual int test3() const volatile noexcept { return coalesce(n,42); }
virtual int test4() const volatile noexcept final { return coalesce(n,42); }
class TestE2 : public TestE1 {
virtual int test3() const volatile noexcept override final { return coalesce(n,42); }
/* -------------------- Class method outside definitions -------------------- */
struct TestF1 {
int n;
constexpr TestF1() noexcept;
constexpr TestF1(int n) noexcept;
explicit constexpr TestF1(double n) noexcept;
explicit constexpr TestF1(int a, int b) noexcept;
//Conversion operators
explicit constexpr operator bool() const noexcept;
explicit constexpr operator double() const noexcept;
explicit constexpr operator unsigned int() const noexcept;
//Assignment operators
friend void swap(TestF1 &left, TestF1 &right) noexcept;
TestF1& operator=(TestF1 test) noexcept;
TestF1& operator+=(TestF1 test) noexcept;
TestF1& operator-=(TestF1 test) noexcept;
TestF1& operator*=(TestF1 test) noexcept;
TestF1& operator/=(TestF1 test) noexcept;
TestF1& operator%=(TestF1 test) noexcept;
TestF1& operator^=(TestF1 test) noexcept;
TestF1& operator&=(TestF1 test) noexcept;
TestF1& operator|=(TestF1 test) noexcept;
TestF1& operator<<=(TestF1 test) noexcept;
TestF1& operator>>=(TestF1 test) noexcept;
//Increment & decrement operators
TestF1& operator++() noexcept;
TestF1 operator++(int) noexcept;
TestF1& operator--() noexcept;
TestF1 operator--(int) noexcept;
//Arithmetic operators
friend constexpr TestF1 operator+(const TestF1 &test) noexcept;
friend constexpr TestF1 operator-(const TestF1 &test) noexcept;
friend constexpr TestF1 operator!(const TestF1 &test) noexcept;
friend constexpr TestF1 operator~(const TestF1 &test) noexcept;
friend constexpr TestF1 operator+(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept;
friend constexpr TestF1 operator-(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept;
friend constexpr TestF1 operator*(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept;
friend constexpr TestF1 operator/(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept;
friend constexpr TestF1 operator%(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept;
friend constexpr TestF1 operator^(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept;
friend constexpr TestF1 operator&(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept;
friend constexpr TestF1 operator|(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept;
friend constexpr TestF1 operator<<(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept;
friend constexpr TestF1 operator>>(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept;
friend constexpr TestF1 operator&&(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept;
friend constexpr TestF1 operator||(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept;
//Comparison operators
#if __cplusplus >= 202003L
friend constexpr bool operator<=>(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept;
friend constexpr bool operator==(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept;
friend constexpr bool operator!=(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept;
friend constexpr bool operator<(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept;
friend constexpr bool operator<=(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept;
friend constexpr bool operator>(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept;
friend constexpr bool operator>=(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept;
//Access operators
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const TestF1 &test);
friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream &in, TestF1 &test);
int& operator[](int) noexcept;
const int& operator[](int) const noexcept;
constexpr int operator()() const noexcept;
int& operator*() noexcept;
int* operator->() noexcept;
inline constexpr const volatile long int test1() const volatile noexcept;
static inline constexpr const volatile long int test2() noexcept;
virtual int test3() const volatile noexcept;
virtual int test4() const volatile noexcept final;
constexpr TestF1::TestF1() noexcept : n(0) {}
constexpr TestF1::TestF1(int n) noexcept : n(n) {}
constexpr TestF1::TestF1(double n) noexcept : n((int)n) {}
constexpr TestF1::TestF1(int a, int b) noexcept : n(a+b) {}
//Conversion operators
constexpr TestF1::operator bool() const noexcept { return !!n; }
constexpr TestF1::operator double() const noexcept { return n; }
constexpr TestF1::operator unsigned int() const noexcept { return (n<0)? -n : n; }
//Assignment operators
void swap(TestF1 &left, TestF1 &right) noexcept {
using std::swap;
TestF1& TestF1::operator=(TestF1 test) noexcept {
return *this;
TestF1& TestF1::operator+=(TestF1 test) noexcept {
n += test.n;
return *this;
TestF1& TestF1::operator-=(TestF1 test) noexcept {
n -= test.n;
return *this;
TestF1& TestF1::operator*=(TestF1 test) noexcept {
n *= test.n;
return *this;
TestF1& TestF1::operator/=(TestF1 test) noexcept {
n /= test.n;
return *this;
TestF1& TestF1::operator%=(TestF1 test) noexcept {
n %= test.n;
return *this;
TestF1& TestF1::operator^=(TestF1 test) noexcept {
n ^= test.n;
return *this;
TestF1& TestF1::operator&=(TestF1 test) noexcept {
n &= test.n;
return *this;
TestF1& TestF1::operator|=(TestF1 test) noexcept {
n |= test.n;
return *this;
TestF1& TestF1::operator<<=(TestF1 test) noexcept {
n <<= test.n;
return *this;
TestF1& TestF1::operator>>=(TestF1 test) noexcept {
n >>= test.n;
return *this;
//Increment & decrement operators
TestF1& TestF1::operator++() noexcept {
return *this;
TestF1 TestF1::operator++(int) noexcept {
TestF1 temp = *this;
return temp;
TestF1& TestF1::operator--() noexcept {
return *this;
TestF1 TestF1::operator--(int) noexcept {
TestF1 temp = *this;
return temp;
//Arithmetic operators
constexpr TestF1 operator+(const TestF1 &test) noexcept { return +(test.n); }
constexpr TestF1 operator-(const TestF1 &test) noexcept { return -(test.n); }
constexpr TestF1 operator!(const TestF1 &test) noexcept { return !(test.n); }
constexpr TestF1 operator~(const TestF1 &test) noexcept { return ~(test.n); }
constexpr TestF1 operator+(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n + right.n); }
constexpr TestF1 operator-(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n - right.n); }
constexpr TestF1 operator*(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n * right.n); }
constexpr TestF1 operator/(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n / right.n); }
constexpr TestF1 operator%(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n % right.n); }
constexpr TestF1 operator^(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n ^ right.n); }
constexpr TestF1 operator&(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n & right.n); }
constexpr TestF1 operator|(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n | right.n); }
constexpr TestF1 operator<<(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n << right.n); }
constexpr TestF1 operator>>(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n >> right.n); }
constexpr TestF1 operator&&(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n && right.n); }
constexpr TestF1 operator||(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n || right.n); }
//Comparison operators
#if __cplusplus >= 202003L
constexpr bool operator<=>(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept {
return (left.n<right.n)? -1 : (right.n<left.n)? 1 : 0);
constexpr bool operator==(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n == right.n); }
constexpr bool operator!=(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n != right.n); }
constexpr bool operator<(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n < right.n); }
constexpr bool operator<=(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n <= right.n); }
constexpr bool operator>(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n > right.n); }
constexpr bool operator>=(const TestF1 &left, const TestF1 &right) noexcept { return (left.n >= right.n); }
//Access operators
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const TestF1 &test){ return out << test.n; }
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream &in, TestF1 &test){ return in >> test.n; }
int& TestF1::operator[](int) noexcept { return n; }
const int& TestF1::operator[](int) const noexcept { return n; }
constexpr int TestF1::operator()() const noexcept { return n; }
int& TestF1::operator*() noexcept { return n; }
int* TestF1::operator->() noexcept { return &n; }
inline constexpr const volatile long int TestF1::test1() const volatile noexcept { return 42; }
inline constexpr const volatile long int TestF1::test2() noexcept { return 42; }
int TestF1::test3() const volatile noexcept { return coalesce(n,42); }
int TestF1::test4() const volatile noexcept { return coalesce(n,42); }
/* -------------------- Template class method outside definitions -------------------- */
template <typename Type> class TestG1 {
Type n;
constexpr TestG1() noexcept;
constexpr TestG1(Type n) noexcept;
explicit constexpr TestG1(Type a, Type b) noexcept;
//Conversion operators
explicit constexpr operator bool() const noexcept;
explicit constexpr operator unsigned int() const noexcept;
explicit constexpr operator Type() const noexcept;
//Assignment operators
friend void swap<Type>(TestG1 &left, TestG1 &right) noexcept;
TestG1& operator=(TestG1 test) noexcept;
inline constexpr const volatile Type test1() const volatile noexcept;
static inline constexpr const volatile Type test2() noexcept;
virtual Type test3() const volatile noexcept;
virtual Type test4() const volatile noexcept final;
template <typename Type> constexpr TestG1<Type>::TestG1() noexcept : n(0) {}
template <typename Type> constexpr TestG1<Type>::TestG1(Type n) noexcept : n(n) {}
template <typename Type> constexpr TestG1<Type>::TestG1(Type a, Type b) noexcept : n(a+b) {}
//Conversion operators
template <typename Type> constexpr TestG1<Type>::operator bool() const noexcept { return !!n; }
template <typename Type> constexpr TestG1<Type>::operator unsigned int() const noexcept { return (n<0)? -n : n; }
template <typename Type> constexpr TestG1<Type>::operator Type() const noexcept { return n; }
//Assignment operators
template <typename Type> void swap(TestG1<Type> &left, TestG1<Type> &right) noexcept {
using std::swap;
template <typename Type> TestG1<Type>& TestG1<Type>::operator=(TestG1<Type> test) noexcept {
return *this;
template <typename Type> inline constexpr const volatile Type TestG1<Type>::test1() const volatile noexcept { return 42; }
template <typename Type> inline constexpr const volatile Type TestG1<Type>::test2() noexcept { return 42; }
template <typename Type> Type TestG1<Type>::test3() const volatile noexcept { return coalesce(n,42); }
template <typename Type> Type TestG1<Type>::test4() const volatile noexcept { return coalesce(n,42); }
/* -------------------- Type attributes -------------------- */
#define DEPRECATED __attribute__((deprecated))
class DEPRECATED TestH1 {
int test(){ return 42; }
#if __cplusplus >= 201402L
struct [[deprecated]] TestH2 {
int test(){ return 42; }
class [[gnu::warn_unused]] test::TestH3 : TestH2 {
int test(){ return 42; }
struct [[deprecated("[DEPRECATED]")]] [[gnu::warn_unused]] TestH4 {
int test(){ return 42; }
class [[deprecated("[DEPRECATED]"), gnu::warn_unused]] TestH5 : TestH4 {
int test(){ return 42; }
/* -------------------- Functors as parameter -------------------- */
static inline constexpr const unsigned int test_with_functor(void (*functor)(unsigned int&, double)) noexcept {
unsigned int n = 42;
return n;
/* -------------------- Main -------------------- */
int main(){
cout << "Hello World !" << endl;
cout << test42() << endl;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"leaves":["test42","swap","operator+","operator-","operator!","operator~","operator+","operator-","operator*","operator%","operator^","operator&","operator|","operator<<","operator>>","operator&&","operator||","operator<=>","operator==","operator!=","operator<","operator<=","operator>","operator>=","operator<<","operator>>","swap","test_with_functor","main"],"nodes":[{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestA1"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"test::TestA2"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestA3"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestA4"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestA5"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestA6"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestA7"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestA8"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestA9"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestA10"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestA11"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"test::TestA12"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestA13"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestB1"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestB2"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"test::TestB3"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestB4"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestB5"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestB6"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestB7"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestB8"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestB9"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestB10"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestB11"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestB12"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestB13"},{"leaves":["test1","test2","test3"],"name":"TestC1"},{"leaves":["test1","test2","test3","test4"],"name":"TestC2"},{"leaves":["test1","test2"],"name":"TestC3"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestD1"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestD2"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"test::TestD3"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestD4"},{"leaves":["operator bool","operator double","operator unsigned int","swap","operator=","operator+=","operator-=","operator*=","operator%=","operator^=","operator&=","operator|=","operator<<=","operator>>=","operator++","operator++","operator--","operator--","operator+","operator-","operator!","operator~","operator+","operator-","operator*","operator%","operator^","operator&","operator|","operator<<","operator>>","operator&&","operator||","operator<=>","operator==","operator!=","operator<","operator<=","operator>","operator>=","operator<<","operator>>","operator[]","operator[]","operator()","operator*","operator->","test1","test2","test3","test4"],"name":"TestE1"},{"leaves":["test3"],"name":"TestE2"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestH1"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestH2"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"test::TestH3"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestH4"},{"leaves":["test"],"name":"TestH5"},{"leaves":["coalesce","coalesce","compare","divide","equals","cast","minus","modulus","multiply","negate","isnot","isnull","plus","print"],"name":"test"},{"leaves":["operator bool","operator double","operator unsigned int","operator=","operator+=","operator-=","operator*=","operator%=","operator^=","operator&=","operator|=","operator<<=","operator>>=","operator++","operator++","operator--","operator--","operator[]","operator[]","operator()","operator*","operator->","test1","test2","test3","test4"],"name":"TestF1"},{"leaves":["operator bool","operator unsigned int","operator Type","operator=","test1","test2","test3","test4"],"name":"TestG1"}],"root":"unitTest2"}
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
$testRoot = ".\"
if ((Get-Item $testRoot$dirName) -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo])
..\..\bin\notepad++.exe -export=functionList -l"$langName" $testRoot$dirName\unitTest | Out-Null
$expectedRes = Get-Content $testRoot$dirName\unitTest.expected.result
$generatedRes = Get-Content $testRoot$dirName\unitTest.result.json
if ($generatedRes -eq $expectedRes)
Remove-Item $testRoot$dirName\unitTest.result.json
"$dirName ... OK"
"$dirName ... KO"
"There's a (some) problem(s) in your functionList.xml"
exit -1
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
$testRoot = ".\"
Get-ChildItem $testRoot -Filter *.* |
@ -6,26 +5,10 @@ Foreach-Object {
if ((Get-Item $testRoot$_) -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo])
$dirName = (Get-Item $testRoot$_).Name
..\..\bin\notepad++.exe -export=functionList -l"$dirName" $testRoot$_\unitTest | Out-Null
$expectedRes = Get-Content $testRoot$_\unitTest.expected.result
$generatedRes = Get-Content $testRoot$_\unitTest.result.json
if ($generatedRes -eq $expectedRes)
Remove-Item $testRoot$_\unitTest.result.json
"$dirName ... OK"
"$dirName ... KO"
"There's a (some) problem(s) in your functionList.xml"
exit -1
.\unitTest.ps1 $dirName $dirName
"All tests are passed."
exit 0
exit 0
@ -275,33 +275,288 @@
mainExpr ="^[\t\x20]*(class|struct)[\t\x20]+\w+\s*(final)?\s*(:\s*(public|protected|private)\s+\w+\s*)?\{"
mainExpr="(?x) # use inline comments
^[\t\x20]* # leading whitespace
(template\s*<\s*[\w\t\x20\(\)\=\.:,<>]*\s*>\s*)? # template parameters
(class|struct) # class/struct definition keyword
[\t\x20]+ # following whitespace
((\w+|\[\[[^\r\n]*\]\])[\t\x20]+)* # type attributes
\w+ # namespace identifier
(\s*<\s*[\w\t\x20\(\)\=\.:,<>]*\s*>\s*)? # template parameters
\s*::\s* # namespace separator
\w+ # class/struct identifier
(\s*<\s*[\w\t\x20\(\)\=\.:,<>]*\s*>\s*)? # template parameters
(\s*final\s*)? # final specifier
\s*:\s* # inheritance separator
((private|protected|public|virtual)\s+)* # visibility/virtual specifier
\w+ # namespace identifier
(\s*<\s*[\w\t\x20\(\)\=\.:,<>]*\s*>\s*)? # template parameters
\s*::\s* # namespace separator
\w+ # parent class/struct identifier
(\s*<\s*[\w\t\x20\(\)\=\.:,<>]*\s*>\s*)? # template parameters
\s*,\s* # multiple inheritance separator
((private|protected|public|virtual)\s+)* # visibility/virtual specifier
\w+ # namespace identifier
(\s*<\s*[\w\t\x20\(\)\=\.:,<>]*\s*>\s*)? # template parameters
\s*::\s* # namespace separator
\w+ # parent class/struct identifier
(\s*<\s*[\w\t\x20\(\)\=\.:,<>]*\s*>\s*)? # template parameters
\s* # trailing whitespace
\{ # class/struct body
openSymbole ="\{"
<nameExpr expr="(class|struct)[\t\x20]+\w+" />
<nameExpr expr="[\t\x20]+\w+" />
<nameExpr expr="\w+" />
expr="(?x) # use inline comments
(class|struct) # class/struct definition keyword
[\t\x20]+ # following whitespace
((\w+|\[\[[^\r\n]*\]\])[\t\x20]+)* # type attributes
(\w+\s*::\s*)* # namespace specifier
\w+ # class/struct identifier
(\s*<\s*[\w\t\x20\(\)\=\.:,<>]*\s*>\s*)? # template parameters
(\s*final\s*)? # final specifier
\s* # trailing whitespace
(:\s*\w+|\{) # inheritance separator | class/struct body
expr="(?x) # use inline comments
(\w+\s*::\s*)* # namespace specifier
\w+ # class/struct identifier
(\s*<\s*[\w\t\x20\(\)\=\.:,<>]*\s*>\s*)? # template parameters
(\s*final\s*)? # final specifier
\s* # trailing whitespace
(:\s*\w+|\{) # inheritance separator | class/struct body
expr="(?x) # use inline comments
(\w+\s*::\s*)* # namespace specifier
\w+ # class/struct identifier
mainExpr="(?x) # use inline comments
^[\t\x20]* # leading whitespace
(template\s*<\s*[\w\t\x20\(\)\=\.:,<>]*\s*>\s*)? # template parameters
((consteval|constexpr|explicit|friend|inline|static|virtual)\s+)* # left function definition keywords
( # conversion operator definition
\w+ # namespace identifier
(\s*<\s*[\w\t\x20\(\)\=\.:,<>]*\s*>\s*)? # template parameters
\s*::\s* # namespace separator
operator\s+ # operator keyword
((const|long|signed|unsigned|volatile)\s+)* # type definition keyword
( # operator type definition
\w+ # namespace identifier
(\s*<\s*[\w\t\x20\(\)\=\.:,<>]*\s*>\s*)? # template parameters
\s*::\s* # namespace separator
\w+ # operator type identifier
(\s*<\s*[\w\t\x20\(\)\=\.:,<>]*\s*>\s*)? # template parameters
(\s*(\*|\*\*|&)\s*)? # type pointer/reference
| (
((const|long|signed|unsigned|volatile)\s+)* # type definition keyword
( # return type definition
\w+ # namespace identifier
(\s*<\s*[\w\t\x20\(\)\=\.:,<>]*\s*>\s*)? # template parameters
\s*::\s* # namespace separator
\w+ # return type identifier
(\s*<\s*[\w\t\x20\(\)\=\.:,<>]*\s*>\s*)? # template parameters
( # type pointer/reference
| (\*|\*\*|&)\s+
| \s+(\*|\*\*|&)
| \s+(\*|\*\*|&)\s+
\w+ # namespace identifier
(\s*<\s*[\w\t\x20\(\)\=\.:,<>]*\s*>\s*)? # template parameters
\s*::\s* # namespace separator
( # function definition
(?!(if|while|for|switch)\s*\() # exclude block/loop definition
\w+ # function identifier
| ( # operator definition
operator\(\) # parenthesis operator
| operator # operator keyword
[\[\]\*\=\+\-\~\|\^%!,&<>]+ # operator symbol
\s* # following whitespace
[^\)\(]* # function parameters
(\([^\)\(]*\)[^\)\(]*)* # functors as parameter
(\s*(const|final|noexcept|override|volatile)\s*)* # right function definition keywords
\s* # trailing whitespace
\{ # function body
<funcNameExpr expr="(?!(if|while|for|switch))[\w~]+\s*\(" />
<funcNameExpr expr="(?!(if|while|for|switch))[\w~]+" />
expr="(?x) # use inline comments
operator\(\) # parenthesis operator
| operator # operator keyword
[\w\t\x20\[\]\*\=\+\-\~\|\^%!,&<>]+ # operator symbol | conversion operator
| (?!(if|while|for|switch)\s*\() # exclude block/loop definition
\w+ # function identifier
\s* # following whitespace
\( # function parameters
expr="(?x) # use inline comments
operator\(\) # parenthesis operator
| operator # operator keyword
[\w\t\x20\[\]\*\=\+\-\~\|\^%!,&<>]+ # operator symbol | conversion operator
| (?!(if|while|for|switch)\s*\() # exclude block/loop definition
\w+ # function identifier
mainExpr="(?x) # use inline comments
^[\t\x20]* # leading whitespace
(template\s*<\s*[\w\t\x20\(\)\=\.:,<>]*\s*>\s*)? # template parameters
((consteval|constexpr|explicit|friend|inline|static|virtual)\s+)* # left function definition keywords
( # conversion operator definition
\w+ # namespace identifier
(\s*<\s*[\w\t\x20\(\)\=\.:,<>]*\s*>\s*)? # template parameters
\s*::\s* # namespace separator
operator\s+ # operator keyword
((const|long|signed|unsigned|volatile)\s+)* # type definition keyword
( # operator type definition
\w+ # namespace identifier
(\s*<\s*[\w\t\x20\(\)\=\.:,<>]*\s*>\s*)? # template parameters
\s*::\s* # namespace separator
\w+ # operator type identifier
(\s*<\s*[\w\t\x20\(\)\=\.:,<>]*\s*>\s*)? # template parameters
(\s*(\*|\*\*|&)\s*)? # type pointer/reference
| (
((const|long|signed|unsigned|volatile)\s+)* # type definition keyword
( # return type definition
\w+ # namespace identifier
(\s*<\s*[\w\t\x20\(\)\=\.:,<>]*\s*>\s*)? # template parameters
\s*::\s* # namespace separator
\w+ # return type identifier
(\s*<\s*[\w\t\x20\(\)\=\.:,<>]*\s*>\s*)? # template parameters
( # type pointer/reference
| (\*|\*\*|&)\s+
| \s+(\*|\*\*|&)
| \s+(\*|\*\*|&)\s+
\w+ # namespace identifier
(\s*<\s*[\w\t\x20\(\)\=\.:,<>]*\s*>\s*)? # template parameters
\s*::\s* # namespace separator
( # function definition
(?!(if|while|for|switch)\s*\() # exclude block/loop definition
\w+ # function identifier
| ( # operator definition
operator\(\) # operator parenthesis
| operator # operator keyword
[\[\]\*\=\+\-\~\|\^%!,&<>]+ # operator symbol
\s* # following whitespace
[^\)\(]* # function parameters
(\([^\)\(]*\)[^\)\(]*)* # functors as parameter
(\s*(const|final|noexcept|override|volatile)\s*)* # right function definition keywords
\s* # trailing whitespace
\{ # function body
<nameExpr expr="(?!(if|while|for))\w+\s*\(" />
<nameExpr expr="(?!(if|while|for))\w+" />
expr="(?x) # use inline comments
operator\(\) # parenthesis operator
| operator # operator keyword
[\w\t\x20\[\]\*\=\+\-\~\|\^%!,&<>]+ # operator symbol | conversion operator
| (?!(if|while|for|switch)\s*\() # exclude block/loop definition
\w+ # function identifier
\s* # following whitespace
\( # function parameters
expr="(?x) # use inline comments
operator\(\) # parenthesis operator
| operator # operator keyword
[\w\t\x20\[\]\*\=\+\-\~\|\^%!,&<>]+ # operator symbol | conversion operator
| (?!(if|while|for|switch)\s*\() # exclude block/loop definition
\w+ # function identifier
<nameExpr expr="\w+(?=\s*::)" />
<nameExpr expr="(?x) # use inline comments
\w+ # namespace identifier
(\s*<\s*[\w\t\x20\(\)\=\.:,]*\s*>\s*)? # template parameters
\s*::\s* # namespace separator
operator\(\) # parenthesis operator
| operator # operator keyword
[\w\t\x20\[\]\*\=\+\-\~\|\^%!,&<>]+ # operator symbol | conversion operator
| \w+ # function identifier
\( # function parameters
" />
Reference in New Issue