[ENHANCEMENT] Doc map: Improve wrapping operation.
git-svn-id: svn://svn.tuxfamily.org/svnroot/notepadplus/repository/trunk@879 f5eea248-9336-0410-98b8-ebc06183d4e3
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ void DocumentMap::reloadMap()
Document currentDoc = (*_ppEditView)->execute(SCI_GETDOCPOINTER);
::SendMessage(_pScintillaEditView->getHSelf(), SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, (LPARAM)currentDoc);
// sync with the current document
// Lexing
@ -58,10 +57,7 @@ bool DocumentMap::needToRecomputeWith()
int currentTextZoneWidth = getEditorTextZoneWidth();
if (_displayWidth != currentTextZoneWidth)
return true;
if (_displayHeight != )
return true;
return false;
@ -88,78 +84,11 @@ void DocumentMap::guiUpdate()
_wrapUnwrapTriggered = false;
void DocumentMap::wrapMap()
RECT rect;
//::MoveWindow(_pScintillaEditView->getHSelf(), 0, 0, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom-rect.top, TRUE);
if ((*_ppEditView)->isWrap())
// get model line N from current document
for each docline
nbline = SCI_WRAPCOUNT(int docLine)
if (nbline == 1)
if maxNbChar < nbChar(docline)
pLine = docLine
maxChar = nbChar(docline)
return pLine
int maxChar = 0;
int nbWrappedDocLine = 0;
int pLine = -1;
int nbDocLine = (*_ppEditView)->execute(SCI_GETLINECOUNT);
for (int i = 0; i < nbDocLine; i++)
int nbWrapLine = (*_ppEditView)->execute(SCI_WRAPCOUNT, i);
if (nbWrapLine == 1)
int charCount = (*_ppEditView)->execute(SCI_LINELENGTH, i);
if (charCount > maxChar)
maxChar = charCount;
pLine = i;
else // line wrapped, let's found the nb char in the first wrapped line
if (pLine == -1 || !nbWrappedDocLine)
// get Xlength1 (Xend - Xbegin) from current document line N
int posBegin = (*_ppEditView)->execute(SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE, pLine);
int posEnd = (*_ppEditView)->execute(SCI_GETLINEENDPOSITION, pLine);
int xBegin = (*_ppEditView)->execute(SCI_POINTXFROMPOSITION, 0, posBegin);
int xEnd = (*_ppEditView)->execute(SCI_POINTXFROMPOSITION, 0, posEnd);
int Xlength1 = xEnd - xBegin;
// get Xlength2 (Xend - Xbegin) from map line N
int xBegin2 = _pScintillaEditView->execute(SCI_POINTXFROMPOSITION, 0, posBegin);
int xEnd2 = _pScintillaEditView->execute(SCI_POINTXFROMPOSITION, 0, posEnd);
int Xlength2 = xEnd2 - xBegin2;
// get current scintilla width W1
int w1 = getEditorTextZoneWidth();
// resize map width W2 according W1, Xlength1 and Xlength2
int w2 = (w1 * Xlength2)/Xlength1;
double ddd = (double)Xlength1/(double)Xlength2;
char dchar[256];
sprintf(dchar, "%f", ddd);
::MessageBoxA(NULL, dchar, "", MB_OK);
double ddd = (double)Xlength1/(double)Xlength2;
char dchar[256];
sprintf(dchar, "%f", ddd);
::MessageBoxA(NULL, dchar, "", MB_OK);
// -10 => 1
// -9 => 1
@ -172,7 +101,7 @@ void DocumentMap::wrapMap()
// -2 => 3.5
// -1 => 3.5
// 0: -10 => 4
// 1: -10 => 4.5
// 1 => 4.5
// 2 => 5
// 3 => 5
// 4 => 5.5
@ -194,16 +123,32 @@ void DocumentMap::wrapMap()
// 20 => 12
::MoveWindow(_pScintillaEditView->getHSelf(), 0, 0, w2, rect.bottom-rect.top, TRUE);
double zoomRatio[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 2.5, 3.5, 3.5,\
4, 4.5, 5, 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5, 7, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 8.5, 9.5, 9.5, 10, 10.5, 11, 11, 11.5, 12};
void DocumentMap::wrapMap()
RECT rect;
if ((*_ppEditView)->isWrap())
// get current scintilla width W1
int editZoneWidth = getEditorTextZoneWidth();
// update the wrap needed data
_displayWidth = editZoneWidth;
_displayZoom = (*_ppEditView)->execute(SCI_GETZOOM);
double zr = zoomRatio[_displayZoom + 10];
// compute doc map width: dzw/ezw = 1/zoomRatio
double docMapWidth = editZoneWidth / zr;
::MoveWindow(_pScintillaEditView->getHSelf(), 0, 0, int(docMapWidth), rect.bottom-rect.top, TRUE);
// sync wrapping indent mode
_pScintillaEditView->execute(SCI_SETWRAPINDENTMODE, (*_ppEditView)->execute(SCI_GETWRAPINDENTMODE));
// update the wrap needed data
_displayWidth = w1;
_displayZoom = (*_ppEditView)->execute(SCI_GETZOOM);
@ -296,12 +241,6 @@ void DocumentMap::scrollMap(bool direction, moveMode whichMode)
void DocumentMap::wrapScintilla(bool doWrap)
BOOL CALLBACK DocumentMap::run_dlgProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
@ -337,48 +276,14 @@ BOOL CALLBACK DocumentMap::run_dlgProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lPara
return TRUE;
case 2230:
if (_pScintillaEditView->isWrap())
int width = wParam;
int height = lParam;
int docWrapLineCount = (*_ppEditView)->getCurrentDocWrapLineCount();
int mapWrapLineCount = _pScintillaEditView->getCurrentDocWrapLineCount();
while (mapWrapLineCount != docWrapLineCount)
if (mapWrapLineCount < docWrapLineCount)
::MoveWindow(_pScintillaEditView->getHSelf(), 0, 0, width , height, TRUE);
mapWrapLineCount = _pScintillaEditView->getCurrentDocWrapLineCount();
return TRUE;
case WM_SIZE:
if (_pScintillaEditView)
int width = LOWORD(lParam);
int height = HIWORD(lParam);
if (_pScintillaEditView->isWrap())
int mapStringWidth = _pScintillaEditView->execute(SCI_TEXTWIDTH, 0, (LPARAM)"aiueolW");
int normalStringWidth = (*_ppEditView)->execute(SCI_TEXTWIDTH, 0, (LPARAM)"aiueolW");
width = ((*_ppEditView)->getWidth())*mapStringWidth/normalStringWidth;
::MoveWindow(_pScintillaEditView->getHSelf(), 0, 0, width , height, TRUE);
::MoveWindow(_pScintillaEditView->getHSelf(), 0, 0, width , height, TRUE);
if (_vzDlg.isCreated())
POINT pt = {0,0};
@ -516,18 +421,7 @@ void ViewZoneDlg::drawPreviewZone(DRAWITEMSTRUCT *pdis)
rc.top = _higherY;
rc.bottom = _lowerY;
FillRect(pdis->hDC, &rc, hbrushFg);
HPEN hpen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x00));
HPEN holdPen = (HPEN)SelectObject(pdis->hDC, hpen);
::MoveToEx(pdis->hDC, 0 , _higherY , NULL);
::LineTo(pdis->hDC, rc.left, _higherY);
::MoveToEx(pdis->hDC, 0 , _lowerY , NULL);
::LineTo(pdis->hDC, rc.left, _lowerY);
SelectObject(pdis->hDC, holdPen);
Reference in New Issue