Update Build.md

- update with official release of boost 1.76
- changed BUILD.md for the new scilexer build via VS solution

Close #9778
This commit is contained in:
Christian Grasser 2021-04-17 14:18:07 +02:00 committed by Don HO
parent b09fb1e719
commit fd81dab21a
2 changed files with 29 additions and 77 deletions

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@ -3,97 +3,54 @@ How to build Notepad++
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (C/C++ Compiler, v141 toolset)
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (C/C++ Compiler, v141 toolset for win32, x64, arm64)
There are two components that need to be built separately:
There are two components which are built from one visual studio solution:
- `notepad++.exe`: (depends on `SciLexer.dll`)
- `SciLexer.dll` : (with nmake)
- `notepad++.exe`: (contains `libSciLexer.lib`)
- `libSciLexer.lib` : static library based on Scintilla
You can build Notepad++ with *or* without Boost - The release build of
Notepad++ is built **with** Boost.
Since `Notepad++` version 6.0, the build of `SciLexer.dll` that is distributed
uses features from Boost's `Boost.Regex` library.
You can build SciLexer.dll without Boost, ie. with its default POSIX regular
expression support instead of boost's PCRE one. This is useful if you would
like to debug Notepad++, but don't have boost.
More about the build process: https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/13959/building-notepad-with-visual-studio-2015-2017
Notepad++ is always built **with** Boost regex PCRE support instead of default c++11 regex ECMAScript used by plain Scintilla\SciLexer.
## Build `notepad++.exe`:
1. Open [`PowerEditor\visual.net\notepadPlus.vcxproj`](https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/blob/master/PowerEditor/visual.net/notepadPlus.vcxproj)
2. Select a solution configuration (debug or release) and a solution platform (x64 or x32)
3. Build Notepad++ like a normal Visual Studio project.
1. Open [`PowerEditor\visual.net\notepadPlus.sln`](https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/blob/master/PowerEditor/visual.net/notepadPlus.sln)
2. Select a solution configuration (Unicode Debug or Unicode Release) and a solution platform (x64 or Win32 or ARM64)
3. Build Notepad++ solution like a normal Visual Studio project. This will also build the dependent SciLexer project.
As mentioned above, you'll need `SciLexer.dll` to run Notepad++. Please check the following sections for building `SciLexer.dll`.
Once `SciLexer.dll` is generated, copy it from `scintilla\bin\` to the same directory as `notepad++.exe`.
## Build `libSciLexer.lib`:
## Build `SciLexer.dll`:
As mentioned above, you'll need `libSciLexer.lib` for the Notepad++ build. This is done automatically on building the whole solution. So normally you don't need to care about this.
Here are the instructions to build SciLexer.dll (for both 32-bit & 64-bit) for Notepad++.
### Build `libSciLexer.lib` with boost via nmake:
For steps below, we need to set the compiler path and environment variables. A common way to do that is use *Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio*:
* For 32-bit, open a command prompt *for building*:
- From the IDE, you can do this by right clicking on a file in Solution Explorer,
and clicking "Open Command Prompt". This will open up a command prompt with all the proper environment variables.
- From the Windows Start screen/menu, type `Developer Command Prompt for VS2017`,
and click/select the result.
- From an *already open* command prompt, run `vcvarsall.bat`
(e.g. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat").
* For 64-bit, open `x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2017` from the Windows Start menu.
* Read more: [Set the Path and Environment Variables for Command-Line Builds](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/f2ccy3wt.aspx)
*Note:* If building the 32-bit and 64-bit versions in the same folder structure, after building one, it may be necessary to do a `nmake -f scintilla.mak clean` before building the other.
### Prepare boost
Skip this section if you want to build Scintilla without boost.
1. Download the [Boost source code](https://www.boost.org/users/history/version_1_70_0.html).
2. Unzip boost. Example location: `C:\sources\boost_1_70_0`
3. Build Boost.Regex library.
- Open the Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio
- Go into the boost folder: `cd C:\sources\boost_1_70_0`
- Prepare the Boost.Build system: `bootstrap.bat vc141`
- `b2.exe` will be generated beside of `bootstrap.bat`
- Go into regex build directory: `cd C:\sources\boost_1_70_0\libs\regex\build`
- Build Boost.Regex with the same configuration as notepad++
- Release: `..\..\..\b2.exe toolset=msvc link=static threading=multi runtime-link=static address-model=64 release stage`
- Debug: `..\..\..\b2.exe toolset=msvc link=static threading=multi runtime-link=static address-model=64 debug stage`
- The build output is a static library that looks like this `libboost_regex-vc141-mt-s-x64-1_70.lib`
- For 32-bit build, remove **address-model=64**. The output would look like `libboost_regex-vc141-mt-s-x32-1_70.lib`
- *Note:* You can copy the resulting static library to another location for convenience. This will be used later for `BOOSTREGEXLIBPATH`. Example: `C:\tmp\boostregexLib\x64\`
### Build `SciLexer.dll` with boost:
This is not necessary any more and just here for completeness as this option is still available.
Boost is taken from [boost 1.76.0](https://www.boost.org/users/history/version_1_76_0.html) and stripped down to the project needs available at [boost](https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/tree/master/boostregex/boost) in this repo.
1. Open the Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio
2. Go into the `scintilla\win32\`
3. Build the same configuration as notepad++:
- Release: `nmake BOOSTPATH=<boost_root_path> BOOSTREGEXLIBPATH=<built_realease_lib_path> -f scintilla.mak`
- Debug: `nmake DEBUG=1 BOOSTPATH=<boost_root_path> BOOSTREGEXLIBPATH=<built_debug_lib_path> -f scintilla.mak`
- Release: `nmake -f scintilla.mak`
- Debug: `nmake DEBUG=1 -f scintilla.mak`
- Example:
`nmake BOOSTPATH=C:\sources\boost_1_70_0\ BOOSTREGEXLIBPATH=C:\sources\boost_1_70_0\bin.v2\libs\regex\build\msvc-14.1\release\address-model-64\link-static\runtime-link-static\threading-multi\ -f scintilla.mak`
`nmake -f scintilla.mak`
## History:
More about the previous build process: https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/13959/building-notepad-with-visual-studio-2015-2017
### Build `SciLexer.dll` *without* boost:
This will work with `notepad++.exe`, however some functionality in Notepad++ will be broken.
1. Open the Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio
2. Go into the `scintilla\win32\`
3. Build the same configuration as notepad++:
- Release: `nmake -f scintilla.mak`
- Debug: `nmake DEBUG=1 -f scintilla.mak`
Since `Notepad++` version 6.0 - 7.9.5, the build of dynamic linked `SciLexer.dll` that is distributed
uses features from Boost's `Boost.Regex` library.
## Build 64 bits binaries with GCC:
If you have installed [MinGW-w64](https://mingw-w64.org/doku.php/start), then you can compile Notepad++ & SciLexer.dll 64 bits binaries with GCC.
If you have installed [MinGW-w64](https://mingw-w64.org/doku.php/start), then you can compile Notepad++ & libscilexer.a 64 bits binaries with GCC.
* Compile libscilexer.a
1. Launch cmd.
2. Change dir into `notepad-plus-plus\scintilla\win32`.
3. Type `mingw32-make.exe -j%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%`
4. `libscilexer.a` is generated in `notepad-plus-plus\scintilla\bin\`.
* Compile Notepad++ binary
@ -102,12 +59,6 @@ If you have installed [MinGW-w64](https://mingw-w64.org/doku.php/start), then yo
3. Type `mingw32-make.exe -j%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%`
4. `NotepadPP.exe` is generated in `notepad-plus-plus\PowerEditor\bin\`.
* Compile SciLexer.dll
1. Launch cmd.
2. Change dir into `notepad-plus-plus\scintilla\win32`.
3. Type `mingw32-make.exe -j%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%`
4. `SciLexer.dll` is generated in `notepad-plus-plus\scintilla\bin\`.
You can download MinGW-w64 from https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/. On Notepad++ Github page (this project), the build system use [MinGW 8.1](https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win64/Personal%20Builds/mingw-builds/8.1.0/threads-posix/seh/x86_64-8.1.0-release-posix-seh-rt_v6-rev0.7z).

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@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#include <cctype>
#include <locale>
#include <cwctype>
#include <limits>
namespace boost{ namespace BOOST_REGEX_DETAIL_NS{