# Make file for Scintilla on Windows # @file makefile # Copyright 1998-2010 by Neil Hodgson # The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed. # This makefile assumes Mingw-w64 GCC 9.0+ is used and changes will be needed to use other compilers. # Clang 9.0+ can be used with CLANG=1 on command line. .PHONY: all clean analyze depend .SUFFIXES: .cxx .c .o .h .a DIR_O=. DIR_BIN=../bin COMPONENT = $(DIR_BIN)/Scintilla.dll LIBSCI = $(DIR_BIN)/libscintilla.a WARNINGS = -Wpedantic -Wall -Wextra ifdef CLANG CXX = clang++ else # MinGW GCC LIBSMINGW = -lstdc++ STRIPOPTION = -s endif ARFLAGS = rc RANLIB ?= ranlib WINDRES ?= windres # Environment variable windir always defined on Win32 # Take care of changing Unix style '/' directory separator to '\' on Windows normalize = $(if $(windir),$(subst /,\,$1),$1) PYTHON = $(if $(windir),pyw,python3) ifdef windir DEL = $(if $(wildcard $(dir $(SHELL))rm.exe), $(dir $(SHELL))rm.exe -f, del /q) else DEL = rm -f endif vpath %.h ../src ../include vpath %.cxx ../src LDFLAGS=-shared -static -mwindows LIBS=-lgdi32 -luser32 -limm32 -lole32 -luuid -loleaut32 $(LIBSMINGW) INCLUDES=-I ../include -I ../src BASE_FLAGS += $(WARNINGS) ifdef NO_CXX11_REGEX DEFINES += -DNO_CXX11_REGEX endif DEFINES += -D$(if $(DEBUG),DEBUG,NDEBUG) BASE_FLAGS += $(if $(DEBUG),-g,-O3) ifndef DEBUG STRIPFLAG=$(STRIPOPTION) endif CXX_BASE_FLAGS =--std=c++17 $(BASE_FLAGS) CXX_ALL_FLAGS =$(DEFINES) $(INCLUDES) $(CXX_BASE_FLAGS) all: $(COMPONENT) $(LIBSCI) clean: $(DEL) $(call normalize, $(addprefix $(DIR_O)/, *.exe *.o *.a *.obj *.dll *.res *.map *.plist) $(COMPONENT) $(LIBSCI)) $(DIR_O)/%.o: %.cxx $(CXX) $(CXX_ALL_FLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ analyze: $(CXX) --analyze $(CXX_ALL_FLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) *.cxx ../src/*.cxx depend deps.mak: $(PYTHON) DepGen.py # Required for base Scintilla SRC_OBJS = \ $(DIR_O)/AutoComplete.o \ $(DIR_O)/CallTip.o \ $(DIR_O)/CaseConvert.o \ $(DIR_O)/CaseFolder.o \ $(DIR_O)/CellBuffer.o \ $(DIR_O)/ChangeHistory.o \ $(DIR_O)/CharacterCategoryMap.o \ $(DIR_O)/CharacterType.o \ $(DIR_O)/CharClassify.o \ $(DIR_O)/ContractionState.o \ $(DIR_O)/DBCS.o \ $(DIR_O)/Decoration.o \ $(DIR_O)/Document.o \ $(DIR_O)/EditModel.o \ $(DIR_O)/Editor.o \ $(DIR_O)/EditView.o \ $(DIR_O)/Geometry.o \ $(DIR_O)/Indicator.o \ $(DIR_O)/KeyMap.o \ $(DIR_O)/LineMarker.o \ $(DIR_O)/MarginView.o \ $(DIR_O)/PerLine.o \ $(DIR_O)/PositionCache.o \ $(DIR_O)/RESearch.o \ $(DIR_O)/RunStyles.o \ $(DIR_O)/Selection.o \ $(DIR_O)/Style.o \ $(DIR_O)/UndoHistory.o \ $(DIR_O)/UniConversion.o \ $(DIR_O)/UniqueString.o \ $(DIR_O)/ViewStyle.o \ $(DIR_O)/XPM.o COMPONENT_OBJS = \ $(SRC_OBJS) \ $(DIR_O)/HanjaDic.o \ $(DIR_O)/PlatWin.o \ $(DIR_O)/ScintillaBase.o \ $(DIR_O)/ScintillaWin.o SHARED_OBJS = \ $(DIR_O)/ScintillaDLL.o \ $(DIR_O)/ScintRes.o $(COMPONENT): $(COMPONENT_OBJS) $(SHARED_OBJS) $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(STRIPFLAG) $^ $(CXXFLAGS) $(LIBS) $(LIBSCI): $(COMPONENT_OBJS) $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $^ $(RANLIB) $@ # Automatically generate dependencies for most files with "make depend" include deps.mak $(DIR_O)/ScintRes.o: ScintRes.rc $(WINDRES) $< $@