//this file is part of notepad++ //Copyright (C)2003 Don HO // //This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or //modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License //as published by the Free Software Foundation; either //version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // //This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software //Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. #ifndef PARAMETERS_H #define PARAMETERS_H #include #include #include "tinyxmlA.h" #include "tinyxml.h" //#include "ScintillaEditView.h" #include "Scintilla.h" #include "ScintillaRef.h" #include "ToolBar.h" #include "UserDefineLangReference.h" #include "colors.h" #include "shortcut.h" #include "ContextMenu.h" using namespace std; const bool POS_VERTICAL = true; const bool POS_HORIZOTAL = false; const int UDD_SHOW = 1; // 0000 0001 const int UDD_DOCKED = 2; // 0000 0010 // 0 : 0000 0000 hide & undocked // 1 : 0000 0001 show & undocked // 2 : 0000 0010 hide & docked // 3 : 0000 0011 show & docked const int TAB_DRAWTOPBAR = 1; // 0000 0001 const int TAB_DRAWINACTIVETAB = 2; // 0000 0010 const int TAB_DRAGNDROP = 4; // 0000 0100 const int TAB_REDUCE = 8; // 0000 1000 const int TAB_CLOSEBUTTON = 16; // 0001 0000 const int TAB_DBCLK2CLOSE = 32; // 0010 0000 const int TAB_VERTICAL = 64; // 0100 0000 const int TAB_MULTILINE = 128; // 1000 0000 const int TAB_HIDE = 256; //1 0000 0000 enum formatType {WIN_FORMAT, MAC_FORMAT, UNIX_FORMAT}; enum UniMode {uni8Bit=0, uniUTF8=1, uni16BE=2, uni16LE=3, uniCookie=4, uni7Bit=5, uniEnd}; enum ChangeDetect {cdDisabled=0, cdEnabled=1, cdAutoUpdate=2, cdGo2end=3, cdAutoUpdateGo2end=4}; enum BackupFeature {bak_none = 0, bak_simple = 1, bak_verbose = 2}; enum OpenSaveDirSetting {dir_followCurrent = 0, dir_last = 1, dir_userDef = 2}; const int LANG_INDEX_INSTR = 0; const int LANG_INDEX_INSTR2 = 1; const int LANG_INDEX_TYPE = 2; const int LANG_INDEX_TYPE2 = 3; const int LANG_INDEX_TYPE3 = 4; const int LANG_INDEX_TYPE4 = 5; const int LANG_INDEX_TYPE5 = 6; const int COPYDATA_PARAMS = 0; const int COPYDATA_FILENAMESA = 1; const int COPYDATA_FILENAMESW = 2; const bool SCIV_PRIMARY = false; const bool SCIV_SECOND = true; const TCHAR fontSizeStrs[][3] = {TEXT(""), TEXT("8"), TEXT("9"), TEXT("10"), TEXT("11"), TEXT("12"), TEXT("14"), TEXT("16"), TEXT("18"), TEXT("20"), TEXT("22"), TEXT("24"), TEXT("26"), TEXT("28")}; const TCHAR LINEDRAW_FONT[] = TEXT("LINEDRAW.TTF"); const TCHAR localConfFile[] = TEXT("doLocalConf.xml"); const TCHAR notepadStyleFile[] = TEXT("asNotepad.xml"); void cutString(const TCHAR *str2cut, vector & patternVect); /* struct HeaderLineState { HeaderLineState() : _headerLineNumber(0), _isCollapsed(false){}; HeaderLineState(int lineNumber, bool isFoldUp) : _headerLineNumber(lineNumber), _isCollapsed(isFoldUp){}; int _headerLineNumber; bool _isCollapsed; }; */ struct Position { int _firstVisibleLine; int _startPos; int _endPos; int _xOffset; int _selMode; int _scrollWidth; Position() : _firstVisibleLine(0), _startPos(0), _endPos(0), _xOffset(0), _scrollWidth(1), _selMode(0) {}; }; struct sessionFileInfo : public Position { sessionFileInfo(const TCHAR *fn) { if (fn) _fileName = fn; }; sessionFileInfo(const TCHAR *fn, const TCHAR *ln, Position pos) : Position(pos) { if (fn) _fileName = fn; if (ln) _langName = ln; }; sessionFileInfo(generic_string fn) : _fileName(fn){}; sessionFileInfo(generic_string fn, Position pos) : Position(pos), _fileName(fn){}; generic_string _fileName; generic_string _langName; vector marks; }; struct Session { size_t nbMainFiles() const {return _mainViewFiles.size();}; size_t nbSubFiles() const {return _subViewFiles.size();}; size_t _activeView; size_t _activeMainIndex; size_t _activeSubIndex; vector _mainViewFiles; vector _subViewFiles; }; struct CmdLineParams { bool _isNoPlugin; bool _isReadOnly; bool _isNoSession; bool _isNoTab; int _line2go; int _column2go; POINT _point; bool _isPointXValid; bool _isPointYValid; bool isPointValid() { return _isPointXValid && _isPointXValid; }; LangType _langType; CmdLineParams() : _isNoPlugin(false), _isReadOnly(false), _isNoSession(false), _isNoTab(false),\ _line2go(-1), _column2go(-1), _langType(L_EXTERNAL), _isPointXValid(false), _isPointYValid(false) { _point.x = 0; _point.y = 0; } }; struct FloatingWindowInfo { int _cont; RECT _pos; FloatingWindowInfo(int cont, int x, int y, int w, int h) : _cont(cont) { _pos.left = x; _pos.top = y; _pos.right = w; _pos.bottom = h; }; }; struct PlugingDlgDockingInfo { TCHAR _name[MAX_PATH]; int _internalID; int _currContainer; int _prevContainer; bool _isVisible; PlugingDlgDockingInfo(const TCHAR *pluginName, int id, int curr, int prev, bool isVis) : _internalID(id), _currContainer(curr), _prevContainer(prev), _isVisible(isVis){ lstrcpy(_name, pluginName); }; friend inline const bool operator==(const PlugingDlgDockingInfo & a, const PlugingDlgDockingInfo & b) { if ((lstrcmp(a._name, b._name) == 0) && (a._internalID == b._internalID)) return true; else return false; }; }; struct ContainerTabInfo { int _cont; int _activeTab; ContainerTabInfo(int cont, int activeTab) : _cont(cont), _activeTab(activeTab) {}; }; struct DockingManagerData { int _leftWidth; int _rightWidth; int _topHeight; int _bottomHight; DockingManagerData() : _leftWidth(200), _rightWidth(200), _topHeight(200), _bottomHight(200) {}; vector _flaotingWindowInfo; vector _pluginDockInfo; vector _containerTabInfo; RECT * getFloatingRCFrom(int floatCont) { for (size_t i = 0 ; i < _flaotingWindowInfo.size() ; i++) { if (_flaotingWindowInfo[i]._cont == floatCont) return &(_flaotingWindowInfo[i]._pos); } return NULL; } }; static int strVal(const TCHAR *str, int base) { if (!str) return -1; if (!str[0]) return 0; TCHAR *finStr; int result = generic_strtol(str, &finStr, base); if (*finStr != '\0') return -1; return result; }; static int decStrVal(const TCHAR *str) { return strVal(str, 10); }; static int hexStrVal(const TCHAR *str) { return strVal(str, 16); }; static int getKwClassFromName(const TCHAR *str) { if (!lstrcmp(TEXT("instre1"), str)) return LANG_INDEX_INSTR; if (!lstrcmp(TEXT("instre2"), str)) return LANG_INDEX_INSTR2; if (!lstrcmp(TEXT("type1"), str)) return LANG_INDEX_TYPE; if (!lstrcmp(TEXT("type2"), str)) return LANG_INDEX_TYPE2; if (!lstrcmp(TEXT("type3"), str)) return LANG_INDEX_TYPE3; if (!lstrcmp(TEXT("type4"), str)) return LANG_INDEX_TYPE4; if (!lstrcmp(TEXT("type5"), str)) return LANG_INDEX_TYPE5; if ((str[1] == '\0') && (str[0] >= '0') && (str[0] <= '8')) // up to KEYWORDSET_MAX return str[0] - '0'; return -1; }; const int FONTSTYLE_BOLD = 1; const int FONTSTYLE_ITALIC = 2; const int FONTSTYLE_UNDERLINE = 4; const int COLORSTYLE_FOREGROUND = 0x01; const int COLORSTYLE_BACKGROUND = 0x02; const int COLORSTYLE_ALL = COLORSTYLE_FOREGROUND|COLORSTYLE_BACKGROUND; struct Style { int _styleID; const TCHAR *_styleDesc; COLORREF _fgColor; COLORREF _bgColor; int _colorStyle; const TCHAR *_fontName; int _fontStyle; int _fontSize; int _keywordClass; generic_string *_keywords; Style():_styleID(-1), _fgColor(COLORREF(-1)), _bgColor(COLORREF(-1)), _colorStyle(COLORSTYLE_ALL), _fontName(NULL), _fontStyle(-1), _fontSize(-1), _keywordClass(-1), _keywords(NULL){}; ~Style(){ if (_keywords) delete _keywords; }; Style(const Style & style) { _styleID = style._styleID; _styleDesc = style._styleDesc; _fgColor = style._fgColor; _bgColor = style._bgColor; _colorStyle = style._colorStyle; _fontName = style._fontName; _fontSize = style._fontSize; _fontStyle = style._fontStyle; _keywordClass = style._keywordClass; if (style._keywords) _keywords = new generic_string(*(style._keywords)); else _keywords = NULL; }; Style & operator=(const Style & style) { if (this != &style) { this->_styleID = style._styleID; this->_styleDesc = style._styleDesc; this->_fgColor = style._fgColor; this->_bgColor = style._bgColor; this->_colorStyle = style._colorStyle; this->_fontName = style._fontName; this->_fontSize = style._fontSize; this->_fontStyle = style._fontStyle; this->_keywordClass = style._keywordClass; if (!(this->_keywords) && style._keywords) this->_keywords = new generic_string(*(style._keywords)); else if (this->_keywords && style._keywords) this->_keywords->assign(*(style._keywords)); else if (this->_keywords && !(style._keywords)) { delete (this->_keywords); this->_keywords = NULL; } } return *this; }; void setKeywords(const TCHAR *str) { if (!_keywords) _keywords = new generic_string(str); else *_keywords = str; }; }; struct GlobalOverride { bool isEnable() const {return (enableFg || enableBg || enableFont || enableFontSize || enableBold || enableItalic || enableUnderLine);}; bool enableFg; bool enableBg; bool enableFont; bool enableFontSize; bool enableBold; bool enableItalic; bool enableUnderLine; GlobalOverride():enableFg(false), enableBg(false), enableFont(false), enableFontSize(false), enableBold(false), enableItalic(false), enableUnderLine(false) {}; }; const int MAX_STYLE = 30; struct StyleArray { public: StyleArray() : _nbStyler(0){}; StyleArray & operator=(const StyleArray & sa) { if (this != &sa) { this->_nbStyler = sa._nbStyler; for (int i = 0 ; i < _nbStyler ; i++) { this->_styleArray[i] = sa._styleArray[i]; } } return *this; } int getNbStyler() const {return _nbStyler;}; void setNbStyler(int nb) {_nbStyler = nb;}; Style & getStyler(int index) {return _styleArray[index];}; bool hasEnoughSpace() {return (_nbStyler < MAX_STYLE);}; void addStyler(int styleID, TiXmlNode *styleNode); void addStyler(int styleID, TCHAR *styleName) { //ZeroMemory(&_styleArray[_nbStyler], sizeof(Style));; _styleArray[_nbStyler]._styleID = styleID; _styleArray[_nbStyler]._styleDesc = styleName; _styleArray[_nbStyler]._fgColor = black; _styleArray[_nbStyler]._bgColor = white; _nbStyler++; }; int getStylerIndexByID(int id) { for (int i = 0 ; i < _nbStyler ; i++) if (_styleArray[i]._styleID == id) return i; return -1; }; int getStylerIndexByName(const TCHAR *name) const { if (!name) return -1; for (int i = 0 ; i < _nbStyler ; i++) if (!lstrcmp(_styleArray[i]._styleDesc, name)) return i; return -1; }; protected: Style _styleArray[MAX_STYLE]; int _nbStyler; }; struct LexerStyler : public StyleArray { public : LexerStyler():StyleArray(){}; LexerStyler & operator=(const LexerStyler & ls) { if (this != &ls) { *((StyleArray *)this) = ls; lstrcpy(this->_lexerName, ls._lexerName); lstrcpy(this->_lexerDesc, ls._lexerDesc); lstrcpy(this->_lexerUserExt, ls._lexerUserExt); } return *this; } void setLexerName(const TCHAR *lexerName) { lstrcpy(_lexerName, lexerName); }; void setLexerDesc(const TCHAR *lexerDesc) { lstrcpy(_lexerDesc, lexerDesc); }; void setLexerUserExt(const TCHAR *lexerUserExt) { lstrcpy(_lexerUserExt, lexerUserExt); }; const TCHAR * getLexerName() const {return _lexerName;}; const TCHAR * getLexerDesc() const {return _lexerDesc;}; const TCHAR * getLexerUserExt() const {return _lexerUserExt;}; private : TCHAR _lexerName[16]; TCHAR _lexerDesc[32]; TCHAR _lexerUserExt[256]; }; const int MAX_LEXER_STYLE = 80; struct LexerStylerArray { public : LexerStylerArray() : _nbLexerStyler(0){}; LexerStylerArray & operator=(const LexerStylerArray & lsa) { if (this != &lsa) { this->_nbLexerStyler = lsa._nbLexerStyler; for (int i = 0 ; i < this->_nbLexerStyler ; i++) this->_lexerStylerArray[i] = lsa._lexerStylerArray[i]; } return *this; } int getNbLexer() const {return _nbLexerStyler;}; LexerStyler & getLexerFromIndex(int index) { return _lexerStylerArray[index]; }; const TCHAR * getLexerNameFromIndex(int index) const {return _lexerStylerArray[index].getLexerName();} const TCHAR * getLexerDescFromIndex(int index) const {return _lexerStylerArray[index].getLexerDesc();} LexerStyler * getLexerStylerByName(const TCHAR *lexerName) { if (!lexerName) return NULL; for (int i = 0 ; i < _nbLexerStyler ; i++) { if (!lstrcmp(_lexerStylerArray[i].getLexerName(), lexerName)) return &(_lexerStylerArray[i]); } return NULL; }; bool hasEnoughSpace() {return (_nbLexerStyler < MAX_LEXER_STYLE);}; void addLexerStyler(const TCHAR *lexerName, const TCHAR *lexerDesc, const TCHAR *lexerUserExt, TiXmlNode *lexerNode); void eraseAll(); private : LexerStyler _lexerStylerArray[MAX_LEXER_STYLE]; int _nbLexerStyler; }; struct NewDocDefaultSettings { formatType _format; UniMode _encoding; bool _openAnsiAsUtf8; LangType _lang; NewDocDefaultSettings():_format(WIN_FORMAT), _encoding(uni8Bit), _openAnsiAsUtf8(false), _lang(L_TXT){}; }; struct LangMenuItem { LangType _langType; int _cmdID; generic_string _langName; LangMenuItem(LangType lt, int cmdID = 0, generic_string langName = TEXT("")): _langType(lt), _cmdID(cmdID), _langName(langName){}; }; struct PrintSettings { bool _printLineNumber; int _printOption; generic_string _headerLeft; generic_string _headerMiddle; generic_string _headerRight; generic_string _headerFontName; int _headerFontStyle; int _headerFontSize; generic_string _footerLeft; generic_string _footerMiddle; generic_string _footerRight; generic_string _footerFontName; int _footerFontStyle; int _footerFontSize; RECT _marge; PrintSettings() : _printLineNumber(true), _printOption(SC_PRINT_NORMAL), _headerLeft(TEXT("")), _headerMiddle(TEXT("")), _headerRight(TEXT("")),\ _headerFontName(TEXT("")), _headerFontStyle(0), _headerFontSize(0), _footerLeft(TEXT("")), _footerMiddle(TEXT("")), _footerRight(TEXT("")),\ _footerFontName(TEXT("")), _footerFontStyle(0), _footerFontSize(0) { _marge.left = 0; _marge.top = 0; _marge.right = 0; _marge.bottom = 0; }; bool isHeaderPresent() const { return ((_headerLeft != TEXT("")) || (_headerMiddle != TEXT("")) || (_headerRight != TEXT(""))); }; bool isFooterPresent() const { return ((_footerLeft != TEXT("")) || (_footerMiddle != TEXT("")) || (_footerRight != TEXT(""))); }; bool isUserMargePresent() const { return ((_marge.left != 0) || (_marge.top != 0) || (_marge.right != 0) || (_marge.bottom != 0)); }; }; struct NppGUI { NppGUI() : _toolBarStatus(TB_LARGE), _toolbarShow(true), _statusBarShow(true), _menuBarShow(true),\ _tabStatus(TAB_DRAWTOPBAR | TAB_DRAWINACTIVETAB | TAB_DRAGNDROP), _splitterPos(POS_HORIZOTAL),\ _userDefineDlgStatus(UDD_DOCKED), _tabSize(8), _tabReplacedBySpace(false), _fileAutoDetection(cdEnabled), _fileAutoDetectionOriginalValue(_fileAutoDetection),\ _checkHistoryFiles(true) ,_enableSmartHilite(true), _enableTagsMatchHilite(true), _enableTagAttrsHilite(true), _enableHiliteNonHTMLZone(false),\ _isMaximized(false), _isMinimizedToTray(false), _rememberLastSession(true), _backup(bak_none), _useDir(false),\ _doTaskList(true), _maitainIndent(true), _openSaveDir(dir_followCurrent), _styleMRU(true), _styleURL(0),\ _autocStatus(autoc_none), _autocFromLen(1), _funcParams(false), _definedSessionExt(TEXT("")), _neverUpdate(false),\ _doesExistUpdater(false), _caretBlinkRate(250), _caretWidth(1), _shortTitlebar(false), _themeName(TEXT("")), _isLangMenuCompact(false) { _appPos.left = 0; _appPos.top = 0; _appPos.right = 700; _appPos.bottom = 500; _backupDir[0] = '\0'; _defaultDir[0] = 0; _defaultDirExp[0] = 0; }; toolBarStatusType _toolBarStatus; // small, large ou standard bool _toolbarShow; bool _statusBarShow; // show ou hide bool _menuBarShow; // 1st bit : draw top bar; // 2nd bit : draw inactive tabs // 3rd bit : enable drag & drop // 4th bit : reduce the height // 5th bit : enable vertical // 6th bit : enable multiline // 0:don't draw; 1:draw top bar 2:draw inactive tabs 3:draw both 7:draw both+drag&drop int _tabStatus; bool _splitterPos; // horizontal ou vertical int _userDefineDlgStatus; // (hide||show) && (docked||undocked) int _tabSize; bool _tabReplacedBySpace; ChangeDetect _fileAutoDetection; ChangeDetect _fileAutoDetectionOriginalValue; bool _checkHistoryFiles; RECT _appPos; bool _isMaximized; bool _isMinimizedToTray; bool _rememberLastSession; bool _doTaskList; bool _maitainIndent; bool _enableSmartHilite; bool _enableTagsMatchHilite; bool _enableTagAttrsHilite; bool _enableHiliteNonHTMLZone; bool _styleMRU; // 0 : do nothing // 1 : don't draw underline // 2 : draw underline int _styleURL; NewDocDefaultSettings _newDocDefaultSettings; void setTabReplacedBySpace(bool b) {_tabReplacedBySpace = b;}; const NewDocDefaultSettings & getNewDocDefaultSettings() const {return _newDocDefaultSettings;}; vector _excludedLangList; bool _isLangMenuCompact; PrintSettings _printSettings; BackupFeature _backup; bool _useDir; TCHAR _backupDir[MAX_PATH]; DockingManagerData _dockingData; GlobalOverride _globalOverride; enum AutocStatus{autoc_none, autoc_func, autoc_word}; AutocStatus _autocStatus; size_t _autocFromLen; bool _funcParams; generic_string _definedSessionExt; bool _neverUpdate; bool _doesExistUpdater; int _caretBlinkRate; int _caretWidth; bool _shortTitlebar; OpenSaveDirSetting _openSaveDir; TCHAR _defaultDir[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR _defaultDirExp[MAX_PATH]; //expanded environment variables generic_string _themeName; }; struct ScintillaViewParams { ScintillaViewParams() : _lineNumberMarginShow(true), _bookMarkMarginShow(true),\ _folderStyle(FOLDER_STYLE_BOX), _indentGuideLineShow(true),\ _currentLineHilitingShow(true), _wrapSymbolShow(false), _doWrap(false),\ _zoom(0), _whiteSpaceShow(false), _eolShow(false){}; bool _lineNumberMarginShow; bool _bookMarkMarginShow; //bool _docChangeStateMarginShow; folderStyle _folderStyle; //"simple", TEXT("arrow"), TEXT("circle") and "box" bool _indentGuideLineShow; bool _currentLineHilitingShow; bool _wrapSymbolShow; bool _doWrap; int _edgeMode; int _edgeNbColumn; int _zoom; bool _whiteSpaceShow; bool _eolShow; }; const int NB_LIST = 20; const int NB_MAX_LRF_FILE = 30; const int NB_MAX_USER_LANG = 30; const int NB_MAX_EXTERNAL_LANG = 30; const int LANG_NAME_LEN = 32; const int NB_MAX_FINDHISTORY_FIND = 30; const int NB_MAX_FINDHISTORY_REPLACE = 30; const int NB_MAX_FINDHISTORY_PATH = 30; const int NB_MAX_FINDHISTORY_FILTER = 20; struct Lang { LangType _langID; TCHAR _langName[LANG_NAME_LEN]; const TCHAR *_defaultExtList; const TCHAR *_langKeyWordList[NB_LIST]; const TCHAR *_pCommentLineSymbol; const TCHAR *_pCommentStart; const TCHAR *_pCommentEnd; Lang() {for (int i = 0 ; i < NB_LIST ; _langKeyWordList[i] = NULL ,i++);}; Lang(LangType langID, const TCHAR *name) : _langID(langID){ _langName[0] = '\0'; if (name) lstrcpy(_langName, name); for (int i = 0 ; i < NB_LIST ; _langKeyWordList[i] = NULL ,i++); }; ~Lang() {}; void setDefaultExtList(const TCHAR *extLst){ _defaultExtList = extLst; }; void setCommentLineSymbol(const TCHAR *commentLine){ _pCommentLineSymbol = commentLine; }; void setCommentStart(const TCHAR *commentStart){ _pCommentStart = commentStart; }; void setCommentEnd(const TCHAR *commentEnd){ _pCommentEnd = commentEnd; }; const TCHAR * getDefaultExtList() const { return _defaultExtList; }; void setWords(const TCHAR *words, int index) { _langKeyWordList[index] = words; }; const TCHAR * getWords(int index) const { return _langKeyWordList[index]; }; LangType getLangID() const {return _langID;}; const TCHAR * getLangName() const {return _langName;}; }; class UserLangContainer { friend class Notepad_plus; friend class ScintillaEditView; friend class NppParameters; friend class SharedParametersDialog; friend class FolderStyleDialog; friend class KeyWordsStyleDialog; friend class CommentStyleDialog; friend class SymbolsStyleDialog; friend class UserDefineDialog; public : UserLangContainer(){ _name = TEXT("new user define"); _ext = TEXT(""); // Keywords list of Delimiters (index 0) lstrcpy(_keywordLists[0], TEXT("000000")); for (int i = 1 ; i < nbKeywodList ; i++) *_keywordLists[i] = '\0'; }; UserLangContainer(const TCHAR *name, const TCHAR *ext) : _name(name), _ext(ext) { // Keywords list of Delimiters (index 0) lstrcpy(_keywordLists[0], TEXT("000000")); for (int j = 1 ; j < nbKeywodList ; j++) *_keywordLists[j] = '\0'; }; UserLangContainer & operator=(const UserLangContainer & ulc) { if (this != &ulc) { this->_name = ulc._name; this->_ext = ulc._ext; this->_isCaseIgnored = ulc._isCaseIgnored; this->_styleArray = ulc._styleArray; int nbStyler = this->_styleArray.getNbStyler(); for (int i = 0 ; i < nbStyler ; i++) { Style & st = this->_styleArray.getStyler(i); if (st._bgColor == COLORREF(-1)) st._bgColor = white; if (st._fgColor == COLORREF(-1)) st._fgColor = black; } for (int i = 0 ; i < nbKeywodList ; i++) lstrcpy(this->_keywordLists[i], ulc._keywordLists[i]); } return *this; }; int getNbKeywordList() {return nbKeywodList;}; const TCHAR * getName() {return _name.c_str();}; const TCHAR * getExtention() {return _ext.c_str();}; private: generic_string _name; generic_string _ext; StyleArray _styleArray; TCHAR _keywordLists[nbKeywodList][max_char]; bool _isCaseIgnored; bool _isCommentLineSymbol; bool _isCommentSymbol; bool _isPrefix[nbPrefixListAllowed]; }; #define MAX_EXTERNAL_LEXER_NAME_LEN 16 #define MAX_EXTERNAL_LEXER_DESC_LEN 32 class ExternalLangContainer { public: TCHAR _name[MAX_EXTERNAL_LEXER_NAME_LEN]; TCHAR _desc[MAX_EXTERNAL_LEXER_DESC_LEN]; ExternalLangContainer(const TCHAR *name, const TCHAR *desc) { generic_strncpy(_name, name, MAX_EXTERNAL_LEXER_NAME_LEN); generic_strncpy(_desc, desc, MAX_EXTERNAL_LEXER_DESC_LEN); }; }; struct FindHistory { enum searchMode{normal, extended, regExpr}; enum transparencyMode{none, onLossingFocus, persistant}; FindHistory() : _nbMaxFindHistoryPath(10), _nbMaxFindHistoryFilter(10), _nbMaxFindHistoryFind(10), _nbMaxFindHistoryReplace(10),\ _nbFindHistoryPath(0), _nbFindHistoryFilter(0),_nbFindHistoryFind(0), _nbFindHistoryReplace(0),\ _isMatchWord(false), _isMatchCase(false),_isWrap(true),_isDirectionDown(true),\ _isFifRecuisive(true), _isFifInHiddenFolder(false), _isDlgAlwaysVisible(false),\ _isFilterFollowDoc(false), _isFolderFollowDoc(false),\ _searchMode(normal), _transparencyMode(onLossingFocus), _transparency(150) {}; int _nbMaxFindHistoryPath; int _nbMaxFindHistoryFilter; int _nbMaxFindHistoryFind; int _nbMaxFindHistoryReplace; int _nbFindHistoryPath; int _nbFindHistoryFilter; int _nbFindHistoryFind; int _nbFindHistoryReplace; generic_string *_pFindHistoryPath[NB_MAX_FINDHISTORY_PATH]; generic_string *_pFindHistoryFilter[NB_MAX_FINDHISTORY_FILTER]; generic_string *_pFindHistoryFind[NB_MAX_FINDHISTORY_FIND]; generic_string *_pFindHistoryReplace[NB_MAX_FINDHISTORY_REPLACE]; bool _isMatchWord; bool _isMatchCase; bool _isWrap; bool _isDirectionDown; bool _isFifRecuisive; bool _isFifInHiddenFolder; searchMode _searchMode; transparencyMode _transparencyMode; int _transparency; bool _isDlgAlwaysVisible; bool _isFilterFollowDoc; bool _isFolderFollowDoc; }; #ifdef UNICODE class LocalizationSwitcher { friend class NppParameters; public : LocalizationSwitcher() {}; struct LocalizationDefinition { wchar_t *_langName; wchar_t *_xmlFileName; }; bool addLanguageFromXml(wstring xmlFullPath); wstring getLangFromXmlFileName(wchar_t *fn) const; wstring getXmlFilePathFromLangName(wchar_t *langName) const; bool switchToLang(wchar_t *lang2switch) const; size_t size() const { return _localizationList.size(); }; pair getElementFromIndex(size_t index) { if (index >= _localizationList.size()) return pair(TEXT(""), TEXT("")); return _localizationList[index]; }; private : vector< pair< wstring, wstring > > _localizationList; wstring _nativeLangPath; }; #endif class ThemeSwitcher { friend class NppParameters; public : ThemeSwitcher(){}; struct ThemeDefinition { TCHAR *_themeName; TCHAR *_xmlFileName; }; void addThemeFromXml(generic_string xmlFullPath) { _themeList.push_back(pair(getThemeFromXmlFileName(xmlFullPath.c_str()), xmlFullPath)); }; void addDefaultThemeFromXml(generic_string xmlFullPath) { _themeList.push_back(pair(TEXT("Default (styles.xml)"), xmlFullPath)); }; generic_string getThemeFromXmlFileName(const TCHAR *fn) const; generic_string getXmlFilePathFromThemeName(const TCHAR *themeName) const { if (!themeName || themeName[0]) return TEXT(""); generic_string themePath = _stylesXmlPath; return themePath; }; bool themeNameExists(const TCHAR *themeName) { for (size_t i = 0; i < _themeList.size(); i++ ) { if (! (getElementFromIndex(i)).first.compare(themeName) ) return true; } return false; } size_t size() const { return _themeList.size(); }; pair & getElementFromIndex(size_t index) { //if (index >= _themeList.size()) //return pair(TEXT(""), TEXT("")); return _themeList[index]; }; private : vector< pair< generic_string, generic_string > > _themeList; generic_string _stylesXmlPath; }; const int NB_LANG = 80; const bool DUP = true; const bool FREE = false; class NppParameters { public: static NppParameters * getInstance() {return _pSelf;}; static LangType getLangIDFromStr(const TCHAR *langName); bool load(); bool reloadLang(); bool reloadStylers(TCHAR *stylePath = NULL); void destroyInstance(); bool _isTaskListRBUTTONUP_Active; int L_END; const NppGUI & getNppGUI() const { return _nppGUI; }; const TCHAR * getWordList(LangType langID, int typeIndex) const { Lang *pLang = getLangFromID(langID); if (!pLang) return NULL; return pLang->getWords(typeIndex); }; Lang * getLangFromID(LangType langID) const { for (int i = 0 ; i < _nbLang ; i++) { if ((_langList[i]->_langID == langID) || (!_langList[i])) return _langList[i]; } return NULL; }; Lang * getLangFromIndex(int i) const { if (i >= _nbLang) return NULL; return _langList[i]; }; int getNbLang() const {return _nbLang;}; const TCHAR * getLangExtFromName(const TCHAR *langName) const { for (int i = 0 ; i < _nbLang ; i++) { if (!lstrcmp(_langList[i]->_langName, langName)) return _langList[i]->_defaultExtList; } return NULL; }; const TCHAR * getLangExtFromLangType(LangType langType) const { for (int i = 0 ; i < _nbLang ; i++) { if (_langList[i]->_langID == langType) return _langList[i]->_defaultExtList; } return NULL; }; int getNbLRFile() const {return _nbFile;}; generic_string *getLRFile(int index) const { return _LRFileList[index]; }; void setNbMaxFile(int nb) { _nbMaxFile = nb; }; int getNbMaxFile() const {return _nbMaxFile;}; const ScintillaViewParams & getSVP(bool whichOne) const { return _svp[whichOne]; }; bool writeNbHistoryFile(int nb) { if (!_pXmlUserDoc) return false; TiXmlNode *nppRoot = _pXmlUserDoc->FirstChild(TEXT("NotepadPlus")); if (!nppRoot) return false; TiXmlNode *historyNode = nppRoot->FirstChildElement(TEXT("History")); if (!historyNode) return false; (historyNode->ToElement())->SetAttribute(TEXT("nbMaxFile"), nb); return true; }; bool writeHistory(const TCHAR *fullpath); TiXmlNode * getChildElementByAttribut(TiXmlNode *pere, const TCHAR *childName,\ const TCHAR *attributName, const TCHAR *attributVal) const; bool writeScintillaParams(const ScintillaViewParams & svp, bool whichOne); bool writeGUIParams(); void writeStyles(LexerStylerArray & lexersStylers, StyleArray & globalStylers); LexerStylerArray & getLStylerArray() {return _lexerStylerArray;}; StyleArray & getGlobalStylers() {return _widgetStyleArray;}; StyleArray & getMiscStylerArray() {return _widgetStyleArray;}; GlobalOverride & getGlobalOverrideStyle() {return _nppGUI._globalOverride;}; COLORREF getCurLineHilitingColour() { int i = _widgetStyleArray.getStylerIndexByName(TEXT("Current line background colour")); if (i == -1) return i; Style & style = _widgetStyleArray.getStyler(i); return style._bgColor; }; void setCurLineHilitingColour(COLORREF colour2Set) { int i = _widgetStyleArray.getStylerIndexByName(TEXT("Current line background colour")); if (i == -1) return; Style & style = _widgetStyleArray.getStyler(i); style._bgColor = colour2Set; }; void setFontList(HWND hWnd); const vector & getFontList() const {return _fontlist;}; int getNbUserLang() const {return _nbUserLang;}; UserLangContainer & getULCFromIndex(int i) {return *_userLangArray[i];}; UserLangContainer * getULCFromName(const TCHAR *userLangName) { for (int i = 0 ; i < _nbUserLang ; i++) if (!lstrcmp(userLangName, _userLangArray[i]->_name.c_str())) return _userLangArray[i]; //qui doit etre jamais passer return NULL; }; int getNbExternalLang() const {return _nbExternalLang;}; int getExternalLangIndexFromName(const TCHAR *externalLangName) const { for (int i = 0 ; i < _nbExternalLang ; i++) { if (!lstrcmp(externalLangName, _externalLangArray[i]->_name)) return i; } return -1; }; ExternalLangContainer & getELCFromIndex(int i) {return *_externalLangArray[i];}; bool ExternalLangHasRoom() const {return _nbExternalLang < NB_MAX_EXTERNAL_LANG;}; void getExternalLexerFromXmlTree(TiXmlDocument *doc); vector * getExternalLexerDoc() { return &_pXmlExternalLexerDoc;}; void writeUserDefinedLang(); void writeShortcuts(); void writeSession(const Session & session, const TCHAR *fileName = NULL); bool writeFindHistory(); bool isExistingUserLangName(const TCHAR *newName) const { if ((!newName) || (!newName[0])) return true; for (int i = 0 ; i < _nbUserLang ; i++) { if (!lstrcmp(_userLangArray[i]->_name.c_str(), newName)) return true; } return false; }; const TCHAR * getUserDefinedLangNameFromExt(TCHAR *ext) { if ((!ext) || (!ext[0])) return NULL; for (int i = 0 ; i < _nbUserLang ; i++) { vector extVect; cutString(_userLangArray[i]->_ext.c_str(), extVect); for (size_t j = 0 ; j < extVect.size() ; j++) if (!generic_stricmp(extVect[j].c_str(), ext)) return _userLangArray[i]->_name.c_str(); } return NULL; }; int addUserLangToEnd(const UserLangContainer & userLang, const TCHAR *newName); void removeUserLang(int index); bool isExistingExternalLangName(const TCHAR *newName) const { if ((!newName) || (!newName[0])) return true; for (int i = 0 ; i < _nbExternalLang ; i++) { if (!lstrcmp(_externalLangArray[i]->_name, newName)) return true; } return false; }; int addExternalLangToEnd(ExternalLangContainer * externalLang); //TiXmlDocument * getNativeLang() const {return _pXmlNativeLangDoc;}; TiXmlDocumentA * getNativeLangA() const {return _pXmlNativeLangDocA;}; TiXmlDocument * getToolIcons() const {return _pXmlToolIconsDoc;}; bool isTransparentAvailable() const { return (_transparentFuncAddr != NULL); }; void SetTransparent(HWND hwnd, int percent) { if (!_transparentFuncAddr) return; ::SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, ::GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) | 0x00080000); _transparentFuncAddr(hwnd, 0, percent, 0x00000002); }; void removeTransparent(HWND hwnd) { ::SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, ::GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) & ~0x00080000); }; void setCmdlineParam(const CmdLineParams & cmdLineParams) { _cmdLineParams = cmdLineParams; }; CmdLineParams & getCmdLineParams() {return _cmdLineParams;}; void setFileSaveDlgFilterIndex(int ln) {_fileSaveDlgFilterIndex = ln;}; int getFileSaveDlgFilterIndex() const {return _fileSaveDlgFilterIndex;}; bool isRemappingShortcut() const {return _shortcuts.size() != 0;}; vector & getUserShortcuts() {return _shortcuts;}; vector & getUserModifiedShortcuts() {return _customizedShortcuts;}; void addUserModifiedIndex(int index); vector & getMacroList() {return _macros;}; vector & getUserCommandList() {return _userCommands;}; vector & getPluginCommandList() {return _pluginCommands;}; vector & getPluginModifiedKeyIndices() {return _pluginCustomizedCmds;}; void addPluginModifiedIndex(int index); vector & getScintillaKeyList() {return _scintillaKeyCommands;}; vector & getScintillaModifiedKeyIndices() {return _scintillaModifiedKeyIndices;}; void addScintillaModifiedIndex(int index); vector & getContextMenuItems() {return _contextMenuItems;}; const Session & getSession() const {return _session;}; bool hasCustomContextMenu() const {return !_contextMenuItems.empty();}; void setAccelerator(Accelerator *pAccel) {_pAccelerator = pAccel;}; Accelerator * getAccelerator() {return _pAccelerator;}; void setScintillaAccelerator(ScintillaAccelerator *pScintAccel) {_pScintAccelerator = pScintAccel;}; ScintillaAccelerator * getScintillaAccelerator() {return _pScintAccelerator;}; const TCHAR * getNppPath() const {return _nppPath;}; const TCHAR * getAppDataNppDir() const {return _appdataNppDir;}; const TCHAR * getWorkingDir() const {return _currentDirectory;}; void setWorkingDir(const TCHAR * newPath); bool loadSession(Session & session, const TCHAR *sessionFileName); int langTypeToCommandID(LangType lt) const; WNDPROC getEnableThemeDlgTexture() const {return _enableThemeDialogTextureFuncAddr;}; struct FindDlgTabTitiles { generic_string _find; generic_string _replace; generic_string _findInFiles; FindDlgTabTitiles() : _find(TEXT("")), _replace(TEXT("")), _findInFiles(TEXT("")) {}; bool isWellFilled() { return (lstrcmp(_find.c_str(), TEXT("")) != 0 && lstrcmp(_replace.c_str(), TEXT("")) && lstrcmp(_findInFiles.c_str(), TEXT(""))); }; }; FindDlgTabTitiles & getFindDlgTabTitiles() { return _findDlgTabTitiles;}; const char * getNativeLangMenuStringA(int itemID) { if (!_pXmlNativeLangDocA) return NULL; TiXmlNodeA * node = _pXmlNativeLangDocA->FirstChild("NotepadPlus"); if (!node) return NULL; node = node->FirstChild("Native-Langue"); if (!node) return NULL; node = node->FirstChild("Menu"); if (!node) return NULL; node = node->FirstChild("Main"); if (!node) return NULL; node = node->FirstChild("Commands"); if (!node) return NULL; for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = node->FirstChildElement("Item"); childNode ; childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") ) { TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement(); int id; if (element->Attribute("id", &id) && (id == itemID)) { return element->Attribute("name"); } } return NULL; }; bool asNotepadStyle() const {return _asNotepadStyle;}; bool reloadPluginCmds() { return getPluginCmdsFromXmlTree(); } bool getContextMenuFromXmlTree(HMENU mainMenuHadle); bool reloadContextMenuFromXmlTree(HMENU mainMenuHadle); winVer getWinVersion() { return _winVersion;}; FindHistory & getFindHistory() {return _findHistory;}; bool _isFindReplacing; // an on the fly variable for find/replace functions #ifdef UNICODE LocalizationSwitcher & getLocalizationSwitcher() { return _localizationSwitcher; }; #endif ThemeSwitcher & getThemeSwitcher() { return _themeSwitcher; }; private: NppParameters(); ~NppParameters(); static NppParameters *_pSelf; TiXmlDocument *_pXmlDoc, *_pXmlUserDoc, *_pXmlUserStylerDoc, *_pXmlUserLangDoc,\ *_pXmlToolIconsDoc, *_pXmlShortcutDoc, *_pXmlContextMenuDoc, *_pXmlSessionDoc; TiXmlDocumentA *_pXmlNativeLangDocA; //TiXmlDocumentA *_pXmlEnglishDocA; vector _pXmlExternalLexerDoc; NppGUI _nppGUI; ScintillaViewParams _svp[2]; Lang *_langList[NB_LANG]; int _nbLang; generic_string *_LRFileList[NB_MAX_LRF_FILE]; int _nbFile; int _nbMaxFile; FindHistory _findHistory; UserLangContainer *_userLangArray[NB_MAX_USER_LANG]; int _nbUserLang; TCHAR _userDefineLangPath[MAX_PATH]; ExternalLangContainer *_externalLangArray[NB_MAX_EXTERNAL_LANG]; int _nbExternalLang; CmdLineParams _cmdLineParams; int _fileSaveDlgFilterIndex; // All Styles (colours & fonts) LexerStylerArray _lexerStylerArray; StyleArray _widgetStyleArray; vector _fontlist; HMODULE _hUser32; HMODULE _hUXTheme; WNDPROC _transparentFuncAddr; WNDPROC _enableThemeDialogTextureFuncAddr; vector _shortcuts; //main menu shortuts. Static size vector _customizedShortcuts; //altered main menu shortcuts. Indices static. Needed when saving alterations vector _macros; //macro shortcuts, dynamic size, defined on loading macros and adding/deleting them vector _userCommands; //run shortcuts, dynamic size, defined on loading run commands and adding/deleting them vector _pluginCommands; //plugin commands, dynamic size, defined on loading plugins vector _pluginCustomizedCmds; //plugincommands that have been altered. Indices determined after loading ALL plugins. Needed when saving alterations vector _scintillaKeyCommands; //scintilla keycommands. Static size vector _scintillaModifiedKeyIndices; //modified scintilla keys. Indices static, determined by searching for commandId. Needed when saving alterations #ifdef UNICODE LocalizationSwitcher _localizationSwitcher; #endif ThemeSwitcher _themeSwitcher; //vector _noMenuCmdNames; vector _contextMenuItems; Session _session; TCHAR _shortcutsPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR _contextMenuPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR _sessionPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR _nppPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR _userPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR _stylerPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR _appdataNppDir[MAX_PATH]; // sentinel of the absence of "doLocalConf.xml" : (_appdataNppDir == TEXT(""))?"doLocalConf.xml present":"doLocalConf.xml absent" TCHAR _currentDirectory[MAX_PATH]; Accelerator *_pAccelerator; ScintillaAccelerator * _pScintAccelerator; FindDlgTabTitiles _findDlgTabTitiles; bool _asNotepadStyle; winVer _winVersion; static int CALLBACK EnumFontFamExProc(ENUMLOGFONTEX *lpelfe, NEWTEXTMETRICEX *lpntme, int FontType, LPARAM lParam) { vector *pStrVect = (vector *)lParam; size_t vectSize = pStrVect->size(); //Search through all the fonts, EnumFontFamiliesEx never states anything about order //Start at the end though, that's the most likely place to find a duplicate for(int i = vectSize - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--) { if ( !lstrcmp((*pStrVect)[i].c_str(), (const TCHAR *)lpelfe->elfLogFont.lfFaceName) ) return 1; //we already have seen this typeface, ignore it } //We can add the font //Add the face name and not the full name, we do not care about any styles pStrVect->push_back((TCHAR *)lpelfe->elfLogFont.lfFaceName); return 1; // I want to get all fonts }; void getLangKeywordsFromXmlTree(); bool getUserParametersFromXmlTree(); bool getUserStylersFromXmlTree(); bool getUserDefineLangsFromXmlTree(); bool getShortcutsFromXmlTree(); bool getMacrosFromXmlTree(); bool getUserCmdsFromXmlTree(); bool getPluginCmdsFromXmlTree(); bool getScintKeysFromXmlTree(); bool getSessionFromXmlTree(TiXmlDocument *pSessionDoc = NULL, Session *session = NULL); void feedGUIParameters(TiXmlNode *node); void feedKeyWordsParameters(TiXmlNode *node); void feedFileListParameters(TiXmlNode *node); void feedScintillaParam(bool whichOne, TiXmlNode *node); void feedDockingManager(TiXmlNode *node); void feedFindHistoryParameters(TiXmlNode *node); bool feedStylerArray(TiXmlNode *node); void getAllWordStyles(TCHAR *lexerName, TiXmlNode *lexerNode); void feedUserLang(TiXmlNode *node); int getIndexFromKeywordListName(const TCHAR *name); void feedUserStyles(TiXmlNode *node); void feedUserKeywordList(TiXmlNode *node); void feedUserSettings(TiXmlNode *node); void feedShortcut(TiXmlNode *node); void feedMacros(TiXmlNode *node); void feedUserCmds(TiXmlNode *node); void feedPluginCustomizedCmds(TiXmlNode *node); void feedScintKeys(TiXmlNode *node); void getActions(TiXmlNode *node, Macro & macro); bool getShortcuts(TiXmlNode *node, Shortcut & sc); void writeStyle2Element(Style & style2Wite, Style & style2Sync, TiXmlElement *element); void insertUserLang2Tree(TiXmlNode *node, UserLangContainer *userLang); void insertCmd(TiXmlNode *cmdRoot, const CommandShortcut & cmd); void insertMacro(TiXmlNode *macrosRoot, const MacroShortcut & macro); void insertUserCmd(TiXmlNode *userCmdRoot, const UserCommand & userCmd); void insertScintKey(TiXmlNode *scintKeyRoot, const ScintillaKeyMap & scintKeyMap); void insertPluginCmd(TiXmlNode *pluginCmdRoot, const PluginCmdShortcut & pluginCmd); void stylerStrOp(bool op); TiXmlElement * insertGUIConfigBoolNode(TiXmlNode *r2w, const TCHAR *name, bool bVal); void insertDockingParamNode(TiXmlNode *GUIRoot); void writeExcludedLangList(TiXmlElement *element); void writePrintSetting(TiXmlElement *element); void initMenuKeys(); //initialise menu keys and scintilla keys. Other keys are initialized on their own void initScintillaKeys(); //these functions have to be called first before any modifications are loaded }; #endif //PARAMETERS_H