//this file is part of notepad++ //Copyright (C)2003 Don HO // //This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or //modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License //as published by the Free Software Foundation; either //version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // //This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software //Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. #ifndef RESOURCE_H #define RESOURCE_H #define NOTEPAD_PLUS_VERSION TEXT("Notepad++ v5.7") // should be X.Y : ie. if VERSION_DIGITALVALUE == 4, 7, 1, 0 , then X = 4, Y = 71 // ex : #define VERSION_VALUE TEXT("5.63\0") #define VERSION_VALUE TEXT("5.7\0") #define VERSION_DIGITALVALUE 5, 7, 0, 0 #ifdef UNICODE #define UNICODE_ANSI_MODE TEXT("(UNICODE)") #else #define UNICODE_ANSI_MODE TEXT("(ANSI)") #endif #ifndef IDC_STATIC #define IDC_STATIC -1 #endif #define IDI_M30ICON 100 #define IDI_CHAMELEON 101 #define IDR_RT_MANIFEST 103 #define IDI_NEW_OFF_ICON 201 #define IDI_OPEN_OFF_ICON 202 #define IDI_CLOSE_OFF_ICON 203 #define IDI_CLOSEALL_OFF_ICON 204 #define IDI_SAVE_OFF_ICON 205 #define IDI_SAVEALL_OFF_ICON 206 #define IDI_CUT_OFF_ICON 207 #define IDI_COPY_OFF_ICON 208 #define IDI_PASTE_OFF_ICON 209 #define IDI_UNDO_OFF_ICON 210 #define IDI_REDO_OFF_ICON 211 #define IDI_FIND_OFF_ICON 212 #define IDI_REPLACE_OFF_ICON 213 #define IDI_ZOOMIN_OFF_ICON 214 #define IDI_ZOOMOUT_OFF_ICON 215 #define IDI_VIEW_UD_DLG_OFF_ICON 216 #define IDI_PRINT_OFF_ICON 217 #define IDI_VIEW_ALL_CHAR_ON_ICON 218 #define IDI_VIEW_INDENT_ON_ICON 219 #define IDI_VIEW_WRAP_ON_ICON 220 #define IDI_STARTRECORD_OFF_ICON 221 #define IDI_STARTRECORD_ON_ICON 222 #define IDI_STARTRECORD_DISABLE_ICON 223 #define IDI_STOPRECORD_OFF_ICON 224 #define IDI_STOPRECORD_ON_ICON 225 #define IDI_STOPRECORD_DISABLE_ICON 226 #define IDI_PLAYRECORD_OFF_ICON 227 #define IDI_PLAYRECORD_ON_ICON 228 #define IDI_PLAYRECORD_DISABLE_ICON 229 #define IDI_SAVERECORD_OFF_ICON 230 #define IDI_SAVERECORD_ON_ICON 231 #define IDI_SAVERECORD_DISABLE_ICON 232 // multi run macro #define IDI_MMPLAY_DIS_ICON 233 #define IDI_MMPLAY_OFF_ICON 234 #define IDI_MMPLAY_ON_ICON 235 #define IDI_NEW_ON_ICON 301 #define IDI_OPEN_ON_ICON 302 #define IDI_CLOSE_ON_ICON 303 #define IDI_CLOSEALL_ON_ICON 304 #define IDI_SAVE_ON_ICON 305 #define IDI_SAVEALL_ON_ICON 306 #define IDI_CUT_ON_ICON 307 #define IDI_COPY_ON_ICON 308 #define IDI_PASTE_ON_ICON 309 #define IDI_UNDO_ON_ICON 310 #define IDI_REDO_ON_ICON 311 #define IDI_FIND_ON_ICON 312 #define IDI_REPLACE_ON_ICON 313 #define IDI_ZOOMIN_ON_ICON 314 #define IDI_ZOOMOUT_ON_ICON 315 #define IDI_VIEW_UD_DLG_ON_ICON 316 #define IDI_PRINT_ON_ICON 317 #define IDI_VIEW_ALL_CHAR_OFF_ICON 318 #define IDI_VIEW_INDENT_OFF_ICON 319 #define IDI_VIEW_WRAP_OFF_ICON 320 //#define IDI_NEW_DISABLE_ICON 401 //#define IDI_OPEN_ON_ICON 402 #define IDI_SAVE_DISABLE_ICON 403 #define IDI_SAVEALL_DISABLE_ICON 404 //#define IDI_CLOSE_ON_ICON 405 //#define IDI_CLOSEALL_ON_ICON 406 #define IDI_CUT_DISABLE_ICON 407 #define IDI_COPY_DISABLE_ICON 408 #define IDI_PASTE_DISABLE_ICON 409 #define IDI_UNDO_DISABLE_ICON 410 #define IDI_REDO_DISABLE_ICON 411 #define IDI_DELETE_ICON 412 #define IDI_SYNCV_OFF_ICON 413 #define IDI_SYNCV_ON_ICON 414 #define IDI_SYNCV_DISABLE_ICON 415 #define IDI_SYNCH_OFF_ICON 416 #define IDI_SYNCH_ON_ICON 417 #define IDI_SYNCH_DISABLE_ICON 418 #define IDI_SAVED_ICON 501 #define IDI_UNSAVED_ICON 502 #define IDI_READONLY_ICON 503 #define IDI_FIND_RESULT_ICON 504 #define IDC_MY_CUR 1402 #define IDC_UP_ARROW 1403 #define IDC_DRAG_TAB 1404 #define IDC_DRAG_INTERDIT_TAB 1405 #define IDC_DRAG_PLUS_TAB 1406 #define IDC_DRAG_OUT_TAB 1407 #define IDC_MACRO_RECORDING 1408 #define IDR_SAVEALL 1500 #define IDR_CLOSEFILE 1501 #define IDR_CLOSEALL 1502 #define IDR_FIND 1503 #define IDR_REPLACE 1504 #define IDR_ZOOMIN 1505 #define IDR_ZOOMOUT 1506 #define IDR_WRAP 1507 #define IDR_INVISIBLECHAR 1508 #define IDR_INDENTGUIDE 1509 #define IDR_SHOWPANNEL 1510 #define IDR_STARTRECORD 1511 #define IDR_STOPRECORD 1512 #define IDR_PLAYRECORD 1513 #define IDR_SAVERECORD 1514 #define IDR_SYNCV 1515 #define IDR_SYNCH 1516 #define IDR_FILENEW 1517 #define IDR_FILEOPEN 1518 #define IDR_FILESAVE 1519 #define IDR_PRINT 1520 #define IDR_CUT 1521 #define IDR_COPY 1522 #define IDR_PASTE 1523 #define IDR_UNDO 1524 #define IDR_REDO 1525 #define IDR_M_PLAYRECORD 1526 #define IDR_CLOSETAB 1530 #define IDR_CLOSETAB_INACT 1531 #define IDR_CLOSETAB_HOVER 1532 #define IDR_CLOSETAB_PUSH 1533 #define ID_MACRO 20000 #define ID_MACRO_LIMIT 20200 #define ID_USER_CMD 21000 #define ID_USER_CMD_LIMIT 21200 #define ID_PLUGINS_CMD 22000 #define ID_PLUGINS_CMD_LIMIT 22500 /*UNLOAD #define ID_PLUGINS_REMOVING 22501 #define ID_PLUGINS_REMOVING_END 22600 */ //#define IDM 40000 #define IDCMD 50000 //#define IDM_EDIT_AUTOCOMPLETE (IDCMD+0) //#define IDM_EDIT_AUTOCOMPLETE_CURRENTFILE (IDCMD+1) #define IDC_PREV_DOC (IDCMD+3) #define IDC_NEXT_DOC (IDCMD+4) #define IDC_EDIT_TOGGLEMACRORECORDING (IDCMD+5) //#define IDC_KEY_HOME (IDCMD+6) //#define IDC_KEY_END (IDCMD+7) //#define IDC_KEY_SELECT_2_HOME (IDCMD+8) //#define IDC_KEY_SELECT_2_END (IDCMD+9) #define IDCMD_LIMIT (IDCMD+20) #define IDSCINTILLA 60000 #define IDSCINTILLA_KEY_HOME (IDSCINTILLA+0) #define IDSCINTILLA_KEY_HOME_WRAP (IDSCINTILLA+1) #define IDSCINTILLA_KEY_END (IDSCINTILLA+2) #define IDSCINTILLA_KEY_END_WRAP (IDSCINTILLA+3) #define IDSCINTILLA_KEY_LINE_DUP (IDSCINTILLA+4) #define IDSCINTILLA_KEY_LINE_CUT (IDSCINTILLA+5) #define IDSCINTILLA_KEY_LINE_DEL (IDSCINTILLA+6) #define IDSCINTILLA_KEY_LINE_TRANS (IDSCINTILLA+7) #define IDSCINTILLA_KEY_LINE_COPY (IDSCINTILLA+8) #define IDSCINTILLA_KEY_CUT (IDSCINTILLA+9) #define IDSCINTILLA_KEY_COPY (IDSCINTILLA+10) #define IDSCINTILLA_KEY_PASTE (IDSCINTILLA+11) #define IDSCINTILLA_KEY_DEL (IDSCINTILLA+12) #define IDSCINTILLA_KEY_SELECTALL (IDSCINTILLA+13) #define IDSCINTILLA_KEY_OUTDENT (IDSCINTILLA+14) #define IDSCINTILLA_KEY_UNDO (IDSCINTILLA+15) #define IDSCINTILLA_KEY_REDO (IDSCINTILLA+16) #define IDSCINTILLA_LIMIT (IDSCINTILLA+30) #define IDD_FILEVIEW_DIALOG 1000 #define IDC_MINIMIZED_TRAY 67001 #define IDD_CREATE_DIRECTORY 1100 #define IDC_STATIC_CURRENT_FOLDER 1101 #define IDC_EDIT_NEW_FOLDER 1102 #define IDD_INSERT_INPUT_TEXT 1200 #define IDC_EDIT_INPUT_VALUE 1201 #define IDC_STATIC_INPUT_TITLE 1202 #define IDC_ICON_INPUT_ICON 1203 #define IDR_M30_MENU 1500 #define IDR_SYSTRAYPOPUP_MENU 1501 // #define IDD_FIND_REPLACE_DLG 1600 #define IDD_ABOUTBOX 1700 #define IDC_LICENCE_EDIT 1701 #define IDC_HOME_ADDR 1702 #define IDC_EMAIL_ADDR 1703 #define IDC_ONLINEHELP_ADDR 1704 #define IDC_AUTHOR_NAME 1705 #define IDC_BUILD_DATETIME 1706 //LS: CompileDateInAboutDialog: Automatically insert compile date as additional version info in About-dialog! //#define IDD_USER_DEFINE_BOX 1800 //#define IDD_RUN_DLG 1900 #define IDD_GOLINE 2000 #define ID_GOLINE_EDIT (IDD_GOLINE + 1) #define ID_CURRLINE (IDD_GOLINE + 2) #define ID_LASTLINE (IDD_GOLINE + 3) #define ID_URHERE_STATIC (IDD_GOLINE + 4) #define ID_UGO_STATIC (IDD_GOLINE + 5) #define ID_NOMORETHAN_STATIC (IDD_GOLINE + 6) #define IDC_RADIO_GOTOLINE (IDD_GOLINE + 7) #define IDC_RADIO_GOTOOFFSET (IDD_GOLINE + 8) // voir columnEditor_rc.h //#define IDD_COLUMNEDIT 2020 //#define IDD_COLOUR_POPUP 2100 // See WordStyleDlgRes.h //#define IDD_STYLER_DLG 2200 //#define IDD_GLOBAL_STYLER_DLG 2300 #define IDD_VALUE_DLG 2400 #define IDC_VALUE_STATIC 2401 #define IDC_VALUE_EDIT 2402 #define IDD_BUTTON_DLG 2410 #define IDC_RESTORE_BUTTON 2411 // see TaskListDlg_rc.h //#define IDD_TASKLIST_DLG 2450 #define IDD_SETTING_DLG 2500 //See ShortcutMapper_rc.h //#define IDD_SHORTCUTMAPPER_DLG 2600 // See regExtDlg.h //#define IDD_REGEXT 4000 // See shortcutRc.h //#define IDD_SHORTCUT_DLG 5000 // See preference.rc //#define IDD_PREFERENCE_BOX 6000 #define NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL (WM_USER + 0000) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_USERCMDLIST_MODIFIED (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 1) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_CMDLIST_MODIFIED (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 2) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_MACROLIST_MODIFIED (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 3) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_PLUGINCMDLIST_MODIFIED (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 4) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_CLEARSCINTILLAKEY (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 5) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_BINDSCINTILLAKEY (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 6) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_SCINTILLAKEYMODIFIED (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 7) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_SCINTILLAFINFERCOLLAPSE (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 8) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_SCINTILLAFINFERUNCOLLAPSE (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 9) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_DISABLEAUTOUPDATE (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 10) //#define NPPM_INTERNAL_DOCSWITCHIN (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 11) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_ISTABBARREDUCED (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 12) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_ISFOCUSEDTAB (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 13) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_GETMENU (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 14) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_CLEARINDICATOR (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 15) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_SCINTILLAFINFERCOPY (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 16) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_SCINTILLAFINFERSELECTALL (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 17) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_SETCARETWIDTH (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 18) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_SETCARETBLINKRATE (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 19) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_CLEARINDICATORTAGMATCH (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 20) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_CLEARINDICATORTAGATTR (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 21) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_SWITCHVIEWFROMHWND (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 22) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_UPDATETITLEBAR (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 23) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_CANCEL_FIND_IN_FILES (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 24) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_RELOADNATIVELANG (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 25) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_PLUGINSHORTCUTMOTIFIED (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 26) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_SCINTILLAFINFERCLEARALL (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 27) //#define NPPM_INTERNAL_SHORTCUT_MAPPER_MACRO (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 28) //#define NPPM_INTERNAL_SHORTCUT_MAPPER_RUN (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 29) //#define NPPM_INTERNAL_FOCUS_ON_FOUND_RESULTS (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 30) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_RELOADSTYLERS (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 31) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_DOCORDERCHANGED (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 32) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_SETMULTISELCTION (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 33) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_SCINTILLAFINFEROPENALL (NOTEPADPLUS_USER_INTERNAL + 34) //wParam: 0 //lParam: document new index // See Notepad_plus_msgs.h //#define NOTEPADPLUS_USER (WM_USER + 1000) // // Used by Doc Monitor plugin // #define NPPM_INTERNAL_CHECKDOCSTATUS (NPPMSG + 53) // VOID NPPM_CHECKDOCSTATUS(BOOL, 0) // check all opened documents status. // If files are modified, then reloaod (with or without prompt, it depends on settings). // if files are deleted, then prompt user to close the documents #define NPPM_INTERNAL_ENABLECHECKDOCOPT (NPPMSG + 54) // VOID NPPM_ENABLECHECKDOCOPT(OPT, 0) // where OPT is : #define CHECKDOCOPT_NONE 0 #define CHECKDOCOPT_UPDATESILENTLY 1 #define CHECKDOCOPT_UPDATEGO2END 2 #define NPPM_INTERNAL_GETCHECKDOCOPT (NPPMSG + 55) // INT NPPM_GETCHECKDOCOPT(0, 0) #define NPPM_INTERNAL_SETCHECKDOCOPT (NPPMSG + 56) // INT NPPM_SETCHECKDOCOPT(OPT, 0) // // Used by netnote plugin // #define NPPM_INTERNAL_SETFILENAME (NPPMSG + 63) //wParam: BufferID to rename //lParam: name to set (TCHAR*) //Buffer must have been previously unnamed (eg "new 1" document types) #define SCINTILLA_USER (WM_USER + 2000) #define MACRO_USER (WM_USER + 4000) #define WM_ISCURRENTMACRORECORDED (MACRO_USER + 01) #define WM_MACRODLGRUNMACRO (MACRO_USER + 02) // See Notepad_plus_msgs.h //#define RUNCOMMAND_USER (WM_USER + 3000) #define SPLITTER_USER (WM_USER + 4000) #define WORDSTYLE_USER (WM_USER + 5000) #define COLOURPOPUP_USER (WM_USER + 6000) #define BABYGRID_USER (WM_USER + 7000) //#define IDD_DOCKING_MNG (IDM + 7000) #define MENUINDEX_FILE 0 #define MENUINDEX_EDIT 1 #define MENUINDEX_SEARCH 2 #define MENUINDEX_VIEW 3 #define MENUINDEX_FORMAT 4 #define MENUINDEX_LANGUAGE 5 #define MENUINDEX_SETTINGS 6 #define MENUINDEX_MACRO 7 #define MENUINDEX_RUN 8 #define MENUINDEX_PLUGINS 9 #endif // RESOURCE_H