<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- ==========================================================================\
|   To learn how to make your own language parser, please check the following
|   link:
|       https://npp-user-manual.org/docs/function-list/
\=========================================================================== -->
		|   Based on:
		|       http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32126855/notepad-and-ada
			id         ="ada_syntax"
			commentExpr="(?x)                                               # free-spacing (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
							(?m-s:-{2}.*?$)                                 # Single Line Comment
				mainExpr="(?x)                                              # free-spacing (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
						^\h*                                                # optional leading whitespace at start-of-line
							(?'VALID_ID'                                    # valid identifier, use as subroutine
								\b(?!(?-i:                                  # keywords (case-sensitive), not to be used as identifier
								|	b(?:egin|ody)
								|	c(?:ase|onstant)
								|	d(?:eclare|el(?:ay|ta)|igits|o)
								|	e(?:ls(?:e|if)|n(?:d|try)|x(?:ception|it))
								|	f(?:or|unction)
								|	g(?:eneric|oto)
								|	i(?:[fs]|n(?:terface)?)
								|	l(?:imited|oop)
								|	mod
								|	n(?:ew|ot|ull)
								|	o(?:[fr]|thers|ut|verriding)
								|	p(?:ackage|r(?:agma|ivate|o(?:cedure|tected)))
								|	r(?:a(?:is|ng)e|e(?:cord|m|names|queue|turn|verse))
								|	s(?:e(?:lect|parate)|ome|ubtype|ynchronized)
								|	t(?:a(?:gged|sk)|erminate|hen|ype)
								|	u(?:ntil|se)
								|	w(?:h(?:en|ile)|ith)
								|	xor
								[A-Za-z_]\w*                                # valid character combination for identifiers
								\(                                          # start-of-parameters indicator
								[^()]*                                      # parameters
								\)                                          # end-of-parameters indicator
							)?                                              # parentheses and parameters optional
							\s*return                                       # function returns a value with...
							\s+(?&amp;VALID_ID)                             # ...type-name
							(?:(?&amp;PARAMETERS))?                         # Boost::Regex 1.58-1.59 do not correctly handle quantifiers on subroutine calls
						\s*(?-i:\bis\b)                                     # end-of-definition indicator
					<nameExpr expr="(?x)                                    # free-spacing (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
							\K                                              # discard text matched so far
							(?:\s*\([^()]*\))?                              # parentheses and parameters optional
					<!-- comment out the following node to display the method with its parameters -->
<!--						<nameExpr expr="[A-Za-z_]\w*" /> -->