// Scintilla source code edit control /** @file OptionSet.h ** Manage descriptive information about an options struct for a lexer. ** Hold the names, positions, and descriptions of boolean, integer and string options and ** allow setting options and retrieving metadata about the options. **/ // Copyright 2010 by Neil Hodgson // The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed. #ifndef OPTIONSET_H #define OPTIONSET_H namespace Lexilla { template class OptionSet { typedef T Target; typedef bool T::*plcob; typedef int T::*plcoi; typedef std::string T::*plcos; struct Option { int opType; union { plcob pb; plcoi pi; plcos ps; }; std::string value; std::string description; Option() : opType(SC_TYPE_BOOLEAN), pb(0), description("") { } Option(plcob pb_, std::string description_="") : opType(SC_TYPE_BOOLEAN), pb(pb_), description(description_) { } Option(plcoi pi_, std::string description_) : opType(SC_TYPE_INTEGER), pi(pi_), description(description_) { } Option(plcos ps_, std::string description_) : opType(SC_TYPE_STRING), ps(ps_), description(description_) { } bool Set(T *base, const char *val) { value = val; switch (opType) { case SC_TYPE_BOOLEAN: { bool option = atoi(val) != 0; if ((*base).*pb != option) { (*base).*pb = option; return true; } break; } case SC_TYPE_INTEGER: { int option = atoi(val); if ((*base).*pi != option) { (*base).*pi = option; return true; } break; } case SC_TYPE_STRING: { if ((*base).*ps != val) { (*base).*ps = val; return true; } break; } default: break; } return false; } const char *Get() const noexcept { return value.c_str(); } }; typedef std::map> OptionMap; OptionMap nameToDef; std::string names; std::string wordLists; void AppendName(const char *name) { if (!names.empty()) names += "\n"; names += name; } public: void DefineProperty(const char *name, plcob pb, std::string description="") { nameToDef[name] = Option(pb, description); AppendName(name); } void DefineProperty(const char *name, plcoi pi, std::string description="") { nameToDef[name] = Option(pi, description); AppendName(name); } void DefineProperty(const char *name, plcos ps, std::string description="") { nameToDef[name] = Option(ps, description); AppendName(name); } const char *PropertyNames() const noexcept { return names.c_str(); } int PropertyType(const char *name) { typename OptionMap::iterator it = nameToDef.find(name); if (it != nameToDef.end()) { return it->second.opType; } return SC_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } const char *DescribeProperty(const char *name) { typename OptionMap::iterator it = nameToDef.find(name); if (it != nameToDef.end()) { return it->second.description.c_str(); } return ""; } bool PropertySet(T *base, const char *name, const char *val) { typename OptionMap::iterator it = nameToDef.find(name); if (it != nameToDef.end()) { return it->second.Set(base, val); } return false; } const char *PropertyGet(const char *name) { typename OptionMap::iterator it = nameToDef.find(name); if (it != nameToDef.end()) { return it->second.Get(); } return nullptr; } void DefineWordListSets(const char * const wordListDescriptions[]) { if (wordListDescriptions) { for (size_t wl = 0; wordListDescriptions[wl]; wl++) { if (wl > 0) wordLists += "\n"; wordLists += wordListDescriptions[wl]; } } } const char *DescribeWordListSets() const noexcept { return wordLists.c_str(); } }; } #endif