
18 lines
765 B

Notepad++ v6.8.9 bug-fixes and enhancements:
1. Fix Notepad++ hanging issue while user uses touchscreen to activate Notepad++ window.
2. HTML auto-close tag enhancement: Prevent <br>, <hr>, <img>, <link> and <meta> from being closed automatically.
3. Project enhancement: Allows user defined extension to associate workspace file.
4. Make behavior of SHIFT+END and SHIFT+HOME more consistent when word wrapping is enabled.
5. Add new API NPPM_SAVEFILE (for plugins) to save any file, not only the focused one.
6. Add file extensions for FreePascal/Lazarus pascal, lex (as C).
7. Update keywords for C, C++, JavaScript, Python and YAML.
Included plugins:
1. NppExport v0.2.8
2. Plugin Manager 1.3.5
3. Converter 3.0
4. Mime Tool 1.9