553 lines
17 KiB
553 lines
17 KiB
// Lexilla lexer library
/** @file TestLexers.cxx
** Test lexers through Lexilla.
// Copyright 2019 by Neil Hodgson <neilh@scintilla.org>
// The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed.
#include <cassert>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <filesystem>
#include "ILexer.h"
#include "Lexilla.h"
#include "LexillaAccess.h"
#include "TestDocument.h"
namespace {
constexpr std::string_view suffixStyled = ".styled";
constexpr std::string_view suffixFolded = ".folded";
std::string ReadFile(std::filesystem::path path) {
std::ifstream ifs(path, std::ios::binary);
std::string content((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs)),
return content;
std::string MarkedDocument(const Scintilla::IDocument *pdoc) {
std::ostringstream os(std::ios::binary);
char prevStyle = -1;
for (Sci_Position pos = 0; pos < pdoc->Length(); pos++) {
const char styleNow = pdoc->StyleAt(pos);
if (styleNow != prevStyle) {
os << "{" << static_cast<unsigned int>(styleNow) << "}";
prevStyle = styleNow;
char ch = '\0';
pdoc->GetCharRange(&ch, pos, 1);
os << ch;
return os.str();
void PrintLevel(std::ostringstream &os, int level) {
const int levelNow = level & 0xFFF;
const int levelNext = level >> 16;
const int levelFlags = (level >> 12) & 0xF;
char foldSymbol = ' ';
if (level & 0x2000)
foldSymbol = '+';
else if (levelNow > 0x400)
foldSymbol = '|';
os << std::hex << " " << levelFlags << " "
<< std::setw(3) << levelNow << " "
<< std::setw(3) << levelNext << " "
<< foldSymbol << " ";
std::string FoldedDocument(const Scintilla::IDocument *pdoc) {
std::ostringstream os(std::ios::binary);
Sci_Position linePrev = -1;
char ch = '\0';
for (Sci_Position pos = 0; pos < pdoc->Length(); pos++) {
const Sci_Position lineNow = pdoc->LineFromPosition(pos);
if (linePrev < lineNow) {
PrintLevel(os, pdoc->GetLevel(lineNow));
linePrev = lineNow;
pdoc->GetCharRange(&ch, pos, 1);
os << ch;
if (ch == '\n') {
// Extra empty line
PrintLevel(os, pdoc->GetLevel(linePrev + 1));
return os.str();
std::pair<std::string, std::string> MarkedAndFoldedDocument(const Scintilla::IDocument *pdoc) {
return { MarkedDocument(pdoc), FoldedDocument(pdoc) };
class PropertyMap {
using PropMap = std::map<std::string, std::string>;
PropMap properties;
void ReadFromFile(std::filesystem::path path) {
std::ifstream ifs(path);
std::string line;
std::string logicalLine;
while (std::getline(ifs, line)) {
if (line.ends_with("\r")) {
// Accidentally have \r\n line ends on Unix system
logicalLine += line;
if (logicalLine.ends_with("\\")) {
} else {
const size_t positionEquals = logicalLine.find("=");
if (positionEquals != std::string::npos) {
const std::string key = logicalLine.substr(0, positionEquals);
const std::string value = logicalLine.substr(positionEquals + 1);
properties[key] = value;
std::optional<std::string> GetProperty(std::string_view key) const {
const PropMap::const_iterator prop = properties.find(std::string(key));
if (prop == properties.end())
return std::nullopt;
return prop->second;
std::optional<std::string> GetPropertyForFile(std::string_view keyPrefix, std::string_view fileName) const {
for (auto const &[key, val] : properties) {
if (key.starts_with(keyPrefix)) {
const std::string keySuffix = key.substr(keyPrefix.length());
if (fileName.ends_with(keySuffix)) {
return val;
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<int> GetPropertyValue(std::string_view key) const {
std::optional<std::string> value = GetProperty(key);
try {
if (value)
return std::stoi(value->c_str());
catch (std::invalid_argument &) {
// Just return empty
return {};
size_t FirstLineDifferent(std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
size_t i = 0;
while (i < std::min(a.size(), b.size()) && a.at(i) == b.at(i)) {
return std::count(a.begin(), a.begin() + i, '\n');
bool CheckSame(std::string_view augmentedText, std::string_view augmentedTextNew, std::string_view item, std::string_view suffix, const std::filesystem::path &path) {
if (augmentedTextNew == augmentedText) {
return true;
const size_t lineNumber = FirstLineDifferent(augmentedText, augmentedTextNew) + 1;
std::cout << "\n" << path.string() << ":" << lineNumber << ":";
std::cout << " has different " << item << "\n\n";
std::filesystem::path pathNew = path;
pathNew += suffix;
pathNew += ".new";
std::ofstream ofs(pathNew, std::ios::binary);
ofs << augmentedTextNew;
return false;
int Substitute(std::string &s, const std::string &sFind, const std::string &sReplace) {
int c = 0;
const size_t lenFind = sFind.size();
const size_t lenReplace = sReplace.size();
size_t posFound = s.find(sFind);
while (posFound != std::string::npos) {
s.replace(posFound, lenFind, sReplace);
posFound = s.find(sFind, posFound + lenReplace);
return c;
int WindowsToUnix(std::string &s) {
return Substitute(s, "\r\n", "\n");
int UnixToWindows(std::string &s) {
return Substitute(s, "\n", "\r\n");
const std::string BOM = "\xEF\xBB\xBF";
void StyleLineByLine(TestDocument &doc, Scintilla::ILexer5 *plex) {
Scintilla::IDocument *pdoc = &doc;
const Sci_Position lines = doc.LineFromPosition(doc.Length());
Sci_Position startLine = 0;
for (Sci_Position line = 0; line <= lines; line++) {
const Sci_Position endLine = doc.LineStart(line + 1);
int styleStart = 0;
if (startLine > 0)
styleStart = doc.StyleAt(startLine - 1);
plex->Lex(startLine, endLine - startLine, styleStart, pdoc);
plex->Fold(startLine, endLine - startLine, styleStart, pdoc);
startLine = endLine;
void TestCRLF(std::filesystem::path path, const std::string s, Scintilla::ILexer5 *plex, bool disablePerLineTests) {
// Convert all line ends to \r\n to check if styles change between \r and \n which makes
// it difficult to test on different platforms when files may have line ends changed.
std::string text = s;
const bool originalIsUnix = text == s;
std::string textUnix = text;
TestDocument doc;
Scintilla::IDocument *pdoc = &doc;
plex->Lex(0, pdoc->Length(), 0, pdoc);
plex->Fold(0, pdoc->Length(), 0, pdoc);
const auto [styledText, foldedText] = MarkedAndFoldedDocument(pdoc);
int prevStyle = -1;
Sci_Position line = 1;
for (Sci_Position pos = 0; pos < pdoc->Length(); pos++) {
const int styleNow = pdoc->StyleAt(pos);
char ch = '\0';
pdoc->GetCharRange(&ch, pos, 1);
if (ch == '\n') {
if (styleNow != prevStyle) {
std::cout << path.string() << ":" << line << ":" <<
" different styles between \\r and \\n at " <<
pos << ": " << prevStyle << ", " << styleNow << "\n";
prevStyle = styleNow;
// Lex and fold with \n line ends then check result is same
TestDocument docUnix;
Scintilla::IDocument *pdocUnix = &docUnix;
plex->Lex(0, pdocUnix->Length(), 0, pdocUnix);
plex->Fold(0, pdocUnix->Length(), 0, pdocUnix);
auto [styledTextUnix, foldedTextUnix] = MarkedAndFoldedDocument(pdocUnix);
// Convert results from \n to \r\n run
if (styledText != styledTextUnix) {
std::cout << "\n" << path.string() << ":1: has different styles with \\n versus \\r\\n line ends\n\n";
if (foldedText != foldedTextUnix) {
std::cout << "\n" << path.string() << ":1: has different folds with \\n versus \\r\\n line ends\n\n";
// Test line by line lexing/folding with Unix \n line ends
if (!disablePerLineTests && !originalIsUnix) {
StyleLineByLine(docUnix, plex);
auto [styledTextNewPerLine, foldedTextNewPerLine] = MarkedAndFoldedDocument(pdocUnix);
// Convert results from \n to \r\n run
CheckSame(styledTextUnix, styledTextNewPerLine, "per-line styles \\n", suffixStyled, path);
CheckSame(foldedTextUnix, foldedTextNewPerLine, "per-line folds \\n", suffixFolded, path);
void TestILexer(Scintilla::ILexer5 *plex) {
// Test each method of the ILexer interface.
// Mostly ensures there are no crashes when calling methods.
// Some methods are tested later (Release, Lex, Fold).
// PrivateCall performs arbitrary actions so is not safe to call.
[[maybe_unused]] const int version = plex->Version();
assert(version == Scintilla::lvRelease5);
[[maybe_unused]] const char *language = plex->GetName();
[[maybe_unused]] const int ident = plex->GetIdentifier();
assert(ident >= 0);
[[maybe_unused]] const char *propertyNames = plex->PropertyNames();
[[maybe_unused]] const int propertyType = plex->PropertyType("unknown");
assert(propertyType >= 0 && propertyType <= 2);
[[maybe_unused]] const char *propertyDescription = plex->DescribeProperty("unknown");
[[maybe_unused]] const Sci_Position invalidation = plex->PropertySet("unknown", "unknown");
assert(invalidation == 0 || invalidation == -1);
[[maybe_unused]] const char *wordListDescription = plex->DescribeWordListSets();
[[maybe_unused]] const Sci_Position invalidationWordList = plex->WordListSet(9, "unknown");
assert(invalidationWordList == 0 || invalidationWordList == -1);
[[maybe_unused]] const int lineEndTypes = plex->LineEndTypesSupported();
assert(lineEndTypes == 0 || lineEndTypes == 1);
if (const char *bases = plex->GetSubStyleBases()) {
// Allocate a substyle for each possible style
while (*bases) {
constexpr int newStyles = 3;
const int base = *bases;
const int baseStyle = plex->AllocateSubStyles(base, newStyles);
[[maybe_unused]] const int styleBack = plex->StyleFromSubStyle(baseStyle);
assert(styleBack == base);
plex->SetIdentifiers(baseStyle, "int nullptr");
[[maybe_unused]] const int start = plex->SubStylesStart(base);
assert(start == baseStyle);
[[maybe_unused]] const int len = plex->SubStylesLength(base);
assert(len == newStyles);
[[maybe_unused]] const int primary = plex->PrimaryStyleFromStyle(2);
assert(primary == 2);
[[maybe_unused]] const int distance = plex->DistanceToSecondaryStyles();
assert(distance >= 0);
// Just see if crashes - nullptr is valid return to indicate not present.
[[maybe_unused]] const char *propertyUnknownValue = plex->PropertyGet("unknown");
const int styles = plex->NamedStyles();
for (int style = 0; style < styles; style++) {
[[maybe_unused]] const char *name = plex->NameOfStyle(style);
[[maybe_unused]] const char *tags = plex->TagsOfStyle(style);
[[maybe_unused]] const char *description = plex->DescriptionOfStyle(style);
void SetProperties(Scintilla::ILexer5 *plex, const PropertyMap &propertyMap, std::string_view fileName) {
// Set keywords, keywords2, ... keywords9, for this file
for (int kw = 0; kw < 10; kw++) {
std::string kwChoice("keywords");
if (kw > 0) {
kwChoice.push_back('1' + kw);
std::optional<std::string> keywordN = propertyMap.GetPropertyForFile(kwChoice, fileName);
if (keywordN) {
plex->WordListSet(kw, keywordN->c_str());
// Set parameters of lexer
for (auto const &[key, val] : propertyMap.properties) {
if (key.starts_with("#")) {
// Ignore comments
} else if (key.starts_with("lexer.*")) {
// Ignore as processed earlier
} else if (key.starts_with("keywords")) {
// Ignore as processed earlier
} else {
plex->PropertySet(key.c_str(), val.c_str());
const char *lexerPrefix = "lexer.*";
bool TestFile(const std::filesystem::path &path, const PropertyMap &propertyMap) {
// Find and create correct lexer
std::optional<std::string> language = propertyMap.GetPropertyForFile(lexerPrefix, path.filename().string());
if (!language) {
std::cout << "\n" << path.string() << ":1: has no language\n\n";
return false;
Scintilla::ILexer5 *plex = Lexilla::MakeLexer(*language);
if (!plex) {
std::cout << "\n" << path.string() << ":1: has no lexer for " << *language << "\n\n";
return false;
SetProperties(plex, propertyMap, path.filename().string());
std::string text = ReadFile(path);
if (text.starts_with(BOM)) {
text.erase(0, BOM.length());
std::filesystem::path pathStyled = path;
pathStyled += suffixStyled;
const std::string styledText = ReadFile(pathStyled);
std::filesystem::path pathFolded = path;
pathFolded += suffixFolded;
const std::string foldedText = ReadFile(pathFolded);
const int repeatLex = propertyMap.GetPropertyValue("testlexers.repeat.lex").value_or(1);
const int repeatFold = propertyMap.GetPropertyValue("testlexers.repeat.fold").value_or(1);
TestDocument doc;
Scintilla::IDocument *pdoc = &doc;
for (int i = 0; i < repeatLex; i++) {
plex->Lex(0, pdoc->Length(), 0, pdoc);
for (int i = 0; i < repeatFold; i++) {
plex->Fold(0, pdoc->Length(), 0, pdoc);
bool success = true;
const auto [styledTextNew, foldedTextNew] = MarkedAndFoldedDocument(pdoc);
if (!CheckSame(styledText, styledTextNew, "styles", suffixStyled, path)) {
success = false;
if (!CheckSame(foldedText, foldedTextNew, "folds", suffixFolded, path)) {
success = false;
const std::optional<int> perLineDisable = propertyMap.GetPropertyValue("testlexers.per.line.disable");
const bool disablePerLineTests = perLineDisable.value_or(false);
// Test line by line lexing/folding
if (success && !disablePerLineTests) {
StyleLineByLine(doc, plex);
const auto [styledTextNewPerLine, foldedTextNewPerLine] = MarkedAndFoldedDocument(pdoc);
success = success && CheckSame(styledText, styledTextNewPerLine, "per-line styles", suffixStyled, path);
success = success && CheckSame(foldedText, foldedTextNewPerLine, "per-line folds", suffixFolded, path);
Scintilla::ILexer5 *plexCRLF = Lexilla::MakeLexer(*language);
SetProperties(plexCRLF, propertyMap, path.filename().string());
TestCRLF(path, text, plexCRLF, disablePerLineTests);
return success;
bool TestDirectory(std::filesystem::path directory, std::filesystem::path basePath) {
PropertyMap properties;
properties.ReadFromFile(directory / "SciTE.properties");
bool success = true;
for (auto &p : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(directory)) {
if (!p.is_directory()) {
const std::string extension = p.path().extension().string();
if (extension != ".properties" && extension != suffixStyled && extension != ".new" &&
extension != suffixFolded) {
const std::filesystem::path relativePath = p.path().lexically_relative(basePath);
std::cout << "Lexing " << relativePath.string() << '\n';
if (!TestFile(p, properties)) {
success = false;
return success;
bool AccessLexilla(std::filesystem::path basePath) {
if (!std::filesystem::exists(basePath)) {
std::cout << "No examples at " << basePath.string() << "\n";
return false;
bool success = true;
for (auto &p : std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator(basePath)) {
if (p.is_directory()) {
//std::cout << p.path().string() << '\n';
if (!TestDirectory(p, basePath)) {
success = false;
return success;
std::filesystem::path FindLexillaDirectory(std::filesystem::path startDirectory) {
// Search up from startDirectory for a directory named "lexilla" or containing a "bin" subdirectory
std::filesystem::path directory = startDirectory;
while (!directory.empty()) {
//std::cout << "Searching " << directory.string() << "\n";
const std::filesystem::path parent = directory.parent_path();
const std::filesystem::path localLexilla = directory / "lexilla";
const std::filesystem::directory_entry entry(localLexilla);
if (entry.is_directory()) {
std::cout << "Found Lexilla at " << entry.path().string() << "\n";
return localLexilla;
const std::filesystem::path localBin = directory / "bin";
const std::filesystem::directory_entry entryBin(localBin);
if (entryBin.is_directory()) {
std::cout << "Found Lexilla at " << directory.string() << "\n";
return directory;
if (parent == directory) {
std::cout << "Reached root at " << directory.string() << "\n";
return std::filesystem::path();
directory = parent;
return std::filesystem::path();
int main() {
bool success = false;
// TODO: Allow specifying the base directory through a command line argument
const std::filesystem::path baseDirectory = FindLexillaDirectory(std::filesystem::current_path());
if (!baseDirectory.empty()) {
const std::filesystem::path examplesDirectory = baseDirectory / "test" / "examples";
success = AccessLexilla(examplesDirectory);
const std::filesystem::path sharedLibrary = baseDirectory / "bin" / LEXILLA_LIB;
if (Lexilla::Load(sharedLibrary.string())) {
success = AccessLexilla(examplesDirectory);
} else {
std::cout << "Failed to load " << sharedLibrary << "\n";
return success ? 0 : 1;