421 lines
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421 lines
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// Scintilla source code edit control
/** @file ContractionState.cxx
** Manages visibility of lines for folding and wrapping.
// Copyright 1998-2007 by Neil Hodgson <neilh@scintilla.org>
// The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include <optional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include "Debugging.h"
#include "Position.h"
#include "UniqueString.h"
#include "SplitVector.h"
#include "Partitioning.h"
#include "RunStyles.h"
#include "SparseVector.h"
#include "ContractionState.h"
using namespace Scintilla::Internal;
namespace {
template <typename LINE>
class ContractionState final : public IContractionState {
// These contain 1 element for every document line.
std::unique_ptr<RunStyles<LINE, char>> visible;
std::unique_ptr<RunStyles<LINE, char>> expanded;
std::unique_ptr<RunStyles<LINE, int>> heights;
std::unique_ptr<SparseVector<UniqueString>> foldDisplayTexts;
std::unique_ptr<Partitioning<LINE>> displayLines;
LINE linesInDocument;
void EnsureData();
bool OneToOne() const noexcept {
// True when each document line is exactly one display line so need for
// complex data structures.
return visible == nullptr;
void InsertLine(Sci::Line lineDoc);
void DeleteLine(Sci::Line lineDoc);
ContractionState() noexcept;
// Deleted so ContractionState objects can not be copied.
ContractionState(const ContractionState &) = delete;
void operator=(const ContractionState &) = delete;
ContractionState(ContractionState &&) = delete;
void operator=(ContractionState &&) = delete;
~ContractionState() override;
void Clear() noexcept override;
Sci::Line LinesInDoc() const noexcept override;
Sci::Line LinesDisplayed() const noexcept override;
Sci::Line DisplayFromDoc(Sci::Line lineDoc) const noexcept override;
Sci::Line DisplayLastFromDoc(Sci::Line lineDoc) const noexcept override;
Sci::Line DocFromDisplay(Sci::Line lineDisplay) const noexcept override;
void InsertLines(Sci::Line lineDoc, Sci::Line lineCount) override;
void DeleteLines(Sci::Line lineDoc, Sci::Line lineCount) override;
bool GetVisible(Sci::Line lineDoc) const noexcept override;
bool SetVisible(Sci::Line lineDocStart, Sci::Line lineDocEnd, bool isVisible) override;
bool HiddenLines() const noexcept override;
const char *GetFoldDisplayText(Sci::Line lineDoc) const noexcept override;
bool SetFoldDisplayText(Sci::Line lineDoc, const char *text) override;
bool GetExpanded(Sci::Line lineDoc) const noexcept override;
bool SetExpanded(Sci::Line lineDoc, bool isExpanded) override;
Sci::Line ContractedNext(Sci::Line lineDocStart) const noexcept override;
int GetHeight(Sci::Line lineDoc) const noexcept override;
bool SetHeight(Sci::Line lineDoc, int height) override;
void ShowAll() noexcept override;
void Check() const noexcept;
template <typename LINE>
ContractionState<LINE>::ContractionState() noexcept : linesInDocument(1) {
template <typename LINE>
ContractionState<LINE>::~ContractionState() = default;
template <typename LINE>
void ContractionState<LINE>::EnsureData() {
if (OneToOne()) {
visible = std::make_unique<RunStyles<LINE, char>>();
expanded = std::make_unique<RunStyles<LINE, char>>();
heights = std::make_unique<RunStyles<LINE, int>>();
foldDisplayTexts = std::make_unique<SparseVector<UniqueString>>();
displayLines = std::make_unique<Partitioning<LINE>>(4);
InsertLines(0, linesInDocument);
template <typename LINE>
void ContractionState<LINE>::InsertLine(Sci::Line lineDoc) {
if (OneToOne()) {
} else {
const LINE lineDocCast = static_cast<LINE>(lineDoc);
visible->InsertSpace(lineDocCast, 1);
visible->SetValueAt(lineDocCast, 1);
expanded->InsertSpace(lineDocCast, 1);
expanded->SetValueAt(lineDocCast, 1);
heights->InsertSpace(lineDocCast, 1);
heights->SetValueAt(lineDocCast, 1);
foldDisplayTexts->InsertSpace(lineDocCast, 1);
foldDisplayTexts->SetValueAt(lineDocCast, nullptr);
const Sci::Line lineDisplay = DisplayFromDoc(lineDoc);
displayLines->InsertPartition(lineDocCast, static_cast<LINE>(lineDisplay));
displayLines->InsertText(lineDocCast, 1);
template <typename LINE>
void ContractionState<LINE>::DeleteLine(Sci::Line lineDoc) {
if (OneToOne()) {
} else {
const LINE lineDocCast = static_cast<LINE>(lineDoc);
if (GetVisible(lineDoc)) {
displayLines->InsertText(lineDocCast, -heights->ValueAt(lineDocCast));
visible->DeleteRange(lineDocCast, 1);
expanded->DeleteRange(lineDocCast, 1);
heights->DeleteRange(lineDocCast, 1);
template <typename LINE>
void ContractionState<LINE>::Clear() noexcept {
linesInDocument = 1;
template <typename LINE>
Sci::Line ContractionState<LINE>::LinesInDoc() const noexcept {
if (OneToOne()) {
return linesInDocument;
} else {
return displayLines->Partitions() - 1;
template <typename LINE>
Sci::Line ContractionState<LINE>::LinesDisplayed() const noexcept {
if (OneToOne()) {
return linesInDocument;
} else {
return displayLines->PositionFromPartition(static_cast<LINE>(LinesInDoc()));
template <typename LINE>
Sci::Line ContractionState<LINE>::DisplayFromDoc(Sci::Line lineDoc) const noexcept {
if (OneToOne()) {
return (lineDoc <= linesInDocument) ? lineDoc : linesInDocument;
} else {
if (lineDoc > displayLines->Partitions())
lineDoc = displayLines->Partitions();
return displayLines->PositionFromPartition(static_cast<LINE>(lineDoc));
template <typename LINE>
Sci::Line ContractionState<LINE>::DisplayLastFromDoc(Sci::Line lineDoc) const noexcept {
return DisplayFromDoc(lineDoc) + GetHeight(lineDoc) - 1;
template <typename LINE>
Sci::Line ContractionState<LINE>::DocFromDisplay(Sci::Line lineDisplay) const noexcept {
if (OneToOne()) {
return lineDisplay;
} else {
if (lineDisplay < 0) {
return 0;
if (lineDisplay > LinesDisplayed()) {
return displayLines->PartitionFromPosition(static_cast<LINE>(LinesDisplayed()));
const Sci::Line lineDoc = displayLines->PartitionFromPosition(static_cast<LINE>(lineDisplay));
return lineDoc;
template <typename LINE>
void ContractionState<LINE>::InsertLines(Sci::Line lineDoc, Sci::Line lineCount) {
if (OneToOne()) {
linesInDocument += static_cast<LINE>(lineCount);
} else {
for (Sci::Line l = 0; l < lineCount; l++) {
InsertLine(lineDoc + l);
template <typename LINE>
void ContractionState<LINE>::DeleteLines(Sci::Line lineDoc, Sci::Line lineCount) {
if (OneToOne()) {
linesInDocument -= static_cast<LINE>(lineCount);
} else {
for (Sci::Line l = 0; l < lineCount; l++) {
template <typename LINE>
bool ContractionState<LINE>::GetVisible(Sci::Line lineDoc) const noexcept {
if (OneToOne()) {
return true;
} else {
if (lineDoc >= visible->Length())
return true;
return visible->ValueAt(static_cast<LINE>(lineDoc)) == 1;
template <typename LINE>
bool ContractionState<LINE>::SetVisible(Sci::Line lineDocStart, Sci::Line lineDocEnd, bool isVisible) {
if (OneToOne() && isVisible) {
return false;
} else {
Sci::Line delta = 0;
if ((lineDocStart <= lineDocEnd) && (lineDocStart >= 0) && (lineDocEnd < LinesInDoc())) {
for (Sci::Line line = lineDocStart; line <= lineDocEnd; line++) {
if (GetVisible(line) != isVisible) {
const int heightLine = heights->ValueAt(static_cast<LINE>(line));
const int difference = isVisible ? heightLine : -heightLine;
visible->SetValueAt(static_cast<LINE>(line), isVisible ? 1 : 0);
displayLines->InsertText(static_cast<LINE>(line), difference);
delta += difference;
} else {
return false;
return delta != 0;
template <typename LINE>
bool ContractionState<LINE>::HiddenLines() const noexcept {
if (OneToOne()) {
return false;
} else {
return !visible->AllSameAs(1);
template <typename LINE>
const char *ContractionState<LINE>::GetFoldDisplayText(Sci::Line lineDoc) const noexcept {
return foldDisplayTexts->ValueAt(lineDoc).get();
template <typename LINE>
bool ContractionState<LINE>::SetFoldDisplayText(Sci::Line lineDoc, const char *text) {
const char *foldText = foldDisplayTexts->ValueAt(lineDoc).get();
if (!foldText || !text || 0 != strcmp(text, foldText)) {
UniqueString uns = IsNullOrEmpty(text) ? UniqueString() : UniqueStringCopy(text);
foldDisplayTexts->SetValueAt(lineDoc, std::move(uns));
return true;
} else {
return false;
template <typename LINE>
bool ContractionState<LINE>::GetExpanded(Sci::Line lineDoc) const noexcept {
if (OneToOne()) {
return true;
} else {
return expanded->ValueAt(static_cast<LINE>(lineDoc)) == 1;
template <typename LINE>
bool ContractionState<LINE>::SetExpanded(Sci::Line lineDoc, bool isExpanded) {
if (OneToOne() && isExpanded) {
return false;
} else {
if (isExpanded != (expanded->ValueAt(static_cast<LINE>(lineDoc)) == 1)) {
expanded->SetValueAt(static_cast<LINE>(lineDoc), isExpanded ? 1 : 0);
return true;
} else {
return false;
template <typename LINE>
Sci::Line ContractionState<LINE>::ContractedNext(Sci::Line lineDocStart) const noexcept {
if (OneToOne()) {
return -1;
} else {
if (!expanded->ValueAt(static_cast<LINE>(lineDocStart))) {
return lineDocStart;
} else {
const Sci::Line lineDocNextChange = expanded->EndRun(static_cast<LINE>(lineDocStart));
if (lineDocNextChange < LinesInDoc())
return lineDocNextChange;
return -1;
template <typename LINE>
int ContractionState<LINE>::GetHeight(Sci::Line lineDoc) const noexcept {
if (OneToOne()) {
return 1;
} else {
return heights->ValueAt(static_cast<LINE>(lineDoc));
// Set the number of display lines needed for this line.
// Return true if this is a change.
template <typename LINE>
bool ContractionState<LINE>::SetHeight(Sci::Line lineDoc, int height) {
if (OneToOne() && (height == 1)) {
return false;
} else if (lineDoc < LinesInDoc()) {
if (GetHeight(lineDoc) != height) {
if (GetVisible(lineDoc)) {
displayLines->InsertText(static_cast<LINE>(lineDoc), height - GetHeight(lineDoc));
heights->SetValueAt(static_cast<LINE>(lineDoc), height);
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
template <typename LINE>
void ContractionState<LINE>::ShowAll() noexcept {
const LINE lines = static_cast<LINE>(LinesInDoc());
linesInDocument = lines;
// Debugging checks
template <typename LINE>
void ContractionState<LINE>::Check() const noexcept {
for (Sci::Line vline = 0; vline < LinesDisplayed(); vline++) {
const Sci::Line lineDoc = DocFromDisplay(vline);
for (Sci::Line lineDoc = 0; lineDoc < LinesInDoc(); lineDoc++) {
const Sci::Line displayThis = DisplayFromDoc(lineDoc);
const Sci::Line displayNext = DisplayFromDoc(lineDoc + 1);
const Sci::Line height = displayNext - displayThis;
PLATFORM_ASSERT(height >= 0);
if (GetVisible(lineDoc)) {
PLATFORM_ASSERT(GetHeight(lineDoc) == height);
} else {
PLATFORM_ASSERT(0 == height);
namespace Scintilla::Internal {
std::unique_ptr<IContractionState> ContractionStateCreate(bool largeDocument) {
if (largeDocument)
return std::make_unique<ContractionState<Sci::Line>>();
return std::make_unique<ContractionState<int>>();