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2016-12-19 23:48:14 +01:00
#Abstract layer
Enum MachineRole {
Enum Protocol
Enum PlatformType {
function Set-Platform {
# Use the .NET Core APIs to determine the current platform; if a runtime
# exception is thrown, we are on FullCLR, not .NET Core.
try {
$Runtime = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation]
$OSPlatform = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform]
$IsLinux = $Runtime::IsOSPlatform($OSPlatform::Linux)
$IsOSX = $Runtime::IsOSPlatform($OSPlatform::OSX)
$IsWindows = $Runtime::IsOSPlatform($OSPlatform::Windows)
} catch {
try {
$IsLinux = $false
$IsOSX = $false
$IsWindows = $true
catch { }
if($IsOSX) {
} elseif($IsLinux) {
} else {
function Is-CoreCLR {
# Use the .NET Core APIs to determine the current platform; if a runtime
# exception is thrown, we are on FullCLR, not .NET Core.
try {
$Runtime = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation]
$IsCoreCLR = $true
} catch {
try {
$IsCoreCLR = $false
catch { }
Class Machine
[string] $MachineName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
[MachineRole] $Role = [MachineRole]::Client
[PlatformType] $Platform
[boolean] $IsCoreCLR
#Members on server role
[string []] $PublicHostKeyPaths
[string []] $PrivateHostKeyPaths
[string] $localAdminUserName = "localadmin"
[string] $localAdminPassword = "Bull_dog1"
[string] $localAdminAuthorizedKeyPath
[System.Security.SecureString] $password
#Members on client role
[string []] $clientPrivateKeyPaths
[string []] $clientPublicKeyPaths
[string] $ClientKeyDirectory
[string] $knownHostOfCurrentUser
[string] $OpenSSHdir = $PSScriptRoot
[string] $ToolsPath = "$env:ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\sysinternals\tools"
2016-12-19 23:48:14 +01:00
Machine() {
$this.Platform = Set-Platform
$this.IsCoreCLR = Is-CoreCLR
Machine ([MachineRole] $r) {
$this.Platform = Set-Platform
$this.IsCoreCLR = Is-CoreCLR
$this.Role = $r
if($this.Role -eq [MachineRole]::Client) {
} else {
[void] InitializeClient() {
$this.ClientKeyDirectory = join-path $PSScriptRoot "clientkeys"
2016-12-19 23:48:14 +01:00
if(-not (Test-path $this.ClientKeyDirectory -PathType Container))
New-Item -Path $this.ClientKeyDirectory -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction silentlycontinue
Remove-Item -Path "$($this.ClientKeyDirectory)\*" -Force -ea silentlycontinue
2016-12-19 23:48:14 +01:00
$this.knownHostOfCurrentUser = join-path ($env:USERPROFILE) ".ssh/known_hosts"
if ($this.Platform -eq [PlatformType]::Windows)
$this.ToolsPath = "$env:ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\sysinternals\tools"
#download pstools
if ( -not (Test-Path (join-path $($this.ToolsPath) "psexec.exe" ))) {
foreach($key in @("ed25519")) #@("rsa","dsa","ecdsa","ed25519")
$keyPath = "$($this.ClientKeyDirectory)\id_$key"
$this.clientPrivateKeyPaths += $keyPath
$this.clientPublicKeyPaths += "$"
$str = ".\ssh-keygen -t $key -P """" -f $keyPath"
2016-12-19 23:48:14 +01:00
[void] InitializeServer() {
if ($this.Platform -eq [PlatformType]::Windows)
#Start-Service sshd
#load the profile to create the profile folder
$this.password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $this.localAdminPassword -AsPlainText -Force
$this.AddAdminUser($this.localAdminUserName, $this.password)
$this.localUserprofilePath = $this.GetUserProfileLocation($this)
$sshPath = join-path $($this.localUserprofilePath) ".ssh"
if(-not (Test-path $sshPath -PathType Container))
New-Item -Path $sshPath -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction silentlycontinue
$this.localAdminAuthorizedKeyPath = join-path $($this.localUserprofilePath) ".ssh/authorized_keys"
Remove-Item -Path $($this.localAdminAuthorizedKeyPath) -Force -ea silentlycontinue
#Generate all host keys
.\ssh-keygen -A
$this.PublicHostKeyPaths = @("$psscriptroot\")
# @("$psscriptroot\","$psscriptroot\","$psscriptroot\","$psscriptroot\")
$this.PrivateHostKeyPaths = @("$psscriptroot\ssh_host_ed25519_key")
# @("$psscriptroot\ssh_host_rsa_key","$psscriptroot\ssh_host_dsa_key","$psscriptroot\ssh_host_ecdsa_key","$psscriptroot\ssh_host_ed25519_key")
[void] SetupClient([Machine] $server) {
#add the host keys known host on client
if( -not (Test-Path $($this.knownHostOfCurrentUser ) ) )
$null = New-item -path $($this.knownHostOfCurrentUser) -force
foreach($keypath in $server.PublicHostKeyPaths)
$this.SetKeys($($server.MachineName), $keypath, $($this.knownHostOfCurrentUser))
[void] SetupServerRemoting([Protocol] $protocol) {
if ($this.Platform -eq [PlatformType]::Windows)
switch($protocol )
([Protocol]::SSH) {
$env:Path = "$env:Path;$PSScriptRoot"
Restart-Service sshd
([Protocol]::WSMAN) {
if( (Get-ComputerInfo).osproductType -notcontains 'Server' )
Enable-PSRemoting -Force
default {
[void] SetupServer([Machine] $client) {
if( -not (Test-Path $($this.localAdminAuthorizedKeyPath ) ) )
$null = New-item -path $($this.localAdminAuthorizedKeyPath) -force
foreach($publicKeyPath in $client.clientPublicKeyPaths)
$this.SetKeys($null, $publicKeyPath, $($this.localAdminAuthorizedKeyPath))
[void] CleanupServer() {
$sshPath = split-path $this.localAdminAuthorizedKeyPath -Parent
if(Test-Path $sshPath -PathType Container )
Remove-item -path $sshPath -force -Recurse
2016-12-19 23:48:14 +01:00
if ( $this.Platform -eq [PlatformType]::Windows )
[void] CleanupClient() {
Remove-item -path $($this.ClientKeyDirectory) -force -Recurse -ea silentlycontinue
$sshPath = split-path $this.knownHostOfCurrentUser -Parent
if(Test-Path $sshPath -PathType Container )
Remove-item -path $sshPath -force -Recurse
2016-12-19 23:48:14 +01:00
[void] RunCmd($Str) {
if ($this.Platform -eq [PlatformType]::Windows)
cmd /c $Str
[void] AddAdminUser($UserName, $password) {
if ( $this.Platform -eq [PlatformType]::Windows ) {
$a = Get-LocalUser -Name $UserName -ErrorAction Ignore
if ($a -eq $null)
$a = New-LocalUser -Name $UserName -Password $password -AccountNeverExpires -PasswordNeverExpires -UserMayNotChangePassword
if((Get-LocalGroupMember -SID s-1-5-32-544 -Member $a -ErrorAction Ignore ) -eq $null)
Add-LocalGroupMember -SID s-1-5-32-544 -Member $a
} else {
#Todo add local user and add it to administrators group on linux
#Todo: get $localUserprofilePath
[void] AddPasswordSetting([string] $pass) {
if ($this.Platform -eq [PlatformType]::Windows) {
$env:SSH_ASKPASS="$($env:ComSpec) /c echo $pass"
[void] CleanupPasswordSetting() {
if ($this.Platform -eq [PlatformType]::Windows -and (Test-Path env:SSH_ASKPASS))
remove-item "env:SSH_ASKPASS" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
2016-12-19 23:48:14 +01:00
#Set LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy
[void] SetLocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy($setting) {
$path = "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system"
#load the profile to create the profile folder
$this.preLatfpSetting = get-ItemProperty -Path $path -Name LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy -ErrorAction Ignore
if( $this.preLatfpSetting -eq $null)
New-ItemProperty -Path $path -Name LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy -Value $setting -PropertyType DWord
Set-ItemProperty -Path $path -Name LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy -Value $setting
[void] CleanupLocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy() {
if($this.preLatfpSetting -eq $null)
Remove-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system -Name LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system -Name LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy -Value $this.preLatfpSetting.LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy
[void] SecureHostKeys([string[]] $keys) {
if ( $this.Platform -eq [PlatformType]::Windows )
#TODO: Remove the path to OpenSSHDir from the string link
#Secure host-keys with psexec
foreach($key in $keys) {
& "$($this.ToolsPath)\psexec" -accepteula -nobanner -i -s -w $($this.OpenSSHdir) cmd.exe /c "ssh-add.exe $key"
[void] CleanupHostKeys() {
if ( $this.Platform -eq [PlatformType]::Windows )
& "$($this.ToolsPath)\psexec" -accepteula -nobanner -i -s -w $($this.OpenSSHdir) cmd.exe /c "ssh-add.exe -D"
[string] GetUserProfileLocation([Machine] $remote ) {
#load the profile to create the profile folder
$pscreds = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::new($($remote.MachineName) + "\" + $($remote.localAdminUserName), $($remote.password))
$ret = Invoke-Command -Credential $pscreds -ComputerName $($remote.MachineName) -command {$env:userprofile}
return $ret
[void] UnzipFile($argVar, $targetondisk ) {
$shell_app=new-object -com shell.application
$zip_file = $shell_app.namespace($argVar)
Write-Host "Uncompressing zip file to $($targetondisk)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
$destination = $shell_app.namespace($targetondisk)
$destination.Copyhere($zip_file.items(), 0x10)
$shell_app = $null
#this does not work when "using module"; works fine when import the module
2016-12-19 23:48:14 +01:00
[void] DownloadPStools()
$machinePath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', 'MACHINE')
$newMachineEnvironmentPath = $machinePath
# Install chocolatey
$chocolateyPath = "$env:AllUsersProfile\chocolatey\bin"
if(Get-Command "choco" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
Write-Information -MessageData "Chocolatey is already installed. Skipping installation."
Write-Information -MessageData "Chocolatey not present. Installing chocolatey."
Invoke-Expression ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
if (-not ($machinePath.ToLower().Contains($chocolateyPath.ToLower())))
Write-Information -MessageData "Adding $chocolateyPath to Path environment variable"
$newMachineEnvironmentPath += ";$chocolateyPath"
$env:Path += ";$chocolateyPath"
Write-Information -MessageData "$chocolateyPath already present in Path environment variable"
if ( -not (Test-Path $($this.ToolsPath) ) ) {
Write-Information -MessageData "sysinternals not present. Installing sysinternals."
choco install sysinternals -y
Write-Information -MessageData "sysinternals present. Skipping installation."
[void] SetKeys($Hostnames, $keyPath, $Path) {
if($Hostnames -ne $null)
foreach ($hostname in $Hostnames)
($hostname + " " + (Get-Content $keyPath)) | Out-File -Append $Path -Encoding ascii
Get-Content $keyPath | Out-File -Append $Path -Encoding ascii