update build script to use latest toolsets

This commit is contained in:
Tess Gauthier 2023-04-18 11:48:27 -04:00
parent 6ad4313d6f
commit 162666d44a
1 changed files with 148 additions and 168 deletions

View File

@ -144,43 +144,14 @@ function Start-OpenSSHBootstrap
[ValidateSet('x86', 'x64', 'arm64', 'arm')]
[string]$NativeHostArch = "x64",
[bool] $silent = -not $script:Verbose
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "Checking tools and dependencies" -Silent:$silent
$Win10SDKVerChoco = "10.1.17763.1"
# Add git\cmd to the path
$machinePath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', 'MACHINE')
$newMachineEnvironmentPath = $machinePath
# Install chocolatey
$chocolateyPath = "$env:AllUsersProfile\chocolatey\bin"
if(Get-Command choco -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
Write-BuildMsg -AsVerbose -Message "Chocolatey is already installed. Skipping installation." -Silent:$silent
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "Chocolatey not present. Installing chocolatey." -Silent:$silent
Invoke-Expression ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1')) 2>&1 >> $script:BuildLogFile
if (-not ($machinePath.ToLower().Contains($chocolateyPath.ToLower())))
Write-BuildMsg -AsVerbose -Message "Adding $chocolateyPath to Path environment variable" -Silent:$silent
$newMachineEnvironmentPath = "$chocolateyPath;$newMachineEnvironmentPath"
if(-not ($env:Path.ToLower().Contains($chocolateyPath.ToLower())))
$env:Path = "$chocolateyPath;$env:Path"
Write-BuildMsg -AsVerbose -Message "$chocolateyPath already present in Path environment variable" -Silent:$silent
# Add git\cmd to the path
$gitCmdPath = "$env:ProgramFiles\git\cmd"
if (-not ($machinePath.ToLower().Contains($gitCmdPath.ToLower())))
@ -196,11 +167,6 @@ function Start-OpenSSHBootstrap
Write-BuildMsg -AsVerbose -Message "$gitCmdPath already present in Path environment variable" -Silent:$silent
$VS2022Path = Get-VS2022BuildToolPath
$VS2019Path = Get-VS2019BuildToolPath
$VS2017Path = Get-VS2017BuildToolPath
$VS2015Path = Get-VS2015BuildToolPath
# Update machine environment path
if ($newMachineEnvironmentPath -ne $machinePath)
@ -208,12 +174,12 @@ function Start-OpenSSHBootstrap
$sdkVersion = Get-Windows10SDKVersion
if ($null -eq $sdkVersion)
$packageName = "windows-sdk-10.1"
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "$packageName not present. Installing $packageName ..."
choco install $packageName --version=$Win10SDKVerChoco -y --force --limitoutput --execution-timeout 120 2>&1 >> $script:BuildLogFile
choco install $packageName -y --force --limitoutput --execution-timeout 120 2>&1 >> $script:BuildLogFile
# check that sdk was properly installed
$sdkVersion = Get-Windows10SDKVersion
if($null -eq $sdkVersion)
@ -222,45 +188,14 @@ function Start-OpenSSHBootstrap
# Using the Win 10 SDK, the x86/x64 builds with VS2015 need vctargetspath to be set.
# For clarity, we set vctargetspath for the arm32/arm64 builds, as well, but it is not required.
$env:vctargetspath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170\"
# if (($NativeHostArch -eq 'x86') -or ($NativeHostArch -eq 'x64'))
# {
# $env:vctargetspath = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\v140"
# if (-not (Test-Path $env:vctargetspath))
# {
# Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "installing visualcpp-build-tools"
# choco install visualcpp-build-tools --version 14.0.25420.1 -y --force --limitoutput --execution-timeout 120 2>&1 >> $script:BuildLogFile
# # check that build-tools were properly installed
# if(-not (Test-Path $env:vctargetspath))
# {
# Write-BuildMsg -AsError -ErrorAction Stop -Message "visualcpp-build-tools installation failed with error code $LASTEXITCODE."
# }
# }
# }
# else
# {
# # msbuildtools have a different path for visual studio versions older than 2017
# # for visual studio versions newer than 2017, logic needs to be expanded to update the year in the path accordingly
# if ($VS2019Path -or $VS2017Path)
# {
# $VSPathYear = "2017"
# if ($VS2019Path)
# {
# $VSPathYear = "2019"
# }
# $env:vctargetspath = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\${VSPathYear}\BuildTools\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets"
# }
# }
#check for corresponding build tools in the following VS order: 2019, 2017, 2015
#environment variable is set upon install up until VS2015 but not for newer versions
if ($VS2022Path)
$MSBuildPath = Get-MSBuildPath
if ($MSBuildPath | Select-String "2022")
$env:vctargetspath = (Split-Path((Split-Path(Split-Path (Split-Path $MSBuildPath))))).ToString() + "\Microsoft\VC\v170\"
if ($null -eq $env:VS170COMNTOOLS)
$env:VS170COMNTOOLS = Get-BuildToolPath -VSInstallPath $VS2022Path -version "2022"
$env:VS170COMNTOOLS = Get-BuildToolPath -VSInstallPath $MSBuildPath -version "2022"
elseif (-not (Test-Path $env:VS170COMNTOOLS))
@ -268,11 +203,13 @@ function Start-OpenSSHBootstrap
$VSBuildToolsPath = Get-Item(Join-Path -Path $env:VS170COMNTOOLS -ChildPath '../../vc/auxiliary/build')
elseif ($VS2019Path)
elseif ($MSBuildPath | Select-String "2019")
$env:vctargetspath = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets"
Write-BuildMsg -AsVerbose -Message "Setting vctargetspath env var to ${env:vctargetspath}"
if ($null -eq $env:VS160COMNTOOLS)
$env:VS160COMNTOOLS = Get-BuildToolPath -VSInstallPath $VS2019Path -version "2019"
$env:VS160COMNTOOLS = Get-BuildToolPath -VSInstallPath $MSBuildPath -version "2019"
elseif (-not (Test-Path $env:VS160COMNTOOLS))
@ -280,11 +217,12 @@ function Start-OpenSSHBootstrap
$VSBuildToolsPath = Get-Item(Join-Path -Path $env:VS160COMNTOOLS -ChildPath '../../vc/auxiliary/build')
elseif ($VS2017Path)
elseif ($MSBuildPath | Select-String "2017")
$env:vctargetspath = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets"
if ($null -eq $env:VS150COMNTOOLS)
$env:VS150COMNTOOLS = Get-BuildToolPath -VSInstallPath $VS2017Path -version "2017"
$env:VS150COMNTOOLS = Get-BuildToolPath -VSInstallPath $MSBuildPath -version "2017"
elseif (-not (Test-Path $env:VS150COMNTOOLS))
@ -292,64 +230,53 @@ function Start-OpenSSHBootstrap
$VSBuildToolsPath = Get-Item(Join-Path -Path $env:VS150COMNTOOLS -ChildPath '../../vc/auxiliary/build')
elseif (!$VS2015Path -or ($null -eq $env:VS140COMNTOOLS)) {
$packageName = "vcbuildtools"
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "$packageName not present. Installing $packageName ..."
choco install $packageName -ia "/InstallSelectableItems VisualCppBuildTools_ATLMFC_SDK;VisualCppBuildTools_NETFX_SDK" -y --force --limitoutput --execution-timeout 120 2>&1 >> $script:BuildLogFile
$errorCode = $LASTEXITCODE
if ($errorCode -eq 3010)
Write-Host "The recent package changes indicate a reboot is necessary. please reboot the machine, open a new powershell window and call Start-SSHBuild or Start-OpenSSHBootstrap again." -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor Yellow
Do {
$input = Read-Host -Prompt "Reboot the machine? [Yes] Y; [No] N (default is `"Y`")"
$input = 'Y'
} until ($input -match "^(y(es)?|N(o)?)$")
[string]$ret = $Matches[0]
if ($ret.ToLower().Startswith('y'))
Write-BuildMsg -AsWarning -Message "restarting machine ..."
Restart-Computer -Force
Write-BuildMsg -AsError -ErrorAction Stop -Message "User choose not to restart the machine to apply the changes."
elseif($errorCode -ne 0)
Write-BuildMsg -AsError -ErrorAction Stop -Message "$packageName installation failed with error code $errorCode."
$VSBuildToolsPath = Get-Item(Join-Path -Path $env:VS140COMNTOOLS -ChildPath '../../vc')
$VSBuildToolsPath = Get-Item(Join-Path -Path $env:VS140COMNTOOLS -ChildPath '../../vc')
Write-BuildMsg -AsVerbose -Message 'VC++ 2015 Build Tools already present.'
if($NativeHostArch.ToLower().Startswith('arm') -and !$VS2019Path -and !$VS2017Path)
#TODO: Install VS2019 or VS2017 build tools
Write-BuildMsg -AsError -ErrorAction Stop -Message "The required msbuild 15.0 is not installed on the machine."
if($OneCore -or ($NativeHostArch.ToLower().Startswith('arm')))
$win10sdk = Get-Windows10SDKVersion
if($null -eq $win10sdk)
$packageName = "windows-sdk-10.1"
#TODO: Install VS2019 or VS2017 build tools
Write-BuildMsg -AsError -ErrorAction Stop -Message "The required msbuild 15.0, or greater, is not installed on the machine."
if ($MSBuildPath | Select-String "2015") {
$env:vctargetspath = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\v140"
else {
$VSBuildToolsPath = Get-Item(Join-Path -Path $env:VS140COMNTOOLS -ChildPath '../../vc')
Write-BuildMsg -AsVerbose -Message 'VC++ 2015 Build Tools already present.'
if (!$MSBuildPath -or ($null -eq $env:VS140COMNTOOLS)) {
$packageName = "vcbuildtools"
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "$packageName not present. Installing $packageName ..."
choco install $packageName --version=$Win10SDKVerChoco --force --limitoutput --execution-timeout 120 2>&1 >> $script:BuildLogFile
$win10sdk = Get-Windows10SDKVersion
if($null -eq $win10sdk)
choco install $packageName -ia "/InstallSelectableItems VisualCppBuildTools_ATLMFC_SDK;VisualCppBuildTools_NETFX_SDK" -y --force --limitoutput --execution-timeout 120 2>&1 >> $script:BuildLogFile
$errorCode = $LASTEXITCODE
if ($errorCode -eq 3010)
Write-BuildMsg -AsError -ErrorAction Stop -Message "$packageName installation failed with error code $LASTEXITCODE."
Write-Host "The recent package changes indicate a reboot is necessary. please reboot the machine, open a new powershell window and call Start-SSHBuild or Start-OpenSSHBootstrap again." -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor Yellow
Do {
$input = Read-Host -Prompt "Reboot the machine? [Yes] Y; [No] N (default is `"Y`")"
$input = 'Y'
} until ($input -match "^(y(es)?|N(o)?)$")
[string]$ret = $Matches[0]
if ($ret.ToLower().Startswith('y'))
Write-BuildMsg -AsWarning -Message "restarting machine ..."
Restart-Computer -Force
Write-BuildMsg -AsError -ErrorAction Stop -Message "User choose not to restart the machine to apply the changes."
elseif($errorCode -ne 0)
Write-BuildMsg -AsError -ErrorAction Stop -Message "$packageName installation failed with error code $errorCode."
$VSBuildToolsPath = Get-Item(Join-Path -Path $env:VS140COMNTOOLS -ChildPath '../../vc')
@ -594,11 +521,12 @@ function Start-OpenSSHBuild
(Get-Content $f).Replace('#define OPENSSL_HAS_NISTP521 1','') | Set-Content $f
$win10SDKVer = Get-Windows10SDKVersion
[XML]$xml = Get-Content $PathTargets
$xml.Project.PropertyGroup.WindowsSDKVersion = $win10SDKVer.ToString()
$win10SDKVer = Get-Windows10SDKVersion
[XML]$xml = Get-Content $PathTargets
$xml.Project.PropertyGroup.WindowsSDKVersion = $win10SDKVer.ToString()
$arch = $NativeHostArch.ToUpper()
$nodeName = "WindowsSDKDesktop$($arch)Support"
$node = $xml.Project.PropertyGroup.ChildNodes | where {$_.Name -eq $nodeName}
@ -612,14 +540,14 @@ function Start-OpenSSHBuild
$node.InnerText = "true"
$win10SDKVer = Get-Windows10SDKVersion
[XML]$xml = Get-Content $PathTargets
$xml.Project.PropertyGroup.WindowsSDKVersion = $win10SDKVer.ToString()
$xml.Project.PropertyGroup.WindowsSDKVersion = $win10SDKVer
$xml.Project.PropertyGroup.AdditionalDependentLibs = 'onecore.lib;shlwapi.lib'
$xml.Project.PropertyGroup.MinimalCoreWin = 'true'
@ -639,25 +567,8 @@ function Start-OpenSSHBuild
$cmdMsg += "/noconlog"
if ($msbuildCmd = Get-VS2022BuildToolPath){
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "Using MSBuild path: $msbuildCmd"
elseif ($msbuildCmd = Get-VS2019BuildToolPath)
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "Using MSBuild path: $msbuildCmd"
elseif ($msbuildCmd = Get-VS2017BuildToolPath)
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "Using MSBuild path: $msbuildCmd"
elseif ($msbuildCmd = Get-VS2015BuildToolPath)
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "Using MSBuild path: $msbuildCmd"
Write-BuildMsg -AsError -ErrorAction Stop -Message "MSBuild not found"
$msbuildCmd = Get-MSBuildPath
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "Using MSBuild path: $msbuildCmd"
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "Starting Open SSH build; Build Log: $($script:BuildLogFile)."
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "$msbuildCmd $cmdMsg"
@ -675,13 +586,12 @@ function Start-OpenSSHBuild
function Get-VS2022BuildToolPath
# TODO: Should use vswhere: https://github.com/microsoft/vswhere/wiki/Find-MSBuild
$searchPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\MSBuild\Current\Bin"
write-host "setting search path to $searchpath"
$searchPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\*\MSBuild\Current\Bin"
$searchPath += "\amd64"
write-host "setting search path to $searchpath"
$toolAvailable = @()
$toolAvailable += Get-ChildItem -path $searchPath\* -Filter "MSBuild.exe" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if($toolAvailable.count -eq 0)
@ -693,7 +603,6 @@ function Get-VS2022BuildToolPath
function Get-VS2019BuildToolPath
# TODO: Should use vswhere: https://github.com/microsoft/vswhere/wiki/Find-MSBuild
$searchPath = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\*\MSBuild\Current\Bin"
@ -741,6 +650,34 @@ function Get-VS2015BuildToolPath
return $toolAvailable[0].FullName
function Get-MSBuildPath {
$VSPath = Get-VS2022BuildToolPath
if ($null -ne $VSPath) { return $VSPath };
$VSPath = Get-VS2019BuildToolPath
if ($null -ne $VSPath) { return $VSPath };
$VSPath = Get-VS2017BuildToolPath
if ($null -ne $VSPath) { return $VSPath };
$VSPath = Get-VS2015BuildToolPath
if ($null -ne $VSPath) { return $VSPath };
else {
$vsWherePath = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe"
if (Test-Path $vsWherePath) {
$buildToolPath = (& $vsWherePath -latest -requires Microsoft.Component.MSBuild -find MSBuild\**\Bin\MSBuild.exe)
if ($null -ne $buildToolPath) {
return $buildToolPath
else {
Write-BuildMsg -AsError -ErrorAction Stop -Message "MSBuild not found, please install"
else {
Write-BuildMsg -AsError -ErrorAction Stop -Message "VSWhere not found - please install VS 2017 Update 2, or newer"
function Get-BuildToolPath
@ -752,6 +689,7 @@ function Get-BuildToolPath
$buildToolsPath = Get-Item(Join-Path -Path $VSInstallPath -ChildPath '../../../../../Common7/Tools/') | % {$_.FullName}
if (-not (Test-Path $buildToolsPath))
# assumes package name follows this format, as 2019 and 2017 both do
$packageName = "visualstudio" + $version + "-workload-vctools"
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "$packageName not present. Installing $packageName ..."
@ -767,16 +705,23 @@ function Get-BuildToolPath
function Get-Windows10SDKVersion
#Temporary fix - Onecore builds are failing with latest windows 10 SDK (10.0.18362.0)
$requiredSDKVersion = [version]"10.0.22621.0"
## Search for latest windows sdk available on the machine
$windowsSDKPath = Join-Path ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)} "Windows Kits\10\bin\$requiredSDKVersion\x86\register_app.vbs"
if (test-path $windowsSDKPath) {
return $requiredSDKVersion
else {
return $null
## Search for latest windows sdk available on the machine
$windowsSDKPath = Join-Path ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)} "Windows Kits\10\Lib"
$minSDKVersion = [version]"10.0.17763.0"
$versionsAvailable = @()
$versionsAvailable = Get-ChildItem $windowsSDKPath | ? {$_.Name.StartsWith("10.")} | % {$version = [version]$_.Name; if(($version.CompareTo($minSDKVersion) -ge 0)) {$version.ToString()}}
if(0 -eq $versionsAvailable.count)
return $null
$versionsAvailable = $versionsAvailable | Sort-Object -Descending
foreach ($version in $versionsAvailable) {
$windowsSDKPath = Join-Path ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)} "Windows Kits\10\bin\$version\x86\register_app.vbs"
if (test-path $windowsSDKPath) {
return $version
return $null
function Get-BuildLogFile
@ -817,6 +762,41 @@ function Get-SolutionFile
function Get-Chocolatey {
# Install chocolatey
$chocolateyPath = "$env:AllUsersProfile\chocolatey\bin"
if(Get-Command choco -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
Write-BuildMsg -AsVerbose -Message "Chocolatey is already installed. Skipping installation." -Silent:$silent
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "Chocolatey not present. Installing chocolatey." -Silent:$silent
Invoke-Expression ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1')) 2>&1 >> $script:BuildLogFile
$machinePath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', 'MACHINE')
$newMachineEnvironmentPath = $machinePath
if (-not ($machinePath.ToLower().Contains($chocolateyPath.ToLower())))
Write-BuildMsg -AsVerbose -Message "Adding $chocolateyPath to Path environment variable" -Silent:$silent
$newMachineEnvironmentPath = "$chocolateyPath;$newMachineEnvironmentPath"
if(-not ($env:Path.ToLower().Contains($chocolateyPath.ToLower())))
$env:Path = "$chocolateyPath;$env:Path"
Write-BuildMsg -AsVerbose -Message "$chocolateyPath already present in Path environment variable" -Silent:$silent
# Update machine environment path
if ($newMachineEnvironmentPath -ne $machinePath)
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('Path', $newMachineEnvironmentPath, 'MACHINE')
Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-OpenSSHBuild, Get-BuildLogFile, Start-OpenSSHPackage, Copy-OpenSSHUnitTests