Updates To Address OneCore Linking (#311)
* Updates To Address OneCore Linking - Modified generate_s4u_user_token() and sys_auth_passwd() to dynamically load TranslateNameW() to avoid OneCore static library linking. - Modified getusergroups() to avoid Lsa* calls that are not present in OneCore libraries. * Updates To Address OneCore Linking - Revisions - Corrected failure detection logic when TranslateNameW() cannot be located.
This commit is contained in:
@ -298,9 +298,24 @@ sys_auth_passwd(struct ssh *ssh, const char *password)
wchar_t * backslash = wcschr(user_utf16, L'\\');
if (backslash != NULL) {
/* assemble the path to the name translation library */
wchar_t library_path[MAX_PATH + 1];
if (GetSystemDirectoryW(library_path, ARRAYSIZE(library_path)) == 0) {
debug3("%s: GetSystemDirectoryW() failed name translation: %d", __FUNCTION__, GetLastError());
goto done;
wcscat_s(library_path, ARRAYSIZE(library_path), L"\\secur32.dll");
/* dynamically load name translation function to support static linking to onecore */
typedef (*TranslateNameWFunc)(_In_ LPCWSTR lpAccountName,
_In_ EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT AccountNameFormat, _In_ EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT DesiredNameFormat,
_Out_writes_to_opt_(*nSize, *nSize) LPWSTR lpTranslatedName, _Inout_ PULONG nSize);
HMODULE library = LoadLibraryW(library_path);
TranslateNameWFunc LocalTranslateNameW = NULL;
/* attempt to format into upn format as this is preferred for login */
if (TranslateNameW(user_utf16, NameSamCompatible,
NameUserPrincipal, domain_upn, &domain_upn_len) != 0) {
if (library != NULL && (LocalTranslateNameW = (TranslateNameWFunc) GetProcAddress(library, "TranslateNameW")) != NULL &&
LocalTranslateNameW(user_utf16, NameSamCompatible, NameUserPrincipal, domain_upn, &domain_upn_len) != 0) {
unam_utf16 = domain_upn;
udom_utf16 = NULL;
@ -1224,10 +1224,6 @@ getusergroups(const char *user, int *ngroups)
/* early declarations and initializations to support cleanup */
HANDLE logon_token = NULL;
PSID * group_sids = NULL;
LSA_HANDLE lsa_policy = NULL;
/* initialize return values */
errno = 0;
@ -1257,19 +1253,19 @@ getusergroups(const char *user, int *ngroups)
/* read group sids from logon token -- this will return a list of groups
* similiar to the data returned when you do a whoami /groups command */
* similar to the data returned when you do a whoami /groups command */
if (GetTokenInformation(logon_token, TokenGroups, group_buf, group_size, &group_size) == 0) {
debug3("%s: GetTokenInformation() failed for user '%s'.", __FUNCTION__, user);
goto cleanup;
/* allocate and copy the sids to a a structure we can pass to lookup */
if ((group_sids = (PSID *)malloc(sizeof(PSID) * group_buf->GroupCount)) == NULL) {
/* allocate memory to hold points to all group names; we double the value
* in order to account for local groups that we trim the domain qualifier */
if ((user_groups = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * group_buf->GroupCount * 2)) == NULL) {
errno = ENOMEM;
goto cleanup;
DWORD group_sids_count = 0;
for (DWORD i = 0; i < group_buf->GroupCount; i++) {
/* only bother with group thats are 'enabled' from a security perspective */
@ -1288,84 +1284,53 @@ getusergroups(const char *user, int *ngroups)
if (memcmp(&nt_authority, GetSidIdentifierAuthority(sid), sizeof(SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY)) == 0 && (
group_sids[group_sids_count++] = sid;
/* open a new connection to the lsa policy provider for group lookup */
ZeroMemory(&ObjectAttributes, sizeof(ObjectAttributes));
if (LsaOpenPolicy(NULL, &ObjectAttributes, POLICY_LOOKUP_NAMES, &lsa_policy) != 0) {
debug3("%s: LsaOpenPolicy() failed for user '%s'.", __FUNCTION__, user);
goto cleanup;
/* translate all the sids to real group names */
NTSTATUS lsa_ret = LsaLookupSids(lsa_policy, group_sids_count, group_sids, &domain_list, &name_list);
if (lsa_ret != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
debug3("%s: LsaLookupSids() failed for user '%s' with return %d.", __FUNCTION__, user, lsa_ret);
goto cleanup;
/* allocate memory to hold points to all group names; we double the value
* in order to account for local groups that we trim the domain qualifier */
if ((user_groups = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * group_sids_count * 2)) == NULL) {
errno = ENOMEM;
goto cleanup;
/* enumerate all groups and add to group list */
for (DWORD group_index = 0; group_index < group_sids_count; group_index++) {
/* ignore unresolvable or invalid domains */
if (name_list[group_index].DomainIndex == -1)
PLSA_UNICODE_STRING domain = &(domain_list->Domains[name_list[group_index].DomainIndex].Name);
PLSA_UNICODE_STRING name = &(name_list[group_index].Name);
/* add group name in netbios\\name format */
int current_group = (*ngroups)++;
wchar_t formatted_group[DNLEN + 1 + GNLEN + 1];
swprintf_s(formatted_group, ARRAYSIZE(formatted_group), L"%wZ\\%wZ", domain, name);
_wcslwr_s(formatted_group, ARRAYSIZE(formatted_group));
debug3("Added group '%ls' for user '%s'.", formatted_group, user);
user_groups[current_group] = utf16_to_utf8(formatted_group);
if (user_groups[current_group] == NULL) {
errno = ENOMEM;
goto cleanup;
/* for local accounts trim the domain qualifier */
if (wcslen(computer_name) == domain->Length / sizeof(wchar_t) &&
_wcsnicmp(computer_name, domain->Buffer, domain->Length / sizeof(wchar_t)) == 0)
current_group = (*ngroups)++;
swprintf_s(formatted_group, ARRAYSIZE(formatted_group), L"%wZ", name);
_wcslwr_s(formatted_group, ARRAYSIZE(formatted_group));
debug3("Added group '%ls' for user '%s'.", formatted_group, user);
user_groups[current_group] = utf16_to_utf8(formatted_group);
if (user_groups[current_group] == NULL) {
errno = ENOMEM;
goto cleanup;
/* lookup the account name for this sid */
wchar_t name[GNLEN + 1];
DWORD name_len = ARRAYSIZE(name);
wchar_t domain[DNLEN + 1];
DWORD domain_len = ARRAYSIZE(domain);
SID_NAME_USE name_use = 0;
if (LookupAccountSidW(NULL, sid, name, &name_len, domain, &domain_len, &name_use) == 0) {
errno = ENOENT;
debug("%s: LookupAccountSid() failed: %d.", __FUNCTION__, GetLastError());
goto cleanup;
/* add group name in netbios\\name format */
int current_group = (*ngroups)++;
wchar_t formatted_group[DNLEN + 1 + GNLEN + 1];
swprintf_s(formatted_group, ARRAYSIZE(formatted_group), L"%s\\%s", domain, name);
_wcslwr_s(formatted_group, ARRAYSIZE(formatted_group));
debug3("Added group '%ls' for user '%s'.", formatted_group, user);
user_groups[current_group] = utf16_to_utf8(formatted_group);
if (user_groups[current_group] == NULL) {
errno = ENOMEM;
goto cleanup;
/* for local accounts trim the domain qualifier */
if (_wcsicmp(computer_name, domain) == 0)
current_group = (*ngroups)++;
swprintf_s(formatted_group, ARRAYSIZE(formatted_group), L"%s", name);
_wcslwr_s(formatted_group, ARRAYSIZE(formatted_group));
debug3("Added group '%ls' for user '%s'.", formatted_group, user);
user_groups[current_group] = utf16_to_utf8(formatted_group);
if (user_groups[current_group] == NULL) {
errno = ENOMEM;
goto cleanup;
if (domain_list)
if (name_list)
if (group_buf)
if (logon_token)
if (group_sids)
if (lsa_policy)
/* special cleanup - if ran out of memory while allocating groups */
if (user_groups && errno == ENOMEM || *ngroups == 0) {
@ -133,10 +133,26 @@ generate_s4u_user_token(wchar_t* user_cpn, int impersonation) {
if (domain_user) {
/* assemble the path to the name translation library */
wchar_t library_path[MAX_PATH + 1];
if (GetSystemDirectoryW(library_path, ARRAYSIZE(library_path)) == 0) {
debug3("%s: GetSystemDirectoryW() failed name translation: %d", __FUNCTION__, GetLastError());
goto done;
wcscat_s(library_path, ARRAYSIZE(library_path), L"\\secur32.dll");
/* dynamically load name translation function to support static linking to onecore */
typedef (*TranslateNameWFunc)(_In_ LPCWSTR lpAccountName,
_In_ EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT AccountNameFormat, _In_ EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT DesiredNameFormat,
_Out_writes_to_opt_(*nSize, *nSize) LPWSTR lpTranslatedName, _Inout_ PULONG nSize);
HMODULE library = LoadLibraryW(library_path);
TranslateNameWFunc LocalTranslateNameW = NULL;
/* lookup the upn for the user */
WCHAR domain_upn[MAX_UPN_LEN + 1];
ULONG domain_upn_len = ARRAYSIZE(domain_upn);
if (TranslateNameW(user_cpn, NameSamCompatible,
if (library == NULL || (LocalTranslateNameW = (TranslateNameWFunc) GetProcAddress(library, "TranslateNameW")) == NULL ||
LocalTranslateNameW(user_cpn, NameSamCompatible,
NameUserPrincipal, domain_upn, &domain_upn_len) == 0) {
/* upn lookup failed so resort to attempting samcompatiblename */
Reference in New Issue