Add mode support in open() and onboard file perm related changes and tests ()

This commit is contained in:
Yanbing 2017-05-23 21:45:38 -07:00 committed by Manoj Ampalam
parent a4250afadc
commit 81bcaaa7cf
22 changed files with 1139 additions and 775 deletions

View File

@ -61,14 +61,6 @@ sshkey_save_private_blob(struct sshbuf *keybuf, const char *filename)
if ((fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600)) < 0)
#ifdef WINDOWS /* WINDOWS */
Set the owner of the private key file to current user and only grant
current user the full control access
if (set_secure_file_permission(filename, NULL) != 0)
#endif /* WINDOWS */
if (atomicio(vwrite, fd, (u_char *)sshbuf_ptr(keybuf),
sshbuf_len(keybuf)) != sshbuf_len(keybuf)) {
oerrno = errno;

View File

@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ function Package-OpenSSH
$buildDir = Join-Path $repositoryRoot ("bin\" + $folderName + "\" + $Configuration)
$payload = "sshd.exe", "ssh.exe", "ssh-agent.exe", "ssh-add.exe", "sftp.exe"
$payload += "sftp-server.exe", "scp.exe", "ssh-shellhost.exe", "ssh-keygen.exe"
$payload += "sftp-server.exe", "scp.exe", "ssh-shellhost.exe", "ssh-keygen.exe", "ssh-keyscan.exe"
$payload += "sshd_config", "install-sshd.ps1", "uninstall-sshd.ps1"
$packageName = "OpenSSH-Win64"
@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ function Install-OpenSSH
& "$OpenSSHDir\ssh-keygen.exe" -A
$keyFiles = Get-ChildItem "$OpenSSHDir\ssh_host_*_key*" | % {
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $_.FullName -User "NT Service\sshd" -Perm "Read"
Adjust-HostKeyFileACL -FilePath $_.FullName

View File

@ -30,48 +30,147 @@ function Get-RepositoryRoot
Sets the Secure File ACL.
1. Removed all user acl except Administrators group, system, and current user
2. whether or not take the owner
Set owner of the file to by LOCALSYSTEM account
Set private host key be fully controlled by LOCALSYSTEM and Administrators
Set public host key be fully controlled by LOCALSYSTEM and Administrators, read access by everyone
FilePath - The path to the file
takeowner - if want to take the ownership
function Cleanup-SecureFileACL
function Adjust-HostKeyFileACL
param([string]$FilePath, [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount] $Owner)
param (
$myACL = Get-ACL $filePath
$myACL.SetAccessRuleProtection($True, $True)
Set-Acl -Path $filePath -AclObject $myACL
$myACL = Get-ACL $FilePath
$myACL.SetAccessRuleProtection($True, $FALSE)
Set-Acl -Path $FilePath -AclObject $myACL
$systemAccount = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("NT AUTHORITY", "SYSTEM")
$adminAccount = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("BUILTIN","Administrators")
$everyoneAccount = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("EveryOne")
$myACL = Get-ACL $FilePath
$myACL = Get-ACL $filePath
if($owner -ne $null)
$myACL.Access | % {
if (($_ -ne $null) -and ($_.IdentityReference.Value -ine "BUILTIN\Administrators") -and
($_.IdentityReference.Value -ine "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM") -and
($_.IdentityReference.Value -ine "$(whoami)"))
if(-not ($myACL.RemoveAccessRule($_)))
if(-not ($myACL.RemoveAccessRule($_)))
throw "failed to remove access of $($_.IdentityReference.Value) rule in setup "
throw "failed to remove access of $($_.IdentityReference.Value) rule in setup "
$adminACE = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule `
($adminAccount, "FullControl", "None", "None", "Allow")
$systemACE = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule `
($systemAccount, "FullControl", "None", "None", "Allow")
$everyoneAce = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule `
("Everyone", "Read", "None", "None", "Allow")
#this only is needed when the private host keys are not registered with agent
$sshdAce = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule `
("NT service\sshd", "Read", "None", "None", "Allow")
Set-Acl -Path $FilePath -AclObject $myACL
Set owner of the user key file
Set ACL to have private user key be fully controlled by LOCALSYSTEM and Administrators, Read, write access by owner
Set public user key be fully controlled by LOCALSYSTEM and Administrators, Read, write access by owner, read access by everyone
FilePath - The path to the file
Owner - owner of the file
OwnerPerms - the permissions grant to the owner
function Adjust-UserKeyFileACL
param (
[System.Security.Principal.NTAccount] $Owner = $null,
[System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights[]] $OwnerPerms = $null
$myACL = Get-ACL $FilePath
$myACL.SetAccessRuleProtection($True, $FALSE)
Set-Acl -Path $FilePath -AclObject $myACL
$systemAccount = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("NT AUTHORITY", "SYSTEM")
$adminAccount = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("BUILTIN","Administrators")
$everyoneAccount = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("EveryOne")
$myACL = Get-ACL $FilePath
$actualOwner = $null
if($Owner -eq $null)
$actualOwner = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($($env:USERDOMAIN), $($env:USERNAME))
$actualOwner = $Owner
$myACL.Access | % {
if(-not ($myACL.RemoveAccessRule($_)))
throw "failed to remove access of $($_.IdentityReference.Value) rule in setup "
$adminACE = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule `
($adminAccount, "FullControl", "None", "None", "Allow")
$systemACE = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule `
($systemAccount, "FullControl", "None", "None", "Allow")
$OwnerPerms | % {
$ownerACE = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule `
($actualOwner, $_, "None", "None", "Allow")
Set-Acl -Path $filePath -AclObject $myACL
$everyoneAce = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule `
("Everyone", "Read", "None", "None", "Allow")
Set-Acl -Path $FilePath -AclObject $myACL
@ -88,20 +187,27 @@ function Cleanup-SecureFileACL
function Add-PermissionToFileACL
param (
[System.Security.Principal.NTAccount] $User,
$myACL = Get-ACL $filePath
$myACL = Get-ACL $FilePath
$objACE = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule `
($User, $perm, "None", "None", "Allow")
$Perms | % {
$userACE = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule `
($User, $_, "None", "None", "Allow")
Set-Acl -Path $filePath -AclObject $myACL
Set-Acl -Path $FilePath -AclObject $myACL
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-RepositoryRoot, Add-PermissionToFileACL, Cleanup-SecureFileACL
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-RepositoryRoot, Add-PermissionToFileACL, Adjust-HostKeyFileACL, Adjust-UserKeyFileACL

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\OpenSSHCommonUtils.psm1 -DisableNameChecking
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\OpenSSHCommonUtils.psm1 -DisableNameChecking -Force
[System.IO.DirectoryInfo] $repositoryRoot = Get-RepositoryRoot
# test environment parameters initialized with defaults
@ -158,17 +158,12 @@ WARNING: Following changes will be made to OpenSSH configuration
# copy new sshd_config
Copy-Item (Join-Path $Script:E2ETestDirectory sshd_config) (Join-Path $script:OpenSSHBinPath sshd_config) -Force
#workaround for the cariggage new line added by git before copy them
Get-ChildItem "$($Script:E2ETestDirectory)\sshtest_*key*" | % {
(Get-Content $_.FullName -Raw).Replace("`r`n","`n") | Set-Content $_.FullName -Force
#copy sshtest keys
Copy-Item "$($Script:E2ETestDirectory)\sshtest*hostkey*" $script:OpenSSHBinPath -Force
$owner = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($env:USERDOMAIN, $env:USERNAME)
Get-ChildItem "$($script:OpenSSHBinPath)\sshtest*hostkey*" -Exclude *.pub | % {
Cleanup-SecureFileACL -FilePath $_.FullName -Owner $owner
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $_.FullName -User "NT Service\sshd" -Perm "Read"
Copy-Item "$($Script:E2ETestDirectory)\sshtest*hostkey*" $script:OpenSSHBinPath -Force
Get-ChildItem "$($script:OpenSSHBinPath)\sshtest*hostkey*"| % {
#workaround for the cariggage new line added by git before copy them
(Get-Content $_.FullName -Raw).Replace("`r`n","`n") | Set-Content $_.FullName -Force
Adjust-HostKeyFileACL -FilePath $_.FullName
Restart-Service sshd -Force
@ -190,6 +185,7 @@ WARNING: Following changes will be made to OpenSSH configuration
Copy-Item $sshConfigFilePath (Join-Path $dotSshDirectoryPath config.ori) -Force
Copy-Item (Join-Path $Script:E2ETestDirectory ssh_config) $sshConfigFilePath -Force
Adjust-UserKeyFileACL -FilePath $sshConfigFilePath -OwnerPerms "Read,Write"
# create test accounts
#TODO - this is Windows specific. Need to be in PAL
@ -216,9 +212,12 @@ WARNING: Following changes will be made to OpenSSH configuration
$authorizedKeyPath = Join-Path $ssouserProfile .ssh\authorized_keys
$testPubKeyPath = Join-Path $Script:E2ETestDirectory
Copy-Item $testPubKeyPath $authorizedKeyPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$owner = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($SSOUser)
Adjust-UserKeyFileACL -FilePath $authorizedKeyPath -Owner $owner -OwnerPerms "Read","Write"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $authorizedKeyPath -User "NT Service\sshd" -Perm "Read"
$testPriKeypath = Join-Path $Script:E2ETestDirectory sshtest_userssokey_ed25519
Cleanup-SecureFileACL -FilePath $testPriKeypath -owner $owner
(Get-Content $testPriKeypath -Raw).Replace("`r`n","`n") | Set-Content $testPriKeypath -Force
Adjust-UserKeyFileACL -FilePath $testPriKeypath -OwnerPerms "Read, Write"
cmd /c "ssh-add $testPriKeypath 2>&1 >> $Script:TestSetupLogFile"

View File

@ -39,13 +39,32 @@
#include "w32fd.h"
#include "inc\utf.h"
#include "inc\fcntl.h"
#include "inc\pwd.h"
#include "misc_internal.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include <Sddl.h>
/* internal read buffer size */
#define READ_BUFFER_SIZE 100*1024
/* internal write buffer size */
#define WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE 100*1024
* A ACE is a binary data structure of changeable length
* The value is calculated based on current need: max sid string (184) plus the enough spaces for other fields in ACEs
#define MAX_ACE_LENGTH 225
* A security descriptor is a binary data structure of changeable length
* The value is calculated based on current need: 4 ACEs plus the enough spaces for owner sid and dcal flag
/*MAX length attribute string looks like 0xffffffff*/
#define errno_from_Win32LastError() errno_from_Win32Error(GetLastError())
struct createFile_flags {
@ -242,13 +261,48 @@ error:
return -1;
static int
st_mode_to_file_att(int mode, wchar_t * attributes)
DWORD att = 0;
switch (mode) {
case S_IRWXO:
swprintf_s(attributes, MAX_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH, L"FA");
case S_IXOTH:
swprintf_s(attributes, MAX_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH, L"FX");
case S_IWOTH:
swprintf_s(attributes, MAX_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH, L"FW");
case S_IROTH:
swprintf_s(attributes, MAX_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH, L"FR");
if((mode & S_IROTH) != 0)
if ((mode & S_IWOTH) != 0)
if ((mode & S_IXOTH) != 0)
swprintf_s(attributes, MAX_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH, L"%#lx", att);
return 0;
/* maps open() file modes and flags to ones needed by CreateFile */
static int
createFile_flags_setup(int flags, int mode, struct createFile_flags* cf_flags)
createFile_flags_setup(int flags, u_short mode, struct createFile_flags* cf_flags)
/* check flags */
int rwflags = flags & 0x3;
int c_s_flags = flags & 0xfffffff0;
int rwflags = flags & 0x3, c_s_flags = flags & 0xfffffff0, ret = -1;
wchar_t sddl[SDDL_LENGTH + 1] = { 0 }, owner_ace[MAX_ACE_LENGTH + 1] = {0}, everyone_ace[MAX_ACE_LENGTH + 1] = {0};
wchar_t owner_access[MAX_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH + 1] = {0}, everyone_access[MAX_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH + 1] = {0}, *sid_utf16;
PACL dacl = NULL;
struct passwd * pwd;
PSID owner_sid = NULL;
* should be one of one of the following access modes:
@ -268,7 +322,7 @@ createFile_flags_setup(int flags, int mode, struct createFile_flags* cf_flags)
/*validate mode*/
if (mode &~(S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH)) {
if (mode & ~(S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO)) {
debug3("open - ERROR: unsupported mode: %d", mode);
errno = ENOTSUP;
return -1;
@ -287,12 +341,7 @@ createFile_flags_setup(int flags, int mode, struct createFile_flags* cf_flags)
case O_RDWR:
cf_flags->dwDesiredAccess = GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE;
cf_flags->securityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
cf_flags->securityAttributes.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
cf_flags->securityAttributes.nLength = 0;
cf_flags->dwCreationDisposition = OPEN_EXISTING;
if (c_s_flags & O_TRUNC)
cf_flags->dwCreationDisposition = TRUNCATE_EXISTING;
@ -308,16 +357,58 @@ createFile_flags_setup(int flags, int mode, struct createFile_flags* cf_flags)
/*TODO - map mode */
/*map mode*/
if ((pwd = getpwuid(0)) == NULL)
fatal("getpwuid failed.");
return 0;
if ((sid_utf16 = utf8_to_utf16(pwd->pw_sid)) == NULL) {
debug3("Failed to get utf16 of the sid string");
errno = ENOMEM;
goto cleanup;
if ((mode & S_IRWXU) != 0) {
if (st_mode_to_file_att((mode & S_IRWXU) >> 6, owner_access) != 0) {
goto cleanup;
swprintf_s(owner_ace, MAX_ACE_LENGTH, L"(A;;%s;;;%s)", owner_access, sid_utf16);
if (mode & S_IRWXO) {
if (st_mode_to_file_att(mode & S_IRWXO, everyone_access) != 0) {
goto cleanup;
swprintf_s(everyone_ace, MAX_ACE_LENGTH, L"(A;;%s;;;WD)", everyone_access);
swprintf_s(sddl, SDDL_LENGTH, L"O:%sD:PAI(A;;FA;;;BA)(A;;FA;;;SY)%s%s", sid_utf16, owner_ace, everyone_ace);
if (ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW(sddl, SDDL_REVISION, &pSD, NULL) == FALSE) {
debug3("ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW failed with error code %d", GetLastError());
goto cleanup;
if (IsValidSecurityDescriptor(pSD) == FALSE) {
debug3("IsValidSecurityDescriptor return FALSE");
goto cleanup;
cf_flags->securityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = pSD;
cf_flags->securityAttributes.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
cf_flags->securityAttributes.nLength = sizeof(cf_flags->securityAttributes);
ret = 0;
if (sid_utf16)
return ret;
#define NULL_DEVICE "/dev/null"
/* open() implementation. Uses CreateFile to open file, console, device, etc */
struct w32_io*
fileio_open(const char *path_utf8, int flags, int mode)
fileio_open(const char *path_utf8, int flags, u_short mode)
struct w32_io* pio = NULL;
struct createFile_flags cf_flags;
@ -342,27 +433,28 @@ fileio_open(const char *path_utf8, int flags, int mode)
return NULL;
if (createFile_flags_setup(flags, mode, &cf_flags) == -1)
return NULL;
if (createFile_flags_setup(flags, mode, &cf_flags) == -1) {
debug3("createFile_flags_setup() failed.");
goto cleanup;
handle = CreateFileW(path_utf16, cf_flags.dwDesiredAccess, cf_flags.dwShareMode,
&cf_flags.securityAttributes, cf_flags.dwCreationDisposition,
cf_flags.dwFlagsAndAttributes, NULL);
cf_flags.dwFlagsAndAttributes, NULL);
if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
errno = errno_from_Win32LastError();
debug3("failed to open file:%s error:%d", path_utf8, GetLastError());
return NULL;
goto cleanup;
pio = (struct w32_io*)malloc(sizeof(struct w32_io));
if (pio == NULL) {
errno = ENOMEM;
debug3("fileio_open(), failed to allocate memory error:%d", errno);
return NULL;
goto cleanup;
memset(pio, 0, sizeof(struct w32_io));
@ -371,6 +463,11 @@ fileio_open(const char *path_utf8, int flags, int mode)
pio->fd_status_flags = O_NONBLOCK;
pio->handle = handle;
if ((&cf_flags.securityAttributes != NULL) && (&cf_flags.securityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor != NULL))
return pio;

View File

@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
int w32_fcntl(int fd, int cmd, ... /* arg */);
#define fcntl(a,b,...) w32_fcntl((a), (b), __VA_ARGS__)
#define open w32_open
int w32_open(const char *pathname, int flags, ...);
#define open(a,b,...) w32_open((a), (b), __VA_ARGS__)
int w32_open(const char *pathname, int flags, ... /* arg */);
void* w32_fd_to_handle(int fd);
int w32_allocate_fd_for_handle(HANDLE, BOOL);

View File

@ -31,33 +31,28 @@
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Sddl.h>
#include <Aclapi.h>
#include <Ntsecapi.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "inc\pwd.h"
#include "sshfileperm.h"
#include "misc_internal.h"
#include "debug.h"
#define SSHD_ACCOUNT L"NT Service\\sshd"
* The function is to check if user prepresented by pw is secure to access to the file.
* Check the owner of the file is one of these types: Local Administrators groups, system account,
* direct user accounts in local administrators, or user represented by pw
* Check the owner of the file is one of these types: Local Administrators groups, system account
* Check the users have access permission to the file don't voilate the following rules:
1. no user other than local administrators group, system account, user represented by pw,
and owner accounts have write permission on the file
1. no user other than local administrators group, system account, and owner accounts have write permission on the file
2. sshd account can only have read permission
3. user represented by pw and file owner should at least have read permission.
3. file owner should at least have read permission.
* Returns 0 on success and -1 on failure
check_secure_file_permission(const char *name, struct passwd * pw)
return 0;
wchar_t * name_utf16 = NULL;
PSID owner_sid = NULL, user_sid = NULL;
PACL dacl = NULL;
@ -80,10 +75,10 @@ check_secure_file_permission(const char *name, struct passwd * pw)
if ((name_utf16 = utf8_to_utf16(name)) == NULL) {
errno = ENOMEM;
goto cleanup;
/*Get the owner sid of the file.*/
/*if ((error_code = GetNamedSecurityInfoW(name_utf16, SE_FILE_OBJECT,
if ((error_code = GetNamedSecurityInfoW(name_utf16, SE_FILE_OBJECT,
&owner_sid, NULL, &dacl, NULL, &pSD)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
debug3("failed to retrieve the owner sid and dacl of file %s with error code: %d", name, error_code);
@ -98,19 +93,18 @@ check_secure_file_permission(const char *name, struct passwd * pw)
if (!IsWellKnownSid(owner_sid, WinBuiltinAdministratorsSid) &&
!IsWellKnownSid(owner_sid, WinLocalSystemSid) &&
!EqualSid(owner_sid, user_sid) &&
!is_admin_account(owner_sid)) {
!EqualSid(owner_sid, user_sid)) {
debug3("Bad owner on %s", name);
ret = -1;
goto cleanup;
iterate all aces of the file to find out if there is voilation of the following rules:
1. no others than administrators group, system account, and current user, owner accounts have write permission on the file
1. no others than administrators group, system account, and owner account have write permission on the file
2. sshd account can only have read permission
3. this user and file owner should at least have read permission
3. file owner should at least have read permission
/*for (DWORD i = 0; i < dacl->AceCount; i++) {
for (DWORD i = 0; i < dacl->AceCount; i++) {
PVOID current_ace = NULL;
PACE_HEADER current_aceHeader = NULL;
PSID current_trustee_sid = NULL;
@ -141,11 +135,6 @@ check_secure_file_permission(const char *name, struct passwd * pw)
ret = -1;
goto cleanup;
else if (EqualSid(current_trustee_sid, user_sid)) {
debug3("Bad permission on %s. The user should at least have read permission.", name);
ret = -1;
goto cleanup;
@ -153,14 +142,12 @@ check_secure_file_permission(const char *name, struct passwd * pw)
// Not interested ACE
/*no need to check administrators group, owner account, user account and system account*/
/*if (IsWellKnownSid(current_trustee_sid, WinBuiltinAdministratorsSid) ||
/*no need to check administrators group, owner account, and system account*/
if (IsWellKnownSid(current_trustee_sid, WinBuiltinAdministratorsSid) ||
IsWellKnownSid(current_trustee_sid, WinLocalSystemSid) ||
EqualSid(current_trustee_sid, owner_sid) ||
EqualSid(current_trustee_sid, user_sid) ||
is_admin_account(current_trustee_sid)) {
EqualSid(current_trustee_sid, owner_sid)) {
else if(is_sshd_account(current_trustee_sid)){
@ -189,7 +176,7 @@ cleanup:
return ret;*/
return ret;
static BOOL
@ -210,145 +197,3 @@ is_sshd_account(PSID user_sid) {
wmemcpy(full_name + domain_name_length + 1, user_name, wcslen(user_name)+1);
return (wcsicmp(full_name, SSHD_ACCOUNT) == 0);
* Check if the user is in local administrators group
* currently only check if the user is directly in the group
* Returns TRUE if the user is in administrators group; otherwise false;
static BOOL
is_admin_account(PSID user_sid)
DWORD entries_read = 0, total_entries = 0, i = 0, name_length = UNCLEN, domain_name_length = DNLEN, sid_size;
LPLOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_1 local_groups_member_info = NULL;
char admins_sid[SECURITY_MAX_SID_SIZE];
wchar_t admins_group_name[UNCLEN], domain_name[DNLEN];
SID_NAME_USE sid_type = SidTypeInvalid;
if (CreateWellKnownSid(WinBuiltinAdministratorsSid, NULL, admins_sid, &sid_size) == FALSE) {
debug3("CreateWellKnownSid failed with error code: %d.", GetLastError());
goto done;
if (LookupAccountSidLocalW(admins_sid, admins_group_name, &name_length,
domain_name, &domain_name_length, &sid_type) == FALSE) {
debug3("LookupAccountSidLocalW() failed with error: %d. ", GetLastError());
errno = ENOENT;
goto done;
status = NetLocalGroupGetMembers(NULL, admins_group_name, 1, (LPBYTE*)&local_groups_member_info,
MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, &entries_read, &total_entries, NULL);
if (status != NERR_Success) {
debug3("NetLocalGroupGetMembers failed with error code: %d.", status);
goto done;
for (i = 0; i < entries_read; i++) {
if (local_groups_member_info[i].lgrmi1_sidusage == SidTypeDeletedAccount)
else if (EqualSid(local_groups_member_info[i].lgrmi1_sid, user_sid)) {
ret = TRUE;
if (local_groups_member_info)
return ret;
* Set the owner of the secure file to the user represented by pw and only grant
* it the full control access
set_secure_file_permission(const char *name, struct passwd * pw)
return 0;
PSID owner_sid = NULL;
PACL dacl = NULL;
wchar_t *name_utf16 = NULL, *sid_utf16 = NULL, sddl[256];
struct passwd * pwd = pw;
BOOL present, defaulted;
int ret = 0;
if (pwd == NULL)
if ((pwd = getpwuid(0)) == NULL)
fatal("getpwuid failed.");
if (ConvertStringSidToSid(pwd->pw_sid, &owner_sid) == FALSE) {
debug3("failed to retrieve the sid of the pwd with error code: %d", GetLastError());
ret = -1;
goto cleanup;
if((IsValidSid(owner_sid) == FALSE)) {
debug3("IsValidSid(owner_sid): FALSE");
ret = -1;
goto cleanup;
if ((sid_utf16 = utf8_to_utf16(pwd->pw_sid)) == NULL) {
debug3("Failed to get utf16 of the sid string");
errno = ENOMEM;
ret = -1;
goto cleanup;
swprintf(sddl, sizeof(sddl) - 1, L"D:P(A;;FA;;;%s)", sid_utf16);
if(ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW(sddl, SDDL_REVISION, &pSD, NULL) == FALSE) {
debug3("ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW failed with error code %d", GetLastError());
ret = -1;
goto cleanup;
if (IsValidSecurityDescriptor(pSD) == FALSE) {
debug3("IsValidSecurityDescriptor return FALSE");
ret = -1;
goto cleanup;
if (GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(pSD, &present, &dacl, &defaulted) == FALSE) {
debug3("GetSecurityDescriptorDacl failed with error code %d", GetLastError());
ret = -1;
goto cleanup;
if (!present || dacl == NULL) {
debug3("failed to find the acl from security descriptior.");
ret = -1;
goto cleanup;
if ((name_utf16 = utf8_to_utf16(name)) == NULL) {
debug3("Failed to get utf16 of the name");
errno = ENOMEM;
ret = -1;
goto cleanup;
/*Set the owner sid and acl of the file.*/
/*if ((error_code = SetNamedSecurityInfoW(name_utf16, SE_FILE_OBJECT,
owner_sid, NULL, dacl, NULL)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
debug3("failed to set the owner sid and dacl of file %s with error code: %d", name, error_code);
errno = EOTHER;
ret = -1;
goto cleanup;
if (pSD)
if (name_utf16)
if (owner_sid)
return ret;*/

View File

@ -387,16 +387,24 @@ w32_pipe(int *pfds)
w32_open(const char *pathname, int flags, ...)
w32_open(const char *pathname, int flags, ... /* arg */)
int min_index = fd_table_get_min_index();
struct w32_io* pio;
va_list valist;
u_short mode = 0;
errno = 0;
if (min_index == -1)
return -1;
if (flags & O_CREAT) {
va_start(valist, flags);
mode = va_arg(valist, u_short);
pio = fileio_open(sanitized_path(pathname), flags, 0);
pio = fileio_open(sanitized_path(pathname), flags, mode);
if (pio == NULL)
return -1;

View File

@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ int fileio_close(struct w32_io* pio);
int fileio_pipe(struct w32_io* pio[2]);
struct w32_io* fileio_afunix_socket();
int fileio_connect(struct w32_io*, char*);
struct w32_io* fileio_open(const char *pathname, int flags, int mode);
struct w32_io* fileio_open(const char *pathname, int flags, u_short mode);
int fileio_read(struct w32_io* pio, void *dst, unsigned int max);
int fileio_write(struct w32_io* pio, const void *buf, unsigned int max);
int fileio_fstat(struct w32_io* pio, struct _stat64 *buf);

View File

@ -1710,9 +1710,9 @@ read_config_file_depth(const char *filename, struct passwd *pw,
if (flags & SSHCONF_CHECKPERM) {
file permissions are designed differently on windows
implementation on windows to make sure the config file is owned by the user and
nobody else except Administrators group and current user of calling process, and SYSTEM account has the write permission
file permissions are designed differently on windows.
implementation on windows to make sure the config file is owned by a user, administrators group, or LOCALSYSTEM account
and nobody else except Administrators group, LOCALSYSTEM, and file owner account has the write permission
if (check_secure_file_permission(filename, pw) != 0)
fatal("Bad owner or permissions on %s", filename);

View File

@ -1,52 +1,39 @@
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\CommonUtils.psm1 -Force
Describe "Tests for authorized_keys file permission" -Tags "Scenario" {
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\CommonUtils.psm1 -Force -DisableNameChecking
$tC = 1
$tI = 0
$suite = "authorized_keys_fileperm"
Describe "Tests for authorized_keys file permission" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
if($OpenSSHTestInfo -eq $null)
Throw "`$OpenSSHTestInfo is null. Please run Setup-OpenSSHTestEnvironment to setup test environment."
$testDir = "$($OpenSSHTestInfo["TestDataPath"])\authorized_keys_fileperm"
$testDir = "$($OpenSSHTestInfo["TestDataPath"])\$suite"
if( -not (Test-path $testDir -PathType Container))
$null = New-Item $testDir -ItemType directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$fileName = "test.txt"
$filePath = Join-Path $testDir $fileName
$logName = "log.txt"
$logPath = Join-Path $testDir $logName
$logName = "sshdlog.txt"
$server = $OpenSSHTestInfo["Target"]
$port = 47003
$ssouser = $OpenSSHTestInfo["SSOUser"]
$PwdUser = $OpenSSHTestInfo["PasswdUser"]
$ssouserProfile = $OpenSSHTestInfo["SSOUserProfile"]
$script:logNum = 0
# for the first time, delete the existing log files.
if ($OpenSSHTestInfo['DebugMode'])
Clear-Content "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\ssh-agent.log" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Remove-Item -Path $filePath -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path $testDir "*$fileName") -Force -ErrorAction ignore
AfterEach {
if( $OpenSSHTestInfo["DebugMode"])
Copy-Item "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\ssh-agent.log" "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\failedagent$script:logNum.log" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Copy-Item $logPath "$($script:logNum)$($logPath)" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Clear-Content $logPath -Force -ErrorAction ignore
# clear the ssh-agent so that next testcase will get fresh logs.
Clear-Content "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\ssh-agent.log" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
AfterEach { $tI++ }
Context "Authorized key file permission" {
BeforeAll {
BeforeAll {
$systemAccount = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("NT AUTHORITY", "SYSTEM")
$adminAccount = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("BUILTIN","Administrators")
$objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($ssouser)
$currentUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($($env:USERDOMAIN), $($env:USERNAME))
$ssouserSSHProfilePath = Join-Path $ssouserProfile .testssh
if(-not (Test-Path $ssouserSSHProfilePath -PathType Container)) {
New-Item $ssouserSSHProfilePath -ItemType directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
@ -54,66 +41,98 @@ Describe "Tests for authorized_keys file permission" -Tags "Scenario" {
$authorizedkeyPath = Join-Path $ssouserProfile .testssh\authorized_keys
$Source = Join-Path $ssouserProfile .ssh\authorized_keys
$testknownhosts = Join-path $PSScriptRoot testdata\test_known_hosts
if(Test-Path $authorizedkeyPath) {
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $authorizedkeyPath
Copy-Item $Source $ssouserSSHProfilePath -Force -ErrorAction Stop
Copy-Item $Source $ssouserSSHProfilePath -Force -ErrorAction Stop
Adjust-UserKeyFileACL -Filepath $authorizedkeyPath -Owner $objUser -OwnerPerms "Read, Write"
Remove-Item $filePath -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
Get-Process -Name sshd | Where-Object {$_.SI -ne 0} | Stop-process
#add wrong password so ssh does not prompt password if failed with authorized keys
Add-PasswordSetting -Pass "WrongPass"
AfterAll {
if(Test-Path $authorizedkeyPath) {
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $authorizedkeyPath
Adjust-UserKeyFileACL -Filepath $authorizedkeyPath -Owner $objUser -OwnerPerms "Read, Write"
Remove-Item $authorizedkeyPath -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
if(Test-Path $ssouserSSHProfilePath) {
Remove-Item $ssouserSSHProfilePath -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
Remove-Item $ssouserSSHProfilePath -Force -ErrorAction Ignore -Recurse
AfterEach {
Remove-Item -Path $filePath -Force -ErrorAction ignore
BeforeEach {
$filePath = Join-Path $testDir "$tC.$tI.$fileName"
$logPath = Join-Path $testDir "$tC.$tI.$logName"
It "$tC.$tI-authorized_keys-positive(Secured file and running process can access to the file)" {
#setup to have ssouser as owner and grant ssouser read and write, admins group, and local system full control
Adjust-UserKeyFileACL -Filepath $authorizedkeyPath -Owner $objUser -OwnerPerms "Read, Write"
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-o `"AuthorizedKeysFile .testssh/authorized_keys`"", "-E $logPath") -NoNewWindow
$o = ssh -p $port $ssouser@$server -o "UserKnownHostsFile $testknownhosts" echo 1234
$o | Should Be "1234"
Get-Process -Name sshd | % { if($_.SI -ne 0) { Start-sleep 1; Stop-Process $_; Start-sleep 1 } }
It 'Authorized key file -- positive (authorized_keys is owned by current user and running process can access to the file)' {
It "$tC.$tI-authorized_keys-positive(authorized_keys is owned by local system and running process can access to the file)" {
#setup to have system as owner and grant it full control
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -Filepath $authorizedkeyPath -Owner $systemAccount -OwnerPerms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $authorizedkeyPath -User $adminAccount -Perms "FullControl"
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-o `"AuthorizedKeysFile .testssh/authorized_keys`"", "-E $logPath") -NoNewWindow
$o = ssh -p $port $ssouser@$server -o "UserKnownHostsFile $testknownhosts" echo 1234
$o | Should Be "1234"
Get-Process -Name sshd | % { if($_.SI -ne 0) { Start-sleep 1; Stop-Process $_; Start-sleep 1 } }
It "$tC.$tI-authorized_keys-positive(authorized_keys is owned by admins group and running process can access to the file)" {
#setup to have admin group as owner and grant it full control
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -Filepath $authorizedkeyPath -Owner $adminAccount -OwnerPerms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $authorizedkeyPath -User $systemAccount -Perms "FullControl"
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-o `"AuthorizedKeysFile .testssh/authorized_keys`"", "-E $logPath") -NoNewWindow
$o = ssh -p $port $ssouser@$server -o "UserKnownHostsFile $testknownhosts" echo 1234
$o | Should Be "1234"
Get-Process -Name sshd | % { if($_.SI -ne 0) { Start-sleep 1; Stop-Process $_; Start-sleep 1 } }
It "$tC.$tI-authorized_keys-negative(authorized_keys is owned by other admin user)" {
#setup to have current user (admin user) as owner and grant it full control
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $authorizedkeyPath
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -Filepath $authorizedkeyPath -Owner $currentUser -OwnerPerms "Read","Write"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $authorizedkeyPath -User $systemAccount -Perms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $authorizedkeyPath -User $adminAccount -Perms "FullControl"
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-o `"AuthorizedKeysFile .testssh/authorized_keys`"", "-E $logPath") -NoNewWindow
$o = ssh -p $port $ssouser@$server -o "UserKnownHostsFile $testknownhosts" echo 1234
$o | Should Be "1234"
ssh -p $port -E $filePath -o "UserKnownHostsFile $testknownhosts" $ssouser@$server echo 1234
$LASTEXITCODE | Should Not Be 0
$matches = Get-Content $filePath | Select-String -pattern "^Permission denied"
$matches.Count | Should BeGreaterThan 2
Get-Process -Name sshd | % { if($_.SI -ne 0) { Start-sleep 1; Stop-Process $_; Start-sleep 1 } }
It 'Authorized key file -- positive (Secured file and sshd can access to the file)' {
#setup to have ssouser as owner and grant it full control
$objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($ssouser)
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $authorizedkeyPath -Owner $objUser
#add running process account Read access the file authorized_keys
$currentUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($($env:USERDOMAIN), $($env:USERNAME))
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $authorizedkeyPath -User $currentUser -Perm "Read"
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-o `"AuthorizedKeysFile .testssh/authorized_keys`"", "-E $logPath") -NoNewWindow
$o = ssh -p $port $ssouser@$server -o "UserKnownHostsFile $testknownhosts" echo 1234
$o | Should Be "1234"
Get-Process -Name sshd | % { if($_.SI -ne 0) { Start-sleep 1; Stop-Process $_; Start-sleep 1 } }
It 'Authorized key file -- negative (other account can access private key file)' {
It "$tC.$tI-authorized_keys-negative(other account can access private key file)" {
#setup to have current user as owner and grant it full control
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $authorizedkeyPath
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -Filepath $authorizedkeyPath -Owner $objUser -OwnerPerms "Read","Write"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $authorizedkeyPath -User $systemAccount -Perms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $authorizedkeyPath -User $adminAccount -Perms "FullControl"
#add $PwdUser to access the file authorized_keys
$objPwdUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($PwdUser)
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $authorizedkeyPath -User $objPwdUser -Perm "Read"
@ -122,44 +141,60 @@ Describe "Tests for authorized_keys file permission" -Tags "Scenario" {
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-o `"AuthorizedKeysFile .testssh/authorized_keys`"", "-E $logPath") -NoNewWindow
ssh -p $port -E $filePath -o "UserKnownHostsFile $testknownhosts" $ssouser@$server echo 1234
$LASTEXITCODE | Should Not Be 0
$matches = Get-Content $filePath | Select-String -pattern "Permission denied"
$matches.Count | Should Not Be 0
$matches = Get-Content $filePath | Select-String -pattern "^Permission denied"
$matches.Count | Should BeGreaterThan 2
Get-Process -Name sshd | % { if($_.SI -ne 0) { Start-sleep 1; Stop-Process $_; Start-sleep 1 } }
It 'Authorized key file -- negative (the authorized_keys has wrong owner)' {
#setup to have ssouser as owner and grant it full control
It "$tC.$tI-authorized_keys-negative(authorized_keys is owned by other non-admin user)" {
#setup to have PwdUser as owner and grant it full control
$objPwdUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($PwdUser)
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $authorizedkeyPath -owner $objPwdUser
#add current user full access the file authorized_keys
$currentUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($($env:USERDOMAIN), $($env:USERNAME))
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $authorizedkeyPath -User $currentUser -Perm "FullControl"
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -Filepath $authorizedkeyPath -owner $objPwdUser -OwnerPerms "Read","Write"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $authorizedkeyPath -User $systemAccount -Perms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $authorizedkeyPath -User $adminAccount -Perms "FullControl"
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-o `"AuthorizedKeysFile .testssh/authorized_keys`"", "-E $logPath") -NoNewWindow
ssh -p $port -E $filePath -o "UserKnownHostsFile $testknownhosts" $ssouser@$server echo 1234
ssh -p $port -E $FilePath -o "UserKnownHostsFile $testknownhosts" $ssouser@$server echo 1234
$LASTEXITCODE | Should Not Be 0
$matches = Get-Content $filePath | Select-String -pattern "Permission denied"
$matches.Count | Should Not Be 0
$matches = Get-Content $filePath | Select-String -pattern "^Permission denied"
$matches.Count | Should BeGreaterThan 2
Get-Process -Name sshd | % { if($_.SI -ne 0) { Start-sleep 1; Stop-Process $_; Start-sleep 1 } }
It 'Authorized key file -- negative (the running process does not have read access to the authorized_keys)' {
#setup to have ssouser as owner and grant it full control
$objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($ssouser)
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $authorizedkeyPath -Owner $objUser
It "$tC.$tI-authorized_keys-negative(the running process does not have read access to the authorized_keys)" {
#setup to have ssouser as owner and grant it full control
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -Filepath $authorizedkeyPath -Owner $objUser -OwnerPerms "Read","Write"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $authorizedkeyPath -User $systemAccount -Perms "FullControl"
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-o `"AuthorizedKeysFile .testssh/authorized_keys`"", "-E $logPath") -NoNewWindow
ssh -p $port -E $filePath -o "UserKnownHostsFile $testknownhosts" $ssouser@$server echo 1234
$LASTEXITCODE | Should Not Be 0
$matches = Get-Content $filePath | Select-String -pattern "Permission denied"
$matches.Count | Should Not Be 0
$matches = Get-Content $filePath | Select-String -pattern "^Permission denied"
$matches.Count | Should BeGreaterThan 2
Get-Process -Name sshd | % { if($_.SI -ne 0) { Start-sleep 1; Stop-Process $_; Start-sleep 1 } }
It "$tC.$tI-authorized_keys-negative(the owner of authorized_keys file is denied to access to it)" {
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -Filepath $authorizedkeyPath -Owner $objUser -OwnerPerms "Read","Write"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $authorizedkeyPath -User $systemAccount -Perms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $authorizedkeyPath -User $adminAccount -Perms "FullControl"
#add rule to denied the owner
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $authorizedkeyPath -User $objUser -Perm "Read" -AccessType Deny
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-o `"AuthorizedKeysFile .testssh/authorized_keys`"", "-E $logPath") -NoNewWindow
ssh -p $port -E $filePath -o "UserKnownHostsFile $testknownhosts" $ssouser@$server echo 1234
$LASTEXITCODE | Should Not Be 0
$matches = Get-Content $filePath | Select-String -pattern "^Permission denied"
$matches.Count | Should BeGreaterThan 2
Get-Process -Name sshd | % { if($_.SI -ne 0) { Start-sleep 1; Stop-Process $_; Start-sleep 1 } }

View File

@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
Describe "Tests for ssh config" -Tags "Scenario" {
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\CommonUtils.psm1 -Force -DisableNameChecking
$tC = 1
$tI = 0
$suite = "authorized_keys_fileperm"
Describe "Tests for ssh config" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
if($OpenSSHTestInfo -eq $null)
@ -9,144 +13,133 @@
$null = New-Item $OpenSSHTestInfo["TestDataPath"] -ItemType directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$testDir = "$($OpenSSHTestInfo["TestDataPath"])\cfginclude"
$null = New-Item $testDir -ItemType directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$fileName = "test.txt"
$filePath = Join-Path $testDir $fileName
$logName = "log.txt"
$logPath = Join-Path $testDir $logName
$testDir = "$($OpenSSHTestInfo["TestDataPath"])\$suite"
if( -not (Test-path $testDir -PathType Container))
$null = New-Item $testDir -ItemType directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$logName = "testlog.txt"
$server = $OpenSSHTestInfo["Target"]
$port = $OpenSSHTestInfo["Port"]
$ssouser = $OpenSSHTestInfo["SSOUser"]
$script:logNum = 0
# for the first time, delete the existing log files.
if ($OpenSSHTestInfo['DebugMode'])
Clear-Content "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\ssh-agent.log" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Clear-Content "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\sshd.log" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path $testDir "*log*.log") -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Remove-Item -Path $filePath -Force -ErrorAction ignore
function Set-SecureFileACL
[System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]$Owner = $null,
[System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule]$ACE = $null
$myACL = Get-ACL -Path $FilePath
$myACL.SetAccessRuleProtection($True, $True)
Set-Acl -Path $FilePath -AclObject $myACL
$myACL = Get-ACL $FilePath
if($owner -ne $null)
$myACL.Access | % {
if (($_ -ne $null) -and ($_.IdentityReference.Value -ine "BUILTIN\Administrators") -and
($_.IdentityReference.Value -ine "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM") -and
($_.IdentityReference.Value -ine "$(whoami)"))
if(-not ($myACL.RemoveAccessRule($_)))
throw "failed to remove access of $($_.IdentityReference.Value) rule in setup "
if($ACE -ne $null)
Set-Acl -Path $FilePath -AclObject $myACL
AfterAll {
Remove-Item -Path $filePath -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path $testDir "*logName") -Force -ErrorAction ignore
AfterEach {
if( $OpenSSHTestInfo["DebugMode"])
Copy-Item "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\ssh-agent.log" "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\failedagent$script:logNum.log" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Copy-Item "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\sshd.log" "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\failedsshd$script:logNum.log" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Copy-Item $logPath "$($script:logNum)$($logPath)" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Clear-Content $logPath -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Copy-Item "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\ssh-agent.log" "$testDir\agentlog$tC.$tI.log" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Copy-Item "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\sshd.log" "$testDir\sshdlog$tC.$tI.log" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
# clear the ssh-agent, sshd logs so that next testcase will get fresh logs.
#Clear the ssh-agent, sshd logs so that next testcase will get fresh logs.
Clear-Content "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\ssh-agent.log" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Clear-Content "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\sshd.log" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Remove-Item -Path $filePath -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Context "User SSHConfig -- ReadConfig" {
Context "$tC-User SSHConfig--ReadConfig" {
BeforeAll {
$systemAccount = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("NT AUTHORITY", "SYSTEM")
$adminAccount = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("BUILTIN","Administrators")
$objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($ssouser)
$currentUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($($env:USERDOMAIN), $($env:USERNAME))
$userConfigFile = Join-Path $home ".ssh\config"
Copy-item "$PSScriptRoot\testdata\ssh_config" $userConfigFile -force
if( -not (Test-path $userConfigFile) ) {
Copy-item "$PSScriptRoot\testdata\ssh_config" $userConfigFile -force
$oldACL = Get-ACL $userConfigFile
BeforeEach {
$logPath = Join-Path $testDir "$tC.$tI.$logName"
AfterEach {
Set-Acl -Path $userConfigFile -AclObject $oldACL
AfterAll {
Remove-Item -Path $userConfigFile -Force -ErrorAction ignore
AfterAll {
It 'User SSHConfig -- ReadConfig (admin user is the owner)' {
It "$tC.$tI-User SSHConfig-ReadConfig positive (current logon user is the owner)" {
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $userConfigFile
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -Filepath $userConfigFile -Owner $currentUser -OwnerPerms "Read","Write"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $userConfigFile -User $systemAccount -Perms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $userConfigFile -User $adminAccount -Perms "FullControl"
$str = "ssh -p $($port) -E $logPath $($Options) $($ssouser)@$($server) hostname > $filePath"
cmd /c $str
#validate file content.
Get-Content $filePath | Should be $env:COMPUTERNAME
#clean up
Set-Acl -Path $userConfigFile -AclObject $oldACL
$o = ssh test_target echo 1234
$o | Should Be "1234"
It 'User SSHConfig -- ReadConfig (wrong owner)' {
It "$tC.$tI-User SSHConfig-ReadConfig positive (local system is the owner)" {
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $userConfigFile -owner $ssouser
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -Filepath $userConfigFile -Owner $systemAccount -OwnerPerms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $userConfigFile -User $adminAccount -Perms "FullControl"
$str = "ssh -p $($port) -E $logPath $($Options) $($ssouser)@$($server) hostname > $filePath"
cmd /c $str
#clean up
$LASTEXITCODE | Should Not Be 0
$o = ssh test_target echo 1234
$o | Should Be "1234"
It 'User SSHConfig -- ReadConfig (wrong permission)' {
$owner = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($($env:USERDOMAIN), $($env:USERNAME))
$objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($ssouser)
$objACE = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule `
($objUser, "Read, Write", "None", "None", "Allow")
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $userConfigFile -owner $owner -Ace $objACE
It "$tC.$tI-User SSHConfig-ReadConfig positive (admin is the owner)" {
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -Filepath $userConfigFile -Owner $adminAccount -OwnerPerms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $userConfigFile -User $systemAccount -Perms "FullControl"
$str = "ssh -p $($port) -E $logPath $($Options) $($ssouser)@$($server) hostname > $filePath"
cmd /c $str
$o = ssh test_target echo 1234
$o | Should Be "1234"
#clean up
$LASTEXITCODE | Should Not Be 0
It "$tC.$tI-User SSHConfig-ReadConfig negative (wrong owner)" {
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -Filepath $userConfigFile -Owner $ssouser -OwnerPerms "Read","Write"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $userConfigFile -User $systemAccount -Perms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $userConfigFile -User $adminAccount -Perms "FullControl"
cmd /c "ssh test_target echo 1234 2> $logPath"
$LASTEXITCODE | Should Not Be 0
Get-Content $logPath | Should Match "^Bad owner or permissions on [a-fA-F]:[/\\]{1,}Users[/\\]{1,}\w+[/\\]{1,}.ssh[/\\]{1,}config$"
It "$tC.$tI-User SSHConfig-ReadConfig negative (others has permission)" {
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -Filepath $userConfigFile -Owner $currentUser -OwnerPerms "Read","Write"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $userConfigFile -User $systemAccount -Perms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $userConfigFile -User $adminAccount -Perms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $userConfigFile -User $objUser -Perms "Read"
cmd /c "ssh test_target echo 1234 2> $logPath"
$LASTEXITCODE | Should Not Be 0
Get-Content $logPath | Should Match "^Bad owner or permissions on [a-fA-F]:[/\\]{1,}Users[/\\]{1,}\w+[/\\]{1,}.ssh[/\\]{1,}config$"
It "$tC.$tI-User SSHConfig-ReadConfig negative (owner is denied Read permission)" {
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -Filepath $userConfigFile -Owner $systemAccount -OwnerPerms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $userConfigFile -User $adminAccount -Perms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $userConfigFile -User $systemAccount -Perms "Read" -AccessType Deny
cmd /c "ssh test_target echo 1234 2> $logPath"
$LASTEXITCODE | Should Not Be 0
Get-Content $logPath | Should Match "^Bad owner or permissions on [a-fA-F]:[/\\]{1,}Users[/\\]{1,}\w+[/\\]{1,}.ssh[/\\]{1,}config$"

View File

@ -31,15 +31,98 @@ function Get-Platform {
function Set-SecureFileACL
user key should be owned by current user account
private key can be accessed only by the file owner, localsystem and Administrators
public user key can be accessed by only file owner, localsystem and Administrators and read by everyone
FilePath - The path to the file
Owner - The file owner
OwnerPerms - The permissions grant to owner
function Adjust-UserKeyFileACL
param (
[System.Security.Principal.NTAccount] $Owner = $null,
[System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights[]] $OwnerPerms = $null
$myACL = Get-ACL $FilePath
$myACL.SetAccessRuleProtection($True, $FALSE)
Set-Acl -Path $FilePath -AclObject $myACL
$systemAccount = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("NT AUTHORITY", "SYSTEM")
$adminAccount = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("BUILTIN","Administrators")
$everyoneAccount = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("EveryOne")
$myACL = Get-ACL $FilePath
$actualOwner = $null
if($Owner -eq $null)
$actualOwner = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($($env:USERDOMAIN), $($env:USERNAME))
$actualOwner = $Owner
$myACL.Access | % {
if(-not ($myACL.RemoveAccessRule($_)))
throw "failed to remove access of $($_.IdentityReference.Value) rule in setup "
$adminACE = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule `
($adminAccount, "FullControl", "None", "None", "Allow")
$systemACE = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule `
($systemAccount, "FullControl", "None", "None", "Allow")
if(-not ($actualOwner.Equals($adminAccount)) -and (-not $actualOwner.Equals($systemAccount)) -and $OwnerPerms)
$OwnerPerms | % {
$ownerACE = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule `
($actualOwner, $_, "None", "None", "Allow")
$everyoneAce = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule `
("Everyone", "Read", "None", "None", "Allow")
Set-Acl -Path $FilePath -AclObject $myACL
function Set-FileOwnerAndACL
[System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]$Owner = $null
[System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]$Owner = $null,
[System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights[]] $OwnerPerms = @("Read", "Write")
$myACL = Get-ACL -Path $FilePath
$myACL.SetAccessRuleProtection($True, $True)
$myACL.SetAccessRuleProtection($True, $FALSE)
Set-Acl -Path $FilePath -AclObject $myACL
$myACL = Get-ACL $FilePath
@ -65,9 +148,14 @@ function Set-SecureFileACL
$objACE = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule `
($actualOwner, "FullControl", "None", "None", "Allow")
$OwnerPerms | % {
$ownerACE = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule `
($actualOwner, $_, "None", "None", "Allow")
Set-Acl -Path $FilePath -AclObject $myACL
@ -75,18 +163,25 @@ function Set-SecureFileACL
function Add-PermissionToFileACL
[System.Security.Principal.NTAccount] $User,
[System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType] $AccessType = "Allow"
$myACL = Get-ACL $filePath
$objACE = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule `
($User, $perm, "None", "None", "Allow")
$myACL = Get-ACL $FilePath
Set-Acl -Path $filePath -AclObject $myACL
$Perms | % {
$userACE = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule `
($User, $_, "None", "None", $AccessType)
Set-Acl -Path $FilePath -AclObject $myACL
function Add-PasswordSetting

View File

@ -1,147 +1,164 @@
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\CommonUtils.psm1 -Force
Describe "Tests for host keys file permission" -Tags "Scenario" {
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\CommonUtils.psm1 -Force -DisableNameChecking
$tC = 1
$tI = 0
$suite = "hostkey_fileperm"
Describe "Tests for host keys file permission" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
if($OpenSSHTestInfo -eq $null)
Throw "`$OpenSSHTestInfo is null. Please run Setup-OpenSSHTestEnvironment to setup test environment."
$testDir = "$($OpenSSHTestInfo["TestDataPath"])\hostkey_fileperm"
$testDir = "$($OpenSSHTestInfo["TestDataPath"])\$suite"
if( -not (Test-path $testDir -PathType Container))
$null = New-Item $testDir -ItemType directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$fileName = "test.txt"
$filePath = Join-Path $testDir $fileName
$logName = "log.txt"
$logPath = Join-Path $testDir $logName
$logName = "sshdlog.txt"
$port = 47003
$ssouser = $OpenSSHTestInfo["SSOUser"]
$script:logNum = 0
# for the first time, delete the existing log files.
if ($OpenSSHTestInfo['DebugMode'])
Clear-Content "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\ssh-agent.log" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Remove-Item -Path $filePath -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path $testDir "*$logName") -Force -ErrorAction ignore
AfterEach {
if( $OpenSSHTestInfo["DebugMode"])
Copy-Item "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\ssh-agent.log" "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\failedagent$script:logNum.log" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Copy-Item $logPath "$($script:logNum)$($logPath)" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Clear-Content $logPath -Force -ErrorAction ignore
# clear the ssh-agent so that next testcase will get fresh logs.
Clear-Content "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\ssh-agent.log" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Remove-Item -Path $filePath -Force -ErrorAction ignore
AfterEach { $tI++ }
Context "Host key files permission" {
Context "$tC - Host key files permission" {
BeforeAll {
$hostKeyFilePath = "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\hostkeyFilePermTest_ed25519_key"
if(Test-path $hostKeyFilePath -PathType Leaf){
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $hostKeyFilePath
$systemAccount = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("NT AUTHORITY", "SYSTEM")
$adminAccount = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("BUILTIN","Administrators")
$objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($ssouser)
$currentUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($($env:USERDOMAIN), $($env:USERNAME))
$everyone = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("EveryOne")
$hostKeyFilePath = join-path $testDir hostkeyFilePermTest_ed25519_key
if(Test-path $hostKeyFilePath -PathType Leaf) {
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -filepath $hostKeyFilePath
if(Test-path "$" -PathType Leaf){
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath "$"
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -filepath "$"
Remove-Item -path "$hostKeyFilePath*" -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
ssh-keygen.exe -t ed25519 -f $hostKeyFilePath -P `"`"
Remove-Item $filePath -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
ssh-keygen.exe -t ed25519 -f $hostKeyFilePath -P `"`"
Get-Process -Name sshd | Where-Object {$_.SI -ne 0} | Stop-process
AfterEach {
Remove-Item -Path $filePath -Force -ErrorAction ignore
BeforeEach {
$logPath = Join-Path $testDir "$tC.$tI.$logName"
AfterAll {
if(Test-path $hostKeyFilePath -PathType Leaf){
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $hostKeyFilePath
Adjust-UserKeyFileACL -Filepath $hostKeyFilePath -Owner $systemAccount
if(Test-path "$" -PathType Leaf){
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath "$"
Adjust-UserKeyFileACL -Filepath "$" -Owner $systemAccount
It 'Host keys -- positive (Secured private key and sshd can access to public key file)' {
#setup to have current user as owner and grant it full control
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $hostKeyFilePath
#grant sshd Read permission to public key
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath "$" -User "NT Service\sshd" -Perm "Read"
It "$tC.$tI-Host keys-positive (both public and private keys are owned by admin groups and running process can access to public key file)" {
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -Filepath $hostKeyFilePath -Owner $adminAccount -OwnerPerms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $hostKeyFilePath -User $systemAccount -Perms "FullControl"
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -Filepath "$" -Owner $adminAccount -OwnerPerms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath "$" -User $systemAccount -Perms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath "$" -User $everyOne -Perms "Read"
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-h $hostKeyFilePath", "-E $filePath") -NoNewWindow
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-h $hostKeyFilePath", "-E $logPath") -NoNewWindow
Get-Process -Name sshd | % { if($_.SI -ne 0) { Start-sleep 1; Stop-Process $_; Start-sleep 1 } }
#validate file content does not contain unprotected.
$matches = Get-Content $filePath | Select-String -pattern "UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!"
$matches.Count | Should Be 0
#validate file content does not contain unprotected info.
$logPath | Should Not Contain "UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!"
It 'Host keys -- negative (other account can access private key file)' {
#setup to have current user as owner and grant it full control
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $hostKeyFilePath
#add ssouser to access the private key
$objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($ssouser)
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $hostKeyFilePath -User $objUser -Perm "Read"
#grant sshd Read permission to the public key
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath "$" -User "NT Service\sshd" -Perm "Read"
It "$tC.$tI-Host keys-positive (both public and private keys are owned by system and running process can access to public key file)" {
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -Filepath $hostKeyFilePath -Owner $systemAccount -OwnerPerms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $hostKeyFilePath -User $adminAccount -Perms "Read"
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -Filepath "$" -Owner $systemAccount -OwnerPerms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath "$" -User $adminAccount -Perms "Read"
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-h $hostKeyFilePath", "-E $filePath") -NoNewWindow
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-h $hostKeyFilePath", "-E $logPath") -NoNewWindow
Get-Process -Name sshd | % { if($_.SI -ne 0) { Start-sleep 1; Stop-Process $_; Start-sleep 1 } }
#validate file content does not contain unprotected.
$matches = Get-Content $filePath | Select-String -pattern "key_load_private: bad permissions"
$matches.Count | Should Be 1
#validate file content does not contain unprotected info.
$logPath | Should Not Contain "UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!"
It 'Host keys -- negative (the private key has wrong owner)' {
It "$tC.$tI-Host keys-negative (other account can access private key file)" {
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -Filepath $hostKeyFilePath -Owner $systemAccount -OwnerPerms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $hostKeyFilePath -User $adminAccount -Perms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $hostKeyFilePath -User $objUser -Perms "Read"
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -Filepath "$" -Owner $adminAccount -OwnerPerms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath "$" -User $systemAccount -Perms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath "$" -User $everyOne -Perms "Read"
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-h $hostKeyFilePath", "-E $logPath") -NoNewWindow
Get-Process -Name sshd | % { if($_.SI -ne 0) { Start-sleep 1; Stop-Process $_; Start-sleep 1 } }
#validate file content contains unprotected info.
$logPath | Should Contain "key_load_private: bad permissions"
It "$tC.$tI-Host keys-negative (the private key has wrong owner)" {
#setup to have ssouser as owner and grant it full control
$objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($ssouser)
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $hostKeyFilePath -owner $objUser
$currentUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($($env:USERDOMAIN), $($env:USERNAME))
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $hostKeyFilePath -User $currentUser -Perm "FullControl"
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -FilePath $hostKeyFilePath -Owner $objUser -OwnerPerms "Read","Write"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $hostKeyFilePath -User $adminAccount -Perms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $hostKeyFilePath -User $systemAccount -Perms "FullControl"
#grant sshd Read permission to the public key
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath "$" -User "NT Service\sshd" -Perm "Read"
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -Filepath "$" -Owner $adminAccount -OwnerPerms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath "$" -User $systemAccount -Perms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath "$" -User $everyOne -Perms "Read"
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-h $hostKeyFilePath", "-E $filePath") -NoNewWindow
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-h $hostKeyFilePath", "-E $logPath") -NoNewWindow
Get-Process -Name sshd | % { if($_.SI -ne 0) { Start-sleep 1; Stop-Process $_; Start-sleep 1 } }
#validate file content does not contain unprotected.
$matches = Get-Content $filePath | Select-String -pattern "key_load_private: bad permissions"
$matches.Count | Should Be 1
#validate file content contains unprotected info.
$logPath | Should Contain "key_load_private: bad permissions"
It 'Host keys -- negative (the running process does not have read access to pub key)' {
It "$tC.$tI-Host keys-negative (the running process does not have read access to public key)" {
#setup to have ssouser as owner and grant it full control
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $hostKeyFilePath
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -FilePath $hostKeyFilePath -Owner $systemAccount -OwnerPerms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $hostKeyFilePath -User $adminAccount -Perms "Read"
$objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($ssouser)
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath "$" -owner $objUser
#grant current user Read permission to public key
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath "$" -User $objUser -Perm "Read"
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -Filepath "$" -Owner $systemAccount -OwnerPerms "FullControl"
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-h $hostKeyFilePath", "-E $filePath") -NoNewWindow
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-h $hostKeyFilePath", "-E $logPath") -NoNewWindow
Get-Process -Name sshd | % { if($_.SI -ne 0) { Start-sleep 1; Stop-Process $_; Start-sleep 1 } }
#validate file content contains unprotected info.
$logPath | Should Contain "key_load_public: Permission denied"
It "$tC.$tI-Host keys-negative (the owner of private host key is denied Read access to private key)" {
#setup to have ssouser as owner and grant it full control
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -FilePath $hostKeyFilePath -Owner $systemAccount -OwnerPerms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $hostKeyFilePath -User $adminAccount -Perms "FullControl"
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -Filepath "$" -Owner $systemAccount -OwnerPerms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath "$" -User $adminAccount -Perms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath "$" -User $everyOne -Perms "Read"
#add rule to denied the owner
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $hostKeyFilePath -User $systemAccount -Perms "Read" -AccessType Deny
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-h $hostKeyFilePath", "-E $logPath") -NoNewWindow
Get-Process -Name sshd | % { if($_.SI -ne 0) { Start-sleep 1; Stop-Process $_; Start-sleep 1 } }
#validate file content does not contain unprotected.
$matches = Get-Content $filePath | Select-String -pattern "key_load_public: Permission denied"
$matches.Count | Should Be 1
$logPath | Should Contain "key_load_private: bad permissions"

View File

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
$tC = 1
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\CommonUtils.psm1 -Force -DisableNameChecking
$tC = 1
$tI = 0
$suite = "keyutils"
Describe "E2E scenarios for ssh key management" -Tags "Scenario" {
BeforeAll {
Describe "E2E scenarios for ssh key management" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
if($OpenSSHTestInfo -eq $null)
Throw "`$OpenSSHTestInfo is null. Please run Setup-OpenSSHTestEnvironment to setup test environment."
@ -16,23 +17,60 @@ Describe "E2E scenarios for ssh key management" -Tags "Scenario" {
$keypassphrase = "testpassword"
$keytypes = @("rsa","dsa","ecdsa","ed25519")
#only validate owner and ACE of the file
function ValidKeyFile {
$keytypes = @("rsa","dsa","ecdsa","ed25519")
$ssouser = $OpenSSHTestInfo["SSOUser"]
$currentUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($($env:USERDOMAIN), $($env:USERNAME))
$myACL = Get-ACL $Path
$systemAccount = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("NT AUTHORITY", "SYSTEM")
$adminsAccount = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("BUILTIN","Administrators")
$currentUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($($env:USERDOMAIN), $($env:USERNAME))
$everyone = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("EveryOne")
$objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($ssouser)
#only validate owner and ACEs of the file
function ValidateKeyFile {
$myACL = Get-ACL $FilePath
$myACL.Owner.Equals($currentUser.Value) | Should Be $true
$myACL.Access | Should Not Be $null
$myACL.Access.Count | Should Be 1
if($FilePath.EndsWith(".pub")) {
$myACL.Access.Count | Should Be 4
$identities = @($systemAccount.Value, $adminsAccount.Value, $currentUser.Value, $everyone.Value)
else {
$myACL.Access.Count | Should Be 3
$identities = @($systemAccount.Value, $adminsAccount.Value, $currentUser.Value)
foreach ($a in $myACL.Access) {
$a.IdentityReference.Value -in $identities | Should Be $true
switch ($a.IdentityReference.Value)
{$_ -in @($systemAccount.Value, $adminsAccount.Value)}
$a.FileSystemRights | Should Be "FullControl"
$a.FileSystemRights | Should Be "Write, Read, Synchronize"
$a.FileSystemRights | Should Be "Read, Synchronize"
$myACL.Access[0].IdentityReference.Equals($currentUser) | Should Be $true
$myACL.Access[0].AccessControlType | Should Be ([System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]::Allow)
$myACL.Access[0].FileSystemRights | Should Be ([System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]::FullControl)
$myACL.Access[0].IsInherited | Should Be $false
$myACL.Access[0].InheritanceFlags | Should Be ([System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::None)
$myACL.Access[0].PropagationFlags | Should Be ([System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]::None)
$a.AccessControlType | Should Be ([System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]::Allow)
$a.IsInherited | Should Be $false
$a.InheritanceFlags | Should Be ([System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::None)
$a.PropagationFlags | Should Be ([System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]::None)
@ -44,41 +82,40 @@ Describe "E2E scenarios for ssh key management" -Tags "Scenario" {
AfterEach {$tI++;}
Context "$tC - ssh-keygen all key types" {
Context "$tC -ssh-keygen all key types" {
BeforeAll {$tI=1}
It "$tC.$tI - Keygen -A" {
$cd = (pwd).Path
cd $testDir
Push-Location $testDir
remove-item ssh_host_*_key* -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
ssh-keygen -A
Get-ChildItem ssh_host_*_key | % {
ValidKeyFile -Path $_.FullName
Get-ChildItem (join-path $testDir ssh_host_*_key) | % {
ValidateKeyFile -FilePath $_.FullName
Get-ChildItem ssh_host_* | % {
ValidKeyFile -Path $_.FullName
cd $cd
Get-ChildItem (join-path $testDir ssh_host_* | % {
ValidateKeyFile -FilePath $_.FullName
It "$tC.$tI - Keygen -t -f" {
foreach($type in $keytypes)
$keyPath = Join-Path $testDir "id_$type"
remove-item $keyPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
remove-item $keyPath -ErrorAction ignore
ssh-keygen -t $type -P $keypassphrase -f $keyPath
ValidKeyFile -Path $keyPath
ValidKeyFile -Path "$"
ValidateKeyFile -FilePath $keyPath
ValidateKeyFile -FilePath "$"
# This uses keys generated in above context
Context "$tC - ssh-add test cases" {
Context "$tC -ssh-add test cases" {
BeforeAll {$tI=1}
@ -110,8 +147,7 @@ Describe "E2E scenarios for ssh key management" -Tags "Scenario" {
It "$tC.$tI - ssh-add - add and remove all key types" {
if (-not($env:DISPLAY)) { $env:DISPLAY = 1 }
$env:SSH_ASKPASS="$($env:ComSpec) /c echo $($keypassphrase)"
Add-PasswordSetting -Pass $keypassphrase
$nullFile = join-path $testDir ("$tC.$tI.nullfile")
$null > $nullFile
@ -124,8 +160,7 @@ Describe "E2E scenarios for ssh key management" -Tags "Scenario" {
if ($env:DISPLAY -eq 1) { Remove-Item env:\DISPLAY }
remove-item "env:SSH_ASKPASS" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#ensure added keys are listed
$allkeys = ssh-add -L
@ -135,7 +170,7 @@ Describe "E2E scenarios for ssh key management" -Tags "Scenario" {
$keyPath = Join-Path $testDir "id_$type"
$pubkeyraw = ((Get-Content "$").Split(' '))[1]
($allkeys | foreach {$_.Contains($pubkeyraw)}).Contains($true) | Should Be $true
($allkeys | where { $_.contains($pubkeyraw) }).count | Should Be 1
#delete added keys
@ -153,43 +188,157 @@ Describe "E2E scenarios for ssh key management" -Tags "Scenario" {
$keyPath = Join-Path $testDir "id_$type"
$pubkeyraw = ((Get-Content "$").Split(' '))[1]
if ($allkeys.Count -eq 1) {
$allkeys.Contains($pubkeyraw) | Should Be $false
else {
($allkeys | foreach {$_.Contains($pubkeyraw)}).Contains($true) | Should Be $false
($allkeys | where { $_.contains($pubkeyraw) }).count | Should Be 0
Context "$tC-ssh-add key files with different file perms" {
BeforeAll {
$keyFileName = "sshadd_userPermTestkey_ed25519"
$keyFilePath = Join-Path $testDir $keyFileName
Remove-Item -path "$keyFilePath*" -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
ssh-keygen.exe -t ed25519 -f $keyFilePath -P $keypassphrase
Add-PasswordSetting -Pass $keypassphrase
BeforeEach {
$nullFile = join-path $testDir ("$tC.$tI.nullfile")
$null > $nullFile
AfterEach {
if(Test-Path $keyFilePath) {
Adjust-UserKeyFileACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -Owner $currentUser -OwnerPerms "Read, Write"
AfterAll {
It "$tC.$tI- ssh-add - positive (Secured private key owned by current user)" {
#setup to have current user as owner and grant it full control
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -Owner $currentUser -OwnerPerms "FullControl"
# for ssh-add to consume SSh_ASKPASS, stdin should not be TTY
cmd /c "ssh-add $keyFilePath < $nullFile 2> nul"
$allkeys = ssh-add -L
$pubkeyraw = ((Get-Content "$").Split(' '))[1]
($allkeys | where { $_.contains($pubkeyraw) }).count | Should Be 1
#clean up
cmd /c "ssh-add -d $keyFilePath 2> nul "
It "$tC.$tI - ssh-add - positive (Secured private key owned by Administrators group)" {
#setup to have local admin group as owner and grant it full control
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -Owner $adminsAccount -OwnerPerms "FullControl"
# for ssh-add to consume SSh_ASKPASS, stdin should not be TTY
cmd /c "ssh-add $keyFilePath < $nullFile 2> nul "
$allkeys = ssh-add -L
$pubkeyraw = ((Get-Content "$").Split(' '))[1]
($allkeys | where { $_.contains($pubkeyraw) }).count | Should Be 1
#clean up
cmd /c "ssh-add -d $keyFilePath 2> nul "
It "$tC.$tI - ssh-add - positive (Secured private key owned by local system group)" {
#setup to have local admin group as owner and grant it full control
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -Owner $systemAccount -OwnerPerms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -User $adminsAccount -Perm "FullControl"
# for ssh-add to consume SSh_ASKPASS, stdin should not be TTY
cmd /c "ssh-add $keyFilePath < $nullFile 2> nul "
$allkeys = ssh-add -L
$pubkeyraw = ((Get-Content "$").Split(' '))[1]
($allkeys | where { $_.contains($pubkeyraw) }).count | Should Be 1
#clean up
cmd /c "ssh-add -d $keyFilePath 2> nul "
It "$tC.$tI- ssh-add - negative (other account can access private key file)" {
#setup to have current user as owner and grant it full control
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -Owner $currentUser -OwnerPerms "FullControl"
#add ssouser to access the private key
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -User $objUser -Perm "Read"
cmd /c "ssh-add $keyFilePath < $nullFile 2> nul "
$LASTEXITCODE | Should Not Be 0
$allkeys = ssh-add -L
$pubkeyraw = ((Get-Content "$").Split(' '))[1]
($allkeys | where { $_.contains($pubkeyraw) }).count | Should Be 0
It "$tC.$tI - ssh-add - negative (the private key has wrong owner)" {
#setup to have ssouser as owner and grant it full control
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -owner $objUser -OwnerPerms "Read, Write"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -User $adminsAccount -Perm "FullControl"
cmd /c "ssh-add $keyFilePath < $nullFile 2> nul "
$LASTEXITCODE | Should Not Be 0
$allkeys = ssh-add -L
$pubkeyraw = ((Get-Content "$").Split(' '))[1]
($allkeys | where { $_.contains($pubkeyraw) }).count | Should Be 0
It "$tC.$tI - ssh-add- negative (the owner is denied Read perm on private key)" {
#setup to have local ssytem account as owner and grant it full control
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -owner $systemAccount -OwnerPerms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -User $adminsAccount -Perm "FullControl"
#deny owner
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -User $systemAccount -Perm "Read, Write" -AccessType Deny
cmd /c "ssh-add $keyFilePath < $nullFile 2> nul "
$LASTEXITCODE | Should Not Be 0
$allkeys = ssh-add -L
$pubkeyraw = ((Get-Content "$").Split(' '))[1]
($allkeys | where { $_.contains($pubkeyraw) }).count | Should Be 0
Context "$tC - ssh-keyscan test cases" {
BeforeAll {$tI=1}
BeforeAll {
Remove-item (join-path $testDir "$tC.$tI.out.txt") -force -ErrorAction Ignore
BeforeEach {
$outputFile = join-path $testDir "$tC.$tI.out.txt"
It "$tC.$tI - ssh-keyscan with default arguments" {
iex "ssh-keyscan -p 22 2>&1 > out.txt"
'out.txt' | Should Contain ' ssh-rsa.*'
cmd /c "ssh-keyscan -p 22 2>&1 > $outputFile"
$outputFile | Should Contain ' ssh-rsa.*'
It "$tC.$tI - ssh-keyscan with -p" {
iex "ssh-keyscan -p 22 2>&1 > out.txt"
'out.txt' | Should Contain ' ssh-rsa.*'
cmd /c "ssh-keyscan -p 22 2>&1 > $outputFile"
$outputFile | Should Contain ' ssh-rsa.*'
It "$tC.$tI - ssh-keyscan with -f" {
Set-Content -Path tmp.txt -Value ""
iex "ssh-keyscan -f tmp.txt 2>&1 > out.txt"
'out.txt' | Should Contain ' ssh-rsa.*'
cmd /c "ssh-keyscan -f tmp.txt 2>&1 > $outputFile"
$outputFile | Should Contain ' ssh-rsa.*'
It "$tC.$tI - ssh-keyscan with -f -t" {
Set-Content -Path tmp.txt -Value ""
iex "ssh-keyscan -f tmp.txt -t rsa,dsa 2>&1 > out.txt"
'out.txt' | Should Contain ' ssh-rsa.*'
cmd /c "ssh-keyscan -f tmp.txt -t rsa,dsa 2>&1 > $outputFile"
$outputFile | Should Contain ' ssh-rsa.*'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
$tC = 1
$tI = 0
$suite = "log_fileperm"
Describe "Tests for log file permission" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
if($OpenSSHTestInfo -eq $null)
Throw "`$OpenSSHTestInfo is null. Please run Setup-OpenSSHTestEnvironment to setup test environment."
$testDir = "$($OpenSSHTestInfo["TestDataPath"])\$suite"
if( -not (Test-path $testDir -PathType Container))
$null = New-Item $testDir -ItemType directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$port = 47003
$logName = "log.txt"
$systemAccount = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("NT AUTHORITY", "SYSTEM")
$adminsAccount = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("BUILTIN","Administrators")
$currentUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($($env:USERDOMAIN), $($env:USERNAME))
Remove-Item (Join-Path $testDir "*$logName") -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
#only validate owner and ACEs of the file
function ValiLogFilePerm {
$myACL = Get-ACL $FilePath
$myACL.Owner.Equals($currentUser.Value) | Should Be $true
$myACL.Access | Should Not Be $null
$myACL.Access.Count | Should Be 3
$identities = @($systemAccount.Value, $adminsAccount.Value, $currentUser.Value)
foreach ($a in $myACL.Access) {
$a.IdentityReference.Value -in $identities | Should Be $true
switch ($a.IdentityReference.Value)
{$_ -in @($systemAccount.Value, $adminsAccount.Value)}
$a.FileSystemRights | Should Be "FullControl"
$a.FileSystemRights | Should Be "Write, Read, Synchronize"
$a.AccessControlType | Should Be ([System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]::Allow)
$a.IsInherited | Should Be $false
$a.InheritanceFlags | Should Be ([System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::None)
$a.PropagationFlags | Should Be ([System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]::None)
BeforeEach {
$logPath = Join-Path $testDir "$tC.$tI.$logName"
AfterEach {$tI++;}
Context "$tC-SSHD -E Log file permission" {
BeforeAll {
Get-Process -Name sshd | Where-Object {$_.SI -ne 0} | Stop-process
AfterAll {
It "$tC.$tI-SSHD -E Log file permission" {
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-E $logPath") -NoNewWindow
Start-sleep 1;
ValiLogFilePerm -FilePath $logPath
Get-Process -Name sshd | % { if($_.SI -ne 0) { Stop-Process $_; Start-sleep 1 } }

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
Describe "SFTP Test Cases" -Tags "CI" {
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\CommonUtils.psm1 -Force -DisableNameChecking
Describe "SFTP Test Cases" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
if($OpenSSHTestInfo -eq $null)
@ -9,9 +10,6 @@
$outputFileName = "output.txt"
$batchFileName = "sftp-batchcmds.txt"
$outputFilePath = Join-Path $rootDirectory $outputFileName
$batchFilePath = Join-Path $rootDirectory $batchFileName
$tempFileName = "tempFile.txt"
$tempFilePath = Join-Path $rootDirectory $tempFileName
@ -23,8 +21,6 @@
$null = New-Item $clientDirectory -ItemType directory -Force
$null = New-Item $serverDirectory -ItemType directory -Force
$null = New-Item $batchFilePath -ItemType file -Force
$null = New-Item $outputFilePath -ItemType file -Force
$null = New-Item $tempFilePath -ItemType file -Force -value "temp file data"
$null = New-Item $tempUnicodeFilePath -ItemType file -Force -value "temp file data"
@ -33,6 +29,9 @@
$ssouser = $OpenSSHTestInfo["SSOUser"]
$script:testId = 1
Remove-item (Join-Path $rootDirectory "*.$outputFileName") -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
Remove-item (Join-Path $rootDirectory "*.$batchFileName") -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$testData1 = @(
title = "put, ls for non-unicode file names"
@ -175,8 +174,6 @@
Copy-Item "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\sshd.log" "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\sshd_$script:testId.log" -Force
Copy-Item "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\sftp-server.log" "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\sftp-server_$script:testId.log" -Force
# clear the ssh-agent, sshd logs so that next testcase will get fresh logs.
Clear-Content "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\ssh-agent.log" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Clear-Content "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\sshd.log" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
@ -186,22 +183,21 @@
AfterAll {
Get-Item $rootDirectory | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Get-ChildItem $serverDirectory | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Get-ChildItem $clientDirectory | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
BeforeEach {
Get-ChildItem $serverDirectory | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Get-ChildItem $clientDirectory | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item $batchFilePath
Remove-Item $outputFilePath
Get-ChildItem $clientDirectory | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$outputFilePath = Join-Path $rootDirectory "$($script:testId).$outputFileName"
$batchFilePath = Join-Path $rootDirectory "$($script:testId).$batchFileName"
AfterEach {
It '<Title>' -TestCases:$testData1 {
param([string]$Title, $Options, $Commands, $ExpectedOutput)
@ -265,4 +261,32 @@
iex $str
Test-Path $tmpDirectoryPath2 | Should be $false
It "$script:testId-ls lists items the user has no read permission" {
$permTestHasAccessFile = "permTestHasAccessFile.txt"
$permTestHasAccessFilePath = Join-Path $serverDirectory $permTestHasAccessFile
Remove-Item $permTestHasAccessFilePath -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
New-Item $permTestHasAccessFilePath -ItemType file -Force -value "perm test has access file data" | Out-Null
$permTestNoAccessFile = "permTestNoAccessFile.txt"
$permTestNoAccessFilePath = Join-Path $serverDirectory $permTestNoAccessFile
Remove-Item $permTestNoAccessFilePath -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
New-Item $permTestNoAccessFilePath -ItemType file -Force -value "perm test no access file data" | Out-Null
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -Filepath $permTestNoAccessFilePath -OwnerPerms "Read","Write"
$Commands = "ls $serverDirectory"
Set-Content $batchFilePath -Encoding UTF8 -value $Commands
$str = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString("sftp -b $batchFilePath test_target > $outputFilePath")
iex $str
$content = Get-Content $outputFilePath
$HasAccessPattern = $permTestHasAccessFilePath.Replace("\", "[/\\]")
$matches = $content | select-string -Pattern "^/$HasAccessPattern\s{0,}$"
$matches.count | Should be 1
$NoAccessPattern = $permTestNoAccessFilePath.Replace("\", "[/\\]")
$matches = $content | select-string -Pattern "^/$NoAccessPattern\s{0,}$"
$matches.count | Should be 1

View File

@ -1,185 +1,139 @@
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\CommonUtils.psm1 -Force
Describe "Tests for user Key file permission" -Tags "Scenario" {
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\CommonUtils.psm1 -Force -DisableNameChecking
$tC = 1
$tI = 0
$suite = "userkey_fileperm"
Describe "Tests for user Key file permission" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
if($OpenSSHTestInfo -eq $null)
Throw "`$OpenSSHTestInfo is null. Please run Setup-OpenSSHTestEnvironment to setup test environment."
$testDir = "$($OpenSSHTestInfo["TestDataPath"])\usertkey_fileperm"
$testDir = "$($OpenSSHTestInfo["TestDataPath"])\$suite"
if( -not (Test-path $testDir -PathType Container))
$null = New-Item $testDir -ItemType directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$fileName = "test.txt"
$filePath = Join-Path $testDir $fileName
$logName = "log.txt"
$port = $OpenSSHTestInfo["Port"]
$ssouser = $OpenSSHTestInfo["SSOUser"]
$pubKeyUser = $OpenSSHTestInfo["PubKeyUser"]
$pubKeyUserProfile = $OpenSSHTestInfo["PubKeyUserProfile"]
$server = $OpenSSHTestInfo["Target"]
$keyFileName = "sshtest_userPermTestkey_ed25519"
$keyFilePath = Join-Path $testDir $keyFileName
Remove-Item -path "$keyFilePath*" -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
ssh-keygen.exe -t ed25519 -f $keyFilePath -P `"`"
$userName = "$env:USERNAME@$env:USERDOMAIN"
if(Test-Path $keyFilePath) {
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $keyFilePath
#add wrong password so ssh does not prompt password if failed with authorized keys
Add-PasswordSetting -Pass "WrongPass"
$keypassphrase = "testpassword"
$systemAccount = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("NT AUTHORITY", "SYSTEM")
$adminsAccount = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("BUILTIN","Administrators")
$objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($ssouser)
$pubKeyUserAccount = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($pubKeyUser)
$currentUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($($env:USERDOMAIN), $($env:USERNAME))
$everyone = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("EveryOne")
Add-PasswordSetting -Pass $keypassphrase
AfterAll {
BeforeEach {
$logPath = Join-Path $testDir "$tC.$tI.$logName"
<# comment the test out since ssh-add have impact on
existing default test environment.
Context "ssh-add key files" {
BeforeEach {
ssh-add -D 2>&1 > $fileName
AfterEach {$tI++;}
AfterEach {
ssh-add -D 2>&1 > $fileName
if(Test-Path $keyFilePath) {
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $keyFilePath
Context "$tC-ssh with private key file" {
BeforeAll {
$keyFileName = "sshtest_userPermTestkey_ed25519"
$keyFilePath = Join-Path $testDir $keyFileName
Remove-Item -path "$keyFilePath*" -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
ssh-keygen.exe -t ed25519 -f $keyFilePath -P $keypassphrase
It 'ssh-add positive (Secured private key owned by current user)' {
#setup to have current user as owner and grant it full control
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $keyFilePath
ssh-add $keyFilePath 2>&1 > $fileName
$o = ssh-add -l
$matches = $o | Select-String -pattern "no identities"
$matches.Count | Should Be 0
$matches = $o | Select-String -pattern $userName
$matches.Count | Should Be 1
It 'ssh-add positive (Secured private key owned by Administrators group)' {
#setup to have local admin group as owner and grant it full control
$objAdmin = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("BUILTIN", "Administrators")
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $keyFilePath -Owner $objAdmin
ssh-add $keyFilePath 2>&1 > $fileName
$o = ssh-add -l
$matches = $o | Select-String -pattern "no identities"
$matches.Count | Should Be 0
$matches = $o | Select-String -pattern $userName
$matches.Count | Should Be 1
It 'ssh-add -- negative (other account can access private key file)' {
#setup to have current user as owner and grant it full control
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $keyFilePath
#add ssouser to access the private key
$objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($ssouser)
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -User $objUser -Perm "Read"
ssh-add $keyFilePath 2>&1 > $fileName
$LASTEXITCODE | Should Not Be 0
$o = ssh-add -l
$matches = $o | Select-String -pattern "no identities"
$matches.Count | Should Be 1
It 'ssh-add -- negative (the private key has wrong owner)' {
#setup to have ssouser as owner and grant it full control
$objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($ssouser)
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $keyFilePath -owner $objUser
$currentUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($($env:USERDOMAIN), $($env:USERNAME))
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -User $currentUser -Perm "FullControl"
ssh-add $keyFilePath 2>&1 > $fileName
$LASTEXITCODE | Should Not Be 0
$o = ssh-add -l
$matches = $o | Select-String -pattern "no identities"
$matches.Count | Should Be 1
Context "ssh with private key file" {
BeforeAll {
$pubKeyUserProfilePath = Join-Path $pubKeyUserProfile .ssh
if(-not (Test-Path $pubKeyUserProfilePath -PathType Container)) {
New-Item $pubKeyUserProfilePath -ItemType directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
New-Item $pubKeyUserProfilePath -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $keyFilePath
$testAuthorizedKeyPath = Join-Path $pubKeyUserProfilePath authorized_keys
Copy-Item "$" $testAuthorizedKeyPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Adjust-UserKeyFileACL -FilePath $testAuthorizedKeyPath -Owner $pubKeyUserAccount -OwnerPerms "Read, Write"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $testAuthorizedKeyPath -User "NT Service\sshd" -Perm "Read"
Remove-Item -Path $filePath -Force -ErrorAction ignore
AfterAll {
if(Test-Path $testAuthorizedKeyPath) {
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $testAuthorizedKeyPath
if(Test-Path $testAuthorizedKeyPath) {
Remove-Item $testAuthorizedKeyPath -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
if(Test-Path $pubKeyUserProfilePath) {
Remove-Item $pubKeyUserProfilePath -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
Remove-Item $pubKeyUserProfilePath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
AfterEach {
if(Test-Path $keyFilePath) {
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $keyFilePath
Remove-Item -Path $filePath -Force -ErrorAction ignore
It 'ssh with private key file -- positive (Secured private key owned by current user)' {
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $keyFilePath
It "$tC.$tI-ssh with private key file -- positive (Secured private key owned by current user)" {
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -Owner $currentUser -OwnerPerms "Read, Write"
$o = ssh -p $port -i $keyFilePath $pubKeyUser@$server echo 1234
$o | Should Be "1234"
It 'ssh with private key file -- positive (Secured private key owned by Administrators group)' {
It "$tC.$tI-ssh with private key file -- positive(Secured private key owned by Administrators group)" {
#setup to have local admin group as owner and grant it full control
$objAdmin = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("BUILTIN", "Administrators")
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $keyFilePath -Owner $objAdmin
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -Owner $adminsAccount -OwnerPerms "FullControl"
$o = ssh -p $port -i $keyFilePath $pubKeyUser@$server echo 1234
$o | Should Be "1234"
It "$tC.$tI-ssh with private key file -- positive (Secured private key owned by local system)" {
#setup to have local system as owner and grant it full control
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -Owner $systemAccount -OwnerPerms "FullControl"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -User $adminsAccount -Perm "Read"
$o = ssh -p $port -i $keyFilePath $pubKeyUser@$server echo 1234
$o | Should Be "1234"
It 'ssh with private key file -- negative (other account can access private key file)' {
It "$tC.$tI-ssh with private key file -- negative(other account can access private key file)" {
#setup to have current user as owner and grant it full control
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $keyFilePath
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -Owner $currentUser -OwnerPerms "Read, Write"
#add ssouser to access the private key
$objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($ssouser)
#add ssouser to access the private key
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -User $objUser -Perm "Read"
$o = ssh -p $port -i $keyFilePath -E $filePath $pubKeyUser@$server echo 1234
$o = ssh -p $port -i $keyFilePath -E $logPath $pubKeyUser@$server echo 1234
$LASTEXITCODE | Should Not Be 0
$matches = Get-Content $filePath | Select-String -pattern "UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!"
$matches.Count | Should Be 1
$logPath | Should Contain "UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!"
It 'ssh with private key file -- (the private key has wrong owner)' {
#setup to have ssouser as owner and grant it full control
$objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($ssouser)
Set-SecureFileACL -filepath $keyFilePath -owner $objUser
It "$tC.$tI-ssh with private key file -- negative(the private key has wrong owner)" {
#setup to have ssouser as owner and grant it full control
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -Owner $objUser -OwnerPerms "Read, Write"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -User $adminsAccount -Perm "FullControl"
$currentUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($($env:USERDOMAIN), $($env:USERNAME))
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -User $currentUser -Perm "FullControl"
$o = ssh -p $port -i $keyFilePath -E $filePath $pubKeyUser@$server echo 1234
$o = ssh -p $port -i $keyFilePath -E $logPath $pubKeyUser@$server echo 1234
$LASTEXITCODE | Should Not Be 0
$matches = Get-Content $filePath | Select-String -pattern "UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!"
$matches.Count | Should Be 1
$logPath | Should Contain "UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!"
It "$tC.$tI-ssh with private key file -- negative(the owner is denied read perm)" {
#setup to have local system as owner and grant it full control
Set-FileOwnerAndACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -Owner $systemAccount -OwnerPerms "Read, Write"
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -User $adminsAccount -Perm "FullControl"
#deny local system read access
Add-PermissionToFileACL -FilePath $keyFilePath -User $systemAccount -Perm "Read,write" -AccessType Deny
$o = ssh -p $port -i $keyFilePath -E $logPath $pubKeyUser@$server echo 1234
$LASTEXITCODE | Should Not Be 0
$logPath | Should Contain "UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!"

View File

@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ dir_tests_1()
retValue = chdir(tes_dirname_2);
ASSERT_INT_EQ(retValue, 0);
f = open(tmpfile, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);
f = open(tmpfile, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600);

View File

@ -81,15 +81,18 @@ file_blocking_io_tests()
void file_simple_fileio()
TEST_START("file io");
TEST_START("file io and fstat");
char* small_write_buf = "sample payload";
char small_read_buf[SMALL_RECV_BUF_SIZE];
int f;
struct stat st;
f = open(tmp_filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);
f = open(tmp_filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600);
@ -100,13 +103,14 @@ void file_simple_fileio()
retValue = fstat(f, &st);
ASSERT_INT_EQ(retValue, 0);
ASSERT_INT_EQ(st.st_size, 0);
ASSERT_INT_EQ(st.st_mode & 0777, 0666);
retValue = read(f, small_read_buf, SMALL_RECV_BUF_SIZE);
ASSERT_INT_EQ(retValue, 0);
f = open(tmp_filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);
f = open(tmp_filename, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC);
retValue = write(f, small_write_buf, strlen(small_write_buf));
ASSERT_INT_EQ(retValue, strlen(small_write_buf));
@ -119,7 +123,7 @@ void file_simple_fileio()
retValue = stat(tmp_filename, &st);
ASSERT_INT_EQ(retValue, 0);
ASSERT_INT_EQ(st.st_size, strlen(small_write_buf));
ASSERT_INT_EQ(st.st_mode & 0777, 0666);
char mode[12];
strmode(st.st_mode, mode);
ASSERT_CHAR_EQ(mode[0], '-');
@ -162,7 +166,7 @@ void file_simple_fileio()
/* test writev, ftruncate, isatty, lseek, fdopen */
f = open(tmp_filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);
f = open(tmp_filename, O_RDWR | O_TRUNC);
struct iovec iov;
iov.iov_base = small_write_buf;
@ -205,7 +209,7 @@ void file_simple_fileio()
void file_simple_fileio_mode()
TEST_START("file mode");
TEST_START("file io and mode");
char * small_write_buf = "sample payload", *c, small_read_buf[SMALL_RECV_BUF_SIZE];
int ret;
@ -420,7 +424,7 @@ file_miscellaneous_tests()
f = open(tmp_filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);
f = open(tmp_filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600);
int f1 = dup(f);
ASSERT_INT_EQ(f1, -1);

View File

@ -1043,21 +1043,6 @@ do_gen_all_hostkeys(struct passwd *pw)
strlcat(identity_file, ".pub", sizeof(identity_file));
#ifdef WINDOWS
/* Windows POSIX adpater does not support fdopen() on open(file)*/
if ((f = fopen(identity_file, "w")) == NULL) {
error("fopen %s failed: %s", identity_file, strerror(errno));
first = 0;
Set the owner of the private key file to the user represented by pw
and only grant it the full control access
if (set_secure_file_permission(identity_file, pw) !=0) {
error("set_secure_file_permission on %s failed!", identity_file);
#else /* !WINDOWS */
fd = open(identity_file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644);
if (fd == -1) {
error("Could not save your public key in %s",
@ -1066,6 +1051,12 @@ do_gen_all_hostkeys(struct passwd *pw)
first = 0;
#ifdef WINDOWS
/* Windows POSIX adpater does not support fdopen() on open(file)*/
if ((f = fopen(identity_file, "w")) == NULL) {
error("fopen %s failed: %s", identity_file, strerror(errno));
#else /* !WINDOWS */
f = fdopen(fd, "w");
if (f == NULL) {
error("fdopen %s failed", identity_file);
@ -1506,14 +1497,6 @@ do_change_comment(struct passwd *pw)
strlcat(identity_file, ".pub", sizeof(identity_file));
fd = open(identity_file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644);
#ifdef WINDOWS
Set the owner of the private key file to user represented by pw and only grant
it the full control access
if (set_secure_file_permission(identity_file, pw) != 0)
fatal("set_secure_file_permission on %s failed!", identity_file);
#endif /* WINDOWS*/
if (fd == -1)
fatal("Could not save your public key in %s", identity_file);
f = fdopen(fd, "w");
@ -1709,16 +1692,7 @@ do_ca_sign(struct passwd *pw, int argc, char **argv)
if ((fd = open(out, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0644)) == -1)
fatal("Could not open \"%s\" for writing: %s", out,
#ifdef WINDOWS
Set the owner of the private key file to user represented by pw and only grant
it the full control access
if (set_secure_file_permission(out, pw) != 0)
fatal("set_secure_file_permission on %s failed!", identity_file);
#endif /* WINDOWS */
if ((f = fdopen(fd, "w")) == NULL)
fatal("%s: fdopen: %s", __func__, strerror(errno));
if ((r = sshkey_write(public, f)) != 0)
@ -2241,14 +2215,6 @@ do_gen_krl(struct passwd *pw, int updating, int argc, char **argv)
fatal("Couldn't generate KRL");
if ((fd = open(identity_file, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0644)) == -1)
fatal("open %s: %s", identity_file, strerror(errno));
#ifdef WINDOWS
Set the owner of the private key file to user represented by pw and only grant
it the full control access
if (set_secure_file_permission(identity_file, pw) != 0)
fatal("set_secure_file_permission on %s failed!", identity_file);
#endif /* WINDOWS */
if (atomicio(vwrite, fd, (void *)sshbuf_ptr(kbuf), sshbuf_len(kbuf)) !=
fatal("write %s: %s", identity_file, strerror(errno));
@ -2808,20 +2774,15 @@ passphrase_again:
printf("Your identification has been saved in %s.\n", identity_file);
strlcat(identity_file, ".pub", sizeof(identity_file));
#ifdef WINDOWS
/* Windows POSIX adpater does not support fdopen() on open(file)*/
if ((f = fopen(identity_file, "w")) == NULL)
fatal("fopen %s failed: %s", identity_file, strerror(errno));
Set the owner of the private key file to the user represented by pw and only grant
it the full control access
if (set_secure_file_permission(identity_file, pw) != 0)
error("set_secure_file_permission on %s failed!", identity_file);
#else /* !WINDOWS */
if ((fd = open(identity_file, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0644)) == -1)
fatal("Unable to save public key to %s: %s",
identity_file, strerror(errno));
#ifdef WINDOWS
/* Windows POSIX adpater does not support fdopen() on open(file)*/
if ((f = fopen(identity_file, "w")) == NULL)
fatal("fopen %s failed: %s", identity_file, strerror(errno));
#else /* !WINDOWS */
if ((f = fdopen(fd, "w")) == NULL)
fatal("fdopen %s failed: %s", identity_file, strerror(errno));
#endif /* !WINDOWS */

View File

@ -26,5 +26,4 @@
#define _SSH_FILE_PERM_H
int check_secure_file_permission(const char *, struct passwd *);
int set_secure_file_permission(const char *, struct passwd *);
#endif /* _SSH_FILE_PERM_H */