Only run the failing tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -200,20 +200,20 @@ function Invoke-OpenSSHTests
# ...
# FixHostFilePermissions.ps1
# ...
Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "Running Unit Tests..."
Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "Unit test directory is: ${OpenSSHBinPath}"
# Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "Running Unit Tests..."
# Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "Unit test directory is: ${OpenSSHBinPath}"
$unitTestFailed = Invoke-OpenSSHUnitTest -UnitTestDirectory $OpenSSHBinPath
# $unitTestFailed = Invoke-OpenSSHUnitTest -UnitTestDirectory $OpenSSHBinPath
Write-BuildMessage "At least one of the unit tests failed!" -Category Error
$AllTestsPassed = $false
Write-BuildMessage -Message "All Unit tests passed!" -Category Information
# if($unitTestFailed)
# {
# Write-BuildMessage "At least one of the unit tests failed!" -Category Error
# $AllTestsPassed = $false
# }
# else
# {
# Write-BuildMessage -Message "All Unit tests passed!" -Category Information
# }
# Run all E2E tests.
Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "Running E2E Tests..."
@ -239,62 +239,62 @@ function Invoke-OpenSSHTests
# Bash tests.
Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "Running Bash Tests..."
# # Bash tests.
# Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "Running Bash Tests..."
# Ensure CygWin is installed, and install from Chocolatey if needed.
$cygwinInstalled = $true
$cygwinInstallLocation = "$env:SystemDrive/cygwin"
if (! (Test-Path -Path "$cygwinInstallLocation/bin/sh.exe"))
Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "CygWin not found"
Install-CygWin -InstallLocation $cygwinInstallLocation
# # Ensure CygWin is installed, and install from Chocolatey if needed.
# $cygwinInstalled = $true
# $cygwinInstallLocation = "$env:SystemDrive/cygwin"
# if (! (Test-Path -Path "$cygwinInstallLocation/bin/sh.exe"))
# {
# Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "CygWin not found"
# Install-CygWin -InstallLocation $cygwinInstallLocation
# Hack to fix up mangled CygWin directory, if needed.
$expectedCygWinPath = "$env:SystemDrive/cygwin/bin/sh.exe"
if (! (Test-Path -Path $expectedCygWinPath))
Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "CygWin did not install correctly, missing expected path: ${expectedCygWinPath}"
# # Hack to fix up mangled CygWin directory, if needed.
# $expectedCygWinPath = "$env:SystemDrive/cygwin/bin/sh.exe"
# if (! (Test-Path -Path $expectedCygWinPath))
# {
# Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "CygWin did not install correctly, missing expected path: ${expectedCygWinPath}"
$cygWinDirs = Get-Item -Path "$env:SystemDrive/cygwin*"
if ($cygWinDirs.Count -gt 1)
Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "CygWin install failed with mangled folder locations: ${cygWinDirs}"
Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message 'TODO: Add hack to fix up CygWin folder.'
# $cygWinDirs = Get-Item -Path "$env:SystemDrive/cygwin*"
# if ($cygWinDirs.Count -gt 1)
# {
# Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "CygWin install failed with mangled folder locations: ${cygWinDirs}"
# Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message 'TODO: Add hack to fix up CygWin folder.'
# }
Write-BuildMessage -Message "All bash tests failed because CygWin install failed" -Category Error
$AllTestsPassed = $false
$cygwinInstalled = $false
# Write-BuildMessage -Message "All bash tests failed because CygWin install failed" -Category Error
# $AllTestsPassed = $false
# $cygwinInstalled = $false
# }
# }
# Run UNIX bash tests.
if ($cygwinInstalled)
Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "Starting Bash Tests..."
if (-not $Global:bash_tests_summary)
$errorMessage = "Failed to start OpenSSH bash tests"
Write-BuildMessage -Message $errorMessage -Category Error
$AllTestsPassed = $false
if ($Global:bash_tests_summary["TotalBashTestsFailed"] -ne 0)
$total_bash_failed_tests = $Global:bash_tests_summary["TotalBashTestsFailed"]
$total_bash_tests = $Global:bash_tests_summary["TotalBashTests"]
$errorMessage = "At least one of the bash tests failed. [$total_bash_failed_tests of $total_bash_tests]"
Write-BuildMessage -Message $errorMessage -Category Error
$AllTestsPassed = $false
# # Run UNIX bash tests.
# if ($cygwinInstalled)
# {
# Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "Starting Bash Tests..."
# Invoke-OpenSSHBashTests
# if (-not $Global:bash_tests_summary)
# {
# $errorMessage = "Failed to start OpenSSH bash tests"
# Write-BuildMessage -Message $errorMessage -Category Error
# $AllTestsPassed = $false
# }
# else
# {
# if ($Global:bash_tests_summary["TotalBashTestsFailed"] -ne 0)
# {
# $total_bash_failed_tests = $Global:bash_tests_summary["TotalBashTestsFailed"]
# $total_bash_tests = $Global:bash_tests_summary["TotalBashTests"]
# $errorMessage = "At least one of the bash tests failed. [$total_bash_failed_tests of $total_bash_tests]"
# Write-BuildMessage -Message $errorMessage -Category Error
# $AllTestsPassed = $false
# }
$OpenSSHTestInfo["BashTestSummaryFile"] = $Global:bash_tests_summary["BashTestSummaryFile"]
$OpenSSHTestInfo["BashTestLogFile"] = $Global:bash_tests_summary["BashTestLogFile"]
# $OpenSSHTestInfo["BashTestSummaryFile"] = $Global:bash_tests_summary["BashTestSummaryFile"]
# $OpenSSHTestInfo["BashTestLogFile"] = $Global:bash_tests_summary["BashTestLogFile"]
# }
# }
# OpenSSH Uninstall Tests
@ -689,8 +689,9 @@ function Invoke-OpenSSHE2ETest
# Discover all CI tests and run them.
Push-Location $Script:E2ETestDirectory
Write-Log -Message "Running OpenSSH E2E tests..."
$testFolders = @(Get-ChildItem *.tests.ps1 -Recurse | ForEach-Object{ Split-Path $_.FullName} | Sort-Object -Unique)
Invoke-Pester $testFolders -OutputFormat NUnitXml -OutputFile $Script:E2ETestResultsFile -Tag $pri -PassThru
# $testFolders = @(Get-ChildItem *.tests.ps1 -Recurse | ForEach-Object{ Split-Path $_.FullName} | Sort-Object -Unique)
# Invoke-Pester $testFolders -OutputFormat NUnitXml -OutputFile $Script:E2ETestResultsFile -Tag $pri -PassThru
Invoke-Pester .\FileBasedLogging.tests.ps1 -OutputFormat NUnitXml -OutputFile $Script:E2ETestResultsFile -Tag $pri -PassThru
@ -131,11 +131,11 @@ Describe "Tests for admin and non-admin file based logs" -Tags "CI" {
ssh-keygen.exe -t ed25519 -f $KeyFilePath -Z -P `"`" aes128-ctr
ssh-keygen.exe -t ed25519 -f $KeyFilePath -Z -P "" aes128-ctr
ssh-keygen.exe -t ed25519 -f $KeyFilePath -P `"`"
ssh-keygen.exe -t ed25519 -f $KeyFilePath -P ""
Copy-Item "$" $authorizedkeyPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Repair-AuthorizedKeyPermission -Filepath $authorizedkeyPath -confirm:$false
Reference in New Issue