On certain machines, virtual tokens were not getting generated due to lack of required privileges. Fixed it by assigning them before doing LogonUserExExW. Consolidated runtime dll loading logic.
Modified getusergroups() to use s4u tokens to discover nested groups and return them in NetBiosName\GroupName format.
Modified get_passwd() to internally normalize names to NetBiosName\SamAccountName format and changed functions that use it to translate to UPN where necessary.
Removed unnecessary support functions used by previous version of getusergroups().
Various refactoring and function consolidation / simplification.
Addressed several buffer over-read issues.
1. Fix issue install-sshd.ps1 failed on Nano
2. Update settings of services in install-sshd.ps1 to match windows inbox
3. added setup tests and update the test helper scripts to run setup tests before changing configurations on the machine
4. added uninstallation tests
1. Add support to take key files with windows new line ending (PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH#1130)
2. add test cases for CRLF
3. Update test helper script to catch the exitcode of unittest and report the failure
4. Enable uni test unittest-sshkey and unittest-sshkey
5. Disable resource check for signal tests due to some API issue to follow.
6. Remove workaround for windows new line ending in test scripts
7. Add test validation for ACL of registry entries when perform ssh-add
- Added wait_for_multiple_objects_enhanced() function that can logically handle wait-any on many children (system resources permitting).
- Added unit tests for wait_for_multiple_objects_enhanced().
- Incorporated use of wait_for_multiple_objects_enhanced() into main signal handler.
- Upped max child processes to 500.
1. Expand wildcard for input parameters
2. add scp tests with wildcard
3. for debug mode, need to enable the log to local log file.
4. update the path to log file
Regression: Service is unable to start if "ssh" programdata directory is missing.
Reason: This is due to refactored changes around w32_programdir() that moved its initialization to within win32_posix_initialize. sshd_main() is relying on this call even before the POSIX layer gets initialized.
Fix: Reverted the refactoring changes and added comments to consolidate these changes later. Also removed directory creation logic in install-sshd.ps1 that masked this issue before.
* Test Fixes on downlevel machines
1. Test fix to run on win7 and win8
2. Add -onecore parameter to start-opensshpackage in build helper script
3. Add copying of libcrypto.dll and libcrypto.pdb
4. Update the build number on appveyor.yml
* add NoOpenSSL and OneCore parameter for packaging
* update the log option so it can print out the build console log
* update script to use vs2017 if it exists
* update path to copy libcrypto.dll
Updated file version info:
FileVersionRaw :
ProductVersionRaw :
ProductName : OpenSSH for Windows
ProductVersion : OpenSSH_7.6p1 for Windows
Updated softwareversion - this would show up in protocol identification string and when doing ssh -V
Issue: All SSHD unauthenticated workers are currently running as "sshd". Any compromised worker can snoop into the process space of one other worker, steal authentication payload and elevate itself.
Fix: Added logic to spawn the unauthenticated workers under the context of run time unique security identities that will provide complete isolation between these worker processes.
1. Move Start-SSHD-TestDaemon and Stop-SSHD-TestDaemon to commonUtils.psm1
2. Fix the timing issue when trying to read the log while it is still locked by the process.
3, Start the service to create the config fold if it is not there.
4. Skip authorizedkey and sshdconfig tests on win7 since the task scheduler cmdlets are not available on win7.
5. rename variables
OpenSSh privilege separation model - http://www.citi.umich.edu/u/provos/ssh/privsep.html
Posix_spawn is implemented in POSIX adapter as an alternative to fork() that is heavily used in Privilege separation.
Additional state info is added to sshd to accommodate distinguishing the various modes (privileged monitor, unprivileged child, authenticated child).
Required service state (like config and host keys) is transmitted over pipes from monitor to child processes.
Changes to installation scripts and tests to accomodate new architectural changes
Create pipe using default buffer size
Update buffer size when read and write file
change to use _wcsnicmp
printed out error when create pipe
added release of the memory