Added support for posix_spawnp that executes the command directly instead of appending path. (SH_ASKPASS and proxy command use this). Refactored posix spawn commandline building logic to automatically account for Windows CRT escaping rules on all arguments.
- Logic to support conpty (currently disabled until validation is complete)
- fdopen() and fchmod() support for file handles
- support for auto updating known_hosts via ssh and ssh-keygen
- Support for dynamic Windows-size changes with PTY
- Changes to support OneCore SDK
- Test cases
* Test Fixes on downlevel machines
1. Test fix to run on win7 and win8
2. Add -onecore parameter to start-opensshpackage in build helper script
3. Add copying of libcrypto.dll and libcrypto.pdb
4. Update the build number on appveyor.yml
Updated file version info:
FileVersionRaw :
ProductVersionRaw :
ProductName : OpenSSH for Windows
ProductVersion : OpenSSH_7.6p1 for Windows
Updated softwareversion - this would show up in protocol identification string and when doing ssh -V
Issue: ReadThread prematurely returns on read io error. This results in APC never getting set and hence the corresponding fd is never set on select resulting the hang seen in issue 929.
Also removed the static instances storing sync io status, since there could be multiple sync fds operating at the same time. Moved the sync io status to w32_io object itself.