Tatu Ylonen <ylo@cs.hut.fi> - Creator of SSH Aaron Campbell, Bob Beck, Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt, and Dug Song - Creators of OpenSSH Ahsan Rashid <arms@sco.com> - UnixWare long passwords Alain St-Denis <Alain.St-Denis@ec.gc.ca> - Irix fix Alexandre Oliva <oliva@lsd.ic.unicamp.br> - AIX fixes Andre Lucas <andre@ae-35.com> - new login code, many fixes Andreas Steinmetz <ast@domdv.de> - Shadow password expiry support Andrew McGill <andrewm@datrix.co.za> - SCO fixes Andrew Morgan <morgan@transmeta.com> - PAM bugfixes Andrew Stribblehill <a.d.stribblehill@durham.ac.uk> - Bugfixes Andy Sloane <andy@guildsoftware.com> - bugfixes Aran Cox <acox@cv.telegroup.com> - SCO bugfixes Arkadiusz Miskiewicz <misiek@pld.org.pl> - IPv6 compat fixes Ben Lindstrom <mouring@eviladmin.org> - NeXT support Ben Taylor <bent@clark.net> - Solaris debugging and fixes Bratislav ILICH <bilic@zepter.ru> - Configure fix Charles Levert <charles@comm.polymtl.ca> - SunOS 4 & bug fixes Chip Salzenberg <chip@valinux.com> - Assorted patches Chris Adams <cmadams@hiwaay.net> - OSF SIA support Chris Saia <csaia@wtower.com> - SuSE packaging Chris, the Young One <cky@pobox.com> - Password auth fixes Christos Zoulas <christos@zoulas.com> - Autoconf fixes Chun-Chung Chen <cjj@u.washington.edu> - RPM fixes Corinna Vinschen <vinschen@redhat.com> - Cygwin support Chad Mynhier <mynhier@interstel.net> - Solaris Process Contract support Dan Brosemer <odin@linuxfreak.com> - Autoconf support, build fixes Darren Hall <dhall@virage.org> - AIX patches Darren Tucker <dtucker@zip.com.au> - AIX BFF package scripts David Agraz <dagraz@jahoopa.com> - Build fixes David Del Piero <David.DelPiero@qed.qld.gov.au> - bug fixes David Hesprich <darkgrue@gue-tech.org> - Configure fixes David Rankin <drankin@bohemians.lexington.ky.us> - libwrap, AIX, NetBSD fixes Dag-Erling Smørgrav <des at freebsd.org> - Challenge-Response PAM code. Dhiraj Gulati <dgulati@sco.com> - UnixWare long passwords Ed Eden <ede370@stl.rural.usda.gov> - configure fixes Garrick James <garrick@james.net> - configure fixes Gary E. Miller <gem@rellim.com> - SCO support Ged Lodder <lodder@yacc.com.au> - HPUX fixes and enhancements Gert Doering <gd@hilb1.medat.de> - bug and portability fixes HARUYAMA Seigo <haruyama@unixuser.org> - Translations & doc fixes Hideaki YOSHIFUJI <yoshfuji@ecei.tohoku.ac.jp> - IPv6 and bug fixes Hiroshi Takekawa <takekawa@sr3.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp> - Configure fixes Holger Trapp <Holger.Trapp@Informatik.TU-Chemnitz.DE> - KRB4/AFS config patch IWAMURO Motonori <iwa@mmp.fujitsu.co.jp> - bugfixes Jani Hakala <jahakala@cc.jyu.fi> - Patches Jarno Huuskonen <jhuuskon@hytti.uku.fi> - Bugfixes Jim Knoble <jmknoble@pobox.com> - Many patches Jonchen (email unknown) - the original author of PAM support of SSH Juergen Keil <jk@tools.de> - scp bugfixing KAMAHARA Junzo <kamahara@cc.kshosen.ac.jp> - Configure fixes Kees Cook <cook@cpoint.net> - scp fixes Kenji Miyake <kenji@miyake.org> - Configure fixes Kevin Cawlfield <cawlfiel@us.ibm.com> - AIX fixes. Kevin O'Connor <kevin_oconnor@standardandpoors.com> - RSAless operation Kevin Steves <stevesk@pobox.com> - HP support, bugfixes, improvements Kiyokazu SUTO <suto@ks-and-ks.ne.jp> - Bugfixes Larry Jones <larry.jones@sdrc.com> - Bugfixes Lutz Jaenicke <Lutz.Jaenicke@aet.TU-Cottbus.DE> - Bugfixes Marc G. Fournier <marc.fournier@acadiau.ca> - Solaris patches Mark D. Baushke <mdb@juniper.net> - bug fixes Martin Johansson <fatbob@acc.umu.se> - Linux fixes Mark D. Roth <roth+openssh@feep.net> - Features, bug fixes Mark Miller <markm@swoon.net> - Bugfixes Matt Richards <v2matt@btv.ibm.com> - AIX patches Michael Steffens <michael_steffens at hp.com> - HP-UX fixes Michael Stone <mstone@cs.loyola.edu> - Irix enhancements Nakaji Hiroyuki <nakaji@tutrp.tut.ac.jp> - Sony News-OS patch Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin.dahyabhai@pobox.com> - PAM environment patch Nate Itkin <nitkin@europa.com> - SunOS 4.1.x fixes Niels Kristian Bech Jensen <nkbj@image.dk> - Assorted patches Pavel Kankovsky <peak@argo.troja.mff.cuni.cz> - Security fixes Pavel Troller <patrol@omni.sinus.cz> - Bugfixes Pekka Savola <pekkas@netcore.fi> - Bugfixes Peter Kocks <peter.kocks@baygate.com> - Makefile fixes Peter Stuge <stuge@cdy.org> - mdoc2man.awk script Phil Hands <phil@hands.com> - Debian scripts, assorted patches Phil Karn <karn@ka9q.ampr.org> - Autoconf fixes Philippe WILLEM <Philippe.WILLEM@urssaf.fr> - Bugfixes Phill Camp <P.S.S.Camp@ukc.ac.uk> - login code fix Rip Loomis <loomisg@cist.saic.com> - Solaris package support, fixes Robert Dahlem <Robert.Dahlem at siemens.com> - Reliant Unix fixes Roumen Petrov <openssh@roumenpetrov.info> - Compile & configure fixes SAKAI Kiyotaka <ksakai@kso.netwk.ntt-at.co.jp> - Multiple bugfixes Simon Wilkinson <sxw@dcs.ed.ac.uk> - PAM fixes, Compat with MIT KrbV Solar Designer <solar@openwall.com> - many patches and technical assistance Svante Signell <svante.signell@telia.com> - Bugfixes Thomas Neumann <tom@smart.ruhr.de> - Shadow passwords Tim Rice <tim@multitalents.net> - Portability & SCO fixes Tobias Oetiker <oetiker@ee.ethz.ch> - Bugfixes Tom Bertelson's <tbert@abac.com> - AIX auth fixes Tor-Ake Fransson <torake@hotmail.com> - AIX support Tudor Bosman <tudorb@jm.nu> - MD5 password support Udo Schweigert <ust@cert.siemens.de> - ReliantUNIX support Wendy Palm <wendyp at cray.com> - Cray support. Zack Weinberg <zack@wolery.cumb.org> - GNOME askpass enhancement Apologies to anyone I have missed. Damien Miller <djm@mindrot.org>