/* * Author: Manoj Ampalam * * Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corp. * All rights reserved * * Microsoft openssh win32 port * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "w32fd.h" #include "inc\utf.h" #include "debug.h" #define INTERNAL_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE 70*1024 //70KB #define INTERNAL_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE 70*1024 //70KB #define errno_from_WSALastError() errno_from_WSAError(WSAGetLastError()) /* state info that needs to be persisted for an inprocess acceptEx call*/ struct acceptEx_context { char lpOutputBuf[1024]; SOCKET accept_socket; LPFN_ACCEPTEX lpfnAcceptEx; LPFN_GETACCEPTEXSOCKADDRS lpfnGuidGetAcceptExSockaddrs; DWORD bytes_received; }; /* maps WSAError to errno */ static int errno_from_WSAError(int wsaerrno) { /* TODO - create a mapping table - more efficient */ switch (wsaerrno) { case WSAEWOULDBLOCK: return EAGAIN; case WSAEFAULT: return EFAULT; case WSAEINVAL: return EINVAL; case WSAECONNABORTED: return ECONNABORTED; case WSAETIMEDOUT: return ETIMEDOUT; case WSAECONNREFUSED: return ECONNREFUSED; case WSAEINPROGRESS: return EINPROGRESS; case WSAESHUTDOWN: return ECONNRESET; case WSAENOTCONN: return ENOTCONN; case WSAECONNRESET: return ECONNRESET; default: return wsaerrno - 10000; } } /* called before any other calls to socketio_ functions */ int socketio_initialize() { WSADATA wsaData = { 0 }; return WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData); } /* cleanup */ int socketio_done() { WSACleanup(); return 0; } /* initiate async acceptEx*/ /* TODO - always return 0, set error in context, accept() will pick it up*/ int socketio_acceptEx(struct w32_io* pio) { struct acceptEx_context *context; struct sockaddr_storage addr; int addrlen = sizeof addr; debug5("acceptEx - io:%p", pio); context = (struct acceptEx_context *)pio->internal.context; ResetEvent(pio->read_overlapped.hEvent); if (getsockname(pio->sock, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &addrlen) == SOCKET_ERROR) { errno = errno_from_WSALastError(); debug("acceptEx - getsockname() ERROR:%d, io:%p", WSAGetLastError(), pio); return -1; } /* create accepting socket */ context->accept_socket = socket(addr.ss_family, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if (context->accept_socket == INVALID_SOCKET) { errno = errno_from_WSALastError(); debug3("acceptEx - socket() ERROR:%d, io:%p", WSAGetLastError(), pio); return -1; } if (TRUE == context->lpfnAcceptEx(pio->sock, context->accept_socket, context->lpOutputBuf, 0, sizeof(SOCKADDR_STORAGE) + 16, sizeof(SOCKADDR_STORAGE) + 16, &context->bytes_received, &pio->read_overlapped)) { /* we are already connected. Set event so subsequent select will catch */ SetEvent(pio->read_overlapped.hEvent); } else { /* if overlapped io is in progress, we are good */ if (WSAGetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { errno = errno_from_WSALastError(); debug3("acceptEx - AcceptEx() ERROR:%d, io:%p", WSAGetLastError(), pio); return -1; } } pio->read_details.pending = TRUE; return 0; } void CALLBACK WSARecvCompletionRoutine(IN DWORD dwError, IN DWORD cbTransferred, IN LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, IN DWORD dwFlags) { struct w32_io* pio = (struct w32_io*)((char*)lpOverlapped - offsetof(struct w32_io, read_overlapped)); debug4("WSARecvCompletionCB - io:%p, pending_state:%d, flags:%d, error:%d, received:%d", pio, pio->read_details.pending, dwFlags, dwError, cbTransferred); if (!dwError && !cbTransferred) dwError = ERROR_GRACEFUL_DISCONNECT; pio->read_details.error = dwError; pio->read_details.remaining = cbTransferred; pio->read_details.completed = 0; pio->read_details.pending = FALSE; } /* initiates async receive operation*/ /* TODO - always return 0, or make this a void func. any error should be put in context*/ static int socketio_WSARecv(struct w32_io* pio, BOOL* completed, int len) { int ret = 0; WSABUF wsabuf; DWORD recv_flags = 0; debug5("WSARecv - pio: %p", pio); if (completed) *completed = FALSE; /* initialize recv buffers if needed */ wsabuf.len = INTERNAL_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE; if (pio->read_details.buf == NULL) { wsabuf.buf = malloc(wsabuf.len); if (!wsabuf.buf) { errno = ENOMEM; debug3("WSARecv - ERROR:%d, io:%p", errno, pio); return -1; } pio->read_details.buf = wsabuf.buf; pio->read_details.buf_size = wsabuf.len; } else wsabuf.buf = pio->read_details.buf; if (len) wsabuf.len = min((ULONG)len, wsabuf.len); ret = WSARecv(pio->sock, &wsabuf, 1, NULL, &recv_flags, &pio->read_overlapped, &WSARecvCompletionRoutine); if (ret == 0) { pio->read_details.pending = TRUE; /* receive has completed but APC is pending to be scheduled */ debug4("WSARecv - WSARecv() returned 0, io:%p", pio); if (completed) *completed = TRUE; } else { /* (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) */ if (WSAGetLastError() == WSA_IO_PENDING) { /* io is initiated and pending */ debug4("WSARecv - reported IO pending"); pio->read_details.pending = TRUE; } else { errno = errno_from_WSALastError(); debug3("WSARecv - WSARecv() ERROR: io:%p %d", pio, WSAGetLastError()); return -1; } } return 0; } /* implements socket() */ struct w32_io* socketio_socket(int domain, int type, int protocol) { struct w32_io *pio = (struct w32_io*)malloc(sizeof(struct w32_io)); if (!pio) { errno = ENOMEM; debug3("socket - ERROR:%d, io:%p", errno, pio); return NULL; } memset(pio, 0, sizeof(struct w32_io)); pio->sock = socket(domain, type, protocol); if (pio->sock == INVALID_SOCKET) { errno = errno_from_WSALastError(); debug3("socket - socket() ERROR:%d, io:%p", WSAGetLastError(), pio); free(pio); return NULL; } pio->internal.state = SOCK_INITIALIZED; return pio; } #define SET_ERRNO_ON_ERROR(expr) do { \ int ret = (expr); \ if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) { \ errno = errno_from_WSALastError(); \ debug3("%s - ERROR:%d", __FUNCTION__, WSAGetLastError()); \ } \ return ret; \ } while (0) /* implements setsockopt() */ int socketio_setsockopt(struct w32_io* pio, int level, int optname, const char* optval, int optlen) { if ((optname == SO_KEEPALIVE) || (optname == SO_REUSEADDR) || (optname == TCP_NODELAY) || (optname == IPV6_V6ONLY)) SET_ERRNO_ON_ERROR(setsockopt(pio->sock, level, optname, optval, optlen)); else { debug3("setsockop - ERROR: unsupported optname:%d io:%p", optname, pio); errno = ENOTSUP; return -1; } } /* implements getsockopt() */ int socketio_getsockopt(struct w32_io* pio, int level, int optname, char* optval, int* optlen) { SET_ERRNO_ON_ERROR(getsockopt(pio->sock, level, optname, optval, optlen)); } /* implements getsockname() */ int socketio_getsockname(struct w32_io* pio, struct sockaddr* name, int* namelen) { SET_ERRNO_ON_ERROR(getsockname(pio->sock, name, namelen)); } /* implements getpeername */ int socketio_getpeername(struct w32_io* pio, struct sockaddr* name, int* namelen) { SET_ERRNO_ON_ERROR(getpeername(pio->sock, name, namelen)); } /* implements listen() */ int socketio_listen(struct w32_io* pio, int backlog) { struct acceptEx_context* context; if (SOCKET_ERROR == listen(pio->sock, backlog)) { errno = errno_from_WSALastError(); debug3("listen - listen() ERROR:%d io:%p", WSAGetLastError(), pio); return -1; } /* prep for accept*/ { GUID GuidAcceptEx = WSAID_ACCEPTEX; GUID GuidGetAcceptExSockaddrs = WSAID_GETACCEPTEXSOCKADDRS; DWORD dwBytes; context = (struct acceptEx_context*)malloc(sizeof(struct acceptEx_context)); if (context == NULL) { errno = ENOMEM; debug3("listen - ERROR:%d, io:%p", errno, pio); return -1; } memset(context, 0, sizeof(struct acceptEx_context)); if (SOCKET_ERROR == WSAIoctl(pio->sock, SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER, &GuidAcceptEx, sizeof(GuidAcceptEx), &context->lpfnAcceptEx, sizeof(context->lpfnAcceptEx), &dwBytes, NULL, NULL)) { free(context); errno = errno_from_WSALastError(); debug3("listen - Ioctl1 ERROR:%d, io:%p", WSAGetLastError(), pio); return -1; } if (SOCKET_ERROR == WSAIoctl(pio->sock, SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER, &GuidGetAcceptExSockaddrs, sizeof(GuidGetAcceptExSockaddrs), &context->lpfnGuidGetAcceptExSockaddrs, sizeof(context->lpfnGuidGetAcceptExSockaddrs), &dwBytes, NULL, NULL)) { free(context); errno = errno_from_WSALastError(); debug3("listen - Ioctl2 ERROR:%d, io:%p", WSAGetLastError(), pio); return -1; } pio->read_overlapped.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if ((pio->read_overlapped.hEvent) == NULL) { free(context); errno = ENOMEM; debug3("listen - CreateEvent() ERROR:%d, io:%p", errno, pio); return -1; } context->accept_socket = INVALID_SOCKET; pio->internal.context = context; } pio->internal.state = SOCK_LISTENING; return 0; } /* implements bind() */ int socketio_bind(struct w32_io* pio, const struct sockaddr *name, int namelen) { SET_ERRNO_ON_ERROR(bind(pio->sock, name, namelen)); } /* implements recv() */ int socketio_recv(struct w32_io* pio, void *buf, size_t len, int flags) { BOOL completed = FALSE; errno_t r = 0; debug5("recv - io:%p state:%d", pio, pio->internal.state); if ((buf == NULL) || (len == 0)) { errno = EINVAL; debug3("recv - ERROR: invalid arguments, buf:%p, len:%d, io:%p", buf, len, pio); return -1; } if (flags != 0) { errno = ENOTSUP; debug3("recv - ERROR: flags are not currently supported, io:%p", pio); return -1; } /* TODO - ensure socket is in accepted or connected state */ /* /io is initiated and pending */ if (pio->read_details.pending) { /* if recv is now in blocking mode, wait for data to be available */ if (w32_io_is_blocking(pio)) { debug4("recv - io is pending, call is blocking, io:%p", pio); while (socketio_is_io_available(pio, TRUE) == FALSE) { if (0 != wait_for_any_event(NULL, 0, INFINITE)) return -1; } } else { errno = EAGAIN; debug4("recv - io is already pending, io:%p", pio); return -1; } } /* if we have some buffer copy it and return #bytes copied */ if (pio->read_details.remaining) { int num_bytes_copied = min((int)len, pio->read_details.remaining); if ((r = memcpy_s(buf, len, pio->read_details.buf + pio->read_details.completed, num_bytes_copied)) != 0) { debug4("memcpy_s failed with error: %d.", r); return -1; } pio->read_details.remaining -= num_bytes_copied; pio->read_details.completed += num_bytes_copied; debug5("recv - returning %d bytes from prior completed IO, remaining:%d, io:%p", num_bytes_copied, pio->read_details.remaining, pio); return num_bytes_copied; } /* if there was an error on async call, return */ if (pio->read_details.error) { if (pio->read_details.error == ERROR_GRACEFUL_DISCONNECT) { debug4("recv - connection closed, io:%p", pio); /* connection is closed */ return 0; } else { errno = errno_from_WSAError(pio->read_details.error); debug3("recv - from CB ERROR:%d, io:%p", pio->read_details.error, pio); pio->read_details.error = 0; return -1; } } if (0 != socketio_WSARecv(pio, &completed, (int)len)) return -1; if (completed) { /* Let APC be scheduled */ debug4("recv - Letting APC to execute, io:%p", pio); SleepEx(0, TRUE); if (pio->read_details.pending) { /* this shouldn't be happening */ errno = EOTHER; debug3("recv - ERROR: Unexpected IO state, io:%p", pio); return -1; } } if (w32_io_is_blocking(pio)) { /* wait until io is done */ debug5("recv - socket in blocking mode, io:%p", pio); while (socketio_is_io_available(pio, TRUE) == FALSE) { if (0 != wait_for_any_event(NULL, 0, INFINITE)) return -1; } } else { if (socketio_is_io_available(pio, TRUE) == FALSE) { errno = EAGAIN; debug4("recv - IO is pending, io:%p", pio); return -1; } } /* * by this time we should have some bytes in internal buffer * or an error from callback */ if (pio->read_details.error) { if (pio->read_details.error == ERROR_GRACEFUL_DISCONNECT) { /* connection is closed */ debug4("recv - connection closed(2), io:%p", pio); return 0; } else { errno = errno_from_WSAError(pio->read_details.error); pio->read_details.error = 0; debug3("recv - from CB(2) ERROR:%d, io:%p", errno, pio); return -1; } } if (pio->read_details.remaining) { int num_bytes_copied = min((int)len, pio->read_details.remaining); if ((r = memcpy_s(buf, len, pio->read_details.buf, num_bytes_copied)) != 0) { debug3("memcpy_s failed with error: %d.", r); return -1; } pio->read_details.remaining -= num_bytes_copied; pio->read_details.completed = num_bytes_copied; debug4("recv - (2) returning %d bytes from completed IO, remaining:%d, io:%p", num_bytes_copied, pio->read_details.remaining, pio); return num_bytes_copied; } else { /* this should not happen */ errno = EOTHER; debug3("recv - (2) ERROR:Unexpected IO state, io:%p", pio); return -1; } } void CALLBACK WSASendCompletionRoutine(IN DWORD dwError, IN DWORD cbTransferred, IN LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, IN DWORD dwFlags) { struct w32_io* pio = (struct w32_io*)((char*)lpOverlapped - offsetof(struct w32_io, write_overlapped)); debug4("WSASendCB - io:%p, pending_state:%d, error:%d, sent:%d of remaining:%d", pio, pio->write_details.pending, dwError, cbTransferred, pio->write_details.remaining); pio->write_details.error = dwError; /* TODO - assert that remaining == cbTransferred */ if ((dwError == 0) && (pio->write_details.remaining != cbTransferred)) { error("WSASendCB - ERROR: broken assumption, io:%p, sent:%d, remaining:%d", pio, cbTransferred, pio->write_details.remaining); DebugBreak(); } pio->write_details.remaining -= cbTransferred; pio->write_details.pending = FALSE; } /* implementation of send() */ int socketio_send(struct w32_io* pio, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags) { int ret = 0; WSABUF wsabuf; errno_t r = 0; debug5("send - io:%p state:%d", pio, pio->internal.state); if ((buf == NULL) || (len == 0)) { errno = EINVAL; debug3("send - ERROR invalid arguments, buf:%p, len:%d, io:%p", buf, len, pio); return -1; } if (flags != 0) { errno = ENOTSUP; debug3("send - ERROR: flags are not currently supported, io:%p", pio); return -1; } /* TODO - ensure socket is in accepted or connected state */ /* if io is already pending */ if (pio->write_details.pending) { if (w32_io_is_blocking(pio)) { debug4("send - io is pending, call is blocking, io:%p", pio); while (pio->write_details.pending) if (wait_for_any_event(NULL, 0, INFINITE) == -1) return -1; } else { errno = EAGAIN; debug4("send - IO currently pending, EAGAIN, io:%p", pio); return -1; } } if (pio->write_details.error) { errno = errno_from_WSAError(pio->write_details.error); debug3("ERROR:%d, io:%p", pio->write_details.error, pio); return -1; } /* initialize buffers if needed */ wsabuf.len = INTERNAL_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE; if (pio->write_details.buf == NULL) { wsabuf.buf = malloc(wsabuf.len); if (!wsabuf.buf) { errno = ENOMEM; debug3("send - ERROR:%d, io:%p", errno, pio); return -1; } pio->write_details.buf = wsabuf.buf; pio->write_details.buf_size = wsabuf.len; } else wsabuf.buf = pio->write_details.buf; wsabuf.len = min(wsabuf.len, (int)len); if ((r = memcpy_s(wsabuf.buf, wsabuf.len, buf, wsabuf.len)) != 0) { debug3("memcpy_s failed with error: %d.", r); return -1; } /* TODO - implement flags support if needed */ ret = WSASend(pio->sock, &wsabuf, 1, NULL, 0, &pio->write_overlapped, &WSASendCompletionRoutine); if (ret == 0) { /* send has completed and APC is scheduled, let it run */ pio->write_details.pending = TRUE; pio->write_details.remaining = wsabuf.len; SleepEx(0, TRUE); if ((pio->write_details.pending) || (pio->write_details.remaining != 0)) { errno = EOTHER; debug3("send - ERROR: Unexpected IO state, io:%p", pio); return -1; } /* return num of bytes written */ return wsabuf.len; } else { if (WSAGetLastError() == WSA_IO_PENDING) { /* io is initiated and pending */ debug4("send - WSASend reported IO pending, io:%p", pio); pio->write_details.pending = TRUE; pio->write_details.remaining = wsabuf.len; if (w32_io_is_blocking(pio)) { /* wait until io is done */ debug5("send - waiting as socket is in blocking mode, io:%p", pio); while (pio->write_details.pending) if (wait_for_any_event(NULL, 0, INFINITE) == -1) { /* if interrupted but send has completed, we are good*/ if ((errno != EINTR) || (pio->write_details.pending)) return -1; errno = 0; } } debug5("send - returning %d, io:%p", wsabuf.len, pio); return wsabuf.len; } else { errno = errno_from_WSALastError(); debug3("send - WSASend() ERROR:%d, io:%p", WSAGetLastError(), pio); return -1; } } } /* shutdown() implementation */ int socketio_shutdown(struct w32_io* pio, int how) { SET_ERRNO_ON_ERROR(shutdown(pio->sock, how)); } /* socket close() implementation */ int socketio_close(struct w32_io* pio) { debug4("close - io:%p", pio); closesocket(pio->sock); /* wait for pending io to abort */ SleepEx(0, TRUE); if ((pio->internal.state == SOCK_READY) && (pio->read_details.pending || pio->write_details.pending)) { error("close - IO is still pending on closed socket. read:%d, write:%d, io:%p", pio->read_details.pending, pio->write_details.pending, pio); DebugBreak(); } if (pio->internal.state == SOCK_LISTENING) { if (pio->read_overlapped.hEvent) CloseHandle(pio->read_overlapped.hEvent); if (pio->internal.context) { struct acceptEx_context *ctx = (struct acceptEx_context*)pio->internal.context; if (ctx->accept_socket != INVALID_SOCKET) closesocket(ctx->accept_socket); free(pio->internal.context); } } else if (pio->internal.state == SOCK_CONNECTING) { if (pio->write_overlapped.hEvent) CloseHandle(pio->write_overlapped.hEvent); } else { if (pio->read_details.buf) free(pio->read_details.buf); if (pio->write_details.buf) free(pio->write_details.buf); } free(pio); return 0; } /* accept() implementation */ struct w32_io* socketio_accept(struct w32_io* pio, struct sockaddr* addr, int* addrlen) { struct w32_io *accept_io = NULL; int iResult = 0; struct acceptEx_context* context; struct sockaddr *local_address, *remote_address; int local_address_len, remote_address_len; errno_t r = 0; debug5("accept - io:%p", pio); /* start io if not already started */ if (pio->read_details.pending == FALSE) { if (socketio_acceptEx(pio) != 0) return NULL; } if (w32_io_is_blocking(pio)) { /* block until accept io is complete */ while (FALSE == socketio_is_io_available(pio, TRUE)) if (-1 == wait_for_any_event(&pio->read_overlapped.hEvent, 1, INFINITE)) return NULL; } else { /* if i/o is not ready */ if (FALSE == socketio_is_io_available(pio, TRUE)) { errno = EAGAIN; debug4("accept is pending, io:%p", pio); return NULL; } } context = (struct acceptEx_context*)pio->internal.context; pio->read_details.pending = FALSE; ResetEvent(pio->read_overlapped.hEvent); if (pio->read_details.error) { errno = errno_from_WSAError(pio->read_details.error); debug3("accept - ERROR: async io completed with error: %d, io:%p", pio->read_details.error, pio); pio->read_details.error = 0; goto on_error; } if (0 != setsockopt(context->accept_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_UPDATE_ACCEPT_CONTEXT, (char*)&pio->sock, sizeof(pio->sock))) { errno = errno_from_WSALastError(); debug3("accept - ERROR: setsockopt failed:%d, io:%p", WSAGetLastError(), pio); goto on_error; } accept_io = (struct w32_io*)malloc(sizeof(struct w32_io)); if (!accept_io) { errno = ENOMEM; debug3("accept - ERROR:%d, io:%p", errno, pio); goto on_error; } memset(accept_io, 0, sizeof(struct w32_io)); accept_io->sock = context->accept_socket; accept_io->internal.state = SOCK_READY; context->accept_socket = INVALID_SOCKET; debug4("accept io:%p", accept_io); if ((addr != NULL) && (addrlen != NULL)) { context->lpfnGuidGetAcceptExSockaddrs(context->lpOutputBuf, 0, sizeof(SOCKADDR_STORAGE) + 16, sizeof(SOCKADDR_STORAGE) + 16, &local_address, &local_address_len, &remote_address, &remote_address_len); if (remote_address_len) { if((r = memcpy_s(addr, remote_address_len, remote_address, remote_address_len)) != 0) { debug3("memcpy_s failed with error: %d.", r); goto on_error; } *addrlen = remote_address_len; } } return accept_io; on_error: if (context->accept_socket != INVALID_SOCKET) { closesocket(context->accept_socket); context->accept_socket = INVALID_SOCKET; } return NULL; } /* initiates an async connect*/ int socketio_connectex(struct w32_io* pio, const struct sockaddr* name, int namelen) { struct sockaddr_in tmp_addr4; struct sockaddr_in6 tmp_addr6; SOCKADDR* tmp_addr; size_t tmp_addr_len; DWORD tmp_bytes; GUID connectex_guid = WSAID_CONNECTEX; LPFN_CONNECTEX ConnectEx; debug5("connectex - io:%p", pio); if (name->sa_family == AF_INET6) { ZeroMemory(&tmp_addr6, sizeof(tmp_addr6)); tmp_addr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; tmp_addr6.sin6_port = 0; tmp_addr = (SOCKADDR*)&tmp_addr6; tmp_addr_len = sizeof(tmp_addr6); } else if (name->sa_family == AF_INET) { ZeroMemory(&tmp_addr4, sizeof(tmp_addr4)); tmp_addr4.sin_family = AF_INET; tmp_addr4.sin_port = 0; tmp_addr = (SOCKADDR*)&tmp_addr4; tmp_addr_len = sizeof(tmp_addr4); } else { errno = ENOTSUP; debug3("connectex - ERROR: unsuppored address family:%d, io:%p", name->sa_family, pio); return -1; } if (SOCKET_ERROR == bind(pio->sock, tmp_addr, (int)tmp_addr_len)) { errno = errno_from_WSALastError(); debug3("connectex - ERROR: bind failed :%d, io:%p", WSAGetLastError(), pio); return -1; } if (SOCKET_ERROR == WSAIoctl(pio->sock, SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER, &connectex_guid, sizeof(connectex_guid), &ConnectEx, sizeof(ConnectEx), &tmp_bytes, NULL, NULL)) { errno = errno_from_WSALastError(); debug3("connectex - ioctl ERROR:%d, io:%p", WSAGetLastError(), pio); return -1; } if ((!pio->write_overlapped.hEvent) && ((pio->write_overlapped.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL)) == NULL)) { errno = ENOMEM; debug3("connectex - ERROR CreateEvent failed:%d, io:%p", errno, pio); return -1; } ResetEvent(pio->write_overlapped.hEvent); if (TRUE == ConnectEx(pio->sock, name, namelen, NULL, 0, NULL, &pio->write_overlapped)) { /* set completion event to indicates that async connect has completed */ SetEvent(pio->write_overlapped.hEvent); } else { if (WSAGetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { CloseHandle(pio->write_overlapped.hEvent); pio->write_overlapped.hEvent = 0; errno = errno_from_WSALastError(); debug3("connectex - ERROR ConnectEx() :%d, io:%p", WSAGetLastError(), pio); return -1; } } pio->write_details.pending = TRUE; pio->internal.state = SOCK_CONNECTING; return 0; } /* connect implementation */ int socketio_connect(struct w32_io* pio, const struct sockaddr* name, int namelen) { debug5("connect - io:%p", pio); if (pio->write_details.pending == FALSE) { if (-1 == socketio_connectex(pio, name, namelen)) return -1; } if (w32_io_is_blocking(pio)) { /* block until connect io is complete */ while (FALSE == socketio_is_io_available(pio, TRUE)) { if (-1 == wait_for_any_event(&pio->write_overlapped.hEvent, 1, INFINITE)) return -1; } } else { /* if i/o is not ready */ if (FALSE == socketio_is_io_available(pio, TRUE)) { errno = EINPROGRESS; debug4("connect - in progress, io:%p", pio); return -1; } } return socketio_finish_connect(pio); } int socketio_finish_connect(struct w32_io* pio) { DWORD wsa_error = 0; debug5("finish_connect, io:%p", pio); if (pio->write_details.error) { wsa_error = pio->write_details.error; debug3("finish_connect - ERROR: async io completed with error: %d, io:%p", wsa_error, pio); goto done; } if (0 != setsockopt(pio->sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_UPDATE_CONNECT_CONTEXT, NULL, 0)) { wsa_error = WSAGetLastError(); debug3("finish_connect - ERROR: setsockopt failed:%d, io:%p", wsa_error, pio); goto done; } done: CloseHandle(pio->write_overlapped.hEvent); pio->write_overlapped.hEvent = 0; pio->write_details.pending = FALSE; if (wsa_error) { pio->read_details.error = wsa_error; pio->write_details.error = wsa_error; errno = errno_from_WSAError(wsa_error); } else /* reset write_detail that were previously used for async connect */ ZeroMemory(&pio->write_details, sizeof(pio->write_details)); pio->internal.state = SOCK_READY; return (wsa_error? -1 : 0); } /* checks if a given io is ready/available */ BOOL socketio_is_io_available(struct w32_io* pio, BOOL rd) { if ((pio->internal.state == SOCK_LISTENING) || (pio->internal.state == SOCK_CONNECTING)) { DWORD numBytes = 0; DWORD flags; BOOL sock_listening = (pio->internal.state == SOCK_LISTENING); OVERLAPPED *overlapped = sock_listening ? &pio->read_overlapped : &pio->write_overlapped; BOOL pending = sock_listening ? pio->read_details.pending : pio->write_details.pending; if (pending) { /* if there is an error to be picked up */ if (sock_listening) { if (pio->read_details.error) return TRUE; } else { if (pio->write_details.error) return TRUE; } } if (WSAGetOverlappedResult(pio->sock, overlapped, &numBytes, FALSE, &flags)) return TRUE; else if (WSAGetLastError() != WSA_IO_INCOMPLETE) { if (sock_listening) pio->read_details.error = WSAGetLastError(); else pio->write_details.error = WSAGetLastError(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } else if (rd) { if (pio->read_details.remaining || pio->read_details.error) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } else return (pio->write_details.pending == FALSE) ? TRUE : FALSE; } /*start async io (if needed) for accept and recv*/ void socketio_on_select(struct w32_io* pio, BOOL rd) { enum w32_io_sock_state sock_state = pio->internal.state; debug4("on_select - io:%p type:%d rd:%d", pio, pio->type, rd); /* nothing to do for writes (that includes connect) */ if (!rd) return; /* listening socket - acceptEx if needed */ if (sock_state == SOCK_LISTENING) { if (pio->read_details.pending == FALSE) if (socketio_acceptEx(pio) != 0) { /* set error, accept will pick it*/ pio->read_details.error = errno; errno = 0; pio->read_details.pending = TRUE; SetEvent(pio->read_overlapped.hEvent); return; } } else if(sock_state == SOCK_READY) { /* connected socket - WSARecv if needed */ if ((!pio->read_details.pending) && (!socketio_is_io_available(pio, rd)) && (socketio_WSARecv(pio, NULL, 0) != 0)) { /* set error, recv() will pick it */ pio->read_details.error = errno; errno = 0; return; } } } int w32_gethostname(char *name_utf8, size_t len) { char* tmp_name_utf8 = NULL; if (IsWindows8OrGreater()) { /* TODO - GetHostNameW not present in Win7, do GetProcAddr on Win8+*/ /* wchar_t name_utf16[256]; if (GetHostNameW(name_utf16, 256) == SOCKET_ERROR) { errno = errno_from_WSALastError(); return -1; } if ((tmp_name_utf8 = utf16_to_utf8(name_utf16)) == NULL || strlen(tmp_name_utf8) >= len) { errno = EFAULT; //?? return -1; } memcpy(name_utf8, tmp_name_utf8, strlen(tmp_name_utf8) + 1); free(tmp_name_utf8); return 0; */ return gethostname(name_utf8, (int)len); } else return gethostname(name_utf8, (int)len); } void w32_freeaddrinfo(struct addrinfo *ai) { struct addrinfo *cur; while (ai) { cur = ai; ai = ai->ai_next; if (cur->ai_addr) free(cur->ai_addr); if (cur->ai_canonname) free(cur->ai_canonname); free(cur); } } int w32_getaddrinfo(const char *node_utf8, const char *service_utf8, const struct addrinfo *hints, struct addrinfo **res) { int ret = 0; wchar_t *node_utf16 = NULL, *service_utf16 = NULL; struct addrinfoW *info_w = NULL; *res = NULL; if ((node_utf8 && (node_utf16 = utf8_to_utf16(node_utf8)) == NULL) || (service_utf8 && (service_utf16 = utf8_to_utf16(service_utf8)) == NULL)) { ret = EAI_MEMORY; goto done; } if ((ret = GetAddrInfoW(node_utf16, service_utf16, (ADDRINFOW*)hints, &info_w)) != 0) goto done; /* copy info_w to res */ { struct addrinfoW **cur_w = &info_w; struct addrinfo **cur = res; while (*cur_w) { if ((*cur = malloc(sizeof(struct addrinfo))) == NULL) { ret = EAI_MEMORY; goto done; } if (memcpy_s(*cur, sizeof(struct addrinfo), *cur_w, sizeof(struct addrinfo))) { ret = EAI_MEMORY; goto done; } (*cur)->ai_next = NULL; if (((*cur_w)->ai_canonname && ((*cur)->ai_canonname = utf16_to_utf8((*cur_w)->ai_canonname)) == NULL) || ((*cur_w)->ai_addrlen && ((*cur)->ai_addr = malloc((*cur_w)->ai_addrlen)) == NULL)) { ret = EAI_MEMORY; goto done; } if ((*cur_w)->ai_addrlen) if (memcpy_s((*cur)->ai_addr, (*cur_w)->ai_addrlen, (*cur_w)->ai_addr, (*cur_w)->ai_addrlen)) { ret = EAI_MEMORY; goto done; } cur_w = &(*cur_w)->ai_next; cur = &(*cur)->ai_next; } } done: if (node_utf16) free(node_utf16); if (service_utf16) free(service_utf16); if (info_w) FreeAddrInfoW(info_w); if (ret != 0 && *res) { w32_freeaddrinfo(*res); *res = NULL; } return ret; }