$tC = 1 $tI = 0 $suite = "shellhost" Describe "E2E scenarios for ssh-shellhost" -Tags "CI" { BeforeAll { } BeforeEach { } AfterEach {$tI++;} Context "$tC - shellhost commandline scenarios" { BeforeAll {$tI=1} AfterAll{$tC++} It "$tC.$tI - exit code tests" -skip:$skip { foreach ($i in (0,1,4,5,44)) { ssh-shellhost -c cmd /c exit $i $LASTEXITCODE | Should Be $i } } It "$tC.$tI - various quote tests" -skip:$skip { $o = ssh-shellhost -c cmd /c echo hello $o | Should Be "hello" $o = ssh-shellhost -c `"cmd /c echo hello`" $o | Should Be "hello" $o = ssh-shellhost -c cmd /c echo `"hello`" $o | Should Be "`"hello`"" $o = ssh-shellhost -c `"cmd /c echo `"hello`"`" $o | Should Be "`"hello`"" $o = ssh-shellhost -c `"cmd /c echo `"hello`" $o | Should Be "`"hello" $o = ssh-shellhost -c `"`"cmd`" /c echo `"hello`"`" $o | Should Be "`"hello`"" } } }