#include "includes.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "../test_helper/test_helper.h" #include "tests.h" int retValue; // The ioctl() testcase is failing when ran from Run-OpenSSHUnitTest. void test_ioctl() { if(!isatty(fileno(stdin))) return; TEST_START("ioctl"); struct winsize ws; memset(&ws, 0, sizeof(ws)); retValue = ioctl(fileno(stdin), TIOCGWINSZ, &ws); ASSERT_INT_EQ(retValue, 0); ASSERT_INT_NE(ws.ws_col, 0); ASSERT_INT_NE(ws.ws_row, 0); ASSERT_INT_NE(ws.ws_xpixel, 0); ASSERT_INT_NE(ws.ws_ypixel, 0); TEST_DONE(); } void test_path_conversion_utilities() { TEST_START("path conversion utilities"); char *s = "c:\\testdir\\test"; char *windows_style_path = dup_str(s); int len = strlen(windows_style_path); char *backup = malloc(len + 1); strncpy(backup, windows_style_path, len); backup[len] = '\0'; convertToForwardslash(windows_style_path); char *tmpStr = strstr(windows_style_path, "\\"); ASSERT_PTR_EQ(tmpStr, NULL); convertToBackslash(windows_style_path); tmpStr = strstr(windows_style_path, "/"); ASSERT_PTR_EQ(tmpStr, NULL); retValue = strcmp(windows_style_path, backup); ASSERT_INT_EQ(retValue, 0); free(windows_style_path); TEST_DONE(); } void test_sanitizedpath() { TEST_START("win32 program dir"); char *win32prgdir_utf8 = __progdir; ASSERT_PTR_NE(win32prgdir_utf8, NULL); ASSERT_PTR_EQ(resolved_path_utf16(NULL), NULL); ASSERT_INT_EQ(errno, EINVAL); wchar_t *win32prgdir = utf8_to_utf16(win32prgdir_utf8); wchar_t *ret = resolved_path_utf16(win32prgdir_utf8); /* resolved path will return in unix file format ex - c:/test/1/ */ convertToBackslashW(ret); retValue = wcscmp(win32prgdir, ret); ASSERT_INT_EQ(retValue, 0); free(ret); char win32prgdir_len = strlen(win32prgdir_utf8); char *tmp_path = malloc(win32prgdir_len + 2); /* 1-NULL and 1-adding "/" */ tmp_path[0] = '/'; strcpy(tmp_path+1, win32prgdir_utf8); tmp_path[win32prgdir_len+1] = '\0'; ret = resolved_path_utf16(tmp_path); /* resolved path will return in unix file format ex - c:/test/1/ */ convertToBackslashW(ret); retValue = wcscmp(win32prgdir, ret); ASSERT_INT_EQ(retValue, 0); free(ret); char s1[4]; wchar_t s2[4]; s1[0] = '/', s1[1] = win32prgdir[0], s1[2] = ':', s1[3] = '\0'; s2[0] = win32prgdir[0], s2[1] = ':', s2[2] = '\\', s2[3] = '\0'; ret = resolved_path_utf16(s1); /* resolved path will return in unix file format ex - c:/test/1/ */ convertToBackslashW(ret); retValue = wcscmp(ret, s2); ASSERT_INT_EQ(retValue, 0); free(ret); free(win32prgdir); TEST_DONE(); } void test_pw() { TEST_START("pw tests"); struct passwd *pw = NULL; pw = getpwuid(0); ASSERT_PTR_NE(pw, NULL); struct passwd *pw1 = NULL; char *user = dup_str(pw->pw_name); pw1 = getpwnam(user); ASSERT_PTR_NE(pw1, NULL); TEST_DONE(); } void test_statvfs() { TEST_START("test statvfs"); struct statvfs st; char cwd[PATH_MAX]; char *tmp = getcwd(cwd, PATH_MAX); ASSERT_PTR_NE(tmp, NULL); retValue = statvfs(NULL, &st); ASSERT_INT_EQ(retValue, -1); explicit_bzero(&st, sizeof(st)); retValue = statvfs(cwd, &st); ASSERT_INT_EQ(retValue, 0); ASSERT_INT_NE(st.f_bavail, 0); TEST_DONE(); } void test_realpath() { TEST_START("test realpath"); char resolved_path[PATH_MAX]; char *ret = NULL; char *expectedOutput1 = "/c:/windows/system32"; char *expectedOutput2 = "/c:/"; ret = realpath(NULL, NULL); ASSERT_PTR_EQ(ret, NULL); ret = realpath("c:\\windows\\system32", NULL); ASSERT_PTR_EQ(ret, NULL); ret = realpath(NULL, resolved_path); ASSERT_PTR_EQ(ret, NULL); ret = realpath("c:\\windows\\system32", resolved_path); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(ret, expectedOutput1); ret = realpath("/c:\\windows\\system32", resolved_path); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(ret, expectedOutput1); ret = realpath("/c:\\windows\\.\\system32", resolved_path); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(ret, expectedOutput1); ret = realpath("/c:\\windows\\.\\..\\windows\\system32", resolved_path); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(ret, expectedOutput1); ret = realpath("/c:\\windows/.\\..\\windows\\system32", resolved_path); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(ret, expectedOutput1); ret = realpath("c:/windows/system32", resolved_path); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(ret, expectedOutput1); ret = realpath("/c:/windows/system32", resolved_path); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(ret, expectedOutput1); ret = realpath("c:", resolved_path); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(ret, expectedOutput2); ret = realpath("c:\\", resolved_path); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(ret, expectedOutput2); ret = realpath("/c:", resolved_path); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(ret, expectedOutput2); ASSERT_PTR_NE(ret = realpath("/c:/..", resolved_path), NULL); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(ret, "/"); ASSERT_PTR_NE(ret = realpath("/", resolved_path), NULL); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(ret, "/"); ASSERT_PTR_NE(ret = realpath("\\", resolved_path), NULL); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(ret, "/"); TEST_DONE(); } void test_chroot() { int fd; FILE *f; char path[PATH_MAX], test_root[PATH_MAX]; /* test directory setup */ _wsystem(L"RD /S /Q chroot-testdir >NUL 2>&1"); CreateDirectoryW(L"chroot-testdir", NULL); CreateDirectoryW(L"chroot-testdir\\world", NULL); _wsystem(L"echo in-world > chroot-testdir\\world\\w.Txt"); CreateDirectoryW(L"chroot-testdir\\jail", NULL); CreateDirectoryW(L"chroot-testdir\\jail\\d1", NULL); _wsystem(L"echo in-jail > chroot-testdir\\jail\\d1\\j.Txt"); /* create links to world within jail */ _wsystem(L"mklink /D chroot-testdir\\jail\\world-sl ..\\world"); _wsystem(L"mklink /J chroot-testdir\\jail\\world-jn chroot-testdir\\world"); TEST_START("chroot on invalid path"); ASSERT_INT_EQ(chroot("blah"), -1); ASSERT_INT_EQ(chroot("\\c:\\blah"), -1); ASSERT_INT_EQ(chroot("/c:/blah"), -1); TEST_DONE(); TEST_START("access world before chroot"); ASSERT_INT_NE(fd = open("chroot-testdir\\jail\\world-jn\\w.Txt", 0), -1); close(fd); ASSERT_PTR_NE(f = fopen("chroot-testdir\\jail\\world-jn\\w.Txt", "r"), NULL); fclose(f); TEST_DONE(); TEST_START("real chroot now"); getcwd(path, PATH_MAX); getcwd(test_root, PATH_MAX); strcat(path, "\\chroot-testdir\\jail"); ASSERT_INT_EQ(chdir(path), 0); ASSERT_INT_EQ(chroot(path), 0); TEST_DONE(); TEST_START("chdir; getcwd and realpath"); ASSERT_PTR_NE(getcwd(path, PATH_MAX), NULL); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(path, "\\"); ASSERT_INT_NE(chdir(test_root), 0); ASSERT_INT_EQ(chdir("d1"), 0); ASSERT_PTR_NE(realpath("..", path), NULL); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(path, "/"); ASSERT_PTR_NE(getcwd(path, PATH_MAX), NULL); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(path, "\\d1"); ASSERT_PTR_NE(realpath(".", path), NULL); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(path, "/d1"); ASSERT_PTR_EQ(realpath("..\\..\\", path), NULL); ASSERT_INT_EQ(errno, EACCES); TEST_DONE(); TEST_START("file io within jail"); ASSERT_INT_NE(fd = open("\\d1\\j.txt", 0), -1); close(fd); ASSERT_INT_NE(fd = open("\\d1/j.txt", 0), -1); close(fd); ASSERT_INT_NE(fd = open("/d1/j.txt", 0), -1); close(fd); ASSERT_INT_NE(fd = open("/dev/null", 0), -1); close(fd); ASSERT_PTR_NE(f = fopen("\\d1\\j.txt", "r"), NULL); fclose(f); ASSERT_PTR_NE(f = fopen("/dev/null", "w"), NULL); fclose(f); ASSERT_INT_EQ(chdir("/"), 0); ASSERT_INT_NE(fd = open("d1/j.txt", 0), -1); close(fd); ASSERT_PTR_NE(f = fopen("d1\\j.txt", "r"), NULL); fclose(f); ASSERT_INT_EQ(chdir("\\d1"), 0); ASSERT_INT_NE(fd = open("j.txt", 0), -1); close(fd); ASSERT_PTR_NE(f = fopen("j.txt", "r"), NULL); fclose(f); TEST_DONE(); TEST_START("access world after chroot"); ASSERT_INT_EQ(chdir("/"), 0); ASSERT_INT_EQ(fd = open(test_root, 0), -1); ASSERT_INT_EQ(errno, ENOENT); ASSERT_INT_EQ(fd = open("..\\", 0), -1); ASSERT_INT_EQ(errno, EACCES); ASSERT_INT_EQ(fd = open("../", 0), -1); ASSERT_INT_EQ(errno, EACCES); ASSERT_INT_EQ(fd = open("../outofjail.txt", O_CREAT), -1); ASSERT_INT_EQ(errno, EACCES); /* ensure outofjail.txt is not created by the above call*/ path[0] = '\0'; strcat(path, test_root); strcat(path, "\\chroot-testdir\\outofjail.txt"); ASSERT_INT_EQ(fd = _open(path, 0), -1); ASSERT_INT_EQ(errno, ENOENT); ASSERT_INT_EQ(fd = open("world-jn\\w.Txt", 0), -1); ASSERT_INT_EQ(errno, EACCES); ASSERT_PTR_EQ(f = fopen("world-jn\\w.Txt", "r"), NULL); ASSERT_INT_EQ(errno, EACCES); ASSERT_INT_EQ(fd = open("world-sl\\w.Txt", 0), -1); ASSERT_INT_EQ(errno, EACCES); ASSERT_PTR_EQ(f = fopen("world-sl\\w.Txt", "r"), NULL); ASSERT_INT_EQ(errno, EACCES); TEST_DONE(); //_wsystem(L"RD /S /Q chroot-testdir >NUL 2>&1"); } void test_build_exec_command() { char *out; TEST_START("arg is null"); out = build_exec_command(NULL); ASSERT_PTR_EQ(out, NULL); TEST_DONE(); TEST_START("scp tests"); out = build_exec_command("sCp -arg"); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(out, "scp.exe -arg"); free(out); out = build_exec_command("sCp.exe -arg1 -arg2"); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(out, "scp.exe -arg1 -arg2"); free(out); TEST_DONE(); TEST_START("sftp tests"); out = build_exec_command("internal-sftp \"arg1 arg2\""); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(out, "sftp-server.exe \"arg1 arg2\""); free(out); out = build_exec_command("SFTP-server.exe -arg"); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(out, "sftp-server.exe -arg"); free(out); out = build_exec_command("sftp-SERVER -arg"); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(out, "sftp-server.exe -arg"); free(out); TEST_DONE(); } void test_build_commandline_string() { char *out, in[PATH_MAX], buf[PATH_MAX]; TEST_START("cmd is null"); out = build_commandline_string(NULL, NULL, TRUE); ASSERT_PTR_EQ(out, NULL); TEST_DONE(); TEST_START("arg is null"); out = build_commandline_string("\"c:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe\" /c arg", NULL, FALSE); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(out, "\"c:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe\" /c arg"); free(out); out = build_commandline_string("cmd.exe /c ping.exe", NULL, FALSE); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(out, "\"cmd.exe\" /c ping.exe"); sprintf_s(in, PATH_MAX, "\"%s\\%s\"", __progdir, "ssh-shellhost.exe\" -c \"arg1 arg2\""); out = build_commandline_string(in, NULL, TRUE); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(out, in); out = build_commandline_string("\"ssh-shellhost.exe\" -c \"arg1 arg2\"", NULL, TRUE); sprintf_s(buf, PATH_MAX, "\"%s\\%s", __progdir, "ssh-shellhost.exe\" -c \"arg1 arg2\""); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(out, buf); free(out); out = build_commandline_string("\"cmd.exe\" /c \"arg1 arg2\"", NULL, FALSE); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(out, "\"cmd.exe\" /c \"arg1 arg2\""); free(out); TEST_DONE(); char *argv[4] = { NULL, }; argv[0] = "\"C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe\""; argv[1] = "-c"; argv[2] = "arg1 arg2"; TEST_START("arg is not null"); out = build_commandline_string(argv[0], argv + 1, TRUE); sprintf_s(buf, PATH_MAX, "%s %s %s", argv[0], argv[1], "\"arg1 arg2\""); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(out, buf); free(out); argv[0] = "C:\\my folder\\bash.exe"; argv[2] = "\"arg1\\arg2\""; out = build_commandline_string(argv[0], argv + 1, TRUE); sprintf_s(buf, PATH_MAX, "\"%s\" %s %s", argv[0], argv[1], "\\\"arg1\\arg2\\\""); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(out, buf); free(out); argv[2] = "\"arg1 arg2\\\""; out = build_commandline_string(argv[0], argv + 1, TRUE); sprintf_s(buf, PATH_MAX, "\"%s\" %s %s", argv[0], argv[1], "\"\\\"arg1 arg2\\\\\\\"\""); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(out, buf); free(out); argv[0] = "\"c:\\cygwin64\\bin\\ba.exe\""; argv[2] = "arg1\\arg2"; out = build_commandline_string(argv[0], argv + 1, TRUE); sprintf_s(buf, PATH_MAX, "%s %s %s", argv[0], argv[1], "arg1\\arg2"); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(out, buf); free(out); argv[0] = "\"c:\\cygwin64\\bin\\ba.exe\""; argv[2] = "'arg1 \\arg2\\\"'"; out = build_commandline_string(argv[0], argv + 1, TRUE); sprintf_s(buf, PATH_MAX, "%s %s %s", argv[0], argv[1], "'arg1 \\arg2\\\\\\\"'"); ASSERT_STRING_EQ(out, buf); free(out); TEST_DONE(); } void miscellaneous_tests() { //test_ioctl(); test_path_conversion_utilities(); test_sanitizedpath(); test_pw(); test_realpath(); test_statvfs(); test_chroot(); test_build_exec_command(); test_build_commandline_string(); }