using module .\PlatformAbstractLayer.psm1 #covered -i -p -q -r -v -c -S -C #todo: -F, -l and -P should be tested over the network Describe "Tests for scp command" -Tags "CI" { BeforeAll { $fileName1 = "test.txt" $fileName2 = "test2.txt" $SourceDirName = "SourceDir" $SourceDir = Join-Path ${TestDrive} $SourceDirName $SourceFilePath = Join-Path $SourceDir $fileName1 $DestinationDir = Join-Path ${TestDrive} "DestDir" $DestinationFilePath = Join-Path $DestinationDir $fileName1 $NestedSourceDir= Join-Path $SourceDir "nested" $NestedSourceFilePath = Join-Path $NestedSourceDir $fileName2 $null = New-Item $SourceDir -ItemType directory -Force $null = New-Item $NestedSourceDir -ItemType directory -Force $null = New-item -path $SourceFilePath -force $null = New-item -path $NestedSourceFilePath -force "Test content111" | Set-content -Path $SourceFilePath "Test content in nested dir" | Set-content -Path $NestedSourceFilePath $null = New-Item $DestinationDir -ItemType directory -Force [Machine] $client = [Machine]::new([MachineRole]::Client) [Machine] $server = [Machine]::new([MachineRole]::Server) $client.SetupClient($server) $server.SetupServer($client) $testData = @( @{ Title = 'Simple copy local file to local file' Source = $SourceFilePath Destination = $DestinationFilePath }, @{ Title = 'Simple copy local file to remote file' Source = $SourceFilePath Destination = "$($server.localAdminUserName)@$($server.MachineName):$DestinationFilePath" }, @{ Title = 'Simple copy remote file to local file' Source = "$($server.localAdminUserName)@$($server.MachineName):$SourceFilePath" Destination = $DestinationFilePath }, @{ Title = 'Simple copy local file to local dir' Source = $SourceFilePath Destination = $DestinationDir }, @{ Title = 'simple copy local file to remote dir' Source = $SourceFilePath Destination = "$($server.localAdminUserName)@$($server.MachineName):$DestinationDir" }, @{ Title = 'simple copy remote file to local dir' Source = "$($server.localAdminUserName)@$($server.MachineName):$SourceFilePath" Destination = $DestinationDir } ) $testData1 = @( @{ Title = 'copy from local dir to remote dir' Source = $sourceDir Destination = "$($server.localAdminUserName)@$($server.MachineName):$DestinationDir" }, @{ Title = 'copy from local dir to local dir' Source = $sourceDir Destination = $DestinationDir }, @{ Title = 'copy from remote dir to local dir' Source = "$($server.localAdminUserName)@$($server.MachineName):$sourceDir" Destination = $DestinationDir } ) } AfterAll { $client.CleanupClient() $server.CleanupServer() Get-Item $SourceDir | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ea silentlycontinue Get-Item $DestinationDir | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ea silentlycontinue } BeforeEach { $null = New-Item $DestinationDir -ItemType directory -Force } AfterEach { Get-ChildItem $DestinationDir -Recurse -Directory | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ea silentlycontinue } <#Context "SCP usage" { It 'SCP usage' { #TODO: usage output does not redirect to file } }#> #this context only run on windows Context "Key is Secured in ssh-agent on server" { BeforeAll { $Server.SecureHostKeys($server.PrivateHostKeyPaths) $identifyFile = $client.clientPrivateKeyPaths[0] } AfterAll { $Server.CleanupHostKeys() } It 'File Copy with -i option: ' -TestCases:$testData { param([string]$Title, $Source, $Destination) .\scp -i $identifyFile $Source $Destination #validate file content. DestPath is the path to the file. $equal = @(Compare-Object (Get-ChildItem -path $SourceFilePath) (Get-ChildItem -path $DestinationFilePath) -Property Name, Length).Length -eq 0 $equal | Should Be $true } It 'Directory recursive Copy with -i option: <Title> ' -TestCases:$testData1 { param([string]$Title, $Source, $Destination) .\scp -r -i $identifyFile $Source $Destination $equal = @(Compare-Object (Get-Item -path $SourceDir ) (Get-Item -path (join-path $DestinationDir $SourceDirName) ) -Property Name, Length).Length -eq 0 $equal | Should Be $true $equal = @(Compare-Object (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -path $SourceDir) (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -path (join-path $DestinationDir $SourceDirName) ) -Property Name, Length).Length -eq 0 $equal | Should Be $true } } #this context only run on windows Context "Single signon with keys -p -v -c option Secured in ssh-agent" { BeforeAll { $Server.SecureHostKeys($server.PrivateHostKeyPaths) $identifyFile = $client.clientPrivateKeyPaths[0] #setup single signon .\ssh-add.exe $identifyFile } AfterAll { $Server.CleanupHostKeys() #cleanup single signon .\ssh-add.exe -D } It 'File Copy with -S option (positive)' { .\scp -S .\ssh.exe $SourceFilePath "$($server.localAdminUserName)@$($server.MachineName):$DestinationFilePath" #validate file content. DestPath is the path to the file. $equal = @(Compare-Object (Get-ChildItem -path $SourceFilePath) (Get-ChildItem -path $DestinationFilePath) -Property Name, Length).Length -eq 0 $equal | Should Be $true } <#It 'File Copy with -p -c -v option: <Title> ' -TestCases:$testData { param([string]$Title, $Source, $Destination) .\scp -p -c aes128-ctr -v -C $Source $Destination #validate file content. DestPath is the path to the file. $equal = @(Compare-Object (Get-ChildItem -path $SourceFilePath) (Get-ChildItem -path $DestinationFilePath) -Property Name, Length, LastWriteTime.DateTime).Length -eq 0 $equal | Should Be $true }#> It 'Directory recursive Copy with -r -p -v option: <Title> ' -TestCases:$testData1 { param([string]$Title, $Source, $Destination) .\scp -r -p -v $Source $Destination $equal = @(Compare-Object (Get-Item -path $SourceDir ) (Get-Item -path (join-path $DestinationDir $SourceDirName) ) -Property Name, Length).Length -eq 0 $equal | Should Be $true $equal = @(Compare-Object (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -path $SourceDir) (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -path (join-path $DestinationDir $SourceDirName) ) -Property Name, Length, LastWriteTime.DateTime).Length -eq 0 $equal | Should Be $true } } Context "Key based authentication with -i -C -q options. host keys are not secured on server" { BeforeAll { $identifyFile = $client.clientPrivateKeyPaths[0] } It 'File Copy with -i -C -q options: <Title> ' -TestCases:$testData{ param([string]$Title, $Source, $Destination) .\scp -i $identifyFile -C -q $Source $Destination #validate file content. DestPath is the path to the file. $equal = @(Compare-Object (Get-ChildItem -path $SourceFilePath) (Get-ChildItem -path $DestinationFilePath) -Property Name, Length).Length -eq 0 $equal | Should Be $true } It 'Directory recursive Copy with -i and -q options: <Title> ' -TestCases:$testData1 { param([string]$Title, $Source, $Destination) .\scp -i $identifyFile -r -q $Source $Destination $equal = @(Compare-Object (Get-Item -path $SourceDir ) (Get-Item -path (join-path $DestinationDir $SourceDirName) ) -Property Name, Length).Length -eq 0 $equal | Should Be $true $equal = @(Compare-Object (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -path $SourceDir) (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -path (join-path $DestinationDir $SourceDirName) ) -Property Name, Length).Length -eq 0 $equal | Should Be $true } } }