201 lines
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201 lines
10 KiB
If ($PSVersiontable.PSVersion.Major -le 2) {$PSScriptRoot = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path}
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\CommonUtils.psm1 -Force
Import-Module OpenSSHUtils -Force
$tC = 1
$tI = 0
$suite = "authorized_keys_fileperm"
Describe "Tests for authorized_keys file permission" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
if($OpenSSHTestInfo -eq $null)
Throw "`$OpenSSHTestInfo is null. Please run Set-OpenSSHTestEnvironment to set test environments."
$testDir = "$($OpenSSHTestInfo["TestDataPath"])\$suite"
if( -not (Test-path $testDir -PathType Container))
$null = New-Item $testDir -ItemType directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$fileName = "test.txt"
$logName = "sshdlog.txt"
$server = $OpenSSHTestInfo["Target"]
$port = 47003
$ssouser = $OpenSSHTestInfo["SSOUser"]
$PwdUser = $OpenSSHTestInfo["PasswdUser"]
$ssouserProfile = $OpenSSHTestInfo["SSOUserProfile"]
Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path $testDir "*$fileName") -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$platform = Get-Platform
$skip = ($platform -eq [PlatformType]::Windows) -and ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 2)
if(($platform -eq [PlatformType]::Windows) -and ($psversiontable.BuildVersion.Major -le 6))
#suppress the firewall blocking dialogue on win7
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="sshd" program="$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\sshd.exe" protocol=any action=allow dir=in
$Taskfolder = "\OpenSSHTestTasks\"
$Taskname = "StartTestDaemon"
function Start-SSHD-TestDaemon
param([string] $Arguments)
$opensshbinpath = $OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']
$ac = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute (join-path $opensshbinpath "sshd") -WorkingDirectory $opensshbinpath -Argument $Arguments
$task = Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName $Taskname -User system -Action $ac -TaskPath $Taskfolder -Force
Start-ScheduledTask -TaskPath $Taskfolder -TaskName $Taskname
function Stop-SSHD-TestDaemon
Stop-ScheduledTask -TaskPath $Taskfolder -TaskName $Taskname
#stop-scheduledTask does not wait for worker process to end. Kill it if still running. Logic below assume sshd service is running
$svcpid = ((tasklist /svc | select-string -Pattern ".+sshd").ToString() -split "\s+")[1]
(gps sshd).id | foreach { if ((-not($_ -eq $svcpid))) {Stop-Process $_ -Force} }
AfterEach { $tI++ }
AfterAll {
if(($platform -eq [PlatformType]::Windows) -and ($psversiontable.BuildVersion.Major -le 6))
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="sshd" program="$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\sshd.exe" protocol=any dir=in
Context "Authorized key file permission" {
BeforeAll {
$systemSid = Get-UserSID -WellKnownSidType ([System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType]::LocalSystemSid)
$adminsSid = Get-UserSID -WellKnownSidType ([System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType]::BuiltinAdministratorsSid)
$currentUserSid = Get-UserSID -User "$($env:USERDOMAIN)\$($env:USERNAME)"
$objUserSid = Get-UserSID -User $ssouser
$ssouserSSHProfilePath = Join-Path $ssouserProfile .testssh
if(-not (Test-Path $ssouserSSHProfilePath -PathType Container)) {
New-Item $ssouserSSHProfilePath -ItemType directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
$authorizedkeyPath = Join-Path $ssouserProfile .testssh\authorized_keys
$Source = Join-Path $ssouserProfile .ssh\authorized_keys
$testknownhosts = Join-path $PSScriptRoot testdata\test_known_hosts
Copy-Item $Source $ssouserSSHProfilePath -Force -ErrorAction Stop
Repair-AuthorizedKeyPermission -Filepath $authorizedkeyPath -confirm:$false
Get-Process -Name sshd -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.SessionID -ne 0} | Stop-process -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#add wrong password so ssh does not prompt password if failed with authorized keys
Add-PasswordSetting -Pass "WrongPass"
AfterAll {
Repair-AuthorizedKeyPermission -Filepath $authorizedkeyPath -confirm:$false
if(Test-Path $authorizedkeyPath) {
Repair-AuthorizedKeyPermission -Filepath $authorizedkeyPath -confirm:$false
Remove-Item $authorizedkeyPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if(Test-Path $ssouserSSHProfilePath) {
Remove-Item $ssouserSSHProfilePath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Recurse
BeforeEach {
$filePath = Join-Path $testDir "$tC.$tI.$fileName"
$logPath = Join-Path $testDir "$tC.$tI.$logName"
Get-Process -Name sshd -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.SessionID -ne 0} | Stop-process -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
It "$tC.$tI-authorized_keys-positive(pwd user is the owner and running process can access to the file)" {
#setup to have ssouser as owner and grant ssouser read and write, admins group, and local system full control
Repair-FilePermission -Filepath $authorizedkeyPath -Owners $objUserSid -FullAccessNeeded $adminsSid,$systemSid,$objUserSid -confirm:$false
Start-SSHD-TestDaemon -Arguments "-d -p $port -o `"AuthorizedKeysFile .testssh/authorized_keys`" -E $logPath"
$o = ssh -p $port $ssouser@$server -o "UserKnownHostsFile $testknownhosts" echo 1234
$o | Should Be "1234"
It "$tC.$tI-authorized_keys-positive(authorized_keys is owned by local system)" {
#setup to have system as owner and grant it full control
Repair-FilePermission -Filepath $authorizedkeyPath -Owner $systemSid -FullAccessNeeded $adminsSid,$systemSid,$objUserSid -confirm:$false
Start-SSHD-TestDaemon -Arguments "-d -p $port -o `"AuthorizedKeysFile .testssh/authorized_keys`" -E $logPath"
$o = ssh -p $port $ssouser@$server -o "UserKnownHostsFile $testknownhosts" echo 1234
$o | Should Be "1234"
It "$tC.$tI-authorized_keys-positive(authorized_keys is owned by admins group and pwd does not have explict ACE)" {
#setup to have admin group as owner and grant it full control
Repair-FilePermission -Filepath $authorizedkeyPath -Owner $adminsSid -FullAccessNeeded $adminsSid,$systemSid -confirm:$false
Start-SSHD-TestDaemon -Arguments "-d -p $port -o `"AuthorizedKeysFile .testssh/authorized_keys`" -E $logPath"
$o = ssh -p $port $ssouser@$server -o "UserKnownHostsFile $testknownhosts" echo 1234
$o | Should Be "1234"
It "$tC.$tI-authorized_keys-positive(authorized_keys is owned by admins group and pwd have explict ACE)" {
#setup to have admin group as owner and grant it full control
Repair-FilePermission -Filepath $authorizedkeyPath -Owner $adminsSid -FullAccessNeeded $adminsSid,$systemSid,$objUserSid -confirm:$false
Start-SSHD-TestDaemon -Arguments "-d -p $port -o `"AuthorizedKeysFile .testssh/authorized_keys`" -E $logPath"
$o = ssh -p $port $ssouser@$server -o "UserKnownHostsFile $testknownhosts" echo 1234
$o | Should Be "1234"
It "$tC.$tI-authorized_keys-negative(authorized_keys is owned by other admin user)" {
#setup to have current user (admin user) as owner and grant it full control
Repair-FilePermission -Filepath $authorizedkeyPath -Owner $currentUserSid -FullAccessNeeded $adminsSid,$systemSid -confirm:$false
Start-SSHD-TestDaemon -Arguments "-d -p $port -o `"AuthorizedKeysFile .testssh/authorized_keys`" -E $logPath"
ssh -p $port -E $filePath -o "UserKnownHostsFile $testknownhosts" $ssouser@$server echo 1234
$LASTEXITCODE | Should Not Be 0
$logPath | Should Contain "Authentication refused."
It "$tC.$tI-authorized_keys-negative(other account can access private key file)" {
#setup to have current user as owner and grant it full control
Repair-FilePermission -Filepath $authorizedkeyPath -Owner $objUserSid -FullAccessNeeded $adminsSid,$systemSid,$objUserSid -confirm:$false
#add $PwdUser to access the file authorized_keys
$objPwdUserSid = Get-UserSid -User $PwdUser
Set-FilePermission -FilePath $authorizedkeyPath -User $objPwdUserSid -Perm "Read"
Start-SSHD-TestDaemon -Arguments "-d -p $port -o `"AuthorizedKeysFile .testssh/authorized_keys`" -E $logPath"
ssh -p $port -E $filePath -o "UserKnownHostsFile $testknownhosts" $ssouser@$server echo 1234
$LASTEXITCODE | Should Not Be 0
$logPath | Should Contain "Authentication refused."
It "$tC.$tI-authorized_keys-negative(authorized_keys is owned by other non-admin user)" {
#setup to have PwdUser as owner and grant it full control
$objPwdUserSid = Get-UserSid -User $PwdUser
Repair-FilePermission -Filepath $authorizedkeyPath -Owner $objPwdUserSid -FullAccessNeeded $adminsSid,$systemSid,$objPwdUser -confirm:$false
Start-SSHD-TestDaemon -Arguments "-d -p $port -o `"AuthorizedKeysFile .testssh/authorized_keys`" -E $logPath"
ssh -p $port -E $FilePath -o "UserKnownHostsFile $testknownhosts" $ssouser@$server echo 1234
$LASTEXITCODE | Should Not Be 0
$logPath | Should Contain "Authentication refused."