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Describe "Tests for powershell over ssh" -Tags "Scenario" {
BeforeAll {
$defaultParamValues = $PSDefaultParameterValues.Clone()
#Skip on windows powershell. this feature only supported in powershell core from git
#due to known issue, these tests need to be disabled.
#if ($psversiontable.GitCommitId -eq $null)
if ($true)
$PSDefaultParameterValues["It:Skip"] = $true
[Machine] $client = [Machine]::new([MachineRole]::Client)
[Machine] $server = [Machine]::new([MachineRole]::Server)
AfterAll {
$global:PSDefaultParameterValues = $defaultParamValues
Context "Key based authentication with KeyFilePath. Key is Secured in ssh-agenton server" {
BeforeAll {
$identifyFile = $client.clientPrivateKeyPaths[0]
AfterAll {
It 'Key is Secured in ssh-agenton server' {
$session = New-PSSession -HostName $server.MachineName -UserName $server.localAdminUserName -KeyFilePath $identifyFile
#$pscreds = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::new($($server.MachineName) + "\" + $($server.localAdminUserName), $($server.password))
#$session = New-PSSession -Credential $pscreds -ComputerName $($server.MachineName)
$ret = Invoke-Command $session -command {$env:computername}
$ret | Should be $server.MachineName
#this context only run on windows
Context "Single signon and host keys are secured in ssh-agent" {
BeforeAll {
$identifyFile = $client.clientPrivateKeyPaths[0]
#setup single signon
.\ssh-add.exe $identifyFile
AfterAll {
#cleanup single signon
.\ssh-add.exe -D
It 'Single signon and host keys are secured in ssh-agent' {
#$session = New-PSSession -HostName $server.MachineName -UserName $server.localAdminUserName
$pscreds = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::new($($server.MachineName) + "\" + $($server.localAdminUserName), $($server.password))
$session = New-PSSession -Credential $pscreds -ComputerName $($server.MachineName)
$ret = Invoke-Command $session -command {$env:computername}
$ret | Should be $server.MachineName
Context "Key based authentication with KeyFilePath. Host keys are not secured on server" {
BeforeAll {
$identifyFile = $client.clientPrivateKeyPaths[0]
It 'Key based authentication with KeyFilePath. Host keys are not secured on server' {
$session = New-PSSession -HostName $server.MachineName -UserName $server.localAdminUserName -KeyFilePath $identifyFile
#$pscreds = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::new($($server.MachineName) + "\" + $($server.localAdminUserName), $($server.password))
#$session = New-PSSession -Credential $pscreds -ComputerName $($server.MachineName)
$ret = Invoke-Command $session -command {$env:computername}
$ret | Should be $server.MachineName