417 lines
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417 lines
13 KiB
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
[string] $script:platform = $env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE
[string] $script:vcPath = $null
[System.IO.DirectoryInfo] $script:OpenSSHRoot = $null
[System.IO.DirectoryInfo] $script:gitRoot = $null
[bool] $script:Verbose = $false
[string] $script:BuildLogFile = $null
Called by Write-BuildMsg to write to the build log, if it exists.
function Write-Log
[string] $Message
# write it to the log file, if present.
if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($script:BuildLogFile)))
Add-Content -Path $script:BuildLogFile -Value $Message
Writes a build message.
.Parameter Message
The message to write.
.Parameter AsInfo
Writes a user message using Write-Information.
.Parameter AsVerbose
Writes a message using Write-Verbose and to the build log if -Verbose was specified to Start-DscBuild.
.Parameter AsWarning
Writes a message using Write-Warning and to the build log.
.Parameter AsError
Writes a message using Write-Error and to the build log.
.Parameter Silent
Writes the message only to the log.
.Parameter ErrorAction
Determines if the script is terminated when errors are written.
This parameter is ignored when -Silent is specified.
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo 'Starting the build'
Writes an informational message to the log and to the user
Write-BuildMsg -AsError 'Terminating build' -Silent
Writes an error message only to the log
Write-BuildMsg -AsError 'Terminating build' -ErrorAction Stop
Writes an error message to the log and the user and terminates the build.
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo 'Nuget is already installed' -Silent:(-not $script:Verbose)
Writes an informational message to the log. If -Verbose was specified, also
writes to message to the user.
function Write-BuildMsg
[string] $Message,
[switch] $AsInfo,
[switch] $AsVerbose,
[switch] $AsWarning,
[switch] $AsError,
[switch] $Silent
if ($AsVerbose)
if ($script:Verbose)
Write-Log -Message "VERBOSE: $message"
if (-not $Silent)
Write-Verbose -Message $message -Verbose
if ($AsInfo)
Write-Log -Message "INFO: $message"
if (-not $Silent)
Write-Information -MessageData $message -InformationAction Continue
if ($AsWarning)
Write-Log -Message "WARNING: $message"
if (-not $Silent)
Write-Warning -Message $message
if ($AsError)
Write-Log -Message "ERROR: $message"
if (-not $Silent)
Write-Error -Message $message
# if we reached here, no output type switch was specified.
Write-BuildMsg -AsError -ErrorAction Stop -Message 'Write-BuildMsg was called without selecting an output type.'
Verifies all tools and dependencies required for building Open SSH are installed on the machine.
function Start-SSHBootstrap
[bool] $silent = -not $script:Verbose
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "Checking tools and dependencies" -Silent:$silent
$machinePath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', 'MACHINE')
$newMachineEnvironmentPath = $machinePath
# Install chocolatey
$chocolateyPath = "$env:AllUsersProfile\chocolatey\bin"
if(Get-Command "choco" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
Write-BuildMsg -AsVerbose -Message "Chocolatey is already installed. Skipping installation." -Silent:$silent
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "Chocolatey not present. Installing chocolatey." -Silent:$silent
Invoke-Expression ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1')) 2>&1 >> $script:BuildLogFile
if (-not ($machinePath.ToLower().Contains($chocolateyPath.ToLower())))
Write-BuildMsg -AsVerbose -Message "Adding $chocolateyPath to Path environment variable" -Silent:$silent
$newMachineEnvironmentPath += ";$chocolateyPath"
$env:Path += ";$chocolateyPath"
Write-BuildMsg -AsVerbose -Message "$chocolateyPath already present in Path environment variable" -Silent:$silent
# Add git\cmd to the path
$gitCmdPath = "$env:ProgramFiles\git\cmd"
if (-not ($machinePath.ToLower().Contains($gitCmdPath.ToLower())))
Write-BuildMsg -AsVerbose -Message "Adding $gitCmdPath to Path environment variable" -Silent:$silent
$newMachineEnvironmentPath = "$gitCmdPath;$newMachineEnvironmentPath"
Write-BuildMsg -AsVerbose -Message "$gitCmdPath already present in Path environment variable" -Silent:$silent
$nativeMSBuildPath = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\MSBuild\14.0\bin"
if($script:platform -ieq "AMD64")
$nativeMSBuildPath += "\amd64"
if (-not ($machinePath.ToLower().Contains($nativeMSBuildPath.ToLower())))
Write-BuildMsg -AsVerbose -Message "Adding $nativeMSBuildPath to Path environment variable" -Silent:$silent
$newMachineEnvironmentPath += ";$nativeMSBuildPath"
$env:Path += ";$nativeMSBuildPath"
Write-BuildMsg -AsVerbose -Message "$nativeMSBuildPath already present in Path environment variable" -Silent:$silent
# Update machine environment path
if ($newMachineEnvironmentPath -ne $machinePath)
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('Path', $newMachineEnvironmentPath, 'MACHINE')
# install nasm
$packageName = "nasm"
$nasmPath = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\NASM"
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $nasmPath -PathType Container))
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "$packageName not present. Installing $packageName." -Silent:$silent
choco install $packageName -y --force --limitoutput --execution-timeout 10000 2>&1 >> $script:BuildLogFile
Write-BuildMsg -AsVerbose -Message "$packageName present. Skipping installation." -Silent:$silent
# Install Visual Studio 2015 Community
$packageName = "VisualStudio2015Community"
$VSPackageInstalled = Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\setup\vs" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($null -eq $VSPackageInstalled)
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "$packageName not present. Installing $packageName."
$adminFilePath = "$script:OpenSSHRoot\contrib\win32\openssh\VSWithBuildTools.xml"
choco install $packageName -packageParameters "--AdminFile $adminFilePath" -y --force --limitoutput --execution-timeout 10000 2>&1 >> $script:BuildLogFile
Write-BuildMsg -AsVerbose -Message "$packageName present. Skipping installation." -Silent:$silent
# Install Windows 8.1 SDK
$packageName = "windows-sdk-8.1"
$sdkPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x86\register_app.vbs"
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $sdkPath))
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "Windows 8.1 SDK not present. Installing $packageName."
choco install $packageName -y --limitoutput --force 2>&1 >> $script:BuildLogFile
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "$packageName present. Skipping installation." -Silent:$silent
# Require restarting PowerShell session
if ($null -eq $VSPackageInstalled)
Write-Host "To apply changes, please close this PowerShell window, open a new one and call Start-SSHBuild or Start-DscBootstrap again." -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor Yellow
Write-Host -NoNewLine 'Press any key to close this PowerShell window...' -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor Yellow
$null = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey('NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown')
# Ensure the VS C toolset is installed
if ($null -eq $env:VS140COMNTOOLS)
Write-BuildMsg -AsError -ErrorAction Stop -Message "Cannot find Visual Studio 2015 Environment variable VS140COMNTOOlS"
$item = Get-Item(Join-Path -Path $env:VS140COMNTOOLS -ChildPath '../../vc')
$script:vcPath = $item.FullName
Write-BuildMsg -AsVerbose -Message "vcPath: $script:vcPath" -Silent:$silent
if ((Test-Path -Path "$script:vcPath\vcvarsall.bat") -eq $false)
Write-BuildMsg -AsError -ErrorAction Stop -Message "Could not find Visual Studio vcvarsall.bat at" + $script:vcPath
function Clone-Win32OpenSSH
[bool] $silent = -not $script:Verbose
$win32OpenSSHPath = join-path $script:gitRoot "Win32-OpenSSH"
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $win32OpenSSHPath -PathType Container))
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "clone repo Win32-OpenSSH" -Silent:$silent
Push-Location $gitRoot
git clone -q --recursive https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH.git $win32OpenSSHPath
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "pull latest from repo Win32-OpenSSH" -Silent:$silent
Push-Location $win32OpenSSHPath
git fetch -q origin
git checkout -qf L1-Prod
function Copy-OpenSSLSDK
[bool] $silent = -not $script:Verbose
$sourcePath = Join-Path $script:gitRoot "Win32-OpenSSH\contrib\win32\openssh\OpenSSLSDK"
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "copying $sourcePath" -Silent:$silent
Copy-Item -Container -Path $sourcePath -Destination $PSScriptRoot -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable e
if($e -ne $null)
Write-BuildMsg -AsError -ErrorAction Stop -Message "Copy OpenSSL from $sourcePath failed "
function Start-SSHBuild
[ValidateSet('x86', 'x64')]
[string]$NativeHostArch = "x64",
[ValidateSet('Debug', 'Release', '')]
[string]$Configuration = "Release"
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$script:BuildLogFile = $null
[System.IO.DirectoryInfo] $repositoryRoot = Get-RepositoryRoot
# Get openssh-portable root
$script:OpenSSHRoot = Get-Item -Path $repositoryRoot.FullName
$script:gitRoot = split-path $script:OpenSSHRoot
$script:Verbose = ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose']).IsPresent
[bool] $silent = -not $script:Verbose
$script:BuildLogFile = Get-BuildLogFile -root $repositoryRoot.FullName -Configuration $Configuration -NativeHostArch $NativeHostArch
if (Test-Path -Path $script:BuildLogFile)
Remove-Item -Path $script:BuildLogFile -force
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "Starting Open SSH build; Build Log: $($script:BuildLogFile)"
$msbuildCmd = "msbuild.exe"
$solutionFile = Get-SolutionFile -root $repositoryRoot.FullName
$cmdMsg = @("${solutionFile}", "/p:Platform=${NativeHostArch}", "/p:Configuration=${Configuration}", "/m", "/noconlog", "/nologo", "/fl", "/flp:LogFile=${script:BuildLogFile}`;Append`;Verbosity=diagnostic")
& $msbuildCmd $cmdMsg
$errorCode = $LASTEXITCODE
if ($errorCode -ne 0)
Write-BuildMsg -AsError -ErrorAction Stop -Message "Build failed for OpenSSH.`nExitCode: $error."
Write-BuildMsg -AsInfo -Message "SSH build passed." -Silent:$silent
function Get-BuildLogFile
[System.IO.DirectoryInfo] $root,
[ValidateSet('x86', 'x64')]
[string]$NativeHostArch = "x64",
[ValidateSet('Debug', 'Release', '')]
[string]$Configuration = "Release"
return Join-Path -Path $root -ChildPath "contrib\win32\openssh\OpenSSH$($Configuration)$($NativeHostArch).log"
function Get-SolutionFile
[System.IO.DirectoryInfo] $root
return Join-Path -Path $root -ChildPath "contrib\win32\openssh\Win32-OpenSSH.sln"
Finds the root of the git repository
A System.IO.DirectoryInfo for the location of the root.
FileNotFoundException is thrown if the current directory does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file.
function Get-RepositoryRoot
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$currentDir = (Get-Item -Path $PSCommandPath).Directory
while ($null -ne $currentDir.Parent)
$path = Join-Path -Path $currentDir.FullName -ChildPath '.git'
if (Test-Path -Path $path)
return $currentDir
$currentDir = $currentDir.Parent
throw new-object System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException("Could not find the root of the GIT repository")
Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-SSHBuild, Get-RepositoryRoot, Get-BuildLogFile, Clone-Win32OpenSSH, Copy-OpenSSLSDK, Write-BuildMsg |