
154 lines
8.5 KiB

If ($PSVersiontable.PSVersion.Major -le 2) {$PSScriptRoot = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path}
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\CommonUtils.psm1 -Force
$tC = 1
$tI = 0
$suite = "hostkey_fileperm"
Describe "Tests for host keys file permission" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
if($OpenSSHTestInfo -eq $null)
Throw "`$OpenSSHTestInfo is null. Please run Set-OpenSSHTestEnvironment to set test environments."
$testDir = "$($OpenSSHTestInfo["TestDataPath"])\$suite"
if( -not (Test-path $testDir -PathType Container))
$null = New-Item $testDir -ItemType directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$logName = "sshdlog.txt"
$port = 47003
$ssouser = $OpenSSHTestInfo["SSOUser"]
$script:logNum = 0
Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path $testDir "*$logName") -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$platform = Get-Platform
$skip = ($platform -eq [PlatformType]::Windows) -and ([Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major -le 6) -and ([Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Minor -lt 2)
if(($platform -eq [PlatformType]::Windows) -and ($psversiontable.BuildVersion.Major -le 6))
#suppress the firewall blocking dialogue on win7
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="sshd" program="$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\sshd.exe" protocol=any action=allow dir=in
AfterEach { $tI++ }
AfterAll {
if(($platform -eq [PlatformType]::Windows) -and ($psversiontable.BuildVersion.Major -le 6))
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="sshd" program="$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\sshd.exe" protocol=any dir=in
Context "$tC - Host key files permission" {
BeforeAll {
$systemSid = Get-UserSID -WellKnownSidType ([System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType]::LocalSystemSid)
$adminsSid = Get-UserSID -WellKnownSidType ([System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType]::BuiltinAdministratorsSid)
$currentUserSid = Get-UserSID -User "$($env:USERDOMAIN)\$($env:USERNAME)"
$objUserSid = Get-UserSID -User $ssouser
$everyoneSid = Get-UserSID -WellKnownSidType ([System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType]::WorldSid)
$hostKeyFilePath = join-path $testDir hostkeyFilePermTest_ed25519_key
if(Test-path $hostKeyFilePath -PathType Leaf) {
Repair-SshdHostKeyPermission -filepath $hostKeyFilePath -confirm:$false
Remove-Item -path "$hostKeyFilePath*" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
ssh-keygen.exe -t ed25519 -f $hostKeyFilePath -P `"`"
Get-Process -Name sshd -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.SessionID -ne 0} | Stop-process -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
function WaitForValidation
param([string]$logPath, [int]$length)
$num = 0
while((-not (Test-Path $logPath -PathType leaf)) -or ((Get-item $logPath).Length -lt $length) -and ($num++ -lt 4))
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1000
Get-Process -Name sshd -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.SessionID -ne 0} | Stop-process -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$num = 0
while ([string]::IsNullorEmpty($(Get-Content $logPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-String)) -and ($num++ -lt 4))
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1000
BeforeEach {
$logPath = Join-Path $testDir "$tC.$tI.$logName"
AfterEach {
if(Test-path $hostKeyFilePath -PathType Leaf) {
Repair-SshdHostKeyPermission -filepath $hostKeyFilePath -confirm:$false
AfterAll { $tC++ }
It "$tC.$tI-Host keys-positive (both public and private keys are owned by admin groups and running process can access to public key file)" {
Repair-FilePermission -Filepath $hostKeyFilePath -Owners $adminsSid -FullAccessNeeded $adminsSid,$systemSid -confirm:$false
Repair-FilePermission -Filepath "$" -Owners $adminsSid -FullAccessNeeded $adminsSid,$systemSid -confirm:$false
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-h $hostKeyFilePath", "-E $logPath") -NoNewWindow
WaitForValidation -LogPath $logPath -Length 600
#validate file content does not contain unprotected info.
$logPath | Should Not Contain "UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!"
It "$tC.$tI-Host keys-positive (both public and private keys are owned by admin groups and pwd user has explicit ACE)" {
Repair-FilePermission -Filepath $hostKeyFilePath -Owners $adminsSid -FullAccessNeeded $adminsSid,$systemSid -ReadAccessNeeded $currentUserSid -confirm:$false
Repair-FilePermission -Filepath "$" -Owners $adminsSid -FullAccessNeeded $adminsSid,$systemSid -ReadAccessNeeded $everyOneSid -confirm:$false
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-h $hostKeyFilePath", "-E $logPath") -NoNewWindow
WaitForValidation -LogPath $logPath -Length 600
#validate file content does not contain unprotected info.
$logPath | Should Not Contain "UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!"
It "$tC.$tI-Host keys-positive (both public and private keys are owned by system and running process can access to public key file)" -skip:$skip {
Repair-FilePermission -Filepath $hostKeyFilePath -Owners $systemSid -FullAccessNeeded $systemSid,$adminsSid -ReadAccessNeeded $currentUserSid -confirm:$false
Set-FilePermission -Filepath $hostKeyFilePath -UserSid $adminsSid -Action Delete
Repair-FilePermission -Filepath "$" -Owners $systemSid -FullAccessNeeded $systemSid,$adminsSid -ReadAccessNeeded $currentUserSid -confirm:$false
Set-FilePermission -Filepath "$" -UserSid $adminsSid -Action Delete
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-h $hostKeyFilePath", "-E $logPath") -NoNewWindow
WaitForValidation -LogPath $logPath -Length 600
#validate file content does not contain unprotected info.
$logPath | Should Not Contain "UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!"
It "$tC.$tI-Host keys-negative (other account can access private key file)" {
Repair-FilePermission -Filepath $hostKeyFilePath -Owners $adminsSid -FullAccessNeeded $systemSid,$adminsSid -ReadAccessNeeded $objUserSid -confirm:$false
Repair-FilePermission -Filepath "$" -Owners $adminsSid -FullAccessNeeded $systemSid,$adminsSid -ReadAccessNeeded $everyOneSid -confirm:$false
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-h $hostKeyFilePath", "-E $logPath") -NoNewWindow
WaitForValidation -LogPath $logPath -Length 1100
#validate file content contains unprotected info.
$logPath | Should Contain "bad permissions"
It "$tC.$tI-Host keys-negative (the private key has wrong owner)" {
#setup to have ssouser as owner and grant it full control
Repair-FilePermission -Filepath $hostKeyFilePath -Owners $objUserSid -FullAccessNeeded $systemSid,$adminsSid,$objUserSid -confirm:$false
Repair-FilePermission -Filepath "$" -Owners $adminsSid -FullAccessNeeded $systemSid,$adminsSid -ReadAccessNeeded $everyOneSid -confirm:$false
Start-Process -FilePath sshd.exe -WorkingDirectory $($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath']) -ArgumentList @("-d", "-p $port", "-h $hostKeyFilePath", "-E $logPath") -NoNewWindow
WaitForValidation -LogPath $logPath -Length 1100
#validate file content contains unprotected info.
$logPath | Should Contain "bad permissions"